
Form ID: (EP203000)

You can use this form to create employee accounts or to view and edit existing employee accounts.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

Command Description
Onboard An Employee

If the MYOB Advanced Workforce Management or MYOB Advanced Employee Onboarding features have been enabled for this site, clicking this button takes you to the Employees screen of MYOB Advanced Workforce Management.

If the features haven’t been enabled, clicking this button takes you to an online page where you can learn about the benefits of MYOB Advanced Employee Onboarding.

Change ID Opens the Specify New ID dialog box, where you can specify a new ID for the employee.
Create Payroll Employee

Creates a payroll record for the selected employee, links the records together and navigates to the Employee Payroll Settings (PR203000) form.

This command appears if the Payroll feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and the selected employee record does not have a linked payroll record.

If the Canadian Payroll feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form, the employee may have a payroll record only if Canada is selected in the Country box in the address information specified for each of the following entities:

  • In the Address Info section of the General tab of this form
  • The company or branch to which the employee belongs, on the Companies (CS101500) or Branches (CS102000) form, respectively, in the Main Address section of the Company Details or Branch Details tab
Detach Employee Login

Clears all login information and removes the login associated with the employee.

This command is available for all users who have access to this form. However, only administrators can use the User tab on this form to create a new login or manage existing logins.

Edit Payroll Employee

Opens the Employee Payroll Settings form where you can edit payroll details of the selected employee.

This command appears if the Payroll feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and the selected employee record has a linked payroll record.

Generate Time Cards

Opens the Generate Time Cards dialog box, where you can enter a time interval for which you want to generate multiple empty time cards (that is, released time cards with zero time reported).

You may want to use this functionality if the latest time card was generated for the employee a considerable time ago, and now you want to resume the generation of time cards, but you don't need any time cards for the intervening time interval.

Note: On this tab, you can generate time cards for a particular time interval only if your username, which you have used to sign in to the system, is associated with the employee or if you are the employee's senior according to the organizational hierarchy configured on the Company Tree (EP204061) form. If you are a system administrator, you may need to be included in the top parent node of the company tree to be able to generate time cards for various employees.
Labor Cost Rates Opens the Labor Rates (PM209900) form with the employee selected in the inquiry filtering conditions.
Table 1. Specify New ID Dialog Box
Element Description
Employee ID The new identifier of the employee.
This dialog box has the following button.
OK Changes the employee ID to the one you specified, and closes the dialog box.
Pay Details This button moves to the Pay Details (MP.PP.23.10) form, displaying the details of the currently selected employee. This button is only available if MYOB Advanced Payroll is in use.

Address Lookup Dialog Box

In this dialog box, you can add a new address, update an existing address, and fill in the missing address information in a record that has address settings. You can also search for the name of the company and select the company's address. You can click the link to view the address in a new browser tab. If the address is correct, you can click Select to fill in the boxes in the Address section of the applicable form with the company location details. The addresses you can select from the list are limited to the countries specified for the address provider.

  • If needed, you can use only a keyboard to select an address in the dialog box. When the Address Lookup dialog box has been opened, the system moves the focus to the Enter a Location box. You enter the known part of the address in the box, select the address by using the arrow keys, and press Enter. Then you can check the address and press Enter to close the dialog box.
  • You can expand the size of the Address Lookup dialog box to see the map in a larger scale by dragging the edges or corners of the dialog box.

This dialog box is available only if the Address Lookup Integration feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and integration with a web map service has been set up as described in Integration with Web Map Services.

Enter a Location

A box for searching for the company's address.

You can find the address by doing the following:

  • Find a company address by a postal code if no other address details are available: If you enter the postal code into this box, the system displays the address options with the cities and country (and the state, if the country has states) that are valid for the postal code.
  • Find a full address by a street address: If you enter the street address into this box and select the address, the system will fill in the country (and the state, if applicable), city, and postal code on the form.

