Marketing Campaigns

Form ID: (CR202000)

You use this form to create a marketing campaign, or to view and edit an existing one. A campaign is a specific set of marketing activities that you undertake to achieve a particular marketing goal, such as stimulating demand, boosting name recognition, or generating revenue. A campaign generally has a planned budget, a start and end date, and an expected revenue. Campaign management involves preparation of the mailing list, sending of mass emails, processing of the responses, and analysis of the results.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

In this area, you can specify the settings for a new campaign or select an existing campaign for viewing or modification.

Element Description
Campaign ID

Required. The unique identifier of the marketing campaign, which you enter manually for a new marketing campaign. You can also view an existing campaign by selecting its identifier in this box.

Campaign Class

Required. The campaign class that the marketing campaign belongs to. You can select the campaign class from the list of the classes that have been created on the Campaign Classes (CR202500) form or create a new campaign class on the fly by clicking the Edit button right of the box.

Campaign Name

Required. The name of the campaign.

The campaign name can be used to provide additional information about the marketing campaign beyond that conveyed by its ID.


Required. The current stage of the campaign.

You can select one of the following predefined options:

  • Planning: A marketing person is preparing the marketing campaign.
  • Execution: A marketing person has started sending emails to the campaign members and creating activities related to the campaign.
  • Completed: The marketing campaign is over, and analysis of the results of the marketing campaign is planned or in progress.
  • Canceled: A marketing person has canceled the marketing campaign before its completion.
Owner The name of the person to whom the campaign is assigned.

Campaign Details Tab

This tab holds information about the start and end date, planned budget, and expected and actual results of the campaign.

Table 1. Planning Section
Element Description
Start Date

Required. The start date of the campaign.

End Date

The end date of the campaign.


The workgroup which the campaign owner belongs to or the responsible workgroup if no particular owner is specified for the campaign.

Expected Response

The expected number of responses.

Planned Budget

The budget intended for the campaign.

Expected Return

The return expected as a result of the campaign.

Promo Code

The promotion code used in the campaign.

Table 2. Project Accounting Integration Section

This section is available only if the Project Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

You use the elements in this section to associate the marketing campaign with a project task to track related expenses and revenue. For more information, see Managing Marketing Campaigns.

Element Description
Project ID

The project that is associated with the marketing campaign.

You can select the project ID from the list of the projects that have been created on the Projects (PM301000) form or create a new project on the fly by clicking the Edit button right of the box.

Project Task ID

The project task that is associated with the marketing campaign for the tracking of related expenses and revenue.

You can select the project task ID from the list of the projects tasks that have been associated with the selected project or create a new project task for this project on the fly by clicking the Edit button right of the box.

Table 3. Campaign Statistics Section
Element Description
Total Members

The total number of members associated with the selected campaign.

Members Contacted

The number of campaign members who have been contacted in any way—that is, the members who have any number of associated activities related to the campaign.

Members Responded

The number of campaign members who have responded to the campaign—that is, the members who have any number of associated opportunities related to the campaign.

Leads Generated

The number of leads generated as a result of the campaign. The system calculates this number as the total number of leads that have this campaign specified as their source campaign.

Leads Converted

The number of leads converted as a result of the campaign. The system calculates this number as the total number of leads that have the Converted status and this campaign specified as their source campaign.


The total number of opportunities related to the campaign. The system calculates this number as the total number of opportunities that have this campaign specified as their source campaign.

Won Opportunities

The number of successfully closed opportunities related to the campaign. The system calculates this number as the total number of opportunities that have the Won status and this campaign specified as their source campaign.

Opportunities Value

The total amount expected on the opportunities related to the campaign. The system calculates this amount as the total amount of all opportunities that have this campaign specified as their source campaign.

Won Opportunities Value

The total amount of the won opportunities related to the campaign. The system calculates this amount as the total amount of opportunities that have the Won status and this campaign specified as their source campaign.

The tab contains an area you can use to describe the campaign. The area consists of the following:

  • A formatting toolbar, with buttons you can use to edit text, change the typographical treatment of the text, and format it. You can also click buttons to add files and insert images. For a description of the formatting toolbar, see Formatting Toolbar.
  • A text area, where you can enter a detailed description of the case or relevant notes. You can type the description here and edit it by using the buttons on the formatting toolbar.

Activities Tab

This tab displays the list of tasks, events, emails, and other activities associated with the marketing campaign. To add a new activity, email, event, or task, you need to click the appropriate command and fill in the form that opens.

The tab includes, in addition to the columns described below, columns (labeled with icons) that you can use to attach notes and files to the activity, see if it is completed, check its priority level, and notice whether there are associated reminders. For descriptions of these columns, see Managing Emails and Activities.

