Project Transactions

Form ID: (PM304000)

By using this form, you can view particular transactions associated with a project, review all the transaction details, and release the selected group of project transactions or reverse the allocation that generated these transactions. Project transactions can originate from other documents, or you can use this form to create them directly.

When you copy a group of project transactions by using the standard copy-paste functionality, the system does not copy currency-related data, such as the effective date, rate type, and conversion rate defined at the transaction level. The system specifies these values based on the currency rates defined in the system.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Command Description

Releases the currently selected transactions.

When you release the transactions, for each group of transactions with the same financial period, the system creates a batch of corresponding general ledger transactions. Each batch of general ledger transactions is created as follows:
  • The date of the batch is the business date.
  • The post period of the batch is the financial period of the group of project transactions.
  • The date of each general ledger transaction is the date of the project transaction that corresponds to it.
  • The post period of each general ledger transaction is the post period of the batch of general ledger transactions.
Reverse Allocation Creates a new group of project transactions that reverses (offsets) the currently selected transaction group.

Summary Area

You use the elements in this area to create a new group of project transactions or select an existing group of project transactions for viewing its details.

Element Description
Module The identifier of the functional area (that is, the part of the system) where the transactions have originated. Select an identifier from the drop-down list, which includes all functional areas for which the visibility option is selected on the Projects Preferences (PM101000) form.
Ref. Number The reference number of the group of project transactions, which the system automatically assigns by using the numbering sequence specified on the Projects Preferences (PM101000) form.
Status The status of the group of transactions. The following statuses are possible:
  • Balanced: The group of project transactions is fully balanced and available for release.
  • Released: The group of project transactions has been released.
Description The description provided for the group of project transactions.
Orig. Doc. Type The type of the original document from which the project transaction originates.

If the project transaction has AR specified in the Module box and was created in migration mode, this box is empty by default. You can specify the type of the AR document to which the project transaction relates manually to link the project transaction with the corresponding financial document.

For details, see Migrating Documents to MYOB Acumatica.

Orig. Doc. Ref. Nbr. The reference number of the original document from which the project transaction originates.

If the project transaction has AR specified in the Module box and was created in migration mode, this box is empty by default. You can specify the reference number of the AR document to which the project transaction relates manually to link the project transaction with the corresponding financial document.

For details, see Migrating Documents to MYOB Acumatica.

Total Quantity The total quantity of items in the transactions listed in the table on the Details tab.
Total Billable Quantity The total billable quantity for the transactions listed in the table on the Details tab.
Total Amount The total amount for the transactions listed in the table in the base currency.

This box is not shown if the Multiple Base Currencies feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Details Tab

In this table, you can provide details for a new group of project transactions or view the details of an existing group.

Table 1. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
View Allocation Source

Opens the Allocation Audit (PM403000) form with the information about the allocation that has generated this project transaction.

Select Project Currency Rate

Opens the Select Project Currency Rate dialog box, where you can review the rate of the project currency specified for the selected project transaction and click OK.

This button appears on the table toolbar if the Multicurrency Projects feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Select Base Currency Rate

Opens the Select Base Currency Rate dialog box, where you can review the rate of the base currency and click OK.

This button appears on the table toolbar if the Multicurrency Projects feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

View Base

Changes the currency in which the amounts of the listed project transactions are displayed from the transaction currency to the base currency of the project. You click the button to toggle between currencies. When you click the View Base button, it changes to the View Cury button, which you can click to again view the listed project transactions in the transaction currency.

This button appears on the table toolbar if the Multicurrency Projects feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Table 2. Table Columns
Column Description
Branch The branch in which the transaction was created.
Project The project associated with the transaction.
Project Task The project task associated with the transaction. If you select a project that has a default project task, this task is automatically populated in the column.
Cost Code

The cost code associated with the transaction.

The column is available if the Cost Code feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Account Group The account group of the debit side account of the transaction.
Employee The employee associated with the transaction, such as the employee who worked on the project for the customer.

The name of the vendor or customer.