The web service selected as an address provider on the Site Preferences (SM200505) form searches for the information that matches your search criteria and lists all the search results below this box. You can click the needed value in the list, and the web service populates the box with this value and displays the address in the map area.

Map area

The area that displays the map, which takes most of the space of the dialog box. Depending on the address provider, Google Maps or Bing Maps can be used.

In this area, you can view the existing company location. If you click the Address Lookup button, the company address is shown in the dialog box as a location on the map.

This dialog box has the following buttons.
SelectCloses the dialog box and populates the current section with the address details that you have selected in this dialog box.
CancelCloses the dialog box and cancels the selection of the company address.

Selection Area

You use the elements in this area to create a new employee account or to select an existing employee account for viewing and updating its settings.

Element Description
Employee ID The unique identifier, which is assigned to the employee in accordance with the configuration of the EMPLOYEE segmented key.
Employee Name The name of this employee.
Status The status of the employee. The following options are available:
  • Active: The employee currently works for the company.
  • On Hold: The employee account has not yet been activated.
  • Hold Payments: Payments should be held.
  • Inactive: The employee has finished his or her work for the company.
  • One-Time: The employee is defined as a one-time employee.
Attention: You cannot change the status of your own employee record.

General Tab

This tab contains the employee's contact information, address, and other general settings.

Table 2. Contact Info Section
Element Description
Title The courtesy title to be used for the employee: Dr., Miss, Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Prof.
First Name The first name of the employee.
Middle Name The middle name of the employee.
Last Name The last name of the employee.
Type and Phone Number

The type and the phone number for the employee; you select the type (which is filled in by default) and then enter the phone number.

You select one of the following options as the type of the phone number: Business 1, Business 2, Business 3, Cell, Assistant 1, Fax, Home, or Home Fax.

There are four elements to enter phone number types and phone numbers for the employee.

Email The employee email address. Note that an email address is required when you assign a user account to an employee.
Email (Personal) The employee's personal email address.
Web The website of the employee, if any.
Table 3. Address Info Section
Element Description
Address Lookup

A button you click to open the Address Lookup dialog box.

For the description of the dialog box, see Address Lookup Dialog Box.

This button is displayed on the form if the Address Lookup Integration feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and if the integration with web map services has been set up, as described in Integration with Web Map Services.

Address Line 1 The home address of the employee.
Address Line 2 The second line of the home address (if needed).
City The city of the employee address.
Country The country of the employee address. Select the country from the list of two-letter country codes, which are defined on the Countries/States (CS204000) form.
State The state of the employee address. If a list is available, select the state from the list of states in the country you selected above. If no list is available, you can modify the list of states by using the Countries/States form.
Postal Code The postal code for the employee address.
Table 4. Employee Settings Section
Element Description
Employee Ref. No. A reference number for the employee.
Employee Class The class of the employee.

When you select one of the employee classes, which were defined using the Employee Classes (EP202000) form, many elements on the GL Accounts and Payment Settings tab will be filled in with the class settings.

Branch The branch or location of your organization where the employee works.

If the Multiple Base Currencies feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form, you can change current branch to a branch with a different base currency only if the employee have no documents in previous base currency.

Note: For a branch of a company with the Without Branches type, when you click the Edit button, the system will open the company on the Companies (CS101500) form, if the Multibranch Support feature is disabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. If the Multibranch Support feature is enabled, the system will open the branch on the Branches (CS102000) form.
Department The department the employee works for. Select one of the departments, which are defined on the Departments (EP201500) form.
Calendar The calendar that describes the work hours of the employee and the time zone the employee works from. Select the appropriate calendar from the list of calendars, which are defined on the Work Calendar (CS209000) form.

The default value is the calendar associated with the employee class.

