Template Items

Form ID: (IN203000)

This form is available only if the Matrix Items feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

This form provides you with ability to create template items, edit the settings of existing template items, view information about existing template items, and create and view the matrix items based on the template item. For more information, see Matrix Items: General Information.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

Command Description
Change ID Opens the Specify New ID dialog box, in which you can enter a new template ID for the template item.
Item Creation

Creates matrix items with the settings selected on the Item Creation tab.

This button is available only if at least one check box is selected in the Matrix table on the Item Creation tab.

Update Matrix Items

Applies the settings of the currently selected template item to all matrix items of the template item.

This button is available only if any changes have been made to the template item settings since the matrix items for this template item were created.

Table 1. Specify New ID Dialog Box
Element Description
Template ID New template ID for the template item.
The dialog box contains the following buttons.
OK Closes the dialog box and changes the template ID.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without saving changes.

Summary Area

In this area, you can enter basic information about a new template item. You can also select an existing template item by its ID and view or change its details.

Element Description
Template ID

The unique alphanumeric identifier of the template item.

After this ID has been specified and the template item has been saved, you can change the template item ID only by clicking Change ID on the form toolbar.
Description A brief description of the template item.
Stock Item

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the template item provides settings for stock items. Matrix items created by using the template item are stock items, and you can view them on the Stock Items (IN202500) form. If the check box is cleared, the matrix items created based on this template are non-stock items, and you can view them on the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form.

If at least one matrix item has been generated based on the template item, the check box is unavailable for editing.

This check box is available only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

General Tab

By using this tab, you can specify the general settings for the template item and the unit conversion rules for all units of measure that can be used for the item.

Table 2. Item Defaults Section
Element Description
Item Status

The default status of each new matrix item generated based on the template item. You can select one of the following options:

  • Active: The item can be used in sales documents, purchase documents, inventory transactions, purchase requests, and requisitions.
  • No Sales: The item cannot be included in sales-related documents. It can, however, be used in purchase documents, inventory transactions, purchase requests, and requisitions.
  • No Purchases: The item cannot be included in purchase-related documents, purchase requests, and requisitions. It can, however, be used in sales documents and inventory transactions.
  • No Request: The item cannot be used in purchase requests or requisitions, but it can be included in sales documents, purchase documents, and inventory transactions.
  • Inactive: The item cannot be added to any sales documents, purchase documents, inventory transactions, purchase requests, and requisitions.
  • Marked for Deletion: The item is marked for deletion. The item cannot be included in any sales documents, purchase documents, inventory transactions, purchase requests, and requisitions, but the record will be kept in the database if any documents included it.
Item Class

The item class to which the template item is assigned. The item class provides the default settings for the template item.

If at least one matrix item has been created based on the template item, this box is unavailable for editing.

Type The default type of each new matrix item generated based on the template item. You can select one of the following options:
  • Finished Good
  • Component Part (This option appears only if the Kit Assembly feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.)
  • Subassembly (This option appears only if the Kit Assembly feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.)

This setting has no business logic tied to it in the current version and can be used for informational purposes only.

Valuation Method The method to be used for new matrix items generated based on the template item, which by default is the valuation method associated with the item class. You can select another valuation method for the template item from the following options:
  • Average: Each item’s unit cost is calculated as the average weighted cost of all items at the warehouses—that is, the total costs of all quantities of the inventory items at the warehouses divided by the total quantity.
  • Standard: Each item’s unit cost is estimated to include some of the indirect and direct costs allocated.
  • FIFO: Each item’s unit costs are recorded in layers, each of which is identified by the receipt date, the quantity, and the purchase price.
Tax Category The tax category to be used for new matrix items generated based on the template item, which by default is the tax category associated with the item class. You can select another tax category if needed.
Posting Class The posting class to be used for new matrix items generated based on the template item, which by default is the posting class assigned to the item class. You can select another posting class for the item.
Lot/Serial Class

The lot/serial class to be used for new matrix items generated based on the template item.

This box appears only if the Lot/Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Country of Origin The default country of origin for matrix items generated based on the template item.
Table 3. Warehouse Defaults SectionThis section is available only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. In the section, you can specify the default warehouse settings that will be assigned to new matrix items of the template item.
Element Description
Default Warehouse

The warehouse to be assigned by default to new matrix items of this template item.

This box appears only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. If the Multiple Warehouses feature is disabled, the MAIN warehouse is the default warehouse.

Default Issue From

The location of the warehouse to be used by default to issue the new matrix items of this template item.

This box appears only if the Multiple Warehouse Locations feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Default Receipt To

The location of warehouse to be used by default to receive the new matrix items of this template item.

This box appears only if the Multiple Warehouse Locations feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Table 4. Field Service Defaults SectionThis section appears only if the Service Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and Service is selected in the Type box of the Item Defaults section.
Element Description
Estimated Duration The total estimated time that the service is expected to last.
Route Service

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the service is a route service.

The system automatically selects this check box when you assign to the service an item class for which the Route Service Class check box is selected on the Item Classes (IN201000) form. Otherwise, the check box is cleared and unavailable.