Table 4. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Create Task Opens the Task (CR306020) form in a pop-up window, which you can use to create a new task.
Create Event Opens the Event (CR306030) form in a pop-up window, which you can use to create a new event.
Create Email Opens the Email Activity (CR306015) form in a pop-up window, on which you can create a new email.
Create Activity

Contains a menu with commands that correspond to the list of activity types configured on the Activity Types (CR102000) form.

By clicking a menu command, you open the Activity (CR306010) form in a pop-up window, which you use to create an activity of the corresponding type. The following commands are available by default: Create Note, Create Chat, Create Escalation, Create Message, Create Phone Call, and Create Work Item.

To change the list of menu commands, you can add or remove activity types by using the Activity Types form.

Table 5. Table Columns
Column Description

The type of the activity, which can be one of the following: Task, Event, Email, Note, Chat, Escalation, Message, Phone Call, or Work Item.


The description of the activity, which is also a link. You can click the link to open the activity on the data entry form.


The status of the activity.

This column contains one of the following options: Draft, Open, Processing, Completed, Approved, Rejected, Canceled, Pending Approval, or Released.

Start Date

The start date and time of the activity.

Created At

The date and time when the activity was created.

Time Spent

The total time spent on the activity.


The workgroup that the activity is assigned to (if any).


The name of the employee whom the activity is assigned to, which is also a link that you can click to view the settings of the owner on the data entry form.

Business Account

The identifier of the business account associated with the activity.


The display name of the contact associated with the activity.

The tab also has the Activity Description area below the table. The area displays the full description provided for the activity selected in the table. To edit the description, click the link in the Summary column of the activity. This opens the Activity (CR306010) form in a pop-up window; on this form, you can add a description and edit other settings corresponding to the activity.

Marketing Lists Tab

This tab has a table that holds the summary settings of the existing marketing lists. Most of the settings in the table are unavailable for editing.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Element Description

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the members of the marketing list are included in the current marketing campaign.

If you select the check box in the row of at least one marketing list ID and save your changes to the form, the Confirmation dialog box opens, in which you can click one of the following commands:

  • Update: Replaces the campaign members that are currently listed on the Members tab with the members of the selected marketing lists, maintains the state of the check box, and closes the dialog box.
  • Keep: Keeps the members that are currently listed on the Members tab, maintains the state of the check box, and closes the dialog box.
  • Cancel: Closes the dialog box.
Marketing List ID

The unique identifier of the marketing list, which is also a link that you can click to view the settings of the list on the Marketing Lists (CR204000) form.

List Name

The name of the marketing list.


The owner of the marketing list.

Last Updated On

The date and time when the set of the members of the selected marketing list was updated in the campaign.

Members Tab

This tab has a table with the members of the campaign. A member is a lead, contact, business account, or employee who will receive emails related to the campaign. Most of the settings in the table are unavailable for editing.

Table 6. Table Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

Button Description
Update List

Replaces the campaign members that have been previously added from marketing lists with those that are currently members of the lists that are selected on the Marketing Lists tab of the current form.

If either the set of the selected lists in the campaign or their content has been changed since the last time this button was clicked, the set of the campaign members is also updated.

Manually added members remain in the campaign.

Add Activity Contains a menu with commands that correspond to the list of activity types configured on the Activity Types (CR102000) form, including tasks, events, and emails. By clicking a menu command, you open the Activity (CR306010), Task (CR306020), Event (CR306030), or Email Activity (CR306015) form, which you use to create an activity of the corresponding type that will be associated with both the marketing campaign and the selected campaign member.
Clear All

Removes all the members that are currently displayed in the table from the marketing campaign as follows:

  • If you click the button without first filtering records, deletes all the members from the list
  • If you filter records in the table or search for records that meet the needed criteria (by using the Search box), and then click the button, deletes only the listed members from the list
Table 7. Table Columns
Element Description

An unlabeled check box that you select for a campaign member if you want to remove the member from the list; you then click Delete Selected Rows on the table toolbar.


The type of the campaign member, which can be one of the following: Contact, Lead, Business Account, or Employee.

Member Name

The display name of the campaign member, which is also a link that you can click to view the settings of the member on the data entry form.

Job Title

The job title of the campaign member.

Marketing List ID

The unique identifier of the marketing list (which is also a link to the list) from which the member has been added to the campaign. This identifier is also a link that you can click to view the settings of the marketing list on the Marketing Lists (CR204000) form.

Account ID

The ID of the business account associated with the campaign member, which is also a link that you can click to view the settings of the business account on the Business Accounts (CR303000) form.

Account Name

The business name of the campaign member's company. The value is copied from the Account Name box on the Business Accounts (CR303000) form for the business account.


The email address of the campaign member.

Phone 1

The primary phone number of the campaign member.

Opportunities Created

The number of opportunities associated with the selected marketing campaign and campaign member.