Default Workgroup The workgroup that the system inserts by default for each new record entered on the Details tab of the Employee Time Card (EP305000) form for this employee. Only the workgroups in which the employee is included on the Company Tree (EP204061) form are available for selection.
Regular Hours Validation The extent of validation of regular work hours for this employee. The following options are available:
  • Validate: Regular work hours, which are entered on the Employee Time Card form, are validated. If the total number of entered regular hours does not equal the number specified in the Regular Hours per Week box on the Employee Cost tab, then you will see a corresponding warning on the Employee Time Card form, and you will not be able to submit the time card for approval.
  • Warning Only: Regular work hours are validated. If the total number of entered regular hours does not equal the number of regular hours per week, then you will see a warning on the Employee Time Card form, but you will still be able to release the time card.
  • None: Regular work hours will not be validated for this employee.

The default value is provided by the employee class you have selected.

Reports to The manager or other employee who is responsible for the employee assignments. This information can be used on assignment maps for finding a proper workgroup for approving claims, time cards, and related documents.
Salesperson The salesperson identifier of the employee, if the employee is a salesperson.
Employee Login The username to be used when the employee signs into the system.
Currency ID The currency to be used for the employee compensation payments.
Enable Currency Override

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the currency may be changed for particular documents associated with the employee.

With this check box selected, Curr. Rate Type becomes a required setting.

Curr. Rate Type

The currency exchange rate type to be used for the employee.

This box cannot be empty if the Enable Currency Override check box is selected.

Enable Rate Override A check box that indicates (if selected) that the currency rate type may be changed for particular documents associated with the employee.
Base Currency ID The employee's base currency, which is the base currency of the branch selected in the Branch box.

The box is shown on the form if the Multiple Base Currencies feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Labor Item The non-stock item (of the Labor type) associated with the employee and used as a source of expense accounts for transactions associated with projects or contracts.
Shift Code

The shift code that the system inserts by default for any new time activity or earning record entered for the employee. This shift code will not be inserted for an imported time activity that already has a different shift code specified.

This box appears only if the Shift Differential feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Union Local ID

The union local associated with the employee.

This box appears only if the Construction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Route Emails A check box that indicates (if selected) that emails intended for this employee should be routed from a system email account to the employee's email address if the processing of incoming mail is enabled for the system email account and the Route Employee Emails check box is selected on the System Email Accounts (SM204002) form. For details, see Incoming Mail Processing.
Time Card Is Required A check box that indicates (if selected) that time cards are required for this employee.
Production Employee

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the labor costs of the employee are included in the manufactured items.

This box is displayed only if the Manufacturing feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Staff Member in Service Management

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the employee is a staff member and can be assigned to perform services on the Appointments (FS300200) and Service Orders (FS300100) forms.

This check box appears only if the Service Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Synchronize to Exchange A check box that indicates (if selected) that the employee account is synchronized with the Microsoft Exchange account. Synchronization is performed if the Exchange Integration feature is enabled on the on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, and the integration with the Microsoft Exchange Server has been configured.
Table 5. Personal Info Section
Element Description
Date of Birth The employee's date of birth.

History Tab

This tab contains information about the employee's history of employment in the company.

If the Payroll feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the information on this tab is synchronized with the information on the Employment History tab of the Employee Payroll Settings (PR203000) form.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 6. Table Columns
Column Description
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that the employee currently holds this position.
Position The position that the employee held in the company between the start date and the end date or is currently holding if it is active and no end date is specified for it. The list of available positions is defined on the Positions (EP201000) form.
Employment Status Specify the term of the employee's employment: Permanent, Fixed term or Casual.
Employment Basis Specify the employee's basis of payment: Full-time, Part-time, Labour hire/Contractor or Casual.
Apprentice/Trainee A check that indicates that the employee is classed as an apprentice or trainee.
Start Date The date when the employee was appointed to this position.
Start Reason The reason the employee was appointed to this position, which can be one of the following:
  • New Hire: The employee was newly appointed to the position.
  • Rehire: The employee was rehired by the company.
  • Promotion: The employee was promoted.
  • Demotion: The employee was demoted.
  • New Skills: The employee acquired new skills.
  • Reorganization: The position resulted from reorganization that the company underwent.
  • Other: The employee's appointment to the position occurred for some other reason.
End Date The date when the employee was appointed to a different position or the employee's employment in the company was terminated.
Terminated A check box that indicates (if selected) that the employee stopped working for the company.
Termination Reason The reason the employee's employment in the company was terminated. The following options are available:
  • Retirement: The employee has retired.
  • Layoff: The employee has been laid off.
  • Terminated for Cause: The employee has been fired for a specific reason.
  • Resignation: The employee has resigned.
  • Deceased: The employee has died.
  • Medical Issues: The employee has stopped working due to medical issues.
Rehire Eligible A check box that indicates (if selected) that the former employee is eligible for rehire.

