Account Groups

Form ID: (PM201000)

On this form, you can define account groups, which you can use to track the budget, expenses, and revenues of projects. For each account group, you specify its type, which can be Asset, Income, Liability, or Expense. An account group of a particular type is mapped to specific general ledger accounts of particular types.

You can also use this form to define account groups of the Off-Balance type, which give you the ability to track statistical information for projects. For more information, see Account Groups: General Information.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

You use the elements in this area to add a new account group or to view the settings of an existing group.

Element Description
Account Group ID The unique identifier of the account group. The structure of this identifier is defined by the ACCGROUP segmented key, which is configured on the Segmented Keys (CS202000) form.
Type The type of the account group, which specifies which types of accounts can be added to this account group.

You can select one of the following options:

  • Asset: The account group may include asset and liability accounts.
  • Liability: The account group may include liability and asset accounts.
  • Income: The account group may include accounts of any type.
  • Expense: The account group may include accounts of any type.
  • Off-Balance: The account group is used to track statistical information and does not include any accounts.

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the account group is an expense account group and can be selected on the Cost Budget tab of the Projects (PM301000) form.

The check box is shown if Off-Balance is selected as the type of the account group.

Description The brief description of the account group.

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the account group can be used in projects and is available for selection on data entry forms.

If the check box is cleared, the account group is inactive and thus is not available for selection on any data entry forms. The system cannot generate project transactions or create project budget lines with inactive account groups.

You can clear this check box (defining the account group as inactive) only if there are no accounts listed on the Accounts tab of the form.

Default Revenue Account Group

The default revenue account group of the expense account group. You can select an account group of the Income type in this box.

This box is available for an account group of the Expense type, or for an account group of the Off-Balance type for which the Expense check box is selected.

Accounts Tab

On the Accounts tab, you list the general ledger accounts that belong to the account group. You can add accounts only if the account group has the Asset, Liability, Income, or Expense type.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Account The general ledger account to associate with the account group of the specified type. A general ledger account can be associated with only one account group.
The following accounts should not be included in account groups:
  • An asset account that you might want to use as a control account for the AR subledger. For such an account, AR is selected in the Control Account Module box on the Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form. This can be, for example, or an accounts receivable account that is debited by customer invoices.
  • A liability account that you might want to use as a control account for the AP subledger. For such an account, AP is selected in the Control Account Module box on the Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form). This can be an accounts payable account that is credited by vendor bills, or a retainage payable account.
  • An account that is linked to a cash account. On the Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form, this account has the Cash Account check box selected.
Type The type that has been specified for this general ledger account on the Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form: Asset, Liability, Income, or Expense. Each type of account group can include only particular types of accounts as follows:
  • An Asset account group: Accounts of the Asset and Liability types
  • A Liability account group: Accounts of the Asset and Liability types
  • An Income account group: Accounts of any type
  • An Expense account group: Accounts of any type
Account Class The account class to which the account is assigned.
Description The description of the account.
Currency The currency that has been specified for the account.
Default A check box that indicates (if selected) that the account is the default account for the account group.

Attributes Tab

On the Attributes tab, you can select attributes for this account group. You can add only attributes defined with the Account Group type on the Project Attributes (PM202000) form.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Attribute The attribute name.
Required A check box that indicates (if selected) that this attribute is mandatory.
Value The value of the attribute for this account group.

Change Request Settings Tab

On this tab, you can specify additional settings of the account group that are used in change requests.

This tab appears on the form only if the Change Requests feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Column Description
Create Commitment

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system automatically selects the Create Commitment check box for a change request line on the Estimation tab of the Change Requests (PM308500) form if the change request line has this account group selected in the Account Group column.

For such an estimation line of a change request, the system produces a commitment line based on the estimation line when the change request is linked to a change order.

This check box is available if the account group has the Expense type, or if the account group of the Off-Balance type and the Expense check box is selected.

Default Line Markup, % The default percentage of the line markup for change requests. The system automatically fills in the Line Markup (%) column for a change request line on the Estimation tab of the Change Requests (PM308500) form with this default markup if the change request line has this account group selected in the Account Group column. For more information about configuring markups, see Change Requests: Configuration of Markups.

This box is available if the account group has the Expense type, or if the account group of the Off-Balance type and the Expense check box is selected.