Journal Transactions

Form ID: (GL301000)

On this form, you can do the following:

  • View batches that contain journal transactions originating from different system subledgers
  • Directly enter journal transactions to update GL account balances
  • Create special batches for which recurring and auto-reversing journal transactions will be generated

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

Button/Command Description
Add to Schedule

Navigates to the Recurring Transactions (GL203500) form, where you can specify the schedule settings for the batch. When the batch is assigned to a schedule, its status changes to Scheduled.

This command is available if the batch has the Balanced status and the Normal type.


Approves the batch of GL transactions selected on the form and changes its status to Balanced. The button and command are available if the GL transaction has the Pending Approval status.

When you click this button or command, the Enter Reason dialog box opens if on the Rule Actions tab of the Approval Maps (EP205015) form, Is Optional or Is Required is selected in the Reason for Approval box. In the dialog box, you can (if Is Optional is selected) or must (if Is Required is selected) enter the reason the batch is being approved.

This button and command appear on the form if the Approval Workflow feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Batch Register Details Navigates to the GL Register Detailed (GL621000) report, which displays the list of all the batches released and posted to the general ledger during the specified financial period. Batch details include accounts, subaccounts, currency, and amounts.

Opens the Reclassify Transactions (GL506000) form, on which you can edit the Reclassification batch.

This command appears on the menu for a batch with the Reclassification type. The command is available if the reclassification batch has not been released.

GL Edit Details Navigates to the GL Edit Detailed (GL610500) report, which displays the list of transactions that were entered (but not released) during the specified financial period.
GL Reversing Batches Navigates to the GL Reversing Batches (GL690010) report, which displays the details of reversing batches.

Changes the batch's status to On Hold. You click this button or command when you want to indicate that the batch is not ready for posting.

This button and command are available if the document has the Balanced or Rejected status.

Post Posts the batch with the Unposted status. This command is available for batches originating from a subledger for which the Automatically Post on Release check box is cleared on the preferences form.

Opens the Reassign Approval dialog box, in which you can specify a new approver to reassign the selected record to this approver if the reassignment of approvals is allowed in the related rule of the approval map on the Approval Maps (EP205015) form.

This command appears if the Approval Workflow feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.


Opens the Reclassify Transactions form, on which you can initiate the reclassification process. For details, see Reclassifying Transactions.

This command is available if the batch has the Released or Posted status.


Rejects the batch of GL transactions selected on the form and changes its status to Rejected. The button and command are available if the GL transaction has the Pending Approval status.

When you click this button or command, the Enter Reason dialog box opens if on the Rule Actions tab of the Approval Maps (EP205015) form, Is Optional or Is Required is selected in the Reason for Rejection box. In the dialog box, you can (if Is Optional is selected) or must (if Is Required is selected) enter the reason the batch is being approved.

After rejecting the batch of transactions, you can click Hold to assign the On Hold status to the batch, modify it, and resubmit it for approval.

This button and command appear on the form if the Approval Workflow feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.


Initiates the batch release process and changes the batch's status to Unposted or Posted, depending on whether the Automatically Post on Release check box has been selected on the preferences form of the subledger where the batch originated.

Remove Hold

Changes the batch's status from On Hold to Balanced, making it possible to release the batch.

This button and command are available if the document has the On Hold status.


Generates a reversing batch for the currently open batch and displays its details on the form.

This command is unavailable if the batch has been generated on the Revalue AP Accounts (CM504000) and Revalue AR Accounts (CM505000) forms, that is, you cannot reverse batches created during the revaluation of AP and AR accounts.

View Schedule Navigates to the Recurring Transactions form, where you can review the schedule settings for the batch. This button and command appear on the form only if the selected batch has the Scheduled status.
Table 1. Enter Reason Dialog BoxYou use this dialog box to enter the reason for approval or rejection of the selected batch of GL transactions. The dialog box is opened when you click Approve or Reject on the form toolbar if in the Reason for Approval or Reason for Rejection box, respectively, of the Rule Actions tab of the Approval Maps (EP205015) form, Is Optional or Is Required is selected.
Element Description
Unnamed text box The reason explaining why the batch is being approved or rejected.
This dialog box has the following buttons.
OK Saves the specified reason and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without saving the specified reason.

