Project Templates

Form ID: (PM208000)

By using this form, you can create project templates, which you can use later to create projects with settings that are typically used. On this form, you can do the following:

  • Add new project templates, either from scratch or by using an existing project
  • View the settings of existing templates
  • Modify existing project templates
  • Delete existing project templates

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

Command Description

Changes the status of the project template to Active, making it possible to associate this project template with documents on data entry forms in the functional areas integrated with projects.

This command is available if the project template has the In Planning status.

Copy Creates a copy of the project template.
Hold Changes the status of the project template to In Planning.

This command is available if the project template has the Active status.

Summary Area

You use the elements in this area to add a new project template, or to select an existing project template and view its details.

Element Description
Template ID The unique identifier for the project template. The structure of this identifier is defined by the TMPROJECT segmented key, which was configured using the Segmented Keys (CS202000) form.
Status The status of the project template. You can select one of the following options:
  • Active: The project template is active and can be used for creating projects.
  • On Hold: The template is inactive and cannot be used to create projects.
Description A detailed description of the template.

Summary Tab

You use this tab to provide details for the project template.

Table 1. Project Properties Section
Element Description
Revenue Budget Level The detail level of the revenue budget for the projects created by using this template, which can be one of the following options:
  • Task: The project revenue is budgeted at the task level.
  • Task and Item: The project revenue is budgeted at the task (Task ID) and item (Inventory ID) level.
  • Task and Cost Code: The project revenue is budgeted at the task (Task ID) and cost code (Cost Code) level.

    The option is available if the Cost Codes feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

  • Task, Item, and Cost Code: The project revenue is budgeted at the task (Project Task), item (Inventory ID), and cost code (Cost Code) level.

    The option is available if the Cost Codes feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Cost Budget Level The detail level of the cost budget for the projects created by using this template, which can be one of the following options:
  • Task: The project cost is budgeted at the task level.
  • Task and Item: The project cost is budgeted at the task (Task ID) and item (Inventory ID) level.
  • Task and Cost Code: The project cost is budgeted at the task (Task ID) and cost code (Cost Code) level.

    The option is available if the Cost Codes feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

  • Task, Item, and Cost Code: The project cost is budgeted at the task (Project Task), item (Inventory ID), and cost code (Cost Code) level.

    The option is available if the Cost Codes feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Project Manager The user name of the employee who is responsible for managing the project and authorized to approve the project task and task activities (for projects based on this template).
Time Activity Approver The employee ID of the employee who is authorized to approve the activities of the project created based on this template instead of the approver specified at the task level.
Inventory Tracking The way the system manages inventory for the project created based on this template. The following options are available:
  • Track by Project Quantity and Cost: With this mode, project inventory is separated from free stock. Items purchased for the project are reserved for the project; for these items, the system calculates the project-specific cost. For more information, see Project Inventory Tracking: General Information.
    Note: This option is available if the Project-Specific Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.
  • Track by Project Quantity: With this mode, project inventory is separated from free stock. Items purchased for the project are reserved for the project. The item cost is not project-specific and is calculated by general cost calculation rules. For more information, see Project Inventory Tracking: General Information.
    Note: This option is available if the Project-Specific Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.
  • Track by Location (default): With this mode, the system tracks project inventory by using the location assigned to the project. Project inventory is not separated from free stock and can be used in non-project sales and purchases. For more information, see Project Inventory Tracking by Warehouse Location: General Information.
    Note: If the Project-Specific Inventory feature is not enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form, this option is inserted in the box for all projects and cannot be changed.
Change Order Workflow

A check box that you select to enable the change order workflow for the projects created by using this template.

This check box is shown if the Change Orders feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Restrict Employees A check box that you select to allow time cards to be associated with the projects created by using this template only if the employee is listed on the Employees tab.
Restrict Equipment A check box that you select to restrict equipment time cards that can be associated with the for the projects created by using this template. If you select the check box, time cards can be included only if the specified equipment is listed on the Equipment tab.
Track Production Data

A check box that you select to track the extra values reported by the people at the work site for the projects created by using this template.

