Prepare Replenishment

Form ID: (IN508000)

This form is available only if the Inventory Replenishment feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. This form only displays items where Inventory Replenishment has been specified as the planning method.

You use this form to prepare replenishment requests for the stock items whose stock at a specific warehouse needs to be replenished in accordance with the settings of automated replenishment. The settings provided on the Replenishment tab on the Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) form or Stock Items (IN202500) form define whether stock replenishment for the item is needed and in what quantities. For details on configuring replenishment, see Replenishment for Stock Items.

For a warehouse, if replenishment is to be performed directly by purchasing to this warehouse, then as the result of this processing, the requests for the appropriate quantities of the items (required for replenishment) will become visible on the Create Purchase Orders (PO505000) form. If replenishment should be performed by transfers from the source warehouse or by centralized purchasing to a source warehouse, the requests will become visible on the Create Transfer Orders (SO509000) so that transfer orders can be generated.

For the prepared replenishment requests, you can create purchase orders on the Create Purchase Orders (PO505000) form and transfer orders by using the Create Transfer Orders (SO509000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
View Vendor Inventory Opens the Vendor Inventory (PO201000) form with information about the vendor specified in the Preferred Vendor ID column of the selected row.
Process Processes the items that you have selected by using the check boxes in the unlabeled column of the table.
Process All Processes all the items listed in the table.

Selection Area

In the Selection area, you specify criteria the system uses to select items to be displayed in the table.

Element Description
Warehouse The demand warehouse where the stock should be replenished. Leave the box blank to prepare replenishment for multiple warehouses.

If the Multiple Warehouses feature is disabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the default warehouse (MAIN) is specified in this box and cannot be changed.

Purchase Date The date when the purchase will be made to replenish the stock.
Product Manager A box and the Me check box, which you can use to select the items to be displayed based on the product manager to whom the items are assigned for management:
  • Select the Me check box to view the items assigned to you. The box will contain your user name.
  • Clear the Me check box and select another product manager to view the items assigned to the manager.
  • Clear the check box and leave the box blank to view items assigned to all product managers of the selected product workgroup or all groups.
Product Workgroup A box and the My check box, which you can use to select the items to be displayed based on the product workgroup the items are assigned to:
  • Select the My check box to view the items assigned to your product workgroup or to the selected product manager in the group.
  • Clear the My check box and select another product workgroup to display the items assigned to the workgroup or to a particular product manager in the selected group.
  • Leave the box blank and clear the check box to view the items assigned to all product workgroups.
Only Suggested Items A check box you select to display only the items that require replenishment.

The vendor from which the items will be purchased.

The list of vendors available for selection may be limited based on the role or roles assigned to the user account to which you are signed in if the Customer and Vendor Visibility Restriction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. In this case, the Restrict Visibility To box appears on the Financial tab of the Vendors (AP303000) form. With the feature enabled, a vendor is available for selection if one of the following is true:
  • The Restrict Visibility To box is empty for the vendor—that is, the vendor’s visibility is not restricted.
  • A branch, company, or a company group is specified in the Restrict Visibility To box for the vendor, and your user account has the role specified in the Access Role box of the Configuration Settings section of one of the following: the Branch Details tab of the Branches (CS102000) form for the selected branch, or the Company Details tab of the Companies (CS101500) form for the selected company or a company within the company group.
Item Class The item class of the items to be purchased. You can leave the box blank to view the items of all item classes requiring replenishment.
Inventory ID The inventory ID of the particular item to be purchased for stock replenishment. You can leave the box blank to view various items requiring replenishment.

The subitem of the stock item.

This box is available only if the Inventory Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

The Inventory Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form because the functionality associated with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the feature, contact your MYOB support provider.
Description The description of the item to be purchased for stock replenishment.


This table contains the list of stock items to be purchased for stock replenishment. By using the elements in the Selection area (the upper part of the form) you can specify the criteria for selecting the items to be displayed in the table.

Table 1. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
View Stock Item Navigates to the Stock Items (IN202500) form to display information about the selected item that requires replenishment.
View Vendor Inventory Navigates to the Vendor Inventory (PO201000) form so you can view vendor-specific details for the stock item if purchased from the vendor specified in the Preferred Vendor column.
Table 2. Table Columns
Column Description
Included An unlabeled check box that you select to include this replenishment record for processing if you click Process.