Activities Logged

The number of activities (excluding tasks) associated with the marketing campaign and campaign member.

Emails Sent

The number of emails sent to the campaign member regarding the selected marketing campaign.

Member Since

The date and time when the member was added to the list.

Generated Leads Tab

On this tab, you can view the full list of leads created as a result of the selected marketing campaign—that is, all leads that have this marketing campaign specified in the Source Campaign box on the Leads (CR301000) form. Most of the settings on the tab are unavailable for editing.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Lead Class

The identifier of the class that the lead belongs to, which is also a link that you can click to view the settings of the lead class on the Lead Classes (CR207000) form.


The full name of the lead, which is also a link that you can click to view the settings of the lead on the Leads (CR301000) form.


The status of the lead.

The status is copied from the Status box of the Summary area of the Leads form and can be one of the following:

  • New: The lead has been created, but no work has been done on it yet.
  • Open: The lead is being worked on by the marketing team or lead qualification personnel.
  • Sales-Ready: The lead has been qualified by the marketing team or lead qualification personnel as showing more interest in the organization's products or services than other leads show.
  • Sales-Accepted: The lead has been initially reviewed and accepted by the lead qualification team, and the sales team will perform further qualification.
  • Converted: The lead has been qualified and converted to an opportunity. If the lead has this status, most of the UI elements on the form are read-only.
  • Suspended: This obsolete status is no longer used in the lead qualification workflow, and it cannot be selected. If a previously created lead has the Suspended status, you can change this status to any status that is available in the lead qualification workflow during lead processing.
  • Disqualified: The lead has shown no interest in the organization's products or services or is not reachable (for example, the contact information is not valid). Some organizations may also use this status for duplicate leads.

The reason for the status of this lead.

The reason is copied from the Reason box of the Summary area of the Leads form and can be one of the following options:

  • Created: The lead has been created but has not yet been processed. A lead with this reason has the New status.
  • Potential Interest: The lead has a potential interest in a product or service. A lead with this reason has the Open status.
  • Subscribed: The lead has subscribed to a newsletter or event. A lead with this reason has the Open status.
  • Inquiry: The lead has made an inquiry about a product or service. A lead with this reason has the Open status.
  • Qualified by Marketing: The lead has been qualified by the marketing team. A lead with this reason has the Sales-Ready, Sales-Accepted, or Converted status.
  • Accepted by Sales: The lead has been reviewed and accepted by the sales or lead qualification team. A lead with this reason has the Sales-Accepted status.
  • Qualified by Sales: The lead has been qualified by the sales team. A lead with this reason has the Sales-Accepted or Converted status.
  • No Interest: The lead has no interest in the organization's products or services. A lead with this reason has the Disqualified status.
  • Unable to Contact: It is not possible to contact the lead. For example, the phone number or email address is invalid, or the lead does not answer the phone. A lead with this reason has the Disqualified status.
  • Duplicate: The lead is a duplicate of another lead in the system. A lead with this reason has the Disqualified status.
  • Other: The lead cannot be qualified for a reason that is not included in this list. A lead with this reason has the Disqualified status.

The source of the lead.

The source is copied from the Source box of the Summary area of the Leads form and can be one of the following options:

  • Organic Search: The lead came from a search engine. For example, the lead searched for your product or service by using a search engine.
  • Campaign: The lead has been created as a result of a marketing campaign (for example, the lead opened a landing page, clicked a paid link or called an advertised phone number, or was purchased from a marketing vendor).
  • Referral: The lead has been created as a result of someone recommending your organization or its products or services to the lead.
  • Other: The lead has been created from some other source.
  • Web: The lead has been created as a result of visiting your website.
  • Phone Inquiry: The lead has been created as a result of a phone call to the lead.
  • Purchased List: The lead was purchased from a marketing vendor.
Account Name

The business name of the company the lead belongs to.


The owner of the lead.


The workgroup for the lead.

Job Title

The job title of the lead.

Opportunities Tab

You use this tab to view the full list of opportunities created as a result of the selected marketing campaign—that is, all opportunities that have this marketing campaign specified in the Source Campaign box on the Opportunities (CR304000) form. You can also add opportunities to this tab manually. Most of the settings on the tab are unavailable for editing.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Class ID

The identifier of the class that the opportunity belongs to, which is also a link that you can click to view the settings of the opportunity class on the Opportunity Classes (CR209000) form.

Opportunity ID

The identifier of the opportunity, which is also a link that you can click to view the settings of the opportunity on the Opportunities (CR304000) form.


The subject or description of the opportunity.


The current stage of the opportunity.

An opportunity can be assigned any of the stages activated on the Stages tab of the Opportunity Classes (CR209000) form for the opportunity class assigned to it.