This check box is available only if the Terminated check box is selected.

Service Break A check box that indicates that the period it relates to should be excluded from continuous service, e.g. extended leave without pay.
Table 7. Generate Time Cards Dialog Box
Element Description
From The start date of the time interval for which you want to generate empty time cards.
Until The end date of the time interval for which you want to generate empty time cards.
This dialog box has the following buttons.
Generate Generates released empty time cards for the specified time interval.
Cancel Closes the dialog box, and cancels the process of generating the time cards.

Contacts Tab

This tab displays the details of any contacts for the employee, e.g. emergency contacts, and allows you to add new contacts.

Table 8. Table Toolbar
Element Description
Add Contact Opens a window where you can enter the details for a new contact, then click Save & Close to add the contact to the table. All fields on this window correspond to the columns on the main table.
Table 9. Table Columns
Element Description
Default Contact Tick this box if the contact is the default contact for the employee.
Name The contact's full name
Emergency Contact Tick this box if the contact is one of the employee's emergency contacts.
Phone 1 The contact's first telephone number.
Phone 2 The contact's second telephone number.
Phone 3 The contact's third telephone number.
Email The contact's email address
Relationship The contact's relationship to the employee.
Address Line 1 The first line of the contact's address.
Address Line 2 The second line of the contact's address.
City The city that the contact lives in.
State The state that the contact lives in.
Postal Code The contact's postal code.
Country The country that the contact lives in.

Financial Tab

You use this tab to specify the accounts involved in recording the employee compensation and payments. If you have selected an employee class on the General tab, these elements will initially be populated with the values specified for the class, but you can change any of the values.

Table 10. GL Accounts Section
Element Description
AP Account

The AP account to be used to record payments owed to the employee.

The account selected in this box should be configured as a control account for the accounts payable subledger. That is, for this account, AP should be selected in the Control Account Module column on the Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form. For more information on control accounts, see Control Accounts: General Information.

AP Sub. The corresponding subaccount.
Prepayment Account

The AP account to be used to record prepayments paid to the employee.

The account selected in this box should be configured as a control account for the accounts payable subledger. That is, for this account, AP should be selected in the Control Account Module column on the Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form. For more information on control accounts, see Control Accounts: General Information.

Prepayment Sub. The corresponding subaccount.
Expense Account The account that will be used to record compensation amounts paid to the employee.
Expense Sub. The corresponding subaccount.
Sales Account The account to be used to record sales made by the employee, if applicable.
Sales Sub. The corresponding subaccount.
Table 11. Financial Settings Section
Element Description
Tax Zone The applicable tax zone.
Terms The terms used as a schedule to pay salary or wages for the employee. Credit terms for scheduling payments to employees can be configured using the Credit Terms (CS206500) form.
Table 12. Payment Settings Section
Element Description
Payment Method The payment method to be used by default for compensation payments.

The selected payment method defines the custom columns displayed in the Payment Instructions pane.

