Journal Vouchers

Form ID: (GL304000)

On this form, you can enter a batch of multiple documents or transactions with certain common factors, such as the branch, currency, transaction date, and post period. For each document in the batch, you must enter the transaction code, which represents the document type in a particular subledger and which is defined on the Voucher Entry Codes (GL106000) form. In addition to the transaction code, you enter only the required information for each document, by summary or with line details (if needed). While adding each document to a batch, you can apply it to payments or apply payments to it, depending on the document type.

When you release a batch created on this form, the system generates and releases actual documents of the specified types in the general ledger or in the accounts payable, accounts receivable, or cash management subledger.

If the approval of AP bills has been configured—that is, if the Approval Workflow feature has been enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and approvals have been activated (and an approval map has been specified) for the document type on the Approval tab of the Accounts Payable Preferences (AP101000) form, the system will display an error message when you try to release AP bills that are included in a batch on the current form. To process AP bills, you should use the Bills and Adjustments (AP303000) form.

For details, see Journal Voucher Entry.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

Command Description

Changes the batch's status to On Hold. You click this button or command when you want to make changes to the batch or to pause its processing.

This button and command are available if the document has the Balanced status.


Initiates the batch release process and changes the status of the batch to Released if all listed documents have been generated and released successfully.

This button and command are available if the document has the Balanced status.

Remove Hold

Changes the batch's status from On Hold to Balanced, making it possible to release the batch.

This button and command are available if the document has the On Hold status.

Summary Area

The Summary area contains summary information about the batch, such as the branch the documents are associated with, the batch date, the posting period, the batch debit and credit totals, and the currency of the included documents and transactions.

Element Description
Batch Number The unique identifier of the document batch, which is generated in accordance with the numbering sequence assigned to document batches in the Document Batch Numbering Sequence box on the General Ledger Preferences (GL102000) form.

The current system-generated status of the batch.

The status can be one of the following:

  • On Hold: You can edit the batch, including adding new documents to it, but the batch cannot be released or posted. You can take the batch off hold by clicking the Remove Hold button on the form toolbar (or the equivalent action) only if all the included documents have all the required information—that is, if all elements indicated as required (with an asterisk) have been filled in.

    A new batch is assigned this status by default if the Hold Vouchers on Entry check box is selected on the General Ledger Preferences form.

  • Balanced: All the batch's documents are valid—that is, that all elements indicated as required (with an asterisk) have been filled in. A balanced batch can be modified or deleted, but changes can be saved only if the added documents are valid.

    A batch is assigned this status by default if the Hold Vouchers on Entry check box is cleared on the General Ledger Preferences form.

  • Released: The batch has been released and all the listed documents have been generated and released successfully.
Transaction Date

The date when the batch was created. By default, the current business date is used, but you can override this value.

You can enter only a date that corresponds to a financial period that has been generated on the Master Financial Calendar (GL201000) form. If the date that you enter belongs to a financial period that has not yet been generated in the system—for example, for a date in the distant future or past—the system will display an error message, and you will not be able to save the document.

Post Period

The financial period to which all the documents and transactions should be posted. All transactions from a batch are posted to the same financial period.

By default, the period is calculated based on the transaction date and the definition of financial periods. Nevertheless, you may specify other dates for particular documents or transactions included in the batch.

Branch The branch or company (if company does not have branches) to which this batch is related.
Ledger The ledger to which batch transactions are posted. The system fills in this box with the ledger of the Actual type of the branch or company. The ledger is specified for the company on the Companies (CS101500) form.

The currency used for all the journal transactions in the selected batch. By default, this is the base currency defined for all companies on the Companies (CS101500) form.

This box appears on the form only if the Multicurrency Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Description A description of the batch.
Debit Total The total of the debit amounts for the batch; the value is calculated automatically.
Credit Total The total of transaction credit amounts for the batch; the value is calculated automatically.
Control Total

The batch's control total, which is used for batch status validation. The batch can be posted, released, or scheduled only if this amount is equal to the Debit Total and Credit Total amounts.

This box appears on the form only if the Validate Batch Control Totals on Entry check box is selected on the General Ledger Preferences (GL102000) form.

Transactions Tab

You use the Transactions tab to enter information about the accounts payable, accounts receivable, and cash management documents and the general ledger transactions for which the system will generate appropriate documents and transactions in the respective subledgers when this batch is released. Once you select a document type by specifying the transaction code, the columns specific to this document type will be available, and the columns that are not used for documents of this type will be unavailable.

