Case Classes

Form ID: (CR206000)

By using this form, you can create and modify case classes, which are used to group cases with similar characteristics. When a user selects a case class on the Cases (CR306000) form, the system fills in the values specified for the selected case class. You can override these default values.

This form is available only if the Case Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

For details about the case classes, see Defining Case Classes.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

By using this area, you can create a new class or select an existing class to view or modify it. You can also select the work calendar that is used for the case class.

Element Description
Case Class ID The unique identifier of the case class. An alphanumeric string of up to 30 characters can be used.
Description The description of the case class.
Internal A check box that indicates (if selected) that the class is hidden from portal users and only back-end users can use it.
Work Calendar

The work calendar that is used for cases of the class. This calendar defines the company's working hours for fulfilling customer commitments and monitoring fulfillment times. By default, the 24H7WD calendar is selected.

In MYOB Acumatica, case management does not support calendars in which work time goes past midnight, although these calendars can be defined in the system. For example, if the start time of a particular work calendar on the Work Calendar form is set to 09:00 PM and the end time is set to 03:00 AM, the work calendar can be saved without any errors, but you cannot save the case class with this work calendar selected.
Workday Hours Read-only. The duration of the working day, expressed in hours and minutes, based on the selected calendar. The system copies this duration from the Work Calendar (CS209000) form.

Details Tab

You use this tab to specify overall settings for the class, including whether values for particular elements are required for a case of the class.

Table 1. Data Entry Settings Section
Element Description
Require Customer

A check box that indicates (if selected) that a customer ID must be selected for a case of the class.

This check box is selected and unavailable if the Billable or the Enable Billable Option Override check box is selected, because a customer is always required for case billing.

Require Contact A check box that indicates (if selected) that a contact ID must be selected for a case of the class.
Allow Selecting Employee as Case Contact

A check box that indicates (if selected) that for a case of a class, in the Contact box of the Cases (CR306000) form, the user can select a contact of the Employee type.

If a contact of this type is selected for a case, the system will insert the name of the employee's company in the Business Account box of the form. If the company has multiple branches, the name of the branch will be inserted instead of the company name.

Require Contract

A check box that indicates (if selected) that a contract ID must be selected for a case of the class.

This box is available only if the Contract Management feature (in the Advanced Financials group of features) is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

This check box is selected and unavailable if the Per Activity billing mode is selected, because a contract is always required in such cases.

Require Case Closure Notes A check box that indicates (if selected) that the user must fill in the Closure Notes box in the Close dialog box on the Cases (CR306000) form while closing a case of the class. By default, the check box is cleared.
Table 2. Billing Settings Section
Element Description

A check box that indicates (if selected) that a case of the class is marked as billable by default.

If the Billable and Enable Billable Option Override check boxes are cleared on the current form, the Billable and Manual Override check boxes on the Cases (CR306000) form are cleared and cannot be selected.

This check box is available only if the Per Case billing mode is selected on this tab.

Enable Billable Option Override

A check box that indicates (if selected) that for a case of the class, a user can override the default selection of the Billable check box on the Cases (CR306000) form.

If the Billable and Enable Billable Option Override check boxes are cleared on the current form, the Billable and Manual Override check boxes are cleared and cannot be selected on the Cases (CR306000) form.

This check box is available only if the Per Case billing mode is selected on this tab.

Billing Mode

The mode of case billing.

The following options are available:

  • Per Case: A case of this class can be billed after it is closed, and the total includes all the activities.
  • Per Activity: The cases of this class are billed on a per-activity basis. For example, you can use this option for large cases that cannot be closed by the end of the billing period so that your company’s accountants can bill activities associated with an ongoing case.

This setting is available only if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form; otherwise, the Per Case billing mode is automatically assigned to every new case class and cannot be changed.

Overtime Labor Item

The non-stock inventory item (of the Labor type) used as the source of accounts to be used for overtime labor of the type, as well as the source of labor cost and prices.