Table 2. Billing and Allocation Settings Section
Element Description
Billing Period The frequency of billing in the projects based on this template, which can be one of the following options:
  • Week: Billing occurs once a week.
  • Month: Billing occurs once a month.
  • Quarter: Billing occurs once a quarter.
  • Year: Billing occurs once a year.
  • On Demand: Billing is performed when it is needed.
Terms The type of credit terms used for invoices of the project created based on this template. Credit terms are defined on the Credit Terms (CS206500) form.
Allocation Rule The rule that the system uses to run the allocation of transactions for the projects created using this template.
Run Allocation on Release of Project Transactions A check box that indicates (if selected) that allocation is run automatically during the release of the documents associated with the project.
Billing Rule The rule that the system uses to run billing for the projects created by using this template.
Branch The branch of your company with which the projects created by using this template will be associated.
Rate Table The rate table to be used for pricing.
Create Pro Forma Invoice on Billing A check box that indicates (if selected) that pro forma invoices are created automatically when you run project billing for the projects created based on this template.
Use T&M Revenue Budget Limits A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system will validate the limits of the revenue budget when you process pro forma invoices for the projects created based on this template.
Automatically Release AR Documents A check box that indicates whether the system will automatically release invoice documents after billing is complete for the projects based on this template.
Table 3. Visibility Settings SectionBy using the check boxes in this section, you can select the functional areas of MYOB Advanced that will be integrated with projects.
GLA check box that indicates whether general ledger transactions can be associated with a project based on this template. If you select this check box, users can select the project and project task in GL transactions, and the release of these documents will automatically update the project data.
APA check box that indicates whether accounts payable documents can be associated with a project based on this template. If you select this check box, users can select the project and project task in accounts payable documents, and the release of these documents automatically updates the project data.
ARA check box that indicates whether accounts receivable documents can be associated with a project based on this template. If you select this check box, users can select the project and project task in accounts receivable documents, and the release of these documents automatically updates the project data.
SOA check box that indicates whether sales order documents can be associated with a project based on this template. If you select this check box, users can select the project and project task in sales orders, shipments, and SO invoices, and the release of these documents automatically updates the project data.
POA check box that indicates whether purchasing documents can be associated with a project based on this template. If you select this check box, users can select the project and project task in purchase orders and purchase receipts, and the release of these documents automatically updates the project data.
INA check box that indicates whether inventory transactions can be associated with a project based on this template. If you select this check box, users can select the project and project task in inventory transactions, and the release of these transactions automatically updates the project data.
CAA check box that indicates whether cash transactions can be associated with a project based on this template. If you select this check box, users can select the associated project and project task when they enter a cash transaction, and the release of this transaction automatically updates the project data.
CRMA check box that indicates whether customer management documents can be associated with a project based on this template. If you select this check box, users can select the associated project and project task when they enter a customer management document.

A check box that indicates whether transactions generated during the processing of production orders can be associated with a project based on this template. If you select this check box, users can specify the associated project and project task when they create a production order.

This check box is displayed only if the Manufacturing feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Time EntriesA check box that indicates whether documents related to time tracking on the Employee Time Card (EP305000) and Employee Time Activities (EP307000) forms can be associated with a project based on this template. If you select this check box, users can select the project and project task in time cards and time activities, and the release of these documents automatically updates the project data.
ExpensesA check box that indicates whether documents on the Equipment Time Card (EP308000) form can be associated with the project based on this template. If you select this check box, users can select the project and project task in equipment time cards, and the release of these documents automatically updates the project data.
Table 4. Retainage SectionThis section appears on the form if the Retainage Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. For more information, see Processing AP Bills with Retainage, Processing AR Invoices with Retainage, and Billing a Project with Retainage Cap.
Element Description
Retainage Mode

The mode that defines how retainage should be processed for the projects created based on the project template. (If needed, this setting can be later modified individually for a project.). You can select one of the following options:

  • Standard: Retainage is processed as standard retainage.
  • Contract Cap: Retainage is processed as contract cap retainage, with the retainage percent and cap specified at the project level. When the cap amount is reached, the total retained amount held for each project is reallocated across the invoice lines based on their weight and retainage capacity. If this mode is selected, the Cap (%) box appears in the section.

