Validate Addresses

Form ID: (CR509020)

Attention: The form is available only if the Address Validation Integration feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and integration with an address validation provider is configured.

On this form, you can run validation of multiple addresses at once, to reduce the time and effort needed to validate business account addresses.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Validate Starts the validation process for the selected business accounts in the table.
Validate All Starts the validation process for all business accounts listed in the table.

Selection Area

By using the elements of this section, you can narrow the list of business accounts to be listed in the table (and possibly selected for validation) by the country, type, and status of the business accounts. The following table summarizes the elements of this area.

Element Description

The identifier of the country for which records should be listed in the table.

The system displays only countries for which address validation by a third-party provider has been configured. A country is available for selection if on the Countries/States (CS204000) form for the country, the Address Validation Plug-In box contains an address validation plug-in that has been configured on the Address Providers (CS103000) form.

Customer/Vendor Type

The type of the business accounts whose records should be listed in the table.

In this box, you can select one of the following options:

  • Vendor: A business account of a vendor
  • Customer: A business account of a customer
  • Customer & Vendor: An account that is both a vendor and a customer
  • Business Account: A prospective customer account that has not been extended as customer or vendor yet
  • Branch: A branch of a company which has been configured on the Companies (CS101500) form with With Branches Not Requiring Balancing or With Branches Requiring Balancing type.
Customer/Vendor Status

The status of the business accounts whose records should be listed in the table.

In this box, you can select one of the following options:

  • Prospect: A prospective customer that may be interested in signing a contract but has not made a purchase from your company yet.
  • Active: A business account that is active and appears in all Business Account (and Customer or Vendor, if the business account is also a customer or vendor) lookup tables.
  • On Hold: A business account that has been placed on hold temporarily and does not appear in all Business Account (and Customer or Vendor, if the business account is also a customer or vendor) lookup tables.
  • Credit Hold: A business account and customer (which may also be a vendor) that has been put on credit hold, which prevents users from creating any new sales orders for it.
  • One-Time: A business account that is purchasing from the company only once. This business account becomes inactive after all the payments for this sale have been received.
  • Inactive: A business account that is inactive and does not appear in Business Account (and Customer or Vendor, if the business account is also a customer or vendor) lookup tables.
Override Addresses Automatically

A check box that indicates (if selected) that when an address is validated, the system automatically replaces the incorrect address or postal code (or both) with the correct address data returned by the validation plug-in and marks the address as validated.


This table displays the business accounts that meet the selection criteria you have specified. You can validate all the business accounts listed in the table or only those for which you select the Selected check box before clicking Validate.

The table has the following columns.
Column Description

An unlabeled check box that you select to include this address in processing if you click Validate.

Customer/Vendor The identifier of the business account.
Name The name of the business account.

The type of the business account.

This column contains one of the following options:

  • Vendor: A business account of a vendor
  • Customer: A business account of a customer
  • Customer & Vendor: An account that is both a vendor and a customer
  • Business Account: A prospective customer account that has not been extended as customer or vendor yet
  • Branch: A branch of a company which has been configured on the Companies (CS101500) form with With Branches Not Requiring Balancing or With Branches Requiring Balancing type.

The status of the business account.

This column contains one of the following options:

  • Prospect: A prospective customer that may be interested in signing a contract but has not made a purchase from your company yet.
  • Active: A business account (that is active and appears in all Business Account (and Customer or Vendor, if the business account is also a customer or vendor) lookup tables.
  • On Hold: A business account that has been placed on hold temporarily and does not appear in all Business Account (and Customer or Vendor, if the business account is also a customer or vendor) lookup tables.
  • Credit Hold: A business account and customer (which may also be a vendor) that has been put on credit hold, which prevents users from creating any new sales orders for it.
  • One-Time: A business account that is purchasing from the company only once. This business account becomes inactive after all the payments for this sale have been received.
  • Inactive: A business account that is inactive and does not appear in Business Account (and Customer or Vendor, if the business account is also a customer or vendor) lookup tables.
Address Line 1 The first line of the address.
Address Line 2 The second line of the address.
City The city of the business account.
State The state or province of the business account.
Postal Code The postal code of the business account.
Country The country of the business account.