Mass Emails

Form ID: (CR308000)

By using this form, you can prepare a mass email and send it to the intended audience: selected leads, mailing list members, or campaign members. To personalize the emails, you can insert the recipient's data into the text of the email by using placeholders. Before sending the mass email, you can test it by sending a preview email to one of your email accounts.

You can create an email from scratch by using this form, or you can use an email template prepared using the Email Templates (SM204000) form. By using predefined templates, you can save time.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Preview Message Opens the Preview Message dialog box, which you can use to send an email to one of your available email accounts to test the email's settings and appearance. The system uses the data of the first recipient for generating the test email.

Opens Send Mass Email dialog box, where you can confirm or cancel the sending.

Select Template

Opens the Select Template dialog box, where you can select the notification template whose content will replace or be appended to the text entered in the Subject box and on the Message tab of the mass email.

The button is available if the selected email activity has the On Hold status.

Table 1. Preview Message Dialog BoxYou use this dialog box, which the system opens when you click Preview Message on the form toolbar, to specify the account to which the test email will be sent. The dialog box has the following elements.
Element Description
From By default, the From value specified on the Summary tab for the mass email. You can select another system address.
To The email address to receive the email that you will preview.
This dialog box has the following buttons.
OK Sends the email to the specified account.
Cancel Cancels the operation and closes the dialog box.
Table 2. Send Mass Email Dialog Box
Element Description
Update List Members in the Campaign Before Sending

A check box that you select to refresh the list of members in campaigns before sending the emails.

The check box is available if the Campaigns option is selected in the Source box of the form.

The dialog box has the following buttons.
Send A button you click to send the emails to all intended recipients.
Cancel A button you click to close the dialog box without sending the emails.
Table 3. Select Template Dialog Box

The template to be used for this email, which you can select from the list of available templates prepared using the Email Templates (SM204000) form.

Replace Email ContentsA check box that you select if you want to replace the text that is already in the Subject and Message boxes with the information from the selected template. Otherwise, the system will append the information from the template to the existing text.
The dialog box has the following buttons.
SelectA button you click to insert information from the selected source and close the dialog box.
CancelA button you click to close the dialog box without any changes being made to the email.

Summary Tab

This tab provides elements that you can use to configure the mass email. Also, you can use the text editor to create the text of the email and to personalize it, if needed.

Once you select the data source for the mass email in the Source box—Marketing Lists, Campaigns, or Leads/Contacts/Employees—you can use the appropriate tab to select recipients by a particular mailing list or campaign, or you can define the criteria to select the recipients among leads, contacts, and employees.

Element Description
Mass Mail ID The ID of the mass mail, which the system generates based on the Mass Mail Numbering Sequence specified on the Customer Management Preferences (CR101000) form.
From Required. The system email address to be used to send the emails. You can select the address from the list of configured email addresses for the system.
Subject Required. The subject of the email. Type a subject for the email and include a placeholder, if needed. For example, if you want to inform the customers about the statuses of their cases, you can include in the email subject the placeholder that designates the date of the last activity on the case.
To Required. The email address of the recipient. You can include a placeholder for the email addresses of potential recipients: mailing list members, contacts, leads, or employees.
CC Any additional email addresses of persons who will receive a copy of the email, or placeholders for the email addresses of such persons.
BCC Any additional placeholders for the email addresses of persons who will receive a copy of the email or particular email addresses. These addresses will be hidden to the other recipients of the email.
Source The source of the information about email recipients to be used for this mass mail. Select one of the following sources: Marketing Lists, Campaigns, or Leads/Contacts/Employees. The selected option defines the list of recipients and some drop-down lists of available options.
Planned The date when you plan to send this mass mail. No functionality is associated with this informational setting.
Status The status of the mass mail. Select one of the following options: On Hold, Prepared, or Sent.
Sent The date when the mass mail was sent.

Marketing List Tab

This tab, which is available when the Marketing List option is selected as the Source box of the Summary tab, has a table showing the marketing lists defined in the system. You can select the lists whose members should receive the mass email by selecting the unlabeled check box in the row with each list.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Selected An unlabeled check box that indicates (if selected) that the members of this mailing list will receive the mass email.
Marketing List ID The identifier of the mailing list.
List Name The descriptive name of the mailing list.

Campaigns Tab

This tab, which is available when the Campaigns option is selected in the Source box (on the Summary tab), has a table displaying the campaigns defined in the system. You can select the campaign whose members will receive the mass email by selecting the Selected check box in the row with the campaign.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

A check box that you select if the members of this campaign will receive the mass email.

