Incoming Documents

Form ID: (AP301110)

You use this form to submit for recognition one document or multiple documents at once by dragging the files to a dedicated part of the form, which is located between the form toolbar and the table. Also, you can click the area and upload the files by following the standard uploading steps (which depend on your browser).

Alternatively, you can submit for recognition multiple uploaded documents at once by selecting the unlabeled check boxes for these documents, or submit all the documents that are pending processing.

Documents are distributed between the following three tabs by their current status:

  • All Records: The tab lists all the uploaded documents regardless their status.
  • Pending Processing: The tab lists the documents with the Pending Processing status.
  • Processed: The tab lists the documents with the Processed status.
The recognition service has the following limitations for the submitted files:
  • The locale of a file should be en-us. For example, the service will recognize invoice dates as MM/DD/YYYY.
  • The maximum file size is 10 MB. The limit applies for manual and automatic submission of a PDF file.

The form is available if the AP Document Recognition Service feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

Button Description

Starts the recognition process for the uploaded PDF file with the Pending Recognition status which are selected in the table (that is, those for which you have selected the unlabeled check boxes in the table).

If the recognition process failed or was interrupted (for example, due to an unstable internet connection), the system assigns the uploaded document the Error status. You click the Recognize button again and the system restarts the recognition process.
Recognize All Starts the recognition process for uploaded PDF files with the Pending Recognition status that are listed in the table.
Search Vendor

Starts search for a vendor by its email address for a recognized document.

For details, see AP Documents from PDFs: Search for a Vendor by Email Address.

View History

Opens the History dialog box with the details of failed recognition attempts of a document. You can pass this information to a support engineer to help with the failure investigation.

The button is available for a document with the Error status in the Status box.

All Records Tab

On this tab, you can review and process all the uploaded documents.

Table columns on the other tabs of the form are the same.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Summary The name of the uploaded PDF file. Click the link to review or process the document on the Incoming Documents (AP301100) form.

The status of the document, which can be one of the following:

  • New: No PDF file has been submitted for recognition.
  • Pending Recognition: A PDF file has been uploaded to the system and is ready for recognition.
  • In Progress: Recognition of the uploaded PDF file is in progress.
  • Recognized: Recognition has been completed successfully, and the recognized data is ready for validation.
  • Error: Recognition has not been completed for some reason.
  • Processed: The AP document created using the recognized data has been saved in the system.
Document Link

A link to an existing AP document created using the recognized data on the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form.

Created Date A date when a document was uploaded.
From An email address from which a PDF file was submitted for recognition.
Recognized Vendor A recognized vendor of the document.
Recognized Amount A recognized amount of the document.
Owner A name of a user who uploaded a PDF file.

Side Panel

On the side panel, you can preview the PDF file attached to the document selected in the table. When you click the View PDF icon on the side panel, the system opens the PDF file on the right pane, which partially overlaps the screen. When you select another document in the table, the system updates the side panel view and displays the PDF file attached to the newly selected document.