Cash Account The cash account to be used for compensation payments.
Table 13. Print and Email Settings Section
Element Description
Send Remittances by Email Tick this box to indicate that remittance advice can be sent to the employee by email using the Print / Email AP Remittance Advice (MB.AP.50.53) form.
Print Remittances Tick this box to indicate that remittance advice for the employee can be printed out using the Print / Email AP Remittance Advice (MB.AP.50.53) form.
This tab also contains a Payment Instructions pane, which provides custom columns (which depend on the Payment Method settings) for specifying the payment method details to be used to pay compensation employee.
Note: For security reasons, if an employee's Payment Method or Payment Instructions settings are altered, an email is sent to the employee notifying them of the changes.

Attributes Tab

By using this tab, you can specify values of the attributes (if any) to categorize this employee. The list of attributes available on this tab depends on the attributes specified for the employee class to which the employee belongs.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 14. Table Columns
Column Description
Attribute The attribute name.
Required A check box that indicates (if selected) that you will not be able to save changes in the employee record unless you specified an attribute value.
Value The value of the attribute specific for this employee.

Activities Tab

This tab has a table with the list of activities, such as tasks, events, and other activities, associated with the employee. By using this tab, you can add a particular task, event, email, or some other activity to associate it with the employee.

The tab includes, in addition to the columns described below, columns (labeled with icons) that you can use to attach notes and files to the activity, see if it is completed, check its priority level, and notice whether there are associated reminders. For descriptions of these columns, see Managing Emails and Activities.

Table 15. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Create Task Opens the Task (CR306020) form in a pop-up window, which you can use to create a new task.
Create Event Opens the Event (CR306030) form in a pop-up window, which you can use to create a new event.
Create Email Opens the Email Activity (CR306015) form in a pop-up window, on which you can create a new email.
Create Activity

Contains a menu with commands that correspond to the list of activity types configured on the Activity Types (CR102000) form.

By clicking a menu command, you open the Activity (CR306010) form in a pop-up window, which you use to create an activity of the corresponding type. The following commands are available by default: Create Note, Create Chat, Create Escalation, Create Message, Create Phone Call, and Create Work Item.

To change the list of menu commands, you can add or remove activity types by using the Activity Types form.

Table 16. Table Columns
Column Description
Type The type of the activity, which can be one of the following: Event, Task, Email,Note, Chat, Escalation, Message, Phone Call, or Work Item.
Summary The description of the activity, which is also a link to the Activity (CR306010), Email Activity (CR306015), Event(CR306030), or Task (CR306020) form, depending on the type of the activity.

The status of the activity.

This column contains one of the following options: Draft, Open, Processing, Completed, Approved, Rejected, Canceled, Pending Approval, or Released .

Start Date The start date and time of the activity.
Created At The date and time when the activity was created.
Time Spent The total time spent on the activity.
Workgroup The workgroup that the activity is assigned to (if any).
Owner The name of the person whom the activity is assigned to.

The tab also has the Activity Description area below the table. The area displays the full description provided for the activity selected in the table. To edit the description, click the link in the Summary column of the activity. This opens the Activity (CR306010) form in a pop-up window; on this form, you can add a description and edit other settings corresponding to the activity.

Mailing and Printing Tab

This tab provides a table with information on mailings for which this employee is defined as a recipient. The employee can be a recipient of emails generated for multiple mailings. Mailings can be configured in such a way that the employee receives emails with electronic versions of documents of particular vendors or customers or emails of entire vendor or customer classes. For more information about mailings, see Configuring Predefined Mailings for Customers and Vendors and Mailings for Customers.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 17. Table Columns
Column Description
Module The functional area of the system where the mailing is defined.
Source The entity, Vendor or Customer, that is the source of emails.
Mailing ID The identifier of the mailing.
Customer/Vendor Class The vendor or customer class for which the employee receives emails in accordance with the mailing.
Description The description that has been provided for the class.
Report The particular report to be used as the body of emails if the mailing uses a report rather than a email template.
Notification Template The email template to be used to generate personalized emails for this mailing, if the mailing uses a template rather than a report.
Format The format of the report, if applicable.
Bcc A check box that you select to indicate that a blind carbon copy of emails will be sent for this mailing.
Active A check box to indicate that this mailing is active for the employee.