This check box appears on the form only if the Route Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Table 5. Unit of Measure SectionIn this section, you can select the base unit of measure (UOM) to be assigned by default to the new matrix items of this template item. If the Multiple Units of Measure feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, you can also specify the UOMs to be used as the default sales and purchase units for the items, and the conversion rules for these units and other UOMs that can apply to the items. You can select UOMs from the list of those available in the system or type new units of measure that will be used for only this item.

For more information, see Units of Measure: General Information.

Element Description
Base Unit

The UOM to be used on the Stock Items (IN202500) or Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form as the default base unit for new matrix items of the template item. You can select the base unit from the list of UOMs that have been defined on the Units of Measure (CS203100) form.

The base UOM becomes unavailable for editing when at least one matrix item has been created for the template item.

Divisible Unit

A check box that indicates (if selected) that decimal quantities of matrix items of the template item in the base UOM can be specified in documents as follows, depending on whether the matrix items associated with this template item are stock or non-stock items:

  • Stock items: In inventory documents (issues, receipts, transfers, and adjustments), shipments, sales invoices, and purchase receipts
  • Non-stock items: In shipments, sales invoices, and purchase receipts

When the check box is cleared, the system validates the quantities of matrix items of the template item, making sure that they are integers, on inventory documents, shipments, sales invoices, and purchase receipts.

By default, this check box is selected.

Sales Unit

The UOM to be used as the default sales unit for matrix items of the template item. You select this unit from the list of globally defined UOMs for which conversion factors to the selected base unit are specified on the Units of Measure (CS203100) form, or you type an UOM. You then press Enter, and a new row will be appended to the unit conversion table for the class. In this row, you specify a conversion rule between the UOM selected as the sales unit and the UOM selected as the base unit.

This box appears on the form only if the Multiple Units of Measure feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Divisible Unit

A check box that indicates (if selected) that decimal quantities of matrix items of the template item in the sales UOM can be specified in sales orders, shipments, and invoices.

If the check box is cleared, only integer quantities of the matrix items associated with the template item in the sales UOM can be specified in these sales documents. If the items can be sold in other UOMs, the system validates the quantity of each item converted to the sales UOM, making sure that it is an integer.

By default, this check box is selected.

This box appears on the form only if the Multiple Units of Measure feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Purchase Unit

The UOM to be used as the default purchase unit for matrix items of the template item. You select the unit from the list of globally defined UOMs for which conversion factors to the selected base unit are specified on the Units of Measure (CS203100) form, or you type an UOM. You then press Enter, and a new row will be appended to the unit conversion table for the class. In this row, you specify a conversion rule between the UOM selected as the purchase unit and the UOM selected as the base unit.

This box appears on the form only if the Multiple Units of Measure feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Divisible Unit

A check box that indicates (if selected) that decimal quantities of matrix items of the template item in the purchase UOM can be specified in purchase orders and receipts.

If the check box is cleared, only integer quantities of matrix items associated with the template item in the purchase UOM can be specified in these purchase documents. If the items can be purchased in other UOMs, the system does not validate the quantity of each item converted to the purchase UOM, making sure that it is an integer.

By default, this check box is selected.

This box appears on the form only if the Multiple Units of Measure feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Table 6. Unit Conversion TableIn the unit conversion table, which is available only if the Multiple Units of Measure feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, you can define conversion rules between the UOMs specified as the default purchase and sales units and the UOM specified as the default base UOM for matrix items of the template item. You also can specify how other units of measure used for matrix items of the template item can be converted to the default base unit.
Element Description
From Unit The unit to be converted.
Multiply/Divide The operation to be performed to convert the quantities expressed in the unit specified in the From Unit column to the quantities expressed in the unit specified in the Base Unit column.
Conversion Factor The factor to be used to convert the quantities expressed in the unit specified in the From Unit column to the quantities expressed in the unit specified in the Base Unit column.
To Unit The target unit for the unit conversion operations. All conversions are defined with respect to the base unit.
Table 7. Physical Inventory SectionYou use these settings to specify information related to physical inventory. This group of settings appears only if the Advanced Physical Counts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Element Description
PI Cycle The physical inventory cycle assigned to matrix items of the template item. The cycle defines how often the physical inventory counts will be performed for the matrix items.
ABC Code The ABC code that is assigned to matrix items of the template item for the purpose of physical inventories.
Fixed ABC Code A check box that indicates (if selected) that the ABC code assigned to the matrix items should not be changed automatically when ABC code assignments are updated.
Movement Class The movement class that is assigned to matrix items of the template item for physical inventories.
Fixed Movement Class A check box that indicates (if selected) that the movement class assigned to the matrix items should not be changed automatically when movement class assignments are updated.

Fulfillment Tab

On this tab, you add information about default packaging settings that are assigned to the matrix items of the template item. For more information, see Automatic Packaging for Integrated Carriers.

Table 8. Dimensions SectionYou use these settings to specify the weight and volume of the base unit to be assigned by default to matrix items of the template item.
Element Description
Weight The weight of each matrix item generated from this template item.
Weight UOM

The unit of measure for the weight of the matrix items generated from this template item.