    The mode can be selected if the Create Pro Forma Invoice on Billing check box is selected in the Billing and Allocations Settings section.

  • Contract Item Cap: Retainage is processed as contract item cap retainage, with the retainage percent and cap specified at the project line level. This mode is used if a retainage amount for each revenue budget line should not be exceeded. If this mode is selected, the Use Steps check box becomes unavailable.

The box appears in the section if the Payment Application by Line feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Include CO

A check box that indicates (if selected) that change order amounts are to be included in the calculation of the contract total for the projects created based on this template.

Retainage (%)

The percent of an invoice amount issued for the project that is retained by the customer. The system will use this value to automatically populate retainage percent for the projects created based on this template.

Tip: To configure a project with no retainage, specify 0 in this box.
Use Steps

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the stepped processing of retainage is enabled. You can select this check box if Standard or Contract Cap is selected in the Retainage Mode box.

If this check box is selected, the Stepped Retainage table becomes available at the bottom of the Retainage section of settings.

Cap (%)

The cap of the project completion percent, which defines the maximum retainage amount held for the projects created based on this template.

The box appears in the section if the Contract Cap mode is selected in the Retainage Mode box.

Table 5. Stepped Retainage TableThis table appears in this section if the Retainage Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and if the Use Steps check box is selected in the section.
Column Description
Threshold (%)

The percent of project completion at which the value of the default retainage percent, which is specified in the Retainage (%) box in the Retainage section, will automatically change to the value specified in the Retainage (%) column of this row.

Retainage (%)

The new retainage percent to be applied to the project revenue budget lines at the threshold of project completion specified in this row.

Table 6. AIA SectionThis section, which appears on the form if the Construction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form, contains the default AIA report settings for the projects prepared based on this project template.
Column Description
AIA Level An option that specifies whether the continuation sheet lines in the prepared AIA reports will be grouped. Select one of the following values:
  • Summary: To group the continuation sheet lines by project tasks
  • Detail: To specify the continuation sheet lines without grouping (as they are presented in the corresponding pro forma invoices)
Application Nbr. Format The format of the application number that will be assigned to pro forma invoices with progress billing lines prepared for a project based on this template. An application number can consist of letters, symbols, and digits.
Note: An application number is unique within a project but is not unique across projects. That is, each pro forma invoice related to a particular project has a unique application number, but pro forma invoices related to different projects may have the same application numbers.
Show Quantity in AIA Report

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the AIA report with quantity, AIA Report with Quantity (PM644500), is prepared for the project when you select a line with a pro forma invoice in the table on the Invoices tab of the Projects (PM301000) form and click the AIA Report button on the table toolbar. If this check box is cleared, the standard AIA report, AIA Report (PM644000), is prepared.

Tasks Tab

You use the Tasks tab to view, add, modify, and delete the tasks that are typical for the projects you will create by using this template.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 7. Table Columns
Column Description
Task ID The task template associated with the project template.
Type The type of the project task, which can be one of the following:
  • Cost Task: Tasks of this type are visible on the Cost Budget tab of the Projects (PM301000) form only.
  • Revenue Task: Tasks of this type are visible on the Revenue Budget tab of the Projects form only.
  • Cost and Revenue Task (default): Tasks of this type are visible on both the Cost Budget and Revenue Budget tabs of the Projects form.

