Assign Leads

Form ID: (CR503010)

On this form, you can perform mass assignment of unassigned leads. For this assignment, the system uses the assignment map specified for leads on the Customer Management Preferences (CR101000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Process Initiates the assignment process for the records that you have selected in the table.
Process All Initiates the assignment process for all records listed in the table.


This table contains the list of leads that meet the conditions of the applied reusable filter (if any). If no filter is applied, all available leads are listed.

Column Description
Selected An unlabeled check box that you select to include the record in processing if you click Process.
Contact The display name of the lead.
Title The lead's courtesy title (which is one of the following options: Dr., Miss, Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Prof.).
First Name The first name of the lead.
Last Name The last name of the lead.
Job Title The job title of the lead.
Duplicate The duplicate validation status of the record.
Business Account The business account that the lead is associated with (if any).
Account Name The company name associated with the lead.
Parent Business Account The customer account that the lead is associated with (if any).
Parent Business Account Name The customer company name.

The status of the lead.

The lead can be assigned one of the following statuses:

  • New: The lead has been created, but no work has been done on it yet.
  • Open: The lead is being worked on by the marketing team or lead qualification personnel.
  • Sales-Ready: The lead has been qualified by the marketing team or lead qualification personnel as showing more interest in the organization's products or services than other leads show.
  • Sales-Accepted: The lead has been initially reviewed and accepted by the lead qualification team, and the sales team will perform further qualification.
  • Converted: The lead has been qualified and converted to an opportunity. If the lead has this status, most of the UI elements on the form are read-only.
  • Suspended: This obsolete status is no longer used in the lead qualification workflow, and it cannot be selected. If a previously created lead has the Suspended status, you can change this status to any status that is available in the lead qualification workflow during lead processing.
  • Disqualified: The lead has shown no interest in the organization's products or services or is not reachable (for example, the contact information is not valid). Some organizations may also use this status for duplicate leads.

The reason the status of this lead has been changed.

The reason (and its corresponding status) can be one of the following:

  • Created: The lead has been created but has not yet been processed. A lead with this reason has the New status.
  • Potential Interest: The lead has a potential interest in a product or service. A lead with this reason has the Open status.
  • Subscribed: The lead has subscribed to a newsletter or event. A lead with this reason has the Open status.
  • Inquiry: The lead has made an inquiry about a product or service. A lead with this reason has the Open status.
  • Qualified by Marketing: The lead has been qualified by the marketing team. A lead with this reason has the Sales-Ready, Sales-Accepted, or Converted status.
  • Accepted by Sales: The lead has been reviewed and accepted by the sales or lead qualification team. A lead with this reason has the Sales-Accepted status.
  • Qualified by Sales: The lead has been qualified by the sales team. A lead with this reason has the Sales-Accepted or Converted status.
  • No Interest: The lead has no interest in the organization's products or services. A lead with this reason has the Disqualified status.
  • Unable to Contact: It is not possible to contact the lead. For example, the phone number or email address is invalid, or the lead does not answer the phone. A lead with this reason has the Disqualified status.
  • Duplicate: The lead is a duplicate of another lead in the system. A lead with this reason has the Disqualified status.
  • Other: The lead cannot be qualified for a reason that is not included in this list. A lead with this reason has the Disqualified status.
Lead Class The identifier of the lead class to which the lead belongs.
Source The source of the lead.
State Name The state of the lead.
Country The country of the lead.
City The city of the lead.
Postal Code The postal code of the lead.
Address Line 1 The first line of the lead's address.
Address Line 2 The second line of the lead's address.
Email The email address of the lead.
Phone 1 The primary phone number of the lead.
Phone 2 The secondary phone number of the lead.
Phone 3 Another phone number of the lead.
Fax The fax number of the lead.
Workgroup The workgroup for the lead.
Owner The owner of the lead.
Last Incoming Activity The date of the latest incoming activity that is associated with the lead.
Last Outgoing Activity The date of the latest outgoing activity that is associated with the lead.
Created On The date when the lead record was created.
Last Modified On The date when the lead record was modified most recently.