Update Movement Class

Form ID: (IN506100)

This form is available only if the Advanced Physical Counts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

You use this form to make mass changes to the movement class assignments for inventory items at a particular warehouse. Movement class assignments are based on the turnover of each item during the selected turnover period. When you update movement class assignments on this form, the system assigns the projected movement class to each item, based on the movement class definitions and the position of the item in the list of warehouse items, which are arranged by turnover rate in the selected period. For more information, see Inventory Ranking Methods.

You define movement classes on the Movement Classes (IN208600) form. You can initially assign the movement classes to items stored at the specific warehouse manually on the General tab of the Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) form.

On this form, you can view the list of inventory items with pending movement class assignments and update the assignments for the listed items. Items with a fixed movement class are also listed, but their assignments are not updated automatically.

If an inventory item has no transactions in the selected period, the projected movement class is not calculated, and the current movement class is not updated for this item on the current form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Process Updates the movement class assignments for the inventory items listed in the table.

Selection Area

In this area, you can select the warehouse where the movement class assignments will be updated and the turnover period for which the movement class assignments will be updated. The number of these periods per year—and, thus, the length of each period—is defined by the Turnover Periods per Year setting on the General tab of the Inventory Preferences (IN101000) form.

Element Description
Warehouse The warehouse where the movement class assignments will be updated; if the feature is disabled, the MAIN warehouse is used by default.

This box appears only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Year The year of the turnover period for which the movement class assignments will be updated.
Period Number The number (within the year) of the turnover period for which the movement class assignments will be updated. This value is calculated automatically based on the current business date and the number of turnover periods per year specified on the Inventory Preferences (IN101000) form.
Start Date The start date of the period for which the movement class assignments will be updated. This value is calculated automatically based on the current business date and the number of turnover periods per year specified on the Inventory Preferences (IN101000) form.
End Date The end date of the period for which the movement class assignments will be updated. This value is calculated automatically based on the current business date and the number of turnover periods per year specified on the Inventory Preferences (IN101000) form.


This table holds the read-only list of items for which the movement class assignments will be updated.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Inventory ID The inventory item for which the movement class assignment can be updated.
Description The description of this inventory item.
Current Movement Class The movement class currently assigned to this inventory item.
Fixed A check box that indicates (if selected) that the movement class is fixed for this inventory item, which means that its movement class assignments are not updated. A fixed movement class can be assigned to a stock item using the Stock Items (IN202500) form.
Projected Movement Class The movement class to be assigned to the inventory item based on the turnover rate and the definitions of movement classes.