This column appears on the form only if the Construction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Description The description of the task.
Rate Table The rate table to be used for pricing.
Allocation Rule The rule that is used to run allocation for the task.
Billing Rule The billing rule that is used to run billing for this project.
Approver The employee who is responsible for approving the activities for the task.
Billing Option The option that defines how the project task should be billed, which can be one of the following options: By Billing Period, On Task Completion, or On Project Completion.
Progress Billing Base The value that the system will use as the basis for progress billing of the revenue budget lines with the project task created based on this template. You can select one of the following options:
  • Amount: The system will bill the revenue budget lines based on the amounts in these lines.
  • Quantity: The system will bill the revenue budget lines based on the quantities in these lines.
Tax Category The tax category (if applicable) of the task.

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the task is the default task of the project template. On the data entry forms that support the selection of a project, the default project task is automatically populated when you selects the project created based on this template.

Bill Separately

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the task of the project created based on the project template should be billed by a separate invoice.

The column is hidden by default.

Revenue Budget Tab

This tab lists the revenues that are typical for the projects you will create by using this template.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 8. Table Columns
Button Description
Project Task A template task of the project template.
Inventory ID

A stock or non-stock inventory item that is used for the time and material project billing. By default, the system populates this box with the empty item code (N/A), which is defined in the Empty Item Code box on the Projects Preferences form.

The column is shown if Task and Item or Task, Item, and Cost Code is selected as the Revenue Budget Level on the Summary tab of the form for the project template.

Cost Code

The cost code that is associated with a revenue budget line. You can change the cost code value for each revenue line.

The column is shown if the Cost Code feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and Task and Cost Code or Task, Item, and Cost Code is selected as the Revenue Budget Level on the Summary tab of the form for the project template.

Account Group The income account group of the revenue budget line.
Description The description of the revenue budget line.
Original Budgeted Quantity The budgeted quantity of the revenue budget line.

The unit of measure of the revenue budget line. If an inventory item is selected in the Inventory ID column, the UOM is automatically selected as the base unit of measure of this inventory item and can be changed to another UOM available for the item.

The base unit of measure of the empty item code (which is N/A by default) is HOUR.

Unit Rate

The price of the specified unit of the revenue budget line.

By default, the system populates this column with the price of the inventory item selected in the budget line. The system searches for an applicable price that is effective on the business date among the sales prices existing in the system.

For more details on how the system searches for the price, see Automatic Price Selection: Rules of Price Selection.

Original Budgeted Amount The budgeted amount of the revenue budget line. For the Budgeted Quantity, UOM, and Unit Rate specified for the line, the amount is calculated as Budgeted Amount = Budgeted Quantity * Unit Rate.
Tax Category The tax category (if applied) for the revenue budget line.

Cost Budget Tab

This tab lists the costs that are typical for the projects you will create by using this template.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 9. Table Columns
Button Description
Project Task A template task of the project template.
Inventory ID

The stock or non-stock inventory item that is associated with the cost budget line.

The column is shown if Task and Item or Task, Item, and Cost Code is selected as the Cost Budget Level on the Summary tab of the form for the project template.

Cost Code

The cost code that is associated with the cost budget line. You can change the cost code value for each line.

The column is shown if the Cost Code feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and Task and Cost Code or Task, Item, and Cost Code is selected as the Cost Budget Level on the Summary tab of the form for the project template.

Account Group The account group to which the corresponding expense account is mapped.
Description The description of the cost budget line.

The unit of measure of the cost budget line. If an inventory item is selected in the Inventory ID column, the UOM is automatically selected as the base unit of measure of this inventory item and can be changed by another UOM available for the item.

If the item is not specified (N/A), any existing UOM can be selected.

Unit Rate

The cost of the specified unit of the cost budget line.

By default, the system populates this column with the cost of the inventory item selected in the budget line.

For more details on how the system selects the cost, see Project Budget: Update of Budget Lines.

