Budget Summary by Account Group

Form ID: (PMPV0010)

You use this form to explore the particular amounts of project budgets provided by the Budget Details (PMGI0010) generic inquiry. The amounts are grouped by types of account groups and then by account groups. You can edit the pivot table to reorganize and summarize the data of a generic inquiry, so that you can view the data from different perspectives. You can also click any link in the table to explore the details of the budgets on the Drilldown Filter Applied filter tab of the Budget Details generic inquiry.

To see the elements that you can add to or delete from your pivot table, click Customize at the top of the working area. The system navigates to the Pivot Tables (SM208010) form, where you can edit this specific pivot table or other pivot tables, if needed.

Form Toolbar

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The table displays the summarized data from the Budget Details (PMGI0010) generic inquiry form.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Project ID The unique identifier for the project.
Table 2. Table Rows
Row Description
Type The type of the budget line, which has one of the following values: Asset, Expense, Liability, Income, or Off-Balance.
Account Group The account group of the project budget lines of the Budget Details (PMGI0010) inquiry form. The full list of the project budget lines is available on the Project Budget (PM309000) form.