Update Leads

Form ID: (CR503020)

On this form, you can do the following to mass-update lead records:

  • Update the settings of the selected leads (or all leads) by using the Mass Update wizard. To do this, before processing the leads, you select Update Settings in the Selection area of the form.
  • Update the status of the selected leads (or all leads) based on the action that you select. To do this, before processing the leads, you select Execute Action in the Operation box and the needed action in the Action box of the Selection area.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description

Initiates the update process for the leads that you have selected in the table. When you click this button, one of the following occurs:

  • If Execute Action is selected in the Operation box, the Details dialog box opens, where you specify the reason that you are performing the selected action and click OK.
  • If Update Settings is selected in the Operation box, the Mass Update wizard opens, which you use to update a setting or multiple settings in the selected leads.
Process All

Initiates the update process for all leads listed in the table. When you click this button, one of the following occurs:

  • If Execute Action is selected in the Operation box, the Details dialog box opens, where you specify the reason that you are performing the selected action on all the leads and click OK.
  • If Update Settings is selected in the Operation box, the Mass Update wizard opens, which you use to update a setting or multiple settings in all listed leads.

Mass Update Wizard

You can use this wizard to update a setting or multiple settings in the processed leads. If you have selected Update Settings in the Selection area of the form, you can open the wizard in one of the following ways:

  • By selecting a record or multiple records in the table and clicking Process on the form toolbar
  • By clicking Process All on the form toolbar

This wizard consists of two pages with the elements and attributes of the leads that you might want to update, and a review page with the changes the system will apply to the selected leads if you click Finish.

Table 1. Mass Update Wizard: Elements PageIn the table on this page, you can select each element whose settings you want to change, enter the new value or state for each selected setting, and proceed to the next page.
Element Description
The table on this page has the following columns.
Included An unlabeled check box that you can select to cause the system to insert the value you specify for this element in all processed leads.
Name The name of the element whose value or state you can update in the processed leads if you select the unlabeled check box and specify a new value or state.
Value The value (or state) that will be applied to the element in the processed leads if the element is selected.
To proceed, you click one of the following buttons.
Next Goes to the next page of the wizard.
Cancel Closes the wizard and cancels any changes.
Table 2. Mass Update Wizard: Attributes Page

In the table on this page, you can select an attribute or multiple attributes, enter the value for each selected attribute, indicate whether the attribute is required, and proceed to the next page.

This page appears if leads included in the processing are belong to the same lead class.

If leads included in the processing are belong to different lead classes, this page does not appear.

Element Description
Included An unlabeled check box that you select to cause the system to insert the value you specify for this attribute in all processed leads.
Name The name of the attribute whose value or state you can update in the processed leads if you select the unlabeled check box and specify a new value or state.
Value The value (or state) of the attribute that will be applied to the processed leads if this attribute is selected.
Required A check box that you can select to make the attribute required for the selected leads.
To proceed, you click one of the following buttons.
Next Goes to the next page of the wizard.
Prev Goes to the previous page of the wizard.
Cancel Closes the wizard and cancels any changes.
Table 3. Mass Update Wizard: Review PageOn this page, you can review the changes you are going to apply to the selected leads.
Element Description
Change area An area where you can view all the changes that you are going to apply to the processed leads.
To proceed, you click one of the following buttons.
Finish Closes the wizard and applies the changes to the processed leads.
Prev Goes to the previous page of the wizard.
Cancel Closes the wizard and cancels any changes.

Details Dialog Box

By using this dialog box, you can specify the reason that you are performing the selected action and changing the status of the leads.

This dialog box is opened when you select the Execute Action operation and then either click Process All on the form toolbar or select one or more leads in the table and click Process on the form toolbar.

Element Description

The reason that you are executing this action (and thus changing the status of the processed leads).

When you select the Open option in the Action box to change the lead's status to Open, you can select one of the following reasons:

  • Potential Interest: The lead has expressed a potential interest in your product or service.
  • Subscribed: The lead has subscribed to your newsletter or event.
  • Inquiry: The lead has made an inquiry about your product or service.

When you select the Qualify option in the Action box to change the lead's status to Sales-Ready, the system inserts the Qualified by Marketing reason, which indicates that the lead has been qualified by the marketing team.

When you select the Accept option in the Action box to change the lead's status to Sales-Accepted, you can select one of the following reasons:

  • Accepted by Sales: The lead has been reviewed and accepted by the sales or lead qualification team.
  • Qualified by Marketing: The lead has qualified by the marketing team.

When you select the Mark as Converted option in the Action box to change the lead's status to Converted, you can select one of the following reasons:

  • Qualified by Sales: The lead has been qualified by the sales team.
  • Accepted by Sales: The lead has been reviewed and accepted by the sales or lead qualification team.
  • Qualified by Marketing: The lead has been qualified by the marketing team.

When you select the Disqualify option in the Action box to change the lead's status to Disqualified, you can select one of the following reasons:

  • No Interest: The lead has no interest in your organization's products or services.
  • Unable To Contact: It is not possible to contact the lead. For example, the phone number or email address is invalid, or the lead does not answer the phone.
  • Duplicate: The lead is a duplicate of another lead in the system.
  • Other: The lead cannot be qualified for a reason that is not included in this list.
This dialog box has the following buttons.
OK Changes the status and reason of the leads being processed. The system opens the Processing dialog box to show the results of the processing; you can close this dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box and returns you to the current form without changing the status and reason of any lead.