Reassign Approval Dialog Box

In this dialog box, you can specify the new approver to whom you want to reassign the selected record or records.

New ApproverThe name of the employee to whom you want to reassign the selected record or records.
Ignore Approver's Delegations

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system will assign the selected records to the specified new approver but not to their delegate, even if the new approver is unavailable and has a delegation set up for the current date.

If the check box is cleared and if the new approver is not available and has a delegation set up for the current date, the system will reassign the selected records to the delegate if the delegate is available. If the delegate is unavailable, the system will reassign the requests to the delegate of the delegate. The system will continue the search in this way until it assigns an approver that has no active delegations set up for the current date or it detects a loop in the chain of delegations (in which case you will have to specify a different approver).

This dialog box has the following buttons.
ReassignCloses the dialog box and reassigns the selected record or records to the specified new approver if the reassignment of approvals is allowed in the related rule of the approval map on the Approval Maps (EP205015) form.
CancelCloses the dialog box and cancels the reassignment of the selected record or records to a new approver.

Summary Area

The Summary area of the form contains summary information about batch transactions, such as the financial period, the posting ledger, the batch date, the module where the batch was created, the debit and credit totals, and the currency of the transactions.

Element Description
Module The subledger where the batch originated. New batches can be created only for the general ledger.
Batch Number The unique identifier of the batch, which is generated by the numbering sequence assigned to batches in the Batch Numbering Sequence box on the General Ledger Preferences (GL102000) form. For a new batch, the <NEW> string is displayed, indicating that a new number will be generated automatically when you save the new batch.

The current status of the batch, which is assigned by the system.

The status can be one of the following:

  • On Hold: You can edit a batch with the this status but cannot release or post it. If total debits are equal to the total credits for the batch, when you click the Remove Hold button on the form toolbar (or the equivalent action), the system changes its status to Balanced. A new batch is assigned this status by default if the Hold Batches on Entry check box is selected on the General Ledger Preferences form.
  • Balanced: The debit total of the batch equals the credit total, and the batch is ready to be released or posted. A balanced batch can be modified (but changes can be saved only if the batch credit and debit totals are equal), scheduled, or deleted. A new batch is assigned this status by default if the Hold Batches on Entry check box is cleared on the General Ledger Preferences form.
  • Scheduled: The batch has been attached to a schedule. Scheduled batches are used as templates for generating similar GL batches, with the dates calculated according to the schedule settings. A batch with the Scheduled status can be modified, but it can be saved only if the debit and credit totals are equal.
  • Unposted: This balanced batch has been released but not yet posted. You cannot edit or delete a batch with this status.
  • Pending Approval: The batch needs to be approved by responsible approvers, which are assigned according to the approval map specified on the Approval tab of the General Ledger Preferences form.

    This status is assigned to a batch of GL transactions when you click Remove Hold on the current form if the batch is subject to approval—that is, if it meets the conditions specified in an approval map.

    The approver must approve or reject the batch on the current form or on the Approvals (EP503010) form. If the batch is approved, its status is changed to Balanced, and it can be processed further.

    This status is available only if the Approval Workflow feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and at least one applicable approval map has been specified for the batch type on the Approval tab of the General Ledger Preferences form.

  • Posted: The journal entries of this batch were posted—that is, were used for updating the balances of the appropriate GL accounts. Posted batches cannot be modified or deleted. You can view and reclassify batches with this status.
  • Rejected: The batch has been rejected by at least one assigned approver.

    This status is assigned to a batch of GL transactions when an approver clicks Reject on the current form or on the Approvals form.