The list of customers and vendors available for selection may be limited based on the role or roles assigned to the user account to which you are signed in if the Customer and Vendor Visibility Restriction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. In this case, the Restrict Visibility To box appears on the Financial tab of the Customers (AR303000) and Vendors (AP303000) forms. With the feature enabled, a customer or vendor is available for selection if one of the following is true:

  • The Restrict Visibility To box is empty for the customer or vendor—that is, the customer's or vendor’s visibility is not restricted.
  • A branch, company, or company group is specified in the Restrict Visibility To box for the customer or vendor, and your user account is assigned to the role specified in the Access Role box of the Configuration Settings section of one of the following: the Branch Details tab of the Branches (CS102000) form for the branch, or the Company Details tab of the Companies (CS101500) form for the company or a company within the company group.

The location of the customer or vendor.

This column is available only if the Business Account Locations feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Inventory ID The identifier of the stock or non-stock item associated with the transaction. The inventory item is the source of the expense accounts used for posting the transaction.
Description The description provided for the transaction.
UOM The unit of measure used to estimate the quantity for the transaction, such as HOUR or BOX.
For a project transaction generated upon the release of a paycheck, the system inserts the unit of measure of the labor item specified in the paycheck's earning details; if the labor item has no unit of measure, the system leaves this value blank and also inserts a null quantity for the transaction.
Quantity The quantity for the transaction, such as the number of service hours provided to the customer.
For a project transaction generated upon the release of a paycheck, the system inserts a null quantity if no unit of measure is specified for the labor item in the paycheck's earning details.
Billable A check box indicating whether the transaction is used in calculating the amount charged to the customer for the project task.

By default, the system selects this check box in all manually created project transactions. If a project transaction is generated based on a document, the state of the check box is copied from the original document.

Billable Quantity The quantity that is used for billing the customer. For instance, you can bill the customer based on the hours of service you have provided to the customer.
Unit Rate

The rate for the selected unit of measure. The system selects the default unit rate to be inserted by using the following rules:

  • If a labor item is selected in the Inventory ID column, the employee's hourly rate is used as the default unit rate.
  • If the transaction has been created by the allocation process, the unit rate is calculated as the amount divided by the quantity before any rounding is applied to the amount and quantity. As a result, the unit rate is calculated precisely if the decimal precision of the unit rate is not higher than the maximum precision of the amount and quantity.

If neither of these conditions is met, you need to specify the unit rate manually.

If the Multicurrency Projects feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the rate is shown in the transaction currency. You can click the View Base button on the table toolbar to view this amount in the base currency.

Amount The amount of the transaction.

If the Multicurrency Projects feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the amount is shown in the transaction currency. You can click the View Base button on the table toolbar to view this amount in the base currency.


The transaction currency. When you add a new transaction line, by default, the system inserts the base currency of the current branch in this column. You can select any currency as the transaction currency.

This column appears on the form if the Multicurrency Projects feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Project Currency Amount

The amount of the transaction in the project currency. The column is read-only.

This column appears on the form if the Multicurrency Projects feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Project Currency

The base currency of the project selected in the transaction line. The column is read-only.

This column appears on the form if the Multicurrency Projects feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Project Currency Rate

The exchange rate from the transaction currency to the project currency that is used to calculate the Project Currency Amount. The column is read-only.

The project currency rate is defined for the transaction by the project-specific rate type selected in the Currency Rate Type box on the Summary tab (Project Properties section) of the Projects (PM301000) form. If the project has no rate type selected, the system uses the default rate type of projects specified in the PM Rate Type box (Default Rate Types section) on the Currency Management Preferences (CM101000) form.

This column appears on the form if the Multicurrency Projects feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Debit Account For released transactions, the account the transaction debited when it was released; for unreleased transactions, the account the transaction debits if it is released (mainly for project-related transactions).

If you manually enter a project transaction and specify no debit and credit accounts or specify only the debit account, on the release of the transaction, the system does not generate the corresponding GL transaction.

Debit Subaccount For released transactions, the subaccount the transaction debited when it was released; for unreleased transactions, the subaccount the transaction debits if it is released.
If you are entering a project transaction manually, the debit subaccount must be specified along with the debit account in the transaction line; otherwise, the system will not produce a general ledger transaction on release of the project transaction.