Selection Area

By using the elements in this area, you can select the operation you want to perform with the leads, which are listed in the table.

Element Description
Operation The operation you can perform with the leads that are listed in the table. You can select one of the following options:
  • Update Settings (default): To update the settings of the selected leads
  • Execute Action: To perform the action selected in the Action box with the selected leads
Action The action that you can perform with the leads that are listed in the table. The box is available only if the Execute Action option is selected in the Operation box. You can select one of the following options:
  • Open: To change the status of a lead to Open
  • Qualify: To change the status of a lead to Sales-Ready
  • Accept: To change the status of a lead to Sales-Accepted
  • Disqualify: To change the status of a lead to Disqualified
  • Mark as Converted: To change the status of a lead to Converted


This table contains the list of leads that meet the conditions of the applied reusable filter (if any). If no filter is applied, all available leads are listed.

Column Description
Included An unlabeled check box that you select to include the record in processing if you click Process.
Contact The display name of the lead or contact.
Title The lead's courtesy title (which is one of the following options: Dr., Miss, Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Prof.).
First Name The first name of the lead.
Last Name The last name of the lead.
Job Title The job title of the lead.

The duplicate validation status of the lead.

This column is displayed on the form only if the Duplicate Validation feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Business Account The business account that the lead is associated with (if any). The business account is also a link that you can click to open the business account on the Business Accounts (CR303000) form.
Account Name The company name associated with the lead.
Parent Business Account The parent business account that the lead is associated with (if any).
Parent Business Account Name The parent business account name.

The status of the lead.

This box can contain one of the following options:

  • New: The lead has been created, but no work has been done on it yet.
  • Open: The lead is being worked on by the marketing team or lead qualification personnel.
  • Sales-Ready: The lead has been qualified by the marketing team or lead qualification personnel as showing more interest in the organization's products or services than other leads show.
  • Sales-Accepted: The lead has been initially reviewed and accepted by the lead qualification team, and the sales team will perform further qualification.
  • Converted: The lead has been qualified and converted to an opportunity. If the lead has this status, most of the UI elements on the form are read-only.
  • Suspended: This obsolete status is no longer used in the lead qualification workflow, and it cannot be selected. If a previously created lead has the Suspended status, you can change this status to any status that is available in the lead qualification workflow during lead processing.
  • Disqualified: The lead has shown no interest in the organization's products or services or is not reachable (for example, the contact information is not valid). Some organizations may also use this status for duplicate leads.

The reason the status of this lead has been changed. The reason can be one of the following:

  • Created: The lead has been created but has not yet been processed. A lead with this reason has the New status.
  • Potential Interest: The lead has a potential interest in a product or service. A lead with this reason has the Open status.
  • Subscribed: The lead has subscribed to a newsletter or event. A lead with this reason has the Open status.
  • Inquiry: The lead has made an inquiry about a product or service. A lead with this reason has the Open status.
  • Qualified by Marketing: The lead has been qualified by the marketing team. A lead with this reason has the Sales-Ready, Sales-Accepted, or Converted status.
  • Accepted by Sales: The lead has been reviewed and accepted by the sales or lead qualification team. A lead with this reason has the Sales-Accepted status.
  • Qualified by Sales: The lead has been qualified by the sales team. A lead with this reason has the Sales-Accepted or Converted status.
  • No Interest: The lead has no interest in the organization's products or services. A lead with this reason has the Disqualified status.
  • Unable to Contact: It is not possible to contact the lead. For example, the phone number or email address is invalid, or the lead does not answer the phone. A lead with this reason has the Disqualified status.
  • Duplicate: The lead is a duplicate of another lead in the system. A lead with this reason has the Disqualified status.
  • Other: The lead cannot be qualified for a reason that is not included in this list. A lead with this reason has the Disqualified status.
Lead Class The identifier of the lead class to which the lead belongs.

The source of the lead. The source can be one of the following:

  • Organic Search: The lead came from a search engine. For example, the lead searched for your product or service by using a search engine.
  • Campaign: The lead has been created as a result of a marketing campaign (for example, the lead opened a landing page, clicked a paid link or called an advertised phone number, or was purchased from a marketing vendor).
  • Referral: The lead has been created as a result of someone recommending your organization or its products or services to the lead.
  • Other: The lead has been created from some other source.
  • Web: The lead has been created as a result of visiting your website.
  • Phone Inquiry: The lead has been created as a result of a phone call to the lead.
  • Purchased List: The lead was purchased from a marketing vendor.
State Name The state of the lead.
Country The country of the lead.
City The city of the lead.
Postal Code The postal code of the lead.
Address Line 1 The first line of the lead's address.
Address Line 2 The second line of the lead's address.
Email The email address of the lead.
Phone 1 The primary phone number of the lead.
Phone 2 The secondary phone number of the lead.
Phone 3 Another phone number of the lead.
Fax The fax number of the lead.
Workgroup The workgroup for the lead.
Owner The owner of the lead.
Source Campaign The identifier of the campaign as a result of which the lead has been generated.
Contact Method The lead’s preferred method of contact.
Last Incoming Activity The date of the latest incoming activity that is associated with the lead.
Last Outgoing Activity The date of the latest outgoing activity that is associated with the lead.
Created On The date when the lead record was created.
Last Modified On The date when the lead record was modified most recently.