Original Budgeted Quantity The budgeted quantity of the cost budget line.
Original Budgeted Amount The budgeted amount of the cost budget line. For the Budgeted Quantity, UOM, and Unit Rate specified for the line, the amount is calculated as Budgeted Amount = Budgeted Quantity * Unit Rate.
Auto Completed (%) A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system automatically updates the Completed (%) percentage of the work on the tasks.
Revenue Task The task by which the revenue budget is specified for the cost budget line.
Revenue Item The item by which the revenue budget is specified for the cost budget line. The column is shown if Task and Item or Task, Item, and Cost Code is selected as the Revenue Budget Level on the Summary tab of the project template.
Productivity Tracking

The way the system determines if the cost budget line can be added to a progress worksheet.

You can select one of the following options:

  • Template: The cost budget line is added automatically when you click Load Template on the table toolbar of the Details tab of the Progress Worksheets form. This line can also be added manually if you click Select Budget Lines on the table toolbar and select the line in the dialog box.
  • Not Allowed: The cost budget line cannot be added to a progress worksheet.
  • On Demand: The cost budget line can be added to a progress worksheet manually on the Details tab of the Progress Worksheets (PM303000) form. To do this, you click Select Budget Lines on the table toolbar and select the line or lines to be added in the dialog box that opens.

This column is available if the Construction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Employees Tab

By using the Employees tab, you can view, add, modify, and delete the employees for the projects you will create by using this template.

Table 10. Upper Table

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Employee ID The identifier of the employee who will be assigned to the project created by using this template.
Employee Name The name of the employee who will be assigned to any project created by using this project template.
Department The department of the employee who will be assigned to the project created by using this template.
Table 11. Overrides Table

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Earning Type The earning type that determines how the cost of the labor of this employee is specified in projects based on this template. You can create a new earning type by using the Earning Types (EP102000) form.
Description The description of the earning type.
Labor Item The labor-type non-stock item used to account for the labor effort of the employee in projects based on this template.
Default Price The price associated with the labor item by default.

Equipment Tab

On the Equipment tab, you can view, add, modify, and delete the equipment for the projects you will create by using this template.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Active A check box that indicates whether the equipment is actively involved with the project. If this check box is cleared, the equipment remains assigned to the project, but you cannot post transactions involving this equipment.
Equipment ID The identifier of the equipment.
Description A detailed description of the equipment.
Run-Rate Item The run-rate item to be used to account for the run time of the equipment in projects based on this template.
Run Rate The default rate of running the equipment for projects based on this template; you can edit the value.
Setup-Rate Item The rate item to be used to account for the time required to set up or launch the equipment for projects based on this template.
Setup Rate The rate to be used to set up and launch the equipment for projects based on this template; you can edit the value.
Suspend-Rate Item The rate item to be used to account for the equipment in suspend mode in projects based on this template.
Suspend Rate The rate to be used for the equipment in suspend mode in projects based on this template. You can edit the default value.

Defaults Tab

On this tab, you can specify additional project template settings that the system uses if a project based on this project template is selected as the source of a particular account or subaccount.

Table 12. GL Accounts Section
Element Description
Default Sales Account

The account to be specified as the default sales account in the projects that are created based on this template.

Default Sales Subaccount

The subaccount to be specified as the default sales subaccount in the projects that are created based on this template.

This box appears on the tab only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Default Cost Account

The account to be specified as the default cost account in the projects that are created based on this template.

Default Cost Subaccount

The subaccount to be specified as the default cost subaccount in the projects that are created based on this template.

This box appears on the tab only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Accrual Account The optional account to be used as the debit account (instead of the expense accrual account associated with the Labor non-stock item) in transactions generated based on time cards for projects based on this template.
Accrual Subaccount The subaccount to be used as the debit subaccount (instead of the expense accrual subaccount associated with the labor non-stock item) in transactions generated based on time cards for projects based on this template.
Table 13. Drop-Ship Purchases Section

The elements in this section define the source of the expense accounts to be used in project transactions for purchase orders of the Project Drop-Ship type as well as the rules for generating documents and transactions in these purchase orders. When you create a new project template, the system copies the settings of the Drop-Ship Purchases section from the Projects Preferences (PM101000).