This column appears only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Credit Account For released transactions, the account the transaction credited when it was released; for unreleased transactions, the account the transaction credits if it is released.
Credit Subaccount For released transactions, the subaccount the transaction credited when it was released; for unreleased transactions, the subaccount the transaction credits if it is released.
If you are entering a project transaction manually, the credit subaccount must be specified along with the credit account in the transaction line; otherwise, the system will not produce a general ledger transaction on release of the project transaction.

This column appears only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Credit Account Group The account group linked to the credit account specified in the line.

The date of the transaction.

You can enter only a date that corresponds to a financial period that has been generated on the Master Financial Calendar (GL201000) form. If the date that you enter belongs to a financial period that has not yet been generated in the system—for example, for a date in the distant future or past—the system will display an error message, and you will not be able to save the document.

When you open the current form for the entry of a new record, the business date is inserted as the default setting and the date validation is not performed. The date is validated only if you manually change the column value.
Fin. Period

The financial period to which the system posts the corresponding batch of general ledger transactions when the transaction is released.

For a new transaction, the system inserts the financial period to which the transaction date belongs.

The financial period is company-specific and defined based on the transaction branch and the transaction date. For more information on company-specific financial periods, see Multiple Calendar Support.

Batch No. The batch number of the general ledger transaction.
Earning Type The earning type specified for the transaction to calculate the labor cost. For more information about earning types, see Time Activities.
Multiplier The multiplier by which the unit rate is multiplied when the labor cost is calculated. The multiplier can differ from 1 only for earning types marked as overtime.
Use Billable Quantity in Amount Formula A check box that you select if you want the system to use the billable quantity (the Billable Quantity column) instead of the overall quantity (the Quantity column) of the transaction when calculating the amount of transaction.
Allocated A check box that indicates whether the amounts of the transactions were allocated for the project. The transaction amount is allocated if this check box is selected; otherwise, the transaction amount is not allocated.
Released A check box indicating whether the transaction has been released.
Excluded From Allocation

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the transaction is excluded from the allocation process. By default, the check box is cleared and can be selected only if the transaction status is Balanced.

Compliance Tab

On this tab, you can add, update, and review compliance documents.

This tab appears on the form only if the Construction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 3. Table Columns
Column Description
Expiration Date The date when the compliance document will expire. You specify the date when you add the compliance document to the tab.
Document Type

The type of the compliance document. The following document types are available:

  • Certificate
  • Insurance
  • Lien Waiver
  • Notice
  • Other
Creation Date The date when the compliance document was created. By default, the system inserts the current business date at the time of creation. You can change the date manually.
Status The status of the compliance document. The list of statuses should be specified manually on the Compliance Preferences (CL301000) form.
Required A check box that indicates (if selected) that the document is mandatory for working with the project and project task specified in this line. This setting is for informational purposes only; the system does not enforce this requirement. It shows that the compliance document is required before any activities are performed for the project.
Received from Vendor A check box that indicates (if selected) that the document has been received. By using this check box, you can track when the payment for the document is received, so that the next payment is not delayed.
Received Date (Vendor) The date when the compliance document is received.
Processed A check box that indicates (if selected) that the document has been processed.
Voided A check box that indicates (if selected) that the document has been voided.
Created Automatically A check box that indicates (if selected) that the document has been created by the system.
Sent Date The date when the compliance document is sent.
Project The project to which the compliance document relates.

If a project is specified, this compliance document is displayed on the Compliance tab of the Projects form for the selected project.

Cost Task The cost task within the selected project to which the compliance document relates.

If a task is specified, this compliance document will be displayed on the Compliance tab of the Project Tasks form for the selected task of the Cost Task type.

Cost Code The cost code assigned to the compliance document.

The identifier of the vendor associated with the compliance document. If a vendor is specified, the current document will be displayed on the Compliance tab for the selected vendor.

