Release Vouchers

Form ID: (GL501500)

You can use this form to release Balanced batches of documents that were prepared on the Journal Vouchers (GL304000) form. Upon release of the batch or batches that you have selected for processing, the system generates and releases actual documents of the specified types in the appropriate modules, which can be any of the following: General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Cash Management. For details, see Voucher Processing Workflow.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Release Releases the batch or batches you have selected in the table, and changes the status of each processed batch to Released if all documents of the batch have been generated and released successfully in the appropriate modules.
Release All Releases all batches listed in the table, and changes the status of each processed batch to Released if all documents of the batch have been generated and released successfully in the appropriate modules.


The table contains all ready-to-be-released (Balanced) batches. You select the unlabeled check box in the line of each batch you want to release, and then click Release on the form toolbar. To release all the batches, click Release All on the form toolbar.

Column Description
Included An unlabeled check box that you select to release the batch when you click Release on the form toolbar.
Module The module in which the documents included in the batch will be generated and released.
Batch Number The identifier of the batch. If you click the link with the reference number, the system navigates to the Journal Vouchers (GL304000) form and displays the details of the selected batch.
Ledger The ledger in which the documents will be posted.
Transaction Date The date when the batch was created.
Last Modified By The login name of the user who last edited the batch.
Post Period The period to which the documents included in the batch will be posted.
Control Total The total amount of the transaction (the sum of the total amounts of all documents included in the batch).
Description The user-provided description for the transaction.