Workgroups Tab

This tab provides information about the workgroups this employee belongs to.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 18. Table Columns
Column Description
Workgroup The workgroup (on the company tree) of which this employee is a member.
Owner The employee who is the default owner of the workgroup.
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that this employee is an active member of the workgroup.

Assignment and Approval Maps Tab

On this tab, you can view the assignment and approval maps in which the employee is involved.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 19. Table Columns
Column Description
Map ID

The identified of the map.

Maps of the Assignment Map and Approval Map types may be displayed in this column.

Step The step of the map that includes the rule specified in the Rule column.
Rule The rule of the map according to which the employee may be assigned to process records or to approve documents.

Skills Tab

On this tab, you can add and view the skills that the employee has.

This tab is available only if the Service Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Element Description
Skill ID The skill that the employee have. You can add and view the list of available skills on the Skills (FS200600) form.
Description Read-only. A description of the skill.
Driver Skill Read-only. A check box that indicates (if selected) that the skill is a driver skill.

Service Areas Tab

On this tab, you can add and view the Service Areas where the employee can perform services.

This tab is available only if the Service Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Element Description
Service Area ID The Service Area where the employee can perform services. You can add and view the Service Areas on the Service Areas (FS201900) form.
Description Read-only. A description of the Service Area.

Licenses Tab

On this tab, you can add and view the licenses of the employee.

This tab is available only if the Service Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Element Description
License Nbr. The reference number of the license in the system.
License Type ID The type of the license.
Description Read-only. A description of the Service Area.
Issue Date The date when the license was issued.
Never Expires A check box that indicates (if selected) that the license does not have an expiration date.
Expiration Date The date when the license will expire.

User Tab

You can use this tab to view and edit information about the user account associated with the employee. You can create a new user account if none exists, assign roles to the existing user, and manage the user's password. To activate, enable, disable, or unlock the user account, click the available action.

Alternatively, you can perform these actions by using the Users (SM201010) form.

Table 20. User Info Tab Elements
Element Description
Status The account status. The following options are available:
  • Not Created: The selected employee is not associated with any user account.
  • Pending Activation: The new user account is awaiting activation.
  • Active: The user account is active.
  • Online: The user is signed in to the system.
  • Disabled: The user account is disabled.
  • Temporarily Locked: The user account is temporarily locked out.
User Type The user type of this user, which defines the set of roles available to the user and the creation rules of the user account.
Login The user name for authorization within the system.

The password the new user should use when initially signing in.

This box appears (and is required) for newly added users and is available only if you clear the Generate Password check box.

Generate Password

A check box that you select to have the system generate the password automatically.

This check box appears only for newly added users. The information to sign in will be sent to the user's email address when you save the user account.

Table 21. User Info Tab Buttons
Button Description
Reset Password

Brings up a dialog box to let you reset the password for the selected user.

This button becomes available after the user account has been created.

Activate User

Activates the new user account if the account requires activation.

This button is available only for the user accounts with the Pending Activation status.

Enable User

Enables the selected user account.

This button is available only for disabled user accounts.

Disable User

Temporarily disables the selected user account.

This button is available only for enabled user accounts.

Unlock User Unlocks the selected user account. This button is available if the account has been temporarily locked.

This tab has a table that contains the list of roles assigned to the user and their descriptions. The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 22. Table Columns
Column Description
Included A check box that you select to assign this role to the selected user.
Role Name The name that identifies the role.
Role Description The description of the role.

Corporate Cards Tab

On this tab, you can specify the corporate cards that the employee can use for paying and claiming expenses incurred while working with a particular project or contract.