In each row, you also enter the settings that will be copied to the Summary area of the document on the appropriate form, including the line total (the document amount with tax amounts included) and the line subtotal (the document amount before taxes are calculated). To provide the details of the individual lines of the document, select the Split check box; this keeps the summary settings for the document on the existing row and makes it possible to add rows with information about document lines. For more details, see To Add Documents to a Document Batch.

Table 1. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
View Document After you have released the batch, opens the document generated based on the settings specified in this row on the applicable form.
Show Taxes Opens the Document Taxes dialog box (described below), so that you can view the list of taxes that apply to the selected document.
Table 2. Document Taxes Dialog BoxThis dialog box opens if you click a row and then click Show Taxes on the table toolbar of the Transactions tab. The dialog box shows the list of taxes that apply to the selected document. The dialog box has the following elements.
Element Description
Tax ID The tax that applies to the selected document.
Taxable Amount The amount that is subjected to the tax.
Tax Rate The tax rate.
Tax Amount The resulting amount of the tax.
Deductible Tax Rate The percent of deduction that applies to the tax amount paid to the vendor.
Expense Amount The amount that is deducted from the tax amount paid to the vendor.
This dialog box has the following button.
OK This button closes the dialog box.
Table 3. Table Columns
Column Description
Ref. Number The reference number to be used for the generated document; the number is assigned as you specify a few values for the document, and it is reserved for the document until the actual document will be generated. This number is generated according to the numbering sequence assigned to the selected type of documents.
Tran. Code

The transaction code. The transaction codes assigned to the document types are defined on the Voucher Entry Codes (GL106000) form.

If you open the lookup table for this column and select a row with AP specified in the Module column and Debit Adj. specified in the Module Tran. Type column, the system does either of the following, depending on whether the Use Credit Terms in Debit Adjustments check box is selected on the Accounts Payable Preferences (AP101000) form:

  • If the check box is selected, inserts the credit terms from the vendor's settings and makes the Terms, Due Date, Cash Discount Date, and Cash Discount columns available. You can override the credit terms or clear the Terms column.
  • If the check box is cleared, leaves the credit terms empty and makes the Terms, Due Date, Cash Discount Date, and Cash Discount columns unavailable.

If you open the lookup table for this column and select a row with AR specified in the Module column and Credit Memo specified in the Module Tran. Type column, the system does either of the following, depending on whether the Use Credit Terms in Credit Memos check box is selected on the Accounts Receivable Preferences (AR101000) form:

  • If the check box is selected, inserts the credit terms from the customer's settings in the Terms column and makes the Terms, Due Date, Cash Discount Date, and Cash Discount columns available. You can override the credit terms or clear any of the columns.
  • If the check box is cleared, leaves the Terms column empty and makes the Terms, Due Date, Cash Discount Date, and Cash Discount columns unavailable.
Transaction Date The date of the document or transaction.

The customer or vendor involved.

This column is available only if the transaction code related to the accounts receivable or accounts payable subledger is selected in this row.

The list of values may be restricted based on the branch specified for the document. You can select a customer or vendor whose settings permit the use of the branch—that is, one for which the Restrict Visibility To box on the Financial tab of the Customers (AR303000) or Vendors (AP303000) form, respectively, is empty, contains the branch specified in this document (or the company or company group that contains the branch specified in this document).


The location of the customer or vendor related to the transaction.

This box appears on the form only if the Business Account Locations feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Entry Type ID The entry type of the cash transaction if the selected code is associated with the cash management subledger.
Debit Account

The account that will be debited by the document or transaction amount. The system fills in this box automatically by using the settings specified for the selected customer or vendor on the GL Accounts tab of the Vendors (AP303000) or Customers (AR303000) form. For example, for an AR invoice, the account specified in the AR Account box on the Customers (AR303000) form will be used; for an AP prepayment document, the account specified in the Prepayment Account box on the Vendors (AP303000) form will be used.

When you add a new AR or AP document to a batch, the system checks whether the account selected in this column is a control account for the appropriate subledger as follows:

  • If a code that you have selected in the Tran. Code column is configured for the AR subledger and the Invoice or Debit Memo transaction type, the account selected in the Debit Account column is expected to be a control account for the AR subledger.
  • If a code that you have selected in the Tran. Code column is configured for the AP subledger and the Debit Adjustment, Payment, or Prepayment transaction type, the account selected in the Debit Account column is expected to be a control account for the AP subledger.

For more information about control accounts, see Control Accounts: General Information.