In this box, you can select the following units of measure:

  • The unit of measure specified in the Weight UOM box on the Company Details tab of the Companies (CS101500) form
  • The units of measure that have a conversion rule defined on the Units of Measure (CS203100) form between them and the unit of measure in the Weight UOM box of the Companies (CS101500) form
Volume The volume of matrix items generated from this template item.
Volume UOM

The unit of measure for the volume of the matrix items generated from this template item.

In this box, you can select the following units of measure:

  • The unit of measure specified in the Volume UOM box on the Company Details tab of the Companies (CS101500) form
  • The units of measure that have a conversion rule on the Units of Measure (CS203100) form between them and the unit of measure in the Volume UOM box of the Companies (CS101500) form
Table 9. International Shipping Section
Element Description
Tariff Code The code of the tariff used for international shipping.
Table 10. Shipping Thresholds SectionIn this section, you can specify the thresholds the system uses for calculating the completeness of sales orders based on the quantity of items that are shipped.
Element Description
Undership Threshold (%)

The minimum percentage of goods shipped (with respect to the ordered quantity) for the system to mark the order as completely shipped. This setting is not applicable to items with serial or lot numbers specified; these items should be shipped in the precise quantities in which they are ordered.

This setting is used to provide the default value for sales orders.

Overship Threshold (%)

The maximum percentage of goods shipped (with respect to the ordered quantity) allowed by the customer. This setting is not applicable to items with serial or lot numbers specified; these items should be shipped in the precise quantities in which they are ordered.

This setting is used to provide the default value for sales orders.

Table 11. Sales Categories Section

By using this table, you can add rows and select the sales categories for the matrix items of the template item, if they are stock items. To define the sales categories or view their details, use the Item Sales Categories (IN204060) form.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Category ID The sales category, by its identifier.
Table 12. Automatic Packaging SectionThis section is available only if the Automatic Packaging feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Element Description
Packaging Option An option that the system uses to automatically determine the optimal set of boxes for matrix items of the template item for each sales order. You can select one of the following options:
  • Manual: To let the user select boxes for the items at the user's own discretion.
  • By Weight: To select the appropriate boxes by item weight on the order. In the Boxes table (which appears when you select this option), you select the boxes and enter the maximum weight (measured in the specified UOMs) that each box can hold. An item with this option selected can be combined in a box with other items if the Pack Separately option is not selected for the item.
  • By Quantity: To select appropriate boxes by item quantity for the order. With this option selected, the item will be always packed separately from other items. (The Pack Separately check box will be selected automatically for the item and will not be available for editing.) In the Boxes table (which appears when you select this option), you select the boxes and enter the quantities (measured in the specified UOMs) that can fit into each box.
  • By Weight & Volume: To select boxes for this item by weight and by volume. This option is intended for items that can be packed with other items. If you select this option, do not select the Pack Separately option. In the Boxes table (which appears when you select this option), you select the boxes and enter the maximum weight and maximum volume of each box.
Pack Separately

A check box that indicates (if selected) that matrix items of the template item should be packed separately from other items.

This check box is automatically selected (and not available for editing) if By Quantity is selected as the packaging option.

Table 13. Boxes TableIn the Boxes table, you can select the boxes to be used for automatic packaging. This table is available if the By Weight, By Quantity, or By Weight & Volume option is selected in the Packaging Option box.
Box ID The identifier of the type of box defined on the Boxes (CS207600) form.
Description A description of the box.
UOMThe sales unit of measure of the item.
Qty.The quantity of items that can fit into a box of the type.
Max. WeightThe maximum weight a box of the type can hold.
Max. VolumeThe maximum volume of items that can fit into a box of the type.
Max Qty.The maximum quantity of items that can fit into a box of the type. If the By Weight, or By Weight & Volume option is selected in the Packaging Option box, the system calculates this quantity automatically based on the item dimensions specified in the Dimensions section, and the Max Weight and Max. Volume of a box of the type.

Price/Cost Tab

You can use the settings on this tab to specify the pending base price and the pending standard cost to be assigned to matrix items of the template item, and you can view the cost statistics.

The decimal precision for prices and costs is defined by the number specified in the Price/Cost Decimal Places box on the Company Details tab of the Companies (CS101500) form. If your organization includes multiple companies, the specified precision is used in each company.
Table 14. Price Management SectionThese elements hold general pricing settings for the item.
Price ClassThe item price class associated by default with matrix items of the template item. Item price classes, which are used to group stock items with similar price calculation methods, are defined on the Item Price Classes (IN209000) form.
Price WorkgroupThe workgroup responsible for product pricing. You select the default pricing workgroup to be assigned to matrix items of the template item.
Price ManagerThe manager responsible for the product pricing.
Subject to Commission

A check box that indicates (if selected) that commissions should be paid on the sale of matrix items of the template item.