Only one campaign in the table can be selected.

Campaign ID The identifier of the campaign.
Campaign Name The name of the campaign.
Campaign Class The class of the campaign.
Sent Emails Filter

A filter that determines which campaign members are to receive the mass email.

Select one of the following options:

  • All: The mass email is to be sent to all members of the campaign.
  • Never Sent (default): The mass email is to be sent to only the campaign members who have not previously been sent emails as part of the campaign.

Leads/Contacts/Employees Tab

This tab, which is available only if the Leads/Contacts/Employees option is selected in the Source box on the Summary tab, has a Filter area you can use to narrow the selection and a table that shows the selected leads.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 4. Filter Area Elements
Elements Description
Filter An unlabeled box in which you can select an existing filter or specify a name for the one you want to define. The default value is All Records.
Default A check box that indicates (if selected) that this filter is the default one.
Shared A check box that indicates (if selected) that this filter is available to other users too.
Table 5. Filter Area Columns
Column Description
Active An unlabeled check box that indicates (if selected) that the condition is active and is used for filtering.
Brackets The opening bracket or brackets for enclosing a logical expression. Brackets are used to designate the order of operations.
Property The property of the contact record.

The logical operation to apply to the value of the chosen data field.

The following options are available: Equals, Does Not Equal, Is Greater Than, Is Greater Than or Equal To, Is Less Than, Is Less Than or Equal To, Contains, Starts With, Ends With, Does Not Contain, Is Between, Is Empty, and Is Not Empty.

Value The first value of the condition to be compared with the selected data field value. Most of the conditions require only one value, while Is Between requires two values.
Second Value The second value, if required by the selected condition.
Brackets The closing bracket or brackets for enclosing a logical expression.
Operator The logical operator, And or Or, to be used to join logical expressions on different lines.
Table 6. Filter Area Buttons
Button Description
New Clears all elements in the Filter area so you can specify a new filter.
Save Saves the new filter or the existing filter after modifications have been made.
Copy Copies the conditions of the filter to a new filter.
Remove Removes the filter from the system.
Apply Applies the filter to the list of leads, contacts, and employees.
Table 7. Selected Leads, Contacts, and Employees TableThis table contains the leads, contacts, business accounts, and employees that match the applied filter conditions. You use the unlabeled check boxes to select the recipients of the mass mail. If most of the listed records will be included, select the check box in the column header to selects all records listed on a page and then clear the check boxes for the records you don't want to include; if the records span multiple pages, repeat these steps on each page.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Included An unlabeled check box that you select to include this record as a recipient of the email.

The type of the record.

The following options are available: Contact, Business Account, Lead, or Employee.

Display Name

The display name of the lead, contact, or employee.

The name is also a link that you can click to view the lead, contact, or employee on the Leads (CR301000), Contacts (CR302000), or Employees (EP203000) form, respectively. The system opens the form in a pop-up window. For the business account, this column is empty.

Account Name The name of the company to which the lead or contact belongs. For the business account, it is the company name. For the employee, it is the employee name.
Account ID

For a record of the Business Account type, the identifier of the business account. For a record of any other type, the business account associated with the lead, contact, or employee.

The ID is also a link that you can click to view the business account on the Business Accounts (CR303000) form, which the system opens in a pop-up window.

Company Class The class of the business account to which the contact's company is assigned.
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that the record is active.
Class ID The class the record belongs to.

The source of the record.

This box contains one of the following options:

  • Organic Search: The lead came from a search engine. For example, the lead searched for your product or service by using a search engine.
  • Campaign: The lead has been created as a result of a marketing campaign (for example, the lead opened a landing page, clicked a paid link or called an advertised phone number, or was purchased from a marketing vendor).
  • Referral: The lead has been created as a result of someone recommending your organization or its products or services to the lead.
  • Other: The lead has been created from some other source.
  • Web: The lead has been created as a result of visiting your website.
  • Phone Inquiry: The lead has been created as a result of a phone call to the lead.
  • Purchased List: The lead was purchased from a marketing vendor.

The status of the record.

