Item Sales Categories

Form ID: (IN204060)

By using this form, you can create, delete, and manage the sales categories. Also, you can view and update the list of inventory items included in the sales categories.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Categories Pane

In this pane, the existing categories are represented as nodes. You click a node icon to the left of any category to expand the node and view the hierarchical structure of the category. Some categories have a one-level list of categories, while other modules have several levels. You click a category to view the items included in the category in the Category Members table in the right pane.

The toolbar on the pane includes only custom buttons, described below.

Table 1. Pane Buttons
Button Description
Move One Node Up Moves the selected node one level up in the tree within the parent node.
Move One Node Down Moves the selected node one level down in the tree within the parent node.
Add Category Adds a subcategory to the category selected in the Categories pane.
To add a new category on the first level, select your company name in the Categories pane.
Delete Category Deletes the category selected in the Categories pane and all subcategories of the selected category.

Right Pane: Summary Area

In the Summary area of the right pane, you can view and edit the description and the parent category of the category selected in the Categories pane.

Element Description
Description The name of the selected category.
Parent Category The parent category of the selected category.

Right Pane: Category Members Table

You use this table to view the inventory items included in the sales category selected in the Categories pane. Also, you can add items to the category or remove them.

Table 2. Table Buttons

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Add Items Opens the Add Items dialog box, which you can use to add all items of an item class or all items to the selected category.

Select an item class in the Item Class box, and then click Create to add all items of the class to the table. Or click Cancel to close the dialog box without any changes.

Table 3. Table Columns
Column Description
Inventory ID The identifier of the inventory item.
Description The description of the inventory item.
Item Class The item class of the inventory item.
Item Status The status of the inventory item.
Table 4. Add Items Dialog BoxYou use this dialog box to add all items of the selected class or all items specified in your MYOB Acumatica instance to the item sales category you selected in the Categories pane.
Element Description
Add Items The box you use to select which items you want to add to the item sales category. The following options are available:
  • By Class: Select this option, and then specify the item class in the Item Class box to add all items of the selected class to the sales category.
  • All Items: Select this option to add all inventory items specified in your MYOB Acumatica instance to the sales category.
Item Class The item class whose items you want to add to the item sales category. This box is available only when you select the By Class option in the Add Items box.
The dialog box has the following buttons:
Add Adds the selected items to the item sales category and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without adding any items to the item sales category.