Business Account Classes

Form ID: (CR208000)

In MYOB Acumatica, you can use business account classes as a source of additional elements to gather and store information—information that is specific to the needs of your company—about business accounts. These accounts, which also can be considered prospects, are created on the Business Accounts (CR303000) form.

Each business account class includes a list of attributes that you can use as additional elements for business accounts of the class. For each attribute, you can specify whether the attribute is required and what its position will be in the list of attributes for the class. For more details, see Managing Attributes and User-Defined Fields.

Form Toolbar

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Summary Area

You use the elements in this area to create or modify a business account class.

Element Description
Business Account Class ID The unique identifier of the business account class.
Internal A check box that indicates (if selected) that the business accounts of the class are hidden from Customer Portal users and that only internal MYOB Acumatica users can view the accounts.
Description A brief description of the business account class.

Details Tab

This tab contains elements that can determine how business accounts of the class are to be processed.

Table 1. Data Entry Settings Section
Element Description
Default Owner

An option that controls how the system determines the default owner of the business account to be inserted in the Owner box of the Business Accounts (CR303000) form (Summary area) for a newly created business account of the class.

You can leave this box blank if most business accounts of the class do not have the same type of owner, or you can select one of the following options:

  • Do Not Change (default): If the owner is already specified for the business account and a user changes the class in the Class box, the system does not clear or change the owner for this account. If no owner has been specified for the account and the user changes the class to a new business account class that has an owner, the system leaves the Owner box blank.
  • Creator: The system fills in the username of the employee who created the business account.
  • Assignment Map: The system fills in the owner based on the assignment map of the business account class, which is also specified in this section.
  • From Source Entity: If a business account has been created from another entity (such as a contact), the system copies the owner and workgroup (if specified) from the source entity.

If this box is left empty for the business account class, the system will not insert a default owner or workgroup for a new account of the class.

The user can override the default option for any business account.

Assignment Map

The assignment map that is used to assign the default owner and workgroup to a newly created business account of this class on the Business Accounts (CR303000) form.

This box is available only if the Assignment Map option is selected in the Default Owner box. If you specify an assignment map in this box, the assignment map specified for the business account class overrides the assignment map specified in the Business Account Assignment Map box on the General tab of the Customer Management Preferences (CR101000) form (Assignment Settings section).

If the option in the Default Owner box of the current form is Assignment Map and no option has been selected in the Assignment Map box of this form, you cannot save the business account class and the system displays an error message.
Table 2. Email Settings Section
Element Description
Default Email Account

The system email account to be used for communication with business accounts of the class.

If a value is specified in the Default Email Account box of the Email Settings tab of the User Profile (SM203010) form, the system ignores the value specified in this box. The system email account specified in this box overrides the value that is specified in the Account Name column of the Email Preferences (SM204001) form.

Table 3. Financial Settings Section
Element Description
Currency ID

The currency of the class.

If a currency is specified for the a default business account class that is specified on the Customer Management Preferences (CR101000) form, this currency is inserted in this box by default, but you can override it.

When you create a business account and select this business account class, the currency of this class is copied to the Currency ID box on the Business Accounts (CR303000) form for the business account. You can change the currency if the Multicurrency Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and at least one currency that differs from the base currency is set up to be used for accounting on the Currencies (CM202000) form.

Enable Currency Override

A check box that indicates (if selected) that you can override the currency of the class for a particular business account of this class.

If a default business account class is specified on the Customer Management Preferences (CR101000) form, the state of this check box for that class is copied to this business account class by default, but you can override it.

When you create a business account and select this business account class, the state of this check box is copied to the Enable Currency Override check box on the Business Accounts (CR303000) form for the business account.

Attributes Tab

This tab contains a table with the list of attributes that are associated with the business account of the selected class. You can select an attribute from the list of attributes defined in your system. To create a new attribute, use the Attributes (CS205000) form.

Table 4. Table

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the attribute is available for all business accounts of the class.

You can deactivate an obsolete attribute by clearing the check box—in this case, the deactivated attribute will no longer be displayed for business accounts of the class, but all attribute values that have already been specified for existing records still will be stored in the database, so if you re-activate the attribute, its values will become visible in the system again.