This box is available only if the Per Case billing mode is selected on this tab.

Labor Item

The non-stock inventory item (of the Labor type) used as the source of accounts to be used for labor of the type, as well as the source of labor cost and prices.

This box is available only if the Per Case billing mode is selected on this tab.

Min. Billable Time (hh:mm)

The number of hours and minutes that is used as the minimum interval for billing when the system calculates the billable time of a case of the class (or activity associated with a case of the class). One of the following predefined options can be selected from the list: 00:05, 00:10, 00:15, 00:20, 00:25, 00:30, 00:35, 00:40, 00:45, 00:50, 00:55, or 01:00. Alternatively, you can enter your own value.

For example, if your company's minimum billable time is a quarter of an hour, you should specify 00:15, and if it is an hour, you should specify 01:00.

Round Time By (hh:mm)

The number of minutes (00 hours are specified for all options) to which the total billable time for all related activities in the case will be rounded up if the result of dividing the total billable time by the value in this box is not an integer. One of the following predefined options can be selected from the list: 00:05, 00:10, 00:15, 00:20, 00:25, or 00:30. Alternatively, you can enter your own value. The time will always be rounded up to the next billable interval—that is, to a multiple of the value specified in this box.

For example, suppose that 00:15 (15 minutes) is specified in this box, and 01:00 (1 hour) is specified in the Min. Billable Time box. If you have spent 40 minutes on an activity, the total billable time of the activity is rounded up to 1 hour (because the minimum billable time is 1 hour). And with the same Round Time By and Min. Billable Time settings, if you have spent 1 hour and 20 minutes on an activity, the total billable time of the activity is rounded up to 1 hour and 30 minutes (because the system rounds up the total billable time to the next 15-minute interval).

Table 3. Activity Settings Section
Element Description
Default Email Account The system email account to be used for automatic emails related to cases.
Track Solutions in Activities

A check box that indicates (if selected) that if a user creates an activity, task, event, or email for a case of the class, the Case Solution Provided check box is available on the Activity (CR306010), Task (CR306020), Event (CR306030), or Email Activity (CR306015) form. The user can select the Case Solution Provided check box to indicate that in the activity, task, event, or email, a solution was provided for the case. By default, the current check box is cleared.

If the Track Solutions in Activities check box is selected, the Solution Provided In box is available on the CRM Info tab of the Cases (CR306000) form.

The system shows a warning message next to the check box if it is cleared and all of the following conditions are met on the Commitments tab of the current form:

  • In the Stop Counting Time box, If Case Solution Is Provided in Activity is selected.
  • At least one check box is selected for time tracking (in any of the Enable columns of any row).
Days Allowed to Reopen Case

The number of days during which Customer Portal users may reopen the case.

Leave the box blank if you want to give users the ability to reopen the cases at any time.

Commitments Tab

On this tab, you can activate time tracking and specify target commitment times for the following time periods at the case class level for each severity level of cases of the class: the initial response time, the response time, and the resolution time.

For each commitment to be tracked for the case class and severity, you can specify an additional time extension to meet case commitments in scenarios where the expected time to fulfill the commitment has been reduced (that is, the response or resolution must be delivered more quickly). For details, see Case Classes: Case Commitments.

The tab appears on the form only if the Case Commitments feature in the Experimental Features group of features is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Table 4. Resolution Time Section
Column Description
Stop Counting Time

The condition that causes the system to stop counting the resolution time for a case of the class. The following options are available:

  • If Case Becomes Inactive (default): The system stops tracking the resolution time for a case of the class when the status of the case has changed to Resolved or Released on the Cases (CR306000) form. (When the case has either status, the system clears the Active check box on the form.)
  • If Case Solution Is Provided in Activity: The system stops tracking the resolution time for a case of the class when a completed activity associated with the case was used to provide a case solution. That is, the system stops tracking the time when the Case Solution Provided check box is selected for the activity on Activity (CR306010), Task (CR306020), Event (CR306030), or Email Activity (CR306015) form.
Table 5. Table

