Assign Business Accounts

Form ID: (CR503310)

On this form, you can perform mass assignment of unassigned business accounts. For this assignment, the system uses the assignment map specified for business accounts on the Customer Management Preferences (CR101000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Process Initiates the assignment process for the records that you have selected in the table.
Process All Initiates the assignment process for all records listed in the table.


This table contains the list of all available business accounts.

Column Description
Selected An unlabeled check box that you select to include the record in processing if you click Process.
Type The type of the business account.
Business Account The identifier of the business account.
Account Name The company name of the prospective customer.
Customer Status

The customer status of the business account.

  • Prospect: The business account is a prospective customer that may be interested in signing a contract but has not made a purchase from your company yet.

    This option is available for selection if the business account has the Business Account type.

  • Active: The business account is an active customer (that is, it has purchased products or services from your company); it appears in all Business Account lookup tables and can be specified in documents and other records.

    This option is available for selection if the business account has the Customer or Customer & Vendor type.

  • On Hold: The business account (and the corresponding customer account, if applicable) is temporarily on hold.

    The business account and the associated customer cannot be specified in documents and other records, and they do not appear in lookup tables for the Business Account and Customer element.

  • Inactive: The business account (and the associated customer, if applicable) is inactive, which might be the case if the prospective customer is no longer interested in the company or if the business account or customer is no longer doing business. The business account and the associated customer cannot be specified in documents and other records, and they do not appear in lookup tables for the Business Account and Customer element. Any existing document or record with the inactive account or customer specified cannot be processed; any attempt to modify the document or record results in an error.
  • One-Time: The business account that is purchasing from the company only once. The account becomes inactive after all the payments for this sale have been received.

    This option is available for selection if the business account has the Customer or Customer & Vendor type.

  • Credit Hold: The business account (which is a customer) has been put on credit hold, which prevents users from creating any new sales orders for the customer.

    This option is available for selection if the business account has the Customer or Customer & Vendor type.

Class The class of the business account that the prospective customer is associated with.
Parent Business Account The identifier of the parent business account (if any).
Parent Business Account Name The name of the parent business account.
State Name The state or province of the main address of the business account.
Country The country of the main address of the business account.
City The city of the main address of the business account.
Address Line 1 The first line of the main address of the business account.
Address Line 2 The second line of the main address of the business account.
Email The email address that is used for the business account.
Phone 1 The primary phone number that is associated with the business account.
Phone 2 An additional phone number that is associated with the business account.
Phone 3 Another additional phone number that is associated with the business account.
Fax The fax number that is used for the business account.
Web The website address of the prospective customer company.
Duplicate The duplicate validation status of the business account.
Tax Zone ID The tax zone that the account belongs to.
Ship Via The carrier that is used for shipping to the prospective customer.
Workgroup The workgroup that is assigned to work with the business account.
Owner The employee that is assigned to work with the business account.
Created On The date when the business account was created.
Last Modified On The date when the business account record was last updated.