Attribute ID The name of the attribute, which serves as its identifier. An alphanumeric string of up to 10 characters may be used.
Description A detailed description of the attribute. Use an alphanumeric string of up to 50 characters.
Sort Order A number that represents the order of the attribute for sorting in reports.
Required A check box that indicates (if selected) that the attribute value is required for all business accounts of the class.
Internal A check box that indicates (if selected) that the attribute is not available for portal users.
Control Type The type of control for the attribute: Text, Combo, Multi Select Combo, Lookup, Checkbox, or Datetime.
Default Value The default value of the attribute.

Mailing & Printing Tab

This tab contains the list of the mailings for business accounts of the class.

When a new business account class is created, the system copies to the class all the rows of the Mailings and Recipients tables of the Mailing & Printing tab of theCustomer Management Preferences (CR101000) form. You can deactivate or delete any of these rows and override some of their default settings.

You can add mailings for the business account class if they are in the list of mailings specified on the Customer Management Preferences (CR101000) form. When you select a mailing in the Mailing ID column, the values in the other columns are copied from the corresponding columns of the Customer Management Preferences (CR101000) form, but you can override some values.

If you add a mailing to a business account class, the system copies the mailing and its settings to all business accounts of this class.

The tab includes the Mailings table, with the list of mailings, and the Recipients table, with the list of recipients.

Table 5. Mailings TableBy using this table, you can view and modify the list of mailings to be available by default for business account classes. The settings here are used as follows:
  • To provide default values for mailing settings for sales contacts
  • To specify the mailings to be used to inform employees of your company, if needed, about changes in the documents of sales contacts

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that this mailing is active. Emails will be sent for only active mailings.
Mailing ID

The unique identifier of the mailing.

After you select the mailing ID from the list of available mailing IDs, you cannot change it. The list of available mailings consists of those included in the list of predefined mailings defined on the Customer Management Preferences (CR101000) form.


Read-only. The branch for which this mailing is defined.

If you select a mailing ID for which a branch is specified on the Customer Management Preferences (CR101000) form, the system inserts this branch in the column.

Email Account The system email account to be used by default for sending emails for this mailing to customers of the class. If no account is specified, the default system account will be used.
Report The report to be used by default as the email body for the mailing.
Email Template The email template to be used for generating personalized emails for this mailing.

The format in which the report, if a report is used, will be sent by default if a recipient has no preferences.

One of the following options may be selected: HTML, Excel, or PDF.


The way the system specifies recipients in the generated email.

The following options are available:

  • Add Recipients: On the generation of an email to which these settings apply, the system will copy the recipients specified for the selected notification template, if one has been specified for the mailing, and from the Recipients table on this tab. The Recipients table is populated with the values specified on the Mailing & Printing tab of the Customer Management Preferences (CR101000) form, and you can add any number of extra recipients to the table.
  • Override Recipients: On the generation of an email to which these settings apply, the recipients will be copied only from the Recipients table on this tab. With this option selected, you can modify the list of recipients in the Recipients table as needed. The recipients specified in the notification template or report associated with the mailing will not be included in the generated email.
Table 6. Recipients Table

You use this table to view and modify the list of default recipients for mailings. This list is used primarily to provide default contact types; if necessary, you can also specify an employee of your company to receive electronic copies of documents of sales contacts.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that this contact or contact type is active. Only active recipients will receive emails for the mailing.
Contact Type

The source of the email address.

You can select one of the following options:

  • Account Email: The system uses the email address specified in the Additional Account Info section of the General tab of the Business Accounts (CR303000) form.
  • Employee: The system uses the email address of the employee of your company who handles the documents of sales contacts.
  • Contact: The system uses the email address of the business account's contact.
  • Account Location Email: The system uses the email address of the contact specified as the business account's ship-to contact.
Contact ID

The mailing recipient.

A recipient can be specified only if Contact or Employee has been specified in the Contact Type column. This recipient will by default receive emails with documents of all business accounts of the class.


The format in which the document (formatted according to the selected report if applicable) will be sent for recipients of this type by default.

One of the following options may be specified: HTML, Excel, or PDF.

Add To The To, CC, and BCC options, which are available in this column, determine the element in which the recipient will be included in the generated email.