Assign Cases

Form ID: (CR503210)

On this form, you can perform mass assignment of unassigned cases. For this assignment, the system uses the assignment map specified for cases on the Customer Management Preferences (CR101000) form.

This form is available only if the Case Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

A case is displayed on the form if the Active check box is selected for it on the Additional Info tab of the Cases (CR306000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Process Initiates the assignment process for the records that you have selected in the table.
Process All Initiates the assignment process for all records listed in the table.


This table contains the list of all available cases.

Column Description
Selected An unlabeled check box that you select to include the record in processing if you click Process.
Case ID The identifier of the case.
Subject A description of the case.

The status of the case.

This box contains one of the following options:

  • New: The case has been created in the system, but no work has been done on it yet. A case with this status can have the Unassigned, Assigned, or Opened on Portal reason.
  • Open: The case is being worked on by the support team. A case with this status can have any of the following reasons: Assigned, In Process, Updated, In Escalation, or Pending Closure. If the case has been reopened by an incoming email, this status can also be assigned to the case along with the Updated reason.
  • Pending Customer: The support team is waiting for feedback or a response from a customer. A case with this status can have any of the following reasons: More Info Requested, Waiting Confirmation, or Pending Closure.
  • Closed: The customer's problem has been resolved, a solution has been found, or no further work is expected to be done on the case. A case with this status can have any of the following reasons: Resolved, Rejected, Canceled, Abandoned, or Duplicate.
  • Released: The AR invoice for the work performed has been generated for the customer on the Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form. A case with this status can have any of the following reasons: Resolved, Rejected, Canceled, Abandoned, or Duplicate.

The reason the case has changed the status.

The reason (and its corresponding status) can be one of the following:

  • Unassigned (default): The new case has not been assigned to an owner. A case with this reason has the New status.
  • Assigned: The case has been assigned to an owner. A case with this reason has the New or Open status.
  • Opened on Portal: The new case was created on the Acumatica Self-Service Portal. A case with this reason has the New status.
  • In Process: The case is being worked on. A case with this reason has the Open status.
  • Updated: The case has been updated with new details or changed settings. A case with this reason has the Open status.
  • In Escalation: The case has been escalated. A case with this reason has the Open status.
  • Pending Closure: The case is ready to be closed by the customer. A case with this reason has the Open or Pending Customer status.
  • More Info Requested: A request for additional information has been sent to the customer to help the support team find a solution to the case. A case with this reason has the Pending Customer status.
  • Waiting Confirmation: A solution to the case has been found; the case is ready to be closed and is awaiting confirmation from the customer. A case with this reason has the Pending Customer status.
  • Resolved: The case has been resolved. A case with this reason has the Closed or Released status.
  • Rejected: The case has been rejected by the owner of the case. A case with this reason has the Closed or Released status.
  • Canceled: The case has been canceled by the customer. A case with this reason has the Closed or Released status.
  • Abandoned: The case has been left for a long time without any answer from the customer. A case with this reason has the Closed or Released status.
  • Duplicate: The case is a duplicate of another case with the same problem from the same customer. A case with this reason has the Closed or Released status.
Severity The severity level of the case. The following options are available: Low, Medium, and High.
Priority The priority of the case. The following options are available: Low, Medium, and High.
Promised The date given to the contact as the date of resolution.
Estimation The estimation of the time required for the case resolution.
Remaining The amount of time required to close the case.
Age The age of the case.
Last Incoming Activity The date of the last incoming activity on the case.
Last Outgoing Activity The date of the last outgoing activity on the case.
Last Activity Date The date and time of the most recent activity associated with the case.
Last Activity Age The age of the last activity on the case.
Last Modified The date when the case record was last updated.
Class ID The class that the case belongs to.
Business Account The identifier of the customer account.
Account Name The name of the customer.
Parent Business Account The account of the parent customer.
Parent Business Account Name The name of the parent customer.
Contact The name of the contact.
Location ID The location of the customer.
Contract ID The contract that is associated with the case.
Description The description of the contract.
Customer The identifier of the customer.
Account Name The name of the customer.
Init. Response The date of the initial response.
Resolution Time The time interval that is planned for case resolution.
Time Spent The total time spent on the case to date.
Overtime Spent The overtime hours spent on the case to date.
Billable Time The number of billable work hours spent on the case.
Billable Overtime The number of billable overtime hours spent on the case.
Workgroup The workgroup assigned to the case.
Owner The employee assigned to the case.
Created By The name of the user created the case.
Date Reported The date when the case was created.
Last Modified On The date when the case record was last updated.