The check box is available if the Commissions feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Min. Markup %The minimum markup percentage assigned to matrix items of the template item. For more information about specifying markup validation in sales orders, see Sales Prices: Minimum Markup Validation in Sales Orders.
Markup %The percentage of the item cost you add to get the selling price for matrix items of the template item.
MSRPThe manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) of the matrix items of the template item.
Default PriceThe default price to be assigned to matrix items of the template item.
Table 15. Standard Cost SectionIn this section, you can view the standard cost and specify the pending cost to be assigned to matrix items of the template item.
Element Description
Pending Cost The pending standard cost for the matrix items of the template item.
Pending Cost Date The date when the pending standard cost becomes effective.
Current Cost A read-only box that displays the current standard cost for matrix items of the template item.
Effective Date A read-only box that shows the effective date for the current standard cost of matrix items of the template item.
Last Cost A read-only box showing the last standard cost defined for matrix items of the template item.
Table 16. Posting of Item Cost SectionIn this section, you can view and specify the way the system calculates the accrued cost of the non-stock item that is created based on the template item and posts this cost.
Element Description
Post Cost to Expenses On

The option that indicates whether the system posts the item cost to the expense account when the item is purchased or sold. You can select one of the following options:

  • Purchases: No transactions to the Expense Accrual account are generated on release of the receipts, AP bills, and sales invoices. By default, the system inserts this option.
  • Sales: When the non-stock item is included in a purchase receipt (for non-stock items requiring receipt) or an AP bill (for non-stock items not requiring receipt), on release of the document, the Expense Accrual account is debited in the related GL transactions.

    When a sales invoice that includes the non-stock item is released, the Expense account is debited and the Expense Accrual account is credited in the related GL transactions.

    If a sales invoice or accounts receivable invoice is related to a particular project, then in a general ledger transaction generated on release of this invoice, the project budget key of the project (that is, the project, project task, and, optionally, cost code) is specified in the transaction line that is posted to the Expense account.

Cost Based On The method to be used for calculating the accrued cost. You can select one of the following options:
  • Standard Cost: The system will calculate the cost accrual amount as the line quantity of the sales invoice multiplied by the item's standard cost.
  • Markup %: The system will calculate the cost accrual amount by subtracting the markup percentage (which is specified in the Markup % box) from the line amount of the sales invoice.
  • Percentage of Sales Price: The system will calculate the cost accrual amount as a percent of the sales price, which is specified in the Percent of Sales Price box.

The box is available for editing if the Sales option is selected in the Post Cost to Expenses On box.

Percent of Sales Price

The percent of sales price to be used for calculating cost accrual amount.

The box is available for editing only if Percentage of Sales Price is selected in the Cost Based On box.

Table 17. Field Service Defaults Section This section appears only if the Service Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Element Description
Earning Type

The earning type that is used by default in time activities created for staff members.

This box is available only if the Enable Time & Expenses Integration check box is selected on the Service Management Preferences (FS100100) form.

Vendors Tab

In the table on this tab, you can add each of the vendors from which matrix items of the template item are purchased; you can also view each vendor's price and the terms of the order quantity schedules suggested by the vendor.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 18. Table Columns
Column Description
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that the vendor is active.
Default A check box that indicates (if selected) that the vendor is the default vendor to be assigned to matrix items of the template item. You can select this check box to mark the vendor that is the main supplier of the items. When you create a purchase order to purchase an item, the default vendor is selected for this purchase.
Vendor ID

The ID of the vendor.

The list of vendors available for selection may be limited based on the role or roles assigned to the user account to which you are signed in if the Customer and Vendor Visibility Restriction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. In this case, the Restrict Visibility To box appears on the Financial tab of the Vendors (AP303000) form. With the feature enabled, a vendor is available for selection if one of the following is true:
  • The Restrict Visibility To box is empty for the vendor—that is, the vendor’s visibility is not restricted.
  • A branch, company, or a company group is specified in the Restrict Visibility To box for the vendor, and your user account has the role specified in the Access Role box of the Configuration Settings section of one of the following: the Branch Details tab of the Branches (CS102000) form for the selected branch, or the Company Details tab of the Companies (CS101500) form for the selected company or a company within the company group.
Vendor Name The name of the vendor.
Location The vendor's location, which by default is the vendor's default location. These locations are defined for the vendor on the Vendor Locations (AP303010) form.
Warehouse The warehouse to receive the items from this vendor.
Purchase Unit The unit of measure in which the matrix items of the template item will be purchased. This UOM is specified on the General tab of this form.
Lead Time (days) The lead time for the selected vendor location. This read-only column displays the lead time defined for the vendor location on the Location Details tab of the Vendor Locations form.
Override A check box that indicates (if selected) that the values in the following columns may be overridden for specific matrix items of this template item: Add. Lead Time, Min. Order Qty., Max. Order Qty., Lot Size, and EOQ. You can change the values in these columns only if this check box is selected.
Add. Lead Time (Days) The additional lead time for the selected vendor, which represents the additional time required by the vendor to produce, assemble, and dispatch the items. This value is added to the Lead Time value to calculate the resulting lead time required to deliver the purchased item from the vendor's location to your company's warehouse.
Min. Order Freq. (Days) The default minimum purchase frequency to be assigned to the matrix items of the template item when they are purchased from this vendor.
Min. Order Qty. The default minimum order quantity to be assigned to the matrix items of the template item when they are purchased from this vendor. The system uses this value when a user prepares replenishment requests on the Prepare Replenishment (IN508000) form.
Max. Order Qty. The default maximum order quantity to be assigned to the matrix items of the template item when they are purchased from this vendor. The system uses this value when a user prepares replenishment requests on the Prepare Replenishment (IN508000) form.
Lot Size The default lot size to be assigned to the matrix items of the template item when they are purchased from this vendor.
EOQ The economic order quantity when the matrix items of this template item are purchased from this vendor. This value represents the quantity in the order that minimizes the total inventory holding costs and ordering costs.
Currency ID The currency of the last vendor price used by the vendor for the UOM specified in the Purchase Unit column.
Last Vendor Price A read-only column showing the last vendor price used in transactions for the matrix items of the template item. The UOM is specified in the Purchase Unit column.
Prepayment Percent