The column may contain any of the following predefined stages, as well as any custom stage that has been defined for the opportunity class:

  • Prospect: The contact or business account associated with the opportunity is a known prospect, but it is not clear whether this prospect is interested in the offered products or services.
  • Nurture: A salesperson is collecting information about the prospect or customer's interest in products and services; the salesperson may also be negotiating with the prospect or customer. This stage may be useful if your company decides not to use leads.
  • Qualification: A salesperson is determining the prospect or customer's interest in purchasing particular products or services.
  • Development: A salesperson is clarifying the prospect or customer's requirements for products or services, as well as the budget, delivery schedule, and project scope (if applicable).
  • Solution: A salesperson is negotiating with the prospect or customer about the content of the solution (proposal) and the set of products or services that the prospect or customer wants to buy. The salesperson is creating product demonstrations or other evaluation tools, and the prospect or customer is evaluating the products or services.
  • Proof: A salesperson has developed a solution (that is, a proposal), and the prospect or customer is evaluating the solution. The salesperson may select a primary sales quote at this stage.
  • Negotiation: A salesperson and the prospect or customer are negotiating the prices, discounts, and terms of the proposed deal.
  • Won: The prospect or customer has accepted the proposal and is ready to sign the contract or place an order (or has already done this). Some companies prefer to advance the opportunity to this stage only after the invoice has been issued, or even after a payment has been received.

The probability of the deal closure at the current stage of the opportunity.


The status of the opportunity, which is copied from the Status box of the Summary area of the Opportunities (CR304000) form.

This column contains one of the following options:

  • New: The opportunity has been created, but no work has been done on it yet.
  • Open: The opportunity is being worked on by a sales team.
  • Won: The deal has been successfully closed.
  • Lost: The deal has been canceled.

The reason for the status of this opportunity.

The reason is copied from the Reason box on the CRM Info tab of the Opportunities form.

This column contains one of the following options:

  • Created: The opportunity has been created but has not yet been processed. An opportunity with this reason has the New status.
  • Converted from Lead: The opportunity has been converted from the lead. An opportunity with this reason has the New status.
  • Qualified: The opportunity has been qualified by the sales team. An opportunity with this reason has the New or Open status.
  • In Process: The opportunity is being worked on. An opportunity with this reason has the Open status.
  • Order Placed: The customer has placed an order. An opportunity with this reason has the Won status.
  • Price: The opportunity has been won or lost mostly because of the proposed price on your product or service. An opportunity with this reason has the Won or Lost status respectively.
  • Relationship: The opportunity has been won or lost because of the relationship that your staff has been established or not with the customer. An opportunity with this reason has the Won or Lost status respectively.
  • Technology: The opportunity has been won or lost because the customer is satisfied or not with technology that will be used for the deal. An opportunity with this reason has the Won or Lost status respectively.
  • Other: The opportunity has been won or lost for a reason that is not included in this list. An opportunity with this reason has the Won or Lost status respectively.
  • Company Maturity: The opportunity has been lost because the client is not sure about the reliability of the company in the future. For example, the contact might mention that the company is too new or does not yet have a well-known brand name. An opportunity with this reason has the Lost status.

The total amount of the potential deal.


The currency of the opportunity.

Estimated Close Date

The estimated date when the deal will be closed.


The source of the opportunity.

The source is copied from the Source box on the CRM Info tab of the Opportunities form.

This column contains one of the following options:

  • Organic Search: The contact or lead came from a search engine. For example, the person searched for your product or service by using the Google search engine.
  • Campaign: The contact or lead has been created as a result of a marketing campaign (for example, opened a landing page, clicked a paid link or called in by an advertised phone number or was purchased from a marketing vendor).
  • Referral: The contact or lead has been created as a result of someone recommending your organization or its products or services to the lead or contact.
  • Other: The contact or lead has been created from some other source.
  • Web: The contact or lead has been created as a result of visiting your website.
  • Phone Inquiry: The contact or lead has been created as a result of a phone call.
  • Purchased List: The contact or lead was purchased from a marketing vendor.

The owner of the opportunity.

Business Account

The identifier of the business account associated with the opportunity, which is also a link that you can click to view the settings of the business account on the Business Accounts (CR303000) form.


The display name of the contact associated with the opportunity, which is also a link that you can click to view the settings of the contact on the Contacts (CR302000) form.

Attributes Tab

On the Attributes tab, you can view, specify, change, or delete attribute values for the marketing campaign. The list of available attributes is defined for the campaign class to which the campaign belongs on the Campaign Classes (CR202500) form.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

A check box that indicates (if selected) that this attribute is required.


The name of the attribute used for the marketing campaign.


The value of the attribute for the marketing campaign. If a value has been specified for the attribute in the Default Value column on the Campaign Classes form, it is displayed here by default for any new marketing campaign of the class.