T5018 Report Details

Form ID: (AP407600)

This inquiry form shows a list of the documents whose amounts are included in the selected revision of the T5018 report. You can access this form directly or open it by clicking a link in the Amount to Report column on the Details tab of the Create T5018 E-File (AP507600) form.

This form appears in the system if the Canadian Localization feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Selection Area

You can use the settings in this area to narrow the range of documents listed in the table. The elements of this area are summarized below.

Element Description
Transmitter Required. The current company to which the user is signed in that is filing the T5018 returns.
T5018 Tax Year Required. The T5018 reporting year. By default, this box is empty. The list that is opened in the lookup table contains only the years for which a T5018 report has been generated.
Revision Required. The revision of the T5018 report. By default, 1 is selected.
Vendor Optional. The vendor that filed the T5018 report. The lookup box that is opened shows a list of vendors for which a T5018 report has been generated. By default, this box is empty. If you make no selection, the table will show the documents for all T5018 vendors.


The table shows a list of documents that fall within the specified criteria.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Type The type of the document.
Reference Nbr. The reference number of the document. You can click this link to review the document on a data entry form.
Payment Date The payment date of the document.
Vendor The full name of the vendor, which is specified in the Account Name box on the Vendors (AP303000) form.
Description The description of the document.
Amount The amount of the document, which is included in the T5018 report.