Earning Types

Form ID: (EP102000)

You use this form to add, view, edit, or delete earning types that can be used in time cards and time activities. You cannot delete earning types associated with the required time reporting settings that you specify on the Time and Expenses Preferences (EP101000) form.

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Column Description
Code The unique identifier of the earning type.
Description The brief description of the earning type.
Overtime A check box that indicates (if selected) that the earning type is treated as overtime.
Multiplier The value by which the employee cost for this earning type is multiplied when the time activity is released. You can edit the value only if the Overtime check box is selected.
Billable A check box that indicates (if selected) that the earning type is treated as billable by default, but activities that have this earning type can be manually marked as non-billable.
Default Project Code The project automatically associated with any time activity of this earning type created on forms related to employee time and expenses.
Default Task The project task automatically associated with any time activity of this earning type created in the Time and Expenses module.