Debit Subaccount

The subaccount to be used for the debit journal entry. This subaccount is inserted by the system automatically by using the settings specified for the selected vendor or customer on the GL Accounts tab of the Vendors (AP303000) or Customers (AR303000) form. You can overwrite a default value manually.

This box appears on the form only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Credit Account

The account that will be credited by the amount of the document or transaction. The system fills in this box automatically by using the settings specified for the selected customer or vendor on the GL Accounts tab of the Customers (AR303000) or Vendors (AP303000) form. For example, for an AP bill, the account specified in the AP Account box on the Vendors (AP303000) form will be used; for an AR payment document, the account specified in the Sales Account box on the Customers (AR303000) form will be used.

When you add a new AR or AP document to a batch, the system checks whether the account selected in this column is a control account for the appropriate subledger as follows:

  • If a code that you have selected in the Tran. Code column is configured for the AR subledger and the Credit Memo, Payment, or Prepayment transaction type, the account selected in the Credit Account column is expected to be a control account for the AR subledger.
  • If a code that you have selected in the Tran. Code column is configured for the AP subledger and the Bill or Credit Adjustment transaction type, the account selected in the Credit Account column is expected to be a control account for the AP subledger.

For more information about control accounts, see Control Accounts: General Information.

Credit Subaccount

The subaccount to be used for the credit journal entry.

This box appears on the form only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Ext. Ref. Number

The reference number of the external document that this document or transaction is based on.

If for the document, GL is selected in the Tran. Code column, the length of this number must not exceed 15 characters; otherwise, the system will display an error message, and the journal voucher will not be released.

Total Amount The amount of the document or transaction, including the tax total amount.
Subtotal Amount The sum of the details or lines of the document or transaction.
Tax Zone The tax zone for the document, if applicable.
Tax Category The tax category of the document, if applicable.
Tax Amount The amount of the taxes that apply to the document.

A check box that indicates (if selected) that this document or this transaction includes details specified in other rows.

For details, see Adding a Multiline Document.

Transaction Description A description of the document or transaction or any comments relevant to the document or transaction.

The project with which this transaction is associated, or the code indicating that this document or transaction is not associated with any project.

The non-project code used in the system is specified on the Projects Preferences (PM101000) form.

The column is available if the Project Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and if the integration of the projects functionality with the general ledger has been enabled (that is, if the GL check box is selected in the Visibility Settings section on the Projects Preferences (PM101000) form).

Project Task

The particular task of the project with which this batch is associated.

The column is available if the Project Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, and if the integration of the projects functionality with the general ledger has been enabled (that is, if the GL check box is selected in the Visibility Settings section on the Projects Preferences (PM101000) form).

Cost Code

The cost code with which this batch is associated to track project costs and revenue.

The column is available if the Cost Codes feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and if the integration of the projects functionality with the general ledger has been enabled, that is, if the GL check box is selected in the Visibility Settings section on the Projects Preferences (PM101000) form.

Payment Method

The payment method used for this document, if this document is a payment.

Payment methods that require printing of checks or that require ACH batch processing cannot be used in document batches.
Card/Account Nbr. The particular card number if the payment method involves using credit cards.
Terms The credit terms used for the vendor or customer associated with the document.
Due Date The due date for the document, if applicable.
Cash Discount Date The date of the cash discount for the document, if applicable.
Cash Discount

The amount of the cash discount for the document, if applicable.

For details on calculation of cash discounts, see Setup and Calculation of Cash Discounts.

Doc. Created A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system has created the document specified by this row.
Released A check box that indicates (if selected) that the document specified by this row has been released. The system releases the documents immediately after it generates them.
Doc. Total

The document total.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Included Tax Amount

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the tax amount is included in the document total.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
Line Nbr.

The number of the line in the table.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.

AP Payment Applications Tab

This tab contains two tables that you can use to apply the checks or prepayments available in the batch to the accounts payable documents in the same batch or to documents available in the system. For details, see Applying Payments to the Documents in the Batch.

Make sure you have saved the batch before you start applying the payments to the documents. The newly added documents will not appear on this tab until they are saved with the batch.
Table 4. Payments Table

This table displays the accounts payable payments available in the batch. In this table, you select a payment by clicking the applicable row before you select a document (to which you apply the payment) in the Documents to Apply tab. All the columns in this table are read-only.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Tran. Code The code of the accounts payable payment document.
Ref. Number The reference number of the payment document.
Transaction Date The date of the payment document.
Vendor The vendor specified on the document.

The location of the vendor associated with the document.