Note: The settings in this section apply only to purchase orders of the Project Drop-Ship type.

This section appears on the form only if the Inventory and Order Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Element Description
Use Expense Account From The source of the expense account to be used in the project drop-ship order. The following options are available:
  • Posting Class or Item: The system inserts the expense account according to the standard functionality. For non-stock items that do not require a receipt, the expense account is inserted from the Expense Account box on the GL Accounts tab of the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form. For non-stock items that require a receipt and for stock items, the account is inserted according to the option selected in the Use COGS/Expense Account from box on the General tab of the Posting Classes (IN206000) form.
  • Project: The system inserts the expense account from the Default Cost Account box on the Defaults tab of the Projects (PM301000) form for the project specified in the project drop-ship document.
  • Task: The system inserts the expense account from the Default Cost Account box on the Summary tab of the Project Tasks (PM302000) form for the project specified in the project drop-ship document line.
Combine Expense Sub. From The subaccount mask for items used in the project drop-ships orders. The following options are available:
  • I: Inventory item
  • P: Posting class
  • J: Project
  • T: Task
Drop-Ship Receipt Processing The setting that defines whether a receipt will be generated for project drop shipment. This setting contains the following options: Generate Receipt and Skip Receipt Generation.

This box appears on the form only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Record Drop-Ship Expenses The setting that defines when the expense transaction should be recorded. This box contains the following options: On Bill Release and On Receipt Release.

If the On Bill Release option is selected, the system does not generate an inventory receipt on release of the purchase receipt. The system generates the transaction that updates expense account for both stock and non-stock items, when the related AP bill is released.

If the On Receipt Release option is selected, the system generates an inventory receipt and a transaction that updates the expense account when the purchase receipt is released. The system updates expense accounts for both stock and non-stock items in this case, and the system does not update any inventory accounts.

If the Skip Receipt Generation option is selected in the Drop-Ship Receipt Processing box, in the Record Drop-Ship Expenses box, the On Bill Release option is selected and the box cannot be edited.

The On Receipt Release option cannot be selected if the Update GL check box is cleared on the Inventory Preferences (IN101000) form.

This box appears on the form only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Table 14. Default Task for GL Account TableThis table is used to map the general ledger accounts to particular project tasks of the project created based on this project template. The system specifies the project task based on the mapped account in the following lines:
  • Lines of automatically generated project-related transactions or documents associated with this general ledger account (for example, in an invoice, the system may automatically generate a line with a discount or freight charge)
  • Lines of project-related accounts receivable invoices on the Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form with this general ledger account selected in the Account column
    Note: The account mapping defined in this table does not affect the entry of project-related bills on the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form. In the bill lines, the system inserts the default task of the project if one has been specified on the Tasks tab of the Projects (PM301000) form.

For more information, see Project Tasks: General Information.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Account The general ledger account that may appear in a transaction automatically added by the system to the documents associated with the projects based on this template.
Default Task The task to be associated with the account.
Table 15. GL Accounts for Payroll SectionThe earning, benefit expense, and tax expense accounts and subaccounts specified in this section will be copied to the projects created based on this project template. By default, these accounts are used in paychecks and payroll batches if either of the following conditions is met in the Account Settings section on the General tab of the Payroll Preferences (PR101000) form:
  • Project is selected in the Use Earnings Account From, Use Benefit Expense Account From, or Use Tax Expense Account From box.
  • The J subaccount mask is used in the Combine Earnings Sub. From, Combine Benefit Expense Sub. From, or Combine Tax Expense Sub. From box.