The list of vendors available for selection may be limited based on the role or roles assigned to the user account to which you are signed in if the Customer and Vendor Visibility Restriction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. In this case, the Restrict Visibility To box appears on the Financial tab of the Vendors (AP303000) form. With the feature enabled, a vendor is available for selection if one of the following is true:
  • The Restrict Visibility To box is empty for the vendor—that is, the vendor’s visibility is not restricted.
  • A branch or company is specified in the Restrict Visibility To box for the vendor, and your user account is assigned to the role specified in the Access Role box of the Configuration Settings section of one of the following: the Branch Details tab of the Branches (CS102000) form for the branch, or the Company Details tab of the Companies (CS101500) form for the company.
Vendor Name The name of the vendor associated with the compliance document.
Expired A check box that indicates (if selected) that the compliance document has expired.
AP Payment

The reference number of the payment that is associated with the compliance document.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
AP Payment Method

The payment method associated with the vendor.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
AR Invoice

The reference number of the invoice associated with the compliance document. If an invoice number is specified, the current compliance document will be displayed on the Compliance tab of the Invoices and Memos form for the selected invoice.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
AR Invoice Amount

The amount of the invoice.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
AR Payment

The reference number of the payment associated with the compliance document.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
AR Payment Method

The customer’s default payment method.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.

The account associated with the vendor (Expense account) or customer (Sales account).

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.

The reference number of the bill associated with the compliance document. If a bill number is specified, the current compliance document will be displayed on the Compliance tab of the Bills and Adjustments form of the selected bill.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Bill Amount

The bill amount to be paid for the document.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Certificate Number

The number of the certificate.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.

The identifier of the customer associated with the compliance document. If a customer is specified, the current document will be displayed on the Compliance tab of the Customers form of the selected customer.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Customer Name

The name of the customer associated with the compliance document.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Date Issued

The date when the document is issued.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Effective Date

The date when the compliance document takes effect. You should specify the date manually while adding the document.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Insurance Company

The name of the insurance company.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Joint Payee (Vendor)

The identifier of the joint vendor associated with the compliance document. If a joint vendor is specified, the current document will be displayed on the Compliance tab for the selected vendor.

The list of vendors available for selection may be limited based on the role or roles assigned to the user account to which you are signed in if the Customer and Vendor Visibility Restriction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. In this case, the Restrict Visibility To box appears on the Financial tab of the Vendors form. With the feature enabled, a vendor is available for selection if one of the following is true:
  • The Restrict Visibility To box is empty for the vendor—that is, the vendor’s visibility is not restricted.
  • A branch or company is specified in the Restrict Visibility To box for the vendor, and your user account is assigned to the role specified in the Access Role box of the Configuration Settings section of one of the following: the Branch Details tab of the Branches (CS102000) form for the branch, or the Company Details tab of the Companies (CS101500) form for the company.
This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Joint Payee The name of the joint payee, if the joint payee is not defined in the system as a vendor.
Joint Amount Paid The amount to be paid to joint payees according to the joint payment.
Joint Release

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the joint release has been received.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Lien Waiver Amount

The amount covered by the lien waiver.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.

The amount of insurance liability specified for the compliance document. You should enter the amount manually while adding the document.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Method Sent

The method used to send the document.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Payment Date

The date when the payment is created.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Payment Ref.

The reference number of the payment.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Project Transaction

The reference number of the project transaction associated with the compliance document.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Purchase Order

The reference number of the purchase order associated with the compliance document. If a purchase order is specified, this compliance document will be displayed on the Compliance tab of the Purchase Orders form for the selected purchase order.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Purchase Order Line Item

The inventory ID of the item in the purchase order line, which can be specified only if a purchase order has been selected.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.

The insurance policy number.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Receipt Date

The date of the inventory receipt.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Receive Date

The date when the goods are received.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Received By

The person responsible for receiving goods.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Requires Joint Payment

A check box that indicates (if selected) that a joint payment is required.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Revenue Task

The identifier of the revenue task within the project to which the compliance document relates. If a revenue task is specified, the current compliance document will be displayed on the Compliance tab of the Project Tasks form for the selected task of the Revenue Task type.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Secondary Vendor

The identifier of the secondary vendor associated with the compliance document. If a vendor is specified, the current document will be displayed on the Compliance tab for the selected vendor.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Secondary Vendor Name

The name of the secondary vendor associated with the compliance document.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.

The source of the payment, which is one of the following options:

  • AP Bill
  • PO/Sub
  • Customer
  • Project
This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Sponsor Organization

The name of the sponsor organization.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.

The identifier of the subcontract associated with the compliance document. If a subcontract is specified, the current document will be displayed on the Compliance tab of the Subcontracts form for the selected subcontract.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Subcontract Line Item

The identifier of the item in the subcontract line, which can be specified only if a subcontract has been selected.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Through Date

The date when the goods are shipped.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.