This box contains one of the following options:

  • New: The lead has been created, but no work has been done on it yet.
  • Open: The lead is being worked on by the marketing team or lead qualification personnel.
  • Sales-Ready: The lead has been qualified by the marketing team or lead qualification personnel as showing more interest in the organization's products or services than other leads show.
  • Sales-Accepted: The lead has been initially reviewed and accepted by the lead qualification team, and the sales team will perform further qualification.
  • Converted: The lead has been qualified and converted to an opportunity. If the lead has this status, most of the UI elements on the form are read-only.
  • Suspended: This obsolete status is no longer used in the lead qualification workflow, and it cannot be selected. If a previously created lead has the Suspended status, you can change this status to any status that is available in the lead qualification workflow during lead processing.
  • Disqualified: The lead has shown no interest in the organization's products or services or is not reachable (for example, the contact information is not valid). Some organizations may also use this status for duplicate leads.
Title The courtesy title of the lead, contact, or employee, which is one of the following options: Dr., Miss, Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Prof.
Job Title A job title of the lead, contact, or employee.
Email The email address of the lead, contact, business account, or employee.
Address Line 1 The first address line of the lead, contact, business account, or employee.
Address Line 2 The second address line of the lead, contact, business account, or employee.
Phone 1 The primary phone number of the lead, contact, business account, or employee.
Phone 2 The second phone number of the lead, contact, business account, or employee, if needed.
Phone 3 The third phone number of the lead, contact, business account, or employee, if needed.
Fax The fax number associated with the lead, contact, business account, or employee.
Web The website address (URL) associated with the lead, contact, business account, or employee.
Date Of Birth The birthdate of the contact, lead, or employee.
Created By The user name of the person who created the lead, contact, business account, or employee.
Last Modified By The user name of the person who last modified the lead, contact, business account, or employee.
Created On The date of creation of the lead, contact, business account, or employee.
Last Modified On The date of the last modification of the lead, contact, business account, or employee.
Workgroup The workgroup to which the lead, contact, business account, or employee belongs.
Owner The owner of the employee, contact, business account, or lead.

Messages Tab

This tab lists messages for this mass email that have been sent. You can view the list of sent messages with their statuses, and you can resend messages for which the sending operation has failed.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Summary The subject of the email, which is also a link that you can click to view the settings of the email on the Email Activity (CR306015) form.
To The email address to which the email has been sent.
Start Date The date when the message was sent.
Mail Status The mail status of the email, which can be one of the following options: Draft, Pending Processing, Processing, Scheduled, Processed, Canceled, Failed, or Deleted.
Related Entity The description of the related entity that the email is associated with, which is also a link that you can click to view the settings of the entity on the data entry form.
Related Document The name of the related entity that the email is associated with, which is also a link you can click to view the settings of the document on the appropriate form.
Contact The contact of the related entity that the email is associated with.
Business Account The contact of the related entity that the email is associated with.

Activities Tab

This tab displays the list of emails, tasks, events, phone calls, and other activities associated with the mass email. To create a new activity, email, event, or task, you need to click the appropriate command and fill in the form that opens.

The tab includes, in addition to the columns described below, columns (labeled with icons) that you can use to attach notes and files to the activity, see if it is completed, check its priority level, and notice whether there are associated reminders. For descriptions of these columns, see Managing Emails and Activities.

Table 8. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Create Task Opens the Task (CR306020) form in a pop-up window, which you can use to create a new task.
Create Event Opens the Event (CR306030) form in a pop-up window, which you can use to create a new event.
Create Email Opens the Email Activity (CR306015) form in a pop-up window, on which you can create a new email.
Create Activity

Contains a menu with commands that correspond to the list of activity types configured on the Activity Types (CR102000) form.

By clicking a menu command, you open the Activity (CR306010) form in a pop-up window, which you use to create an activity of the corresponding type. The following commands are available by default: Create Note, Create Chat, Create Escalation, Create Message, Create Phone Call, and Create Work Item.

To change the list of menu commands, you can add or remove activity types by using the Activity Types form.

Table 9. Table Columns
Column Description
Type The type of the activity, which can be one of the following: Event, Task, Email,Note, Chat, Escalation, Message, Phone Call, or Work Item.
Summary The description of the activity, which is also a link to the Activity (CR306010), Email Activity (CR306015), Event(CR306030), or Task (CR306020) form, depending on the type of the activity.

The status of the activity.

This column contains one of the following options: Draft, Open, Processing, Completed, Approved, Rejected, Canceled, Pending Approval, or Released .

Start Date The start date and time of the activity.
Created At The date and time when the activity was created.
Time Spent The total time spent on the activity.
Workgroup The workgroup that the activity is assigned to (if any).
Owner The name of the person whom the activity is assigned to.

The tab also has the Activity Description area below the table. The area displays the full description provided for the activity selected in the table. To edit the description, click the link in the Summary column of the activity. This opens the Activity (CR306010) form in a pop-up window; on this form, you can add a description and edit other settings corresponding to the activity.