This box appears on the form only if the Business Account Locations feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Payment Method The payment method used for the document.
Debit Account The account that will be debited by the document amount.
Debit Subaccount

The subaccount used for the debit entry.

This box appears on the form only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Credit Account The account that will be credited by the document amount.
Credit Subaccount

The subaccount used for the credit entry.

This box appears on the form only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Ext. Ref. Number The reference number of the original vendor document.
Currency The currency of the document.
Application Amount The amount of the application.
Unapplied Balance The unapplied balance of the document.
Subtotal Amount The amount of the payment before taxes.
Transaction Description The description of the document.
Table 5. Documents to Apply Table Columns

You use this table to select the documents to apply to the payment selected in the Payments table of the tab.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Document Type The type of the accounts payable document. You select the document in this box from the list of documents available in the system. Once you have selected the document, the value in this box cannot be edited.
Reference Nbr. The reference number of the generated document. Once you have selected the document, the value in this box cannot be edited.
Amount Paid The amount paid for this document (that is, the application amount).
Cash Discount Taken The amount of the cash discount taken on the document.
With. Tax The tax amount withheld on the document.
Date The date of the document.
Due Date The due date for the document.
Cash Discount Date The date until which the cash discount is available.
Balance The balance of the document after payment application.
Cash Discount Balance The amount of the cash discount that has not been used.
With. Tax Balance The balance of the tax withheld on the document.
Description The description of the document.
Currency The currency of the document.
Post Period The financial period to post the document.

AR Payment Applications Tab

This tab contains two tables that you can use to apply the payments or prepayments available in the batch to the accounts receivable documents in the same batch or to documents available in the system. For details, see Applying Payments to the Documents in the Batch.

Make sure you have saved the batch before you start applying the payments to the documents. The newly added documents will not appear on this tab until they are saved with the batch.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 6. Payments Table

This table displays the Accounts Receivable payments available in the batch. In this table, you select a payment by clicking the applicable row before you select a document (to which you apply the payment) in the Documents to Apply tab. All the columns in this table are read-only.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Tran. Code The code of the accounts receivable payment document.
Ref. Number The reference number of the generated document.
Transaction Date The date of the document.
Customer The customer specified on the payment document.

The location of the customer associated with the document.

This box appears on the form only if the Business Account Locations feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Payment Method The payment method used for the document.
Debit Account The account that will be debited by the document amount.
Debit Subaccount

The subaccount used for the debit entry.

This box appears on the form only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Credit Account The account that will be credited by the document amount.
Credit Subaccount

The subaccount to be used for the credit entry.

This box appears on the form only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Ext. Ref. Number The reference number of the original customer document.
Currency The currency of the document.
Application Amount The amount of the application.
Unapplied Balance The unapplied balance of the document.
Subtotal Amount The amount of the payment before taxes.
Transaction Description The description of the document.
Table 7. Documents to Apply Table Columns

You use this table to select the documents to apply to the payment selected in the Payments table of the tab.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Document Type The type of the accounts receivable document. You select the document in this box from the list of documents available in the system. Once you have selected the document, the value in this box cannot be edited.
Reference Nbr. The reference number of the generated document. Once you have selected the document, the value in this box cannot be edited.
Amount Paid The amount paid for this document.
Cash Discount Taken The amount of the cash discount taken on the document.
Balance Write-Off The amount that has been written off.
Write-Off Reason Code The identifier of the write-off reason code that provides a general ledger account to be updated with the write-off transaction amount.
Date The date of the document.
Due Date The due date of the customer document.
Cash Discount Date The last date when the cash discount for the customer was available.
Balance The balance of the payment after document application
Cash Discount Balance The amount of the cash discount that has not been used.
Write-Off Limit The write-off limit allowed for the customer.
Description The description of the document.
Currency The currency of the document.
Post Period The financial period to post the document.

GL Transactions Tab

This tab shows the general ledger transactions that have been automatically generated for the documents included in the batch when these documents were released. All columns in this table are read-only.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 8. Table Columns
Column Description
Ref. Number The reference number of the generated document.
Module The module where the document or transaction was generated.
Batch Number The reference number of the batch.
Transaction Date The date of the document or transaction.
Account The account updated by the document transaction.

The subaccount used.

This box appears on the form only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Quantity Optional. The quantity of items associated with the transaction, if relevant.
Currency The currency of the transaction.
Debit Amount The debit amount of the transaction.
Credit Amount The credit amount of the transaction.
Transaction Description The description of the transaction.