The prepayment percent that may be used when a prepayment request is created for a purchase order for this vendor with the matrix items of the template item. This percentage, if used, is applied to the lines with the matrix items in a prepayment request created from a purchase order.

For more information, see Prepayments for Purchase Orders: Calculation of the Prepayment Amount.

GL Accounts Tab

On this tab, you specify the default general ledger accounts to be used for inventory transactions performed with the matrix items of the template item.

For a new template item, these elements are initially populated by the settings of the posting class selected for the item on the General tab of this form. Posting classes can be created on the Posting Classes (IN206000) form. You can override the posting settings for the template item by selecting the appropriate accounts and subaccounts.

Element Description
Inventory Account

The asset account to be used to hold the inventory balance resulting from transactions with the matrix items of the template item.

The account selected in this box should be configured as a control account for the inventory subledger. That is, for this account, IN should be selected in the Control Account Module column on the Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form. For more information on control accounts, see Control Accounts: General Information.

Inventory Sub. The subaccount to be used, along with the selected inventory account, for matrix items of the template item.
Reason Code Sub. The subaccount to be used with reason codes for transactions with matrix items of the template item. This subaccount is used as a source of segment values for reason code offset subaccounts that are generated according to the rules defined by using the Combine Offset Sub. from box on the Reason Codes (CS211000) form. This subaccount's segment values are used for those segments of the reason code subaccounts that have the Inventory (I) option selected in the Combine Offset Sub. from box.
Sales Account The income account to be used for matrix items of the template item to record sales.
Sales Sub. The subaccount to be used, along with the sales account, for matrix items of the template item to record sales.
COGS Account The expense account to be used for matrix items of the template item to record the cost of goods sold (COGS) once the sales order is released.
COGS Sub. The subaccount to be used, along with the COGS account, for matrix items of the template item.
Standard Cost Variance Account The expense account to be used for matrix items of the template item to record any differences between the currently effective standard cost and the cost on the bill for the specified quantities of the matrix items of the template item. This account will be used only if these matrix items are assigned the standard cost valuation method.
Standard Cost Variance Sub. The subaccount to be used, along with the standard cost variance account, for matrix items of the template item.
Standard Cost Revaluation Account The expense account to be used for matrix items of the template item to record the differences in inventory value estimated by using the pending standard cost and the currently effective standard cost for the quantities on hand of the matrix items of the template item. Revaluation is performed when standard costs are updated—that is, when the currently effective standard cost becomes the last standard cost, and the pending cost becomes the effective standard cost. This account will be used only if these matrix items are assigned the standard cost valuation method.
Standard Cost Revaluation Sub. The subaccount to be used, along with the standard cost revaluation account, for matrix items of the template item.
PO Accrual Account

The liability account to be used for matrix items of the template item to accrue amounts in purchase orders related to the matrix items of the template item. Whenever receipts linked to purchase orders are released, the system generates transactions between the purchase order accrual account and the inventory account.

The account selected in this box should be configured as a control account for the purchase orders subledger. That is, for this account, PO should be selected in the Control Account Module column on the Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form. For more information on control accounts, see Control Accounts: General Information.

PO Accrual Sub. The subaccount to be used, along with the purchase order accrual account, for matrix items of the template item.
Purchase Price Variance Account The expense account to be used for matrix items of the template item to record any differences between the extended price on the purchase receipt and the extended price on the AP bill. This account is used if these matrix items are assigned any of the valuation methods except for the standard cost valuation method.
Purchase Price Variance Sub. The subaccount to be used, along with the purchase price variance account, for matrix items of the template item.
Landed Cost Variance Account The expense account to be used for matrix items of the template item to record the landed cost difference that occurred if landed costs are allocated to an item that has been sold.
Landed Cost Variance Sub. The subaccount to be used, along with the landed cost variance account, for matrix items of the template item.
Deferral Account

The account to be used to hold the deferral amount until it is fully recognized. The account type should be specified as follows:

  • A liability account for a deferral code of the revenue type
  • An asset account for a deferral code of the expense type

The account selected in this box should be configured as a control account for the deferred revenue subledger. That is, for this account, DR should be selected in the Control Account Module column on the Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form. For more information on control accounts, see Control Accounts: General Information.

Deferral Sub. The subaccount to be used with the deferral account.

Description Tab

On this tab, you can create a default description that will be used for the matrix items of the template item. This description may include tables, images, and web links, in addition to text.