This section appears only if the Payroll feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Element Description
Earnings Account The expense account to be used to record the earnings linked with the project created based on this project template.
Earnings Sub. The corresponding subaccount to be used with the earnings account. The box is displayed if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.
Benefit Expense Account The expense account to be used to record the benefit expense linked with the project created based on this project template.
Benefit Expense Sub. The corresponding subaccount to be used with the benefit expense account. The box is displayed if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.
Tax Expense Account The expense account to be used to record the tax expenses linked with the project created based on this project template.
Tax Expense Sub. The corresponding subaccount to be used with the tax expense account. The box is displayed if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.
Table 16. Document Markups Table

In this table, you can view, add, change, or delete document-level markups that the system will specify in the project created based on this project template on the Defaults tab of the Projects form. In a newly created project template, the default markups are copied from the Markup section of the General tab of the Projects Preferences (PM101000) form. You can manually override the default values.

This table appears on the tab only if the Change Requests feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Type The type of the document markup. You can select one of the following options:
  • %: A percentage markup that is applied to the Line Total amount on the Change Requests (PM308500) form. The markup amount is calculated as follows:
    Markup Amount = Line Total * % Value / 100

    You can define as many markups of this type as you need. The markup subtotal for a change request is calculated as the sum of all of these markup amounts.

  • Flat Fee: A markup whose amount is specified manually to be added to the total markup.
  • Cumulative %: A percentage markup that is applied to all the previously applied percentage markups. The markup amount is calculated as follows:
    Markup Amount = (all the previously applied percentage markups) * Cumulative % Value / 100
Description The description of the markup.
Value The percentage or amount of the markup, depending on the markup type.
Project Task The project task that is associated with the markup.
Account Group The account group that is associated with the markup.
Cost Code

The cost code that is associated with the markup.

This column is available if the Cost Code feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and Task and Cost Code is selected as the Revenue Budget Level on the Summary tab of the current form for the project template.

Inventory ID

The inventory item that is associated with the markup.

This column is available if the Task and Item is selected as the Revenue Budget Level on the Summary tab of the current form for the project template.

Attributes Tab

On the Attributes tab, you can view, add, change, or delete default attribute values that will be default values of projects created based on the template. These values can then be overridden for a particular project. The project-related attributes are created and edited on the Project Attributes (PM202000) form.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 17. Table Columns
Column Description
Attribute The attribute used for the project template.
Required A check box that indicates (if selected) that this attribute is required for the projects created based on this template.
Value The value of the attribute for the project template. This value will be used as the default value of the attribute of projects created based on this template, but it can be overridden. You can leave the value blank even if the Required check box is selected for the attribute.

Lien Waiver Settings Tab

On this tab, you can specify the settings for generating lien waivers for the AP bills related to a project based on the current project template.

Note: This tab appears on the form only if the Construction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, and the Automatically Generate Lien Waivers check box is selected in either or both of the following sections of the Compliance Preferences (CL301000) form: Conditional Lien Waivers or Unconditional Lien Waivers.
Table 18. Summary AreaThe Summary area is used to specify the default lien waiver settings for the projects created based on this template.
Element Description
Conditional Lien Waiver section
Through Date

The coverage period of the conditional lien waiver. Select one of the following values:

  • Bill Date: The lien waiver is valid through the date of the AP bill, which is specified in the Date box on the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form.
  • Posting Period End Date: The lien waiver is valid through the last date of the posting period of the AP bill, which is specified in the Post Period box on the Bills and Adjustments form.
  • AP Payment Date: The lien waiver is valid through the date of the AP payment, which is specified in the Application Date box on the Checks and Payments (AP302000) form.

This box appears only if the Automatically Generate Lien Waivers check box is selected in the Conditional Lien Waiver section on the Lien Waiver Settings tab of the Compliance Preferences (CL301000) form; the default value of this box is copied from the Through Date box in the same section of that form.

