Assign Opportunities

Form ID: (CR503110)

On this form, you can perform mass assignment of unassigned opportunities. For this assignment, the system uses the assignment map specified for opportunities on the Customer Management Preferences (CR101000) form.

An opportunity is displayed on the form if the Active check box is selected for it on the CRM Info tab of the Opportunities(CR304000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Process Initiates the assignment process for the records that you have selected in the table.
Process All Initiates the assignment process for all records listed in the table.


This table contains the list of all available opportunities.

Column Description
Selected An unlabeled check box that you select to include the record in processing if you click Process.
Opportunity ID The identifier of the opportunity.
Subject The subject or description of the opportunity.

The status of the opportunity.

This box contains one of the following options:

  • New: The opportunity has been created, but no work has been done on it yet.
  • Open: The opportunity is being worked on by a sales team.
  • Won: The deal has been successfully closed.
  • Lost: The deal has been canceled.

The reason the status of the opportunity has been changed.

The options that can be specified in this box (and the statuses of the opportunity that correspond to these options) are the following:

  • Created: The opportunity has been created but has not yet been processed. An opportunity with this reason has the New status.
  • Converted from Lead: The opportunity has been converted from the lead. An opportunity with this reason has the New status.
  • Qualified: The opportunity has been qualified by the sales team. An opportunity with this reason has the New or Open status.
  • In Process: The opportunity is being worked on. An opportunity with this reason has the Open status.
  • Order Placed: The customer has placed an order. An opportunity with this reason has the Won status.
  • Price: The opportunity has been won or lost mostly because of the proposed price on your product or service. An opportunity with this reason has the Won or Lost status respectively.
  • Relationship: The opportunity has been won or lost because of the relationship that your staff has been established or not with the customer. An opportunity with this reason has the Won or Lost status respectively.
  • Technology: The opportunity has been won or lost because the customer is satisfied or not with technology that will be used for the deal. An opportunity with this reason has the Won or Lost status respectively.
  • Other: The opportunity has been won or lost for a reason that is not included in this list. An opportunity with this reason has the Won or Lost status respectively.
  • Company Maturity: The opportunity has been lost because the client is not sure about the reliability of the company in the future. For example, the contact might mention that the company is too new or does not yet have a well-known brand name. An opportunity with this reason has the Lost status.

The current stage of the opportunity.

The following predefined options may be available, as well as any custom stage that has been defined for the opportunity class:

  • Prospect: The contact or business account associated with the opportunity is a known prospect, but it is not clear whether this prospect is interested in the offered products or services.
  • Nurture: A salesperson is collecting information about the prospect or customer's interest in products and services; the salesperson may also be negotiating with the prospect or customer. This stage may be useful if your company decides not to use leads.
  • Qualification: A salesperson is determining the prospect or customer's interest in purchasing particular products or services.
  • Development: A salesperson is clarifying the prospect or customer's requirements for products or services, as well as the budget, delivery schedule, and project scope (if applicable).
  • Solution: A salesperson is negotiating with the prospect or customer about the content of the solution (proposal) and the set of products or services that the prospect or customer wants to buy. The salesperson is creating product demonstrations or other evaluation tools, and the prospect or customer is evaluating the products or services.
  • Proof: A salesperson has developed a solution (that is, a proposal), and the prospect or customer is evaluating the solution. The salesperson may select a primary sales quote at this stage.
  • Negotiation: A salesperson and the prospect or customer are negotiating the prices, discounts, and terms of the proposed deal.
  • Won: The prospect or customer has accepted the proposal and is ready to sign the contract or place an order (or has already done this). Some companies prefer to advance the opportunity to this stage only after the invoice has been issued, or even after a payment has been received.
Probability The probability of the deal closure.
Last Incoming Activity The date of the latest incoming activity that is associated with the opportunity.
Last Outgoing Activity The date of the latest outgoing activity that is associated with the opportunity.
Last Activity Date The date of the most recent update of an activity that is associated with the opportunity (if any).
Estimated Close Date The estimated date of the deal closure.
Currency The currency of the potential deal.
Total The total of the potential deal.
Class ID The identifier of the business account class that the prospective customer belongs to.
Source The source of the opportunity.
Business Account The unique identifier of the business account that the opportunity is associated with.
Account Name The legal business name of the business account associated with the opportunity.
Parent Business Account The identifier of the parent account associated with the opportunity (if any).
Parent Business Account Name The name of the parent account associated with the opportunity.
Workgroup The workgroup associated with the opportunity.
Owner The employee that is assigned to the opportunity.
Date Created The date when the opportunity was created.
Last Modified Date The date when the opportunity was last updated.