Configuration Tab

On this tab, you can view the attributes that can be used for matrix items, view and change the attributes that are displayed in the columns and rows of a matrix that displays items, and view and modify the settings of the inventory ID and description for the matrix items of the template item.

Table 19. Attributes SectionIn the table of this section, you can view the list of attributes that have been copied from the item class selected for this template item.
Column Description
Attribute The attribute available for this template item.
Required A check box that indicates (if selected) that the attribute value is required for matrix items of the template item.
Category The attribute category, which is one of the following:
  • Attribute: The attribute is a general attribute that is not intended to be used for generating matrix items.
  • Variant: The attribute is used for generating matrix items.
Value The value of the attribute for the template item. The value you specify in this column is used as the default value of the attribute for all matrix items of the template item.

You can specify the value for attributes of the Attribute category only.


A check box that indicates (if selected) that the attribute will be used when you generate matrix items for this template item.

This check box becomes unavailable for editing if at least one matrix item has been generated for the template item.

Below the table, the Attributes section also includes the following elements, which you use to select the default attributes to be displayed in columns and rows of the matrix.
Element Description
Default Column Attribute ID The default attribute whose values the system displays in the columns of the matrix table when you generate matrix items of the template item by invoking the Item Creation action on the form toolbar of this form or when you select matrix items of the template item on sales and purchase orders.
Default Row Attribute ID The default attribute whose values the system displays in the rows of the matrix table when you generate matrix items of the template item by invoking the Create Matrix Items action on the form toolbar of this form or when you select matrix items of the template item on sales and purchase orders.
Image The image that will be used as the template item image when the matrix items is imported to eCommerce stores by using the template item.
Table 20. Inventory ID Segment Settings Section

This section consists of a table in which you can configure the segments the system will use to construct the identifiers of the new matrix items based on the template item. You can view and modify the settings of segments that have already been added to the table. (These changes will not affect existing matrix items). Each identifier is constructed by using the segments defined in this table in the order in which they are listed.

In the table footer, you can view a sample inventory ID generated based on the settings specified in the table, which can help you determine whether the specified settings are resulting in the intended identifiers.

The maximum length of all segments, including separators, must be equal to the maximum length of the INVENTORY segmented key defined on the Segmented Keys (CS202000) form.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Element Description
Segment Type The segment type, which is one of the following:
  • Template ID: The identifier of the template item. If this type is selected, the system copies the number of characters (left to right) specified for the row from the template ID, which is specified in the Summary area of the current form. For example, if the template ID is FRUIT and the number of characters specified for this row is 3, FRU will be used as the segment in the generated identifiers.
  • Template Description: The description of the template item. If this type is selected, the system copies the number of characters (left to right) specified for the row from the template description, which is specified in the Summary area of the current form.
  • Attribute Caption: The identifier of the particular attribute assigned to the template item. If you select this type, in the Attribute ID column, you select the identifier of the attribute that will be used in the segment. The system copies the number of characters (left to right) specified for the row from the attribute identifier.
  • Attribute Value: The value of the particular attribute assigned to the template item. If you select this type, in the Attribute ID column, you select the identifier of the attribute whose value will be used. The system copies the number of characters (left to right) specified for the row from the attribute value.
  • Constant: A specific constant that is the same in all inventory IDs. If this option is selected, the constant should be entered in the Constant column of the row.
  • Space
  • Auto Number: A number that is changed automatically based on a particular numbering sequence, which you specify in the Numbering ID column of this row.
Attribute ID

The attribute identifier that provides values for the segment.

This column is available for the attribute identifier to be selected only if Attribute Value or Attribute Caption is selected in the Segment Type column of this row.

Constant The constant text to be used in the segment. You can specify a constant value in this column only if Constant is selected in the Segment Type column.
Numbering ID

The identifier of the numbering sequence that is used in the segment. You can select a numbering sequence in this column only if Auto Number is selected in the Segment Type column.

You can manage numbering sequences by using the Numbering Sequences (CS201010) form.

Number of Characters The maximum number of characters in the segment. If the segment value exceed this number, the system cuts the value so that is has the specified length left to right. If the segment value contains less characters than the value of this column, the system adds spaces to the right of the value.
Use Space as Separator A check box that indicates (if selected) that a space is used as a separator between this and the next segments.

The character that is used as a separator between this segment and the next segment.

If the Use Space as Separator check box is selected, this column is unavailable for editing; a space will be used as a separator between this segment and the one listed in the following row.

Add Spaces The check box which indicates that the system adds spaces to the values of the inventory ID or description segment of the matrix items if the values of the segments contain fewer characters than the number specified in the Number of Characters column. If check box is cleared, the system always displays the values of the inventory ID and description segments of matrix items without additional spaces.
Table 21. Description Segment Settings Section

This section consists of a table in which you can configure the segments the system will use to construct the descriptions of the matrix items based on the template item. You can view and modify the settings of segments that have already been added to the table. (These changes will not affect existing matrix items). Each description is constructed by using the segments defined in this table in the order in which they are listed.