In this table, the administrative user can add a row for any severity level that will be available for cases of the class. In each row, the administrative user can enable the times to be tracked, specify the target duration, and optionally, specify the applicable extension.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Severity The severity level of cases of the class to which the time commitments apply.
Enable with the Initial Response Time Tracking tooltip A check box that indicates (if selected) that the Target Initial Response Time and Initial Response Extension columns are available for editing. With the initial response time tracked, the system inserts the calculated time for each case of the class in the Initial Response Due box on the Cases (CR306000) form.
Target Initial Response Time The target duration (in days, hours, and minutes) within which the company is expected to respond to the initial request from a customer.
Initial Response Extension

The additional time (in days, hours, and minutes) your company has to handle the customer request if the commitment cannot be fulfilled according to the target initial response time after the severity or class of the case has been changed.

If the current column is empty and the Target Initial Response Time duration is entered for the first time, the system copies the duration from the Target Initial Response Time column into the current column.

Enable with the Response Time Tracking tooltip A check box that indicates (if selected) that the Target Response Time and Response Extension columns are available for editing. With the response time tracked, the system inserts the calculated time for each case of the class in the Response Due box on the Cases (CR306000) form.
Target Response Time The target duration (in days, hours, and minutes) within which the company is expected to respond to a customer's request regarding the case.
Response Extension

The additional duration (in days, hours, and minutes) your company has to handle the customer request if the commitment cannot be fulfilled according to the target response time after the severity or class of the case has been changed.

If the current column is empty and the Target Response Time duration is entered for the first time, the system copies the duration from the Target Response Time column into the current column.

Enable with the Resolution Time Tracking tooltip A check box that indicates (if selected) that the Target Resolution Time and Resolution Extension columns are available for editing. With the resolution time tracked, the system inserts the calculated time for each case of the class in the Resolution Due box on the Cases (CR306000) form.
Target Resolution Time The target duration (in days, hours, and minutes) within which the company is expected to resolve a case by providing a solution to a customer's request.
Resolution Extension

The additional time (in days, hours, and minutes) your company has to resolve the case if the commitment cannot be fulfilled according to the target resolution time after the severity or class of the case has been changed.

If the current column is empty and the Target Resolution Time duration is entered for the first time, the system copies the duration from the Target Resolution Time column into the current column.

Labor Items Tab

This tab is available only if the Per Activity billing mode has been selected on the Details tab of the current form.

On this tab, you can specify how your activities will be cost depending on which earning type you use. These settings override labor costs that may be defined for particular employees on the Employees (EP203000) form or for particular projects on the Projects (PM301000) form.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Earning Type The earning type for which you want to define the cost of labor.
Labor Item The inventory non-stock item to be used for calculation of labor costs.

Attributes Tab

Each case class has attributes that will be used as additional elements for cases of the class. For each attribute, you can specify whether it is required and what its position will be in the list of attributes for the class.

This tab contains the list of attributes associated with the class. You can select each attribute from the list of attributes defined to the system. To create a new attribute, use the Attributes (CS205000) form.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the attribute is available for all cases of the class.

You can deactivate an obsolete attribute by clearing the check box—in this case, the deactivated attribute will no longer be displayed for cases of the class, but all attribute values that have already been specified for existing records still will be stored in the database, so if you reactivate the attribute, its values will become visible in the system again.

Attribute ID The identifier of this attribute.
Description The detailed description of the attribute.
Sort Order The number that indicates the order of the attribute in the list of class attributes.
Required A check box that indicates (if selected) that this attribute is required for all the cases of the class.
Internal A check box that indicates (if selected) that the attribute is not available for Customer Portal users.
Control Type

The type of control to be used for the attribute.

The type is one of the following: Text, Combo, Multi Select Combo, Lookup, Checkbox, or Datetime.

Default Value The default value of the attribute.