Calculate Commissions

Form ID: (AR505500)

On this form, you can collect information about commissions payable to salespersons for the earliest open commission period.

Each invoice contains the commission details, which are calculated based on the number of salespersons associated with the invoice and their percentages. Commission earned can be collected over all the invoices or over the paid invoices only, depending on the Salesperson Commission By option selected on the Accounts Receivable Preferences (AR101000) form.

We recommend that you prepare commissions once per commission period, just before closing the period.

In commission calculation for the open commission period, all invoices that match the conditions of commission calculation and have dates earlier than the ending date of period are included. Thus, you need not recalculate commission for the period if some of the related documents are entered into the system later; they will be included in calculation for the next commission period. To repeat the process of preparing the commissions for the commission period if salespersons were incorrectly specified on invoices for the period, you must first void the prepared commissions by using the Close Commission Period (AR506500) form, and then prepare them again.

When the system calculates the commission amount, the cash discount taken in a credit memo is excluded from commission calculation if all of the following conditions are met:

  • On the Accounts Receivable Preferences form, Salesperson Commission By is set to Payment.
  • The credit memo has a cash discount and has been applied to a payment within the cash discount period.
  • The credit memo contains lines with a salesperson specified for whom commission has been configured.

Suppose that the commission percent is 2%, a $1,000 credit memo with a $30 cash discount is fully paid, the Paid Amount is $970, and the Cash Discount Taken is $30. In this case, the amount deducted from the commission is calculated as $970 * 2% = $19.40.

If commissions are calculated by payments, payment documents with the Balance Write-Off and Voided Balance Write-Off types are not included in the commission calculation. For example, if the invoice total is $1,000, $990 was paid, and $10 was written off, the $10 amount will be excluded from commission calculation.

The form is available if the Commissions feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Process All Initiates commission processing for the period.
Review Commission Period Navigates to the Close Commission Period (AR506500) form so that you can close the period for which commissions have been prepared.

Selection Area

In this area, you can view read-only information for the commission period, which is the oldest open period on the list of commission periods.

Element Description
Commission Period The period for which commissions should be collected. Commission periods are set on the Accounts Receivable Preferences (AR101000) form.
Status The status of the commission period. You can prepare commissions only for an open period.
From The start date of the commission period.
To The end date of the commission period.


This table displays the list of salespersons with their commissions calculated for the period specified in the upper area of the form.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Salesperson ID The identifier of the salesperson whose commission is shown in the line.
Name The name of the salesperson as it was specified on the Salespersons (AR205000) form.
Documents The number of documents involved.
Commissionable Amount The total amount of the documents that commission calculation was based on.
Commission Amount The total amount of commissions for the salesperson during the specified period.

The currency of the commissions.

The column appears on the form if the Multiple Base Currencies feature has been enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Average Commission % The average commission percent on the documents during the specified period.
Minimum Commission % The minimum commission percent during the specified period.
Maximum Commission % The maximum commission percent during the specified period.