Note: If the Multiple Base Currency feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form, the base currency of the cash account that corresponds to corporate card must be the same as base currency of the employee. For more information on configuring multiple base currencies, see Multiple Base Currencies: General Information.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Corporate Card ID The unique identifier assigned to the corporate card in accordance with the Corporate Card Numbering Sequence specified on the Cash Management Preferences (CA101000) form.
Name The description provided for the corporate credit card.
Card Number The number of the corporate card that the system uses for matching transactions on a bank statement. This number can be the last four digits of the card number.

Delegates Tab

On this tab, you specify employees to whom you want to delegate creation and adjustment of the employee's expenses on the Expense Receipts (EP301010) and Expense Claims (EP301030) forms if the Expense Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

If the Approval Workflow feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form, you can also use this tab to delegate approval of records during a specific period of time.

This tab appears on the form if the Expense Management or Approval Workflow feature is enabled (or both features are enabled) on the Enable/Disable Features form

This tab has a table that contains the names of the employees appointed as the employee's delegates. The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 23. Table Columns
Column Description
Delegation Of

The option (Approvals or Expense Receipts and Expense Claims) selected in this column indicates whether the delegation rule applies to approvals or expense receipts and expense claims.

The Approvals option is available only if the Approval Workflow feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

The Expense Receipts and Expense Claims option is available only if the Expense Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Delegated To The full name of the delegate employee.
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that the delegation rule in the row is active and can be used by the system for determining the appropriate delegate for the employee.
Starts On The starting date of the delegation period during which approval requests can be reassigned to the specified delegate.
Expires On The date after which the delegation rule is no longer applicable and previously reassigned approval requests that have not yet been processed are assigned back to the employee.

Labor Item Overrides Tab

On this tab, you define the relationship between an earning type and a labor item, which is the source of expense accounts. Thus, depending on the earning type of the activity, the system will use particular expense accounts for posting particular project transactions.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Earning Type The earning type for the activity, which determines how labor price is calculated. The following options are available: HL - Public Holidays, OT - Overtime, RG - Regular Hours, or VL - Vacations.
Description The description provided for the earning type.
Labor Item A non-stock item of the Labor type, which is the source of the expense accounts that the system uses for posting particular project transactions.

Payroll Expense Allocation Tab

On this tab, you can specify how payroll expenses for the employee should be allocated to projects and/or General Ledger accounts.

Element Description
Allocation Method Choose from:
  • No Allocation - no payroll expenses will be allocated for this employee
  • Time Allocation - payroll expenses will be allocated for this employee as per their timesheets
  • Fixed Allocation - payroll expenses will be allocated to fixed accounts/projects. When this option is selected, a table appears below, which you can use to set up how the employee's expenses are allocated. Use the Add Amount and Add Percent buttons to add rules to this table as necessary.
Table 24. Fixed Allocation Table
Element Description
Active Tick this box to indicate that the allocation rule is currently in use.
Branch Select the branch that expenses will be allocated to.
Account If expenses will be allocated to a GL account, select the account here.
Subaccount If expenses will be allocated to a GL account, select the subaccount here.
Project If expenses will be allocated to a project, select the project here.
Project Task If expenses will be allocated to a project, select the project task here.
Type The type of rule. This will be one of:
  • Balance - The table will always contain one balance rule, which will be the last rule in the list. Any remining expenses not accounted for by other rules will be allocated according to this rule.
  • Amount - This rule allocates a set amount to the selected account/project.
  • Percentage - This rule allocates a percentage of the employee's expenses to the selected account/project.
Note: Percentage rows apply to the remaining balance, so if a Percentage row is the first row, it will be calculated as a percentage of the total allocation; however, if a Percentage row has other rows ahead of it, it will be calculated as a percentage of the remaining balance after the previous rows have been allocated.
Amount For rules where the Type is "Amount", enter the amount of the allocation.
Percentage For rules where the Type is "Percent", enter the precentage of the employee's payroll expenses that will be allocated.