Company Tree

Form ID: (EP204061)

You use this form to create a hierarchy of workgroups in all branches of your company. When you create the hierarchy, consider the following aspects of the organization structure:

  • Whether it includes multiple branches
  • Whether you should follow actual approval work flows

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Company Tree Pane

In this pane, the existing workgroups are represented as nodes. You can click a node icon to the left of any workgroup to expand the node and view the hierarchical structure of the workgroup. Some workgroups have a one-level list of workgroups, while others can have multiple levels. You can click a node to view the group members in the Members table.

Buttons Description
Move Node Up Moves the selected node one position up in the list.
Move Node Down Moves the selected node one position down in the list.
Move Node Opens the Move Workgroup dialog box. In this dialog box, you can specify the destination node to which you want to move the workgroup.
Add Workgroup Creates a workgroup in the selected node.
Delete Workgroup Deletes the selected workgroup.
Table 1. Move Workgroup Dialog Box
Element Description
Move to The destination node to which you want to move the workgroup.
The dialog box includes the following buttons.
OK Moves the workgroup to the specified node and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Discards the specified settings and closes the dialog box.

Workgroup Details Pane

This pane contains the name of the workgroup selected in the Company Tree pane and a list of the members included in the workgroup.

Element Description
Description The name of the workgroup.

Members Table

This table displays the complete list of the workgroup's members.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Contact The display name of the contact associated with the employee.
Employee ID The identifier of an employee who is a member of the workgroup.
Position The employee position in the company.
Department The department of the employee.
Membership Type An indication of what kind of member, Permanent or Temporary, the selected employee is in the workgroup.
Owner A check box that indicates (if selected) that this member is the owner in the workgroup—that is, a user who, by default, is assigned work items assigned to the workgroup.
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that the user is an active member of the selected workgroup.