In the table footer, you can view a sample description generated based on the settings specified in the table, which can help you determine whether the specified settings are resulting in the intended descriptions.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Element Description
Segment Type The segment type, which is one of the following:
  • Template ID: The identifier of the template item. If this type is selected, the system copies the number of characters (left to right) specified for the row from the template ID, which is specified in the Summary area of the current form. For example, if the template ID is FRUIT and the number of characters specified for this row is 3, FRU will be used as the segment in the generated identifiers.
  • Template Description: The description of the template item. If this type is selected, the system copies the number of characters (left to right) specified for the row from the template description, which is specified in the Summary area of the current form.
  • Attribute Caption: The identifier of the particular attribute assigned to the template item. If you select this type, in the Attribute ID column, you select the identifier of the attribute that will be used in the segment. The system copies the number of characters (left to right) specified for the row from the attribute identifier.
  • Attribute Value: The value of the particular attribute assigned to the template item. If you select this type, in the Attribute ID column, you select the identifier of the attribute whose value will be used. The system copies the number of characters (left to right) specified for the row from the attribute value.
  • Constant: A specific constant that is the same in all inventory IDs. If this option is selected, the constant should be entered in the Constant column of the row.
  • Space
  • Auto Number: A number that is changed automatically based on a particular numbering sequence, which you specify in the Numbering ID column of this row.
Attribute ID

The attribute identifier that provides values for the segment.

This column is available for the attribute identifier to be selected only if Attribute Value or Attribute Caption is selected in the Segment Type column of this row.

Constant The constant text to be used in the segment. You can specify a constant value in this column only if Constant is selected in the Segment Type column.
Numbering ID

The identifier of the numbering sequence that is used in the segment. You can select a numbering sequence in this column only if Auto Number is selected in the Segment Type column.

You can manage numbering sequences by using the Numbering Sequences (CS201010) form.

Number of Characters The maximum number of characters in the segment. If the segment value exceed this number, the system cuts the value so that is has the specified length left to right. If the segment value contains less characters than the value of this column, the system adds spaces to the right of the value.
Use Space as Separator A check box that indicates (if selected) that a space is used as a separator between this and the next segments.

The character that is used as a separator between this segment and the next segment.

If the Use Space as Separator check box is selected, this column is unavailable for editing; a space will be used as a separator between this segment and the one listed in the following row.

Add Spaces The check box which indicates that the system adds spaces to the values of the inventory ID or description segment of the matrix items if the values of the segments contain fewer characters than the number specified in the Number of Characters column. If check box is cleared, the system always displays the values of the inventory ID and description segments of matrix items without additional spaces.

Item Creation Tab

On this tab, you can select the attributes the system will use for generating new matrix items based on the selected template item. When you have selected all the needed settings for matrix items, you click the Create Matrix Items button on the form toolbar to create matrix items.

This tab offers the same functionality as the Create Matrix Items (IN203500) form.
Table 22. Selection Area

The Selection area contains boxes that you use to select the column and row attribute identifiers the system will use to generate the matrix.

Element Description
Column Attribute ID The identifier of the attribute whose values the system displays in the columns of the matrix table when you create matrix items for the template item.

By default, the system populates this box with the value of the Default Column Attribute ID box on the Configuration tab.

Row Attribute ID The identifier of the attribute whose values the system displays in the rows of the matrix table when you create matrix items for the template item.

By default, the system populates this box with the value of the Default Row Attribute ID box on the Configuration tab.

Additional Attributes table A table that displays the attributes with the Variant category that were assigned to the template item in the Attributes table on the Congiguration tab and were not selected as column or row attributes. For each attribute in this table, you must select the value that the system will use for creating matrix items.
Table 23. Matrix Table

In this table, the values of the attribute selected in the Column Attribute ID box are displayed in the columns of the matrix, and the values of the attribute selected in the Row Attribute ID box are displayed in the rows of the matrix. In each cell of the table, to create an item with the combination of attribute values in the column and the row, you select the check box. You can also use the Select Column and Select Row check boxes (described below) to cause all the check boxes in a particular column or row, respectively, to be selected.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Element Description
Select Column A row in which you select a check box if you want to create items with all attribute values specified in rows of this column. If you select a check box in a column, all check boxes in this column become selected.
Select Row A column in which you select a check box if you want to create items with all attribute values specified in columns of this row. If you select a check box in any row, all check boxes in this row become selected.

Update Settings

On this tab, you can add fields and attributes that will be excluded from the update of matrix items by specifying the required values in the Fields Excluded from Update and Attributes Excluded from Update sections.

Table 24. Fields Excluded from Update Table ColumnsIn this table, you can list all fields that will be excluded from the update of matrix items.
Column Description
Table Name The name of a table that is available for the matrix items on the this form.
Field Name The database field of the table that can be updated.
Table 25. Attributes Excluded from Update Table ColumnsIn this table, you can list all attributes that will be excluded from the update of matrix items. Only attributes with the Attribute category that are specified for the template item on the Attributes tab of the Item Classes (IN201000) form can be excluded from the update.
Column Description
Attribute The attribute available for this template item. Only attributes with the Attribute category can be selected.
Required A check box that indicates (if selected) that the attribute value is required for matrix items of the template item.
Category The attribute category. The category can only be Attribute.
Value The value of the attribute for the template item.