The demand warehouse (that is, the warehouse where the stock will be replenished).

This column appears only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Inventory ID The stock item for which replenishment is required in the demand warehouse.
Description The description of the item for which stock replenishment is required.

The subitem code of the stock item, if applicable.

This column is available only if the Inventory Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

The Inventory Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form because the functionality associated with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the feature, contact your MYOB support provider.
UOM The unit of measure (UOM) used for the stock item. The quantity to process is calculated in this UOM.
Purchase UOM The unit of measure (UOM) used for the stock item being purchased.
Qty. to Process

The quantity to be replenished in the demand warehouse. By default, it is the value calculated based on replenishment parameters specified for the item in the particular warehouse minus the quantity on supply. The value can be manually adjusted.

If the Project-Specific Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the system calculates this quantity only for stock items whose quantities are not tracked for a project. That is, if a stock item is included in a project for which on the Summary tab of the Projects (PM301000) form, Track by Project Quantity or Track by Project Quantity and Cost is selected in the Inventory Tracking box, the project's item quantity is excluded from this quantity.

Replenishment Qty. The quantity in the request to be ordered to replenish the stock in the destination warehouse specified in the Warehouse column.
Qty. on Hand The quantity on hand of the stock item at the demand warehouse.
Qty. on Supply The quantity of items included in the purchase orders, purchase receipts, kit assembly documents (of the Disassembly type), and transfer receipts that have not yet been released. The supply is calculated as Qty PO Prepared + Qty PO Orders + Qty PO Receipts + Qty In Transit + Qty IN Receipts.
Qty. on Demand The quantity on demand calculated according to the Demand Calculation box on the Item Classes (IN201000) form as follows:
  • For the Hard Demand Only option, the demand is calculated as Qty. SO Allocated + Qty. SO Shipped + Qty. SO Back-Ordered.
  • For the Item Class Settings, the demand is calculated in accordance with the availability calculation rule specified for this item class on the General tab of the same form.
Qty. on Hard Demand The quantity on shipments and sales orders calculated as hard demand, that is, (Qty.SO Allocated) + (Qty SO Back-Ordered) + (Qty SO Shipped).
Safety Stock The safety stock value for the stock item, which is specified on the Replenishment tab of the Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) form.
Reorder Point The stock level that, when it has been reached, prompts the system to replenish the stock of the item. The quantity is specified on the Replenishment tab of the Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) form.
Max. Qty. The maximum quantity allowed at the demand warehouse.
Replenishment Source

The source of replenishment for the item at the demand warehouse, Purchase or Transfer.

The Transfer option is available only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Source Warehouse

The warehouse that is the source of replenishment for the demand warehouse.

If the Transfer is selected as the Replenishment Source for the demand warehouse, select the warehouse from which the items should be transferred for replenishment.

If the Purchase is selected as Replenishment Source for the demand warehouse, select the source warehouse as follows:

  • To perform purchasing directly to the demand warehouse, select no warehouse.
  • To add the required quantities to consolidated orders, select one of warehouses that serves as a distribution center from which consolidated purchasing for other warehouses (including the demand warehouse) is performed.

This column appears only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Preferred Vendor ID The preferred vendor from which the item will be purchased for stock replenishment, as specified for the item on the Stock Items (IN202500) form. You can select another vendor if necessary.
Preferred Location

The vendor's location from which the item can be purchased. You can choose a non-default location if necessary.

This column appears only if the Business Account Locations feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Preferred Vendor Name The name of the selected vendor.
Item Class The item class to which the item was assigned.
Vendor Class The class of the vendor indicated in the Preferred Vendor column.
By default, the following columns are hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns.
Column Description
Qty. FS Allocated

The quantity of the inventory item allocated on the undelivered service orders. This quantity affects the available quantity only if the Deduct Qty. Allocated on Service Orders option is selected on the Availability Calculation Rules (IN201500) form for the item class.

This box appears on the form only if the Service Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Qty. FS Booked

The quantity of the inventory item listed on open service orders. This quantity affects the available quantity only if the Deduct Qty. on Service Orders check box is selected on the Availability Calculation Rules (IN201500) form for the item class.