Unconditional Lien Waiver section
Through Date

The coverage period of the unconditional lien waiver. Select one of the following options:

  • Bill Date: The lien waiver is valid through the date of the AP bill, which is specified in the Date box on the Bills and Adjustments form.
  • Posting Period End Date: The lien waiver is valid through the last date of the posting period of the AP bill, which is specified in the Post Period box on the Bills and Adjustments form.
  • AP Payment Date: The lien waiver is valid through the date of the AP payment, which is specified in the Application Date box on the Checks and Payments form.

This box appears only if the Automatically Generate Lien Waivers check box is selected in the Unconditional Lien Waiver section on the Lien Waiver Settings tab of the Compliance Preferences (CL301000) form; the default value of this box is copied from the Through Date box in the same section of that form.

Table 19. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Add All Vendor Classes Adds all vendor classes created in the system on the Vendor Classes (AP201000) form to the table.
Table 20. Table Columns This table contains the vendor classes of vendors for whose documents the system will automatically generate lien waivers when items and services are purchased from these vendors during the completion of this project.
Column Description
Vendor Class A vendor class that includes vendors for which the system will automatically generate lien waivers for applicable documents when items and services are purchased from these vendors during the completion of projects based on template.
Minimum Commitment Amount The minimum amount of the commitment for which the lien waiver will be automatically generated.

Mailing & Printing Tab

The Mailing & Printing tab contains the list of predefined mailings that can be used for printing and electronically (by email) sending the customer pro forma invoices and other documents related to the projects you will create by using this template. When a new project template is created, the system copies to the project template all the default mailing settings from the Mailing & Printing tab of the Projects Preferences (PM101000) form. You can override these default settings.

Table 21. Mailings Table You use this table to view and modify the list of active mailings that can be used to send emails to the customer. For each mailing, you can select either a report or a email template to be used by default as the body of the email.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that this mailing is active. Emails will be generated only for active mailings. For the PROFORMA mailing, you cannot clear this check box.
Mailing ID The unique identifier of the mailing.
Branch The branch of your company with which this mailing is associated.
Email Account The email account to be used for sending emails for this mailing. If no account is specified, the default email account, which is defined on the Email Preferences (SM204001) form, will be used.
Report The report related to project functionality to be used by default for printing and also as the body or attachment of the email, if a report is used rather than an email template.
Notification Template The email template, which is defined on the Email Templates (SM204003) form, to be used by default to generate personalized emails for this mailing, if a template is used rather than a report.
Format The format in which the report (if applicable) will be sent by default if no preferences have been specified for a particular recipient on the Customers (AR303000) form (for customer contacts). Select one of the following options: HTML, Excel, or PDF.
Recipients The way the system specifies recipients in the generated email. The following options are available:
  • Add Recipients: On the generation of an email to which these settings apply, the system will copy the recipients specified for the selected notification template, if one has been specified for the mailing, and from the Recipients table on this tab. The Recipients table is populated with the values specified on the Mailing Settings tab of the Projects Preferences form, and you can add any number of extra recipients to the table.
  • Override Recipients: On the generation of an email to which these settings apply, the recipients will be copied only from the Recipients table on this tab. With this option selected, you can modify the list of recipients in the Recipients table as needed. The recipients specified in the notification template or report associated with the mailing will not be included in the generated email.
Table 22. Recipients Table You use this table to view and modify the list of default types of recipients for the selected mailing.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that the contact of this type is active. Only active recipients receive the emails generated for this mailing.
Contact Type The type of contact to receive emails:
  • Account Email: A primary contact of the customer
  • Employee: An employee of your company who handles the documents of the projects created based on this project template
Contact ID The specific contact that will receive the emails of the customer. A particular recipient can be selected only if you have selected Employee as the Contact Type.
Email The email address of the recipient.
Format The format in which the report (if applicable) will be sent to recipients of this type. Select one of the following options: HTML, Excel, or PDF.
Add To The To, CC, and BCC options, which are available in this column, determine the element in which the recipient will be included in the generated email.