Matrix Items Tab

On this tab, you can view the table with the matrix items generated for the template item and delete particular matrix items from the system. The table columns display some basic settings of the matrix items, including their attributes with the Variant category.

Table 26. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Delete Deletes the selected matrix items from the system (that is, those for which you have selected the unlabeled check boxes).
Update Only Selected Items with Template Changes The check box indicates that only the selected matrix items—that is, the matrix items for which the unlabeled check box is selected in the table—are updated when you click the Update Matrix Items button on the form toolbar. If this check box is cleared, all matrix items in the list are updated when the you click the Update Matrix Items button.
Table 27. Table Columns
Column Description
Included An unlabeled check box that you can select to include the item among the items to be deleted if you click Delete on the table toolbar.
Inventory ID The identifier that has been generated for the matrix item.
Description The description that has been generated for the matrix item.
Default Warehouse

The default warehouse used to store the matrix item with the specified inventory ID if it is a stock item.

This box appears only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. If the Multiple Warehouses feature is disabled, the MAIN warehouse is the default warehouse.

Attribute One of the attributes with the Variant category that has been defined on the Configuration tab of the current form. Once matrix items have been created for the template item, the system includes one column for each of these attributes, and the attribute value of the matrix item is inserted in each row.
Item Class The item class to which the matrix item is assigned.
Tax Category The tax category of the item, which by default is the tax category associated with the template item.
MSRP The manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) of the matrix item.
Last Cost A read-only box showing the last standard cost defined for the matrix item.
Default Price The price of the matrix item. This price is used as the default price if there are no other prices (from any price list) defined for this item.
Stock Item A check box that indicates (if selected) that the item is a stock item. If the check box is cleared, the item is a non-stock item. The value of this check box is inherited from the Stock Item check box in the Summary area.

eCommerce Tab

This tab is available only if the Retail Commerce feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

On this tab, you can specify information that is related to selling the item in an online store, such as the availability and visibility of the item and the metadata to be used by search engines to find relevant information and display it in search results. When you export the item to the online store, the corresponding elements on the product information page in the control panel of the store are automatically populated with the information from this tab.

Element Description
Export to External System

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the template item is allowed to be exported to an external e-commerce system or systems.

If the Retail Commerce feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, when a template item is created, the state of this check box is determined by the state of the similar check box of the item class of the template item. You can override the default state of the check box for the template item, if necessary.

Visibility The visibility of the item in the online store. You can select one of the following options:
  • Store Default: The item visibility is set based on the default visibility configured in the store settings on the BigCommerce Stores (BC201000) form or on the Shopify Stores (BC201010) form.
  • Visible: The item is visible on the storefront immediately after synchronization with the store.
  • Featured: The item is visible on the storefront and is listed among featured products displayed on the front page of the store.
  • Invisible: The item is exported to the product list of the external e-commerce system but does not appear on the storefront.
Availability The availability of the item to be set in the online store. You can select one of the following values:
  • Store Default: The item availability is set based on the default availability configured in the store settings on the BigCommerce Stores (BC201000) form or on the Shopify Stores (BC201010) form.
  • Set as Available (Track Qty): The item is available, and the quantity of the item is tracked.
  • Set as Available (Don't Track Qty). The item is available, and the quantity of the item is not tracked.
  • Set as Pre-Order: The item is available for pre-order.
    Pre-order functionality is currently not supported in Shopify out of the box. If this option is selected and the item is synchronized with a Shopify store, the item will be available in the Shopify store and its quantity will not be tracked.
  • Do Not Update: The availability status and the available quantity of the item are not updated in the store.
  • Set as Unavailable: The item is disabled and is not available for purchasing in the online store.
When Qty Unavailable The action to be taken when there is no stock left. This box is available only if the Availability is set to Available - Track Qty. You can select one of the following values:
  • Store Default: The default option configured in the store settings on the BigCommerce Stores (BC201000) form or on the Shopify Stores (BC201010) should be applied.
  • Do Nothing: No action should be performed.
  • Set as Disabled: The item should be disabled and made unavailable for purchasing.
  • Set as Pre-Order/Continue Selling: The item should be made available for pre-order (in BigCommerce) or for purchasing (in Shopify).
Custom URL The custom URL of the product page in the online store.
Page Title The text to be included in the <title> tag in the HTML code of the product page.
Search Keywords The keywords and search terms that are relevant to the information about the item. Search keywords are used when a customer searches from within the online store.
Meta Keywords The values, which should be separated by commas, to be included in the <meta> tag in the HTML code of the product page;
Meta Description The description to be included in the <meta> tag in the HTML code of the product page.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 28. Media URLs Table ColumnsIn this table, you can specify the links to images and videos of the product that you can display on the product page of your online store to engage customers.
Column Description

The URL of an image or a YouTube video of the item to be uploaded to the product page.

For a YouTube video, you can specify both the full URL or the Share URL.
Type The type of the media file. You can select either of the following values:
  • Image: The URL links to an image.
  • Video: The URL links to a YouTube video.