This box appears on the form only if the Service Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Qty. FS Prepared

The quantity of the inventory item listed in service orders with the On Hold status. This quantity affects the available quantity only if the Deduct Qty. on Service Orders Prepared check box is selected on the Availability Calculation Rules (IN201500) form for the item class.

This box appears on the form only if the Service Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Qty. IN Assembly Demand

The quantity of the inventory item included in unreleased kit assembly documents as kits or kit components. This quantity affects the available quantity only if the Deduct Qty. on Kit Assembly Demand option is selected on the Availability Calculation Rules (IN201500) form for the item class.

This box is available only if the Kit Assembly feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Qty. IN Assembly Supply

The quantity of the inventory item (as a kit or as a kit component) listed on unreleased kit assembly documents. This quantity affects the available quantity only if the Include Qty. of Kit Assembly Supply option is selected on the Availability Calculation Rules (IN201500) form for the item class.

This box appears only if the Kit Assembly feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Qty. IN Issues

The quantity of the inventory item included in the inventory issue documents that were not released yet.

This quantity affects the available quantity only if the Deduct Qty. on Issues option is selected on the Availability Calculation Rules (IN201500) form for the item class.

Qty. IN Receipts

The quantity of the inventory item on unreleased receipts.

This quantity affects the available quantity only if the Include Qty. on Receipts option is selected on the Availability Calculation Rules (IN201500) form for the item class.

Qty. In Transit

The quantity of the inventory item on unreleased incoming two-step inventory transfers.

This quantity affects the available quantity only if the Include Qty. In-Transit option is selected on the Availability Calculation Rules (IN201500) form for the item class.

Qty. PO Orders

The quantity of the inventory item on all open purchase orders.

If the Include Qty. on Purchase Orders option is selected on the Availability Calculation Rules (IN201500) form for the item class, this quantity includes purchase order quantities.

If the Include Qty. of Purchase for SO and SO to Purchase option is selected on the Availability Calculation Rules form for the item class, this quantity includes quantities of purchase orders created for sales orders.

Qty. PO Prepared

The quantity of the inventory item calculated for all purchase orders that are not yet open (that is, that have a status of On Hold or Pending Approval).

This value affects the available quantity only if the Include Qty. on Purchase Prepared option is selected on the Availability Calculation Rules (IN201500) form for the item class.

Qty. PO Receipts

The quantity of the inventory item on unreleased purchase receipts.

This quantity affects the available quantity only if the Include Qty. on PO Receipts option is set on the Availability Calculation Rules (IN201500) form for the item class.

Qty. SO Allocated

The quantity of the inventory item on unconfirmed shipments. If the Sales Order to Purchase Order Link feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, this value also includes the quantities on all orders of the SA type and on open orders of the SO type if these quantities were specifically allocated.

This quantity affects the available quantity only if the Deduct Qty. Allocated check box is selected on the Availability Calculation Rules (IN201500) form for the item class.

Qty. SO Back Ordered

The quantity of the inventory item on sales orders with the Back Order status; this quantity also includes the unallocated quantities (those which are unavailable at the specified locations) for On Hold, Credit Hold, Rejected, Pending Approval, and Open orders of the SA order type.

This quantity affects the available quantity only if the Deduct Qty. on Back Orders option is selected on the Availability Calculation Rules (IN201500) form for the item class.

Qty. SO Booked

The quantity of the inventory item listed on open sales orders of the SO type. This value is calculated as the total quantity of the item included in all open sales orders after deduction of the quantities of shipped items and items being shipped.

This quantity affects the available quantity only if the Deduct Qty. on Sales Orders option is selected on the Availability Calculation Rules (IN201500) form for the item class.

Qty. SO Prepared

The quantity of the inventory item listed on sales orders of the SO, CS, and IN types with the On Hold, Credit Hold, Rejected, and Pending Approval statuses.

This quantity affects the available quantity only if the Deduct Qty. on Sales Prepared option is selected on the Availability Calculation Rules (IN201500) form for the item class.

Qty. SO Shipped

The quantity of the inventory item shipped according to the confirmed shipments; the value also includes the quantities on open orders of the CS and IN types.

This quantity affects the available quantity only if the Deduct Qty. Shipped option is selected on the Availability Calculation Rules (IN201500) form for the item class.