    If a transaction is rejected, you can assign it the On Hold status by clicking Hold, adjust it, and then submit it for approval again. Alternatively, you can delete the transaction.

    This status is available only if the Approval Workflow feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and at least one approval map has been specified for the batch type on the Approval tab of the General Ledger Preferences form.

  • Void: This batch is invalid and has been canceled—for example, in cases when the batch was removed from a schedule before the schedule was completed. However, the batch cannot be deleted because it is needed for auditing.
Transaction Date

The date when the batch was created, which can be filled in by the user or the system.

This date relates to the transaction dates of the journal entries as follows:

  • For a manually created batch: For all journal entries included in the batch, the system inserts this transaction date in the Transaction Date column of the table.
  • For a batch generated automatically originating in an MYOB Advanced subledger: Each journal entry included in the batch can have its own transaction date specified in the Transaction Date column of the table, based on the transaction date specified in the corresponding subledger.

You can enter only a date that corresponds to a financial period that has been generated on the Master Financial Calendar (GL201000) form. If the date that you enter belongs to a financial period that has not yet been generated in the system—for example, for a date in the distant future or past—the system will display an error message, and you will not be able to save the document.

Post Period

The financial period to which the transactions should be posted. All transactions from a batch are posted to the same financial period. By default, the period is calculated based on the transaction date and the definition of financial periods, but the period can be changed. The system validates that the period is available for posting in the company (or a company branch) associated with the transaction. If the transaction date doesn't match any financial period that is currently defined in the system, an error message stating that the financial period is closed or does not exist in the system will appear, and you will not be able to save the batch.

Note: Only users with the Financial Supervisor role assigned on the User Roles (SM201005) form are allowed to post to closed periods if the Restrict Access to Closed Periods check box is selected on the General Ledger Preferences form. Closed financial periods do not appear in the list of financial periods, so a closed period can be entered only manually.
Description A description of the batch.
Branch The branch to which this batch is related.
Ledger The identifier of the ledger to which batch transactions are posted. By default, it is the default posting ledger specified for the branch on the Inter-Branch Account Mapping (GL101010) form, but another posting ledger can be selected.

The currency used for all the journal transactions in the selected batch. By default, it is the base currency defined for all branches on the Branches (CS102000) form.

For details about the Currency boxes, see Currency Boxes.


A check box that indicates (if selected) that the batch is auto-reversing. For such a batch, the general ledger automatically creates a batch that reverses the original debit and credit transactions in the next financial period (that is, the debit entry is reversed and becomes a credit entry, and the credit entry is reversed and becomes a debit entry). Such batches are used to reverse period-end adjustments. A reversed batch will be created when the original batch is released or posted, depending on the Generate Reversing Entries option selected on the General Ledger Preferences form.

Note: An auto-reversing batch cannot be a tax-related batch. That is, if this check box is selected, the Create Tax Transactions check box is not available.
Reversing Entry A check box that indicates (if selected) that the batch is a reversing batch. The Original Batch Number box displays the ID of the batch that was reversed by this batch.
Create Tax Transactions

A check box that indicates (if selected) that a tax-related transaction can be created manually for this batch; select this check box before you begin to create the transaction. When you select this check box, the Tax ID and Tax Category columns appear in the table area on this form. For details, see Tax Entry from GL: Process Activity.

If this check box is selected, the Skip Tax Amount Validation check box appears in the Summary area of this form.

Note: The tax-related batch cannot be an auto-reversing batch.

The type of this GL batch, which is specified by the system automatically.

A GL batch can be one of the following types:

  • Normal: Either you have created this batch manually in the general ledger or the system has created it automatically in any subledger of MYOB Advanced once a document has been released and posted to the general ledger. As an example of automatic creation, when you release a vendor bill in the accounts payable subledger, a GL batch of the Normal type is generated in the general ledger.
  • Consolidation: This batch has been generated by the system when the process of importing the data from the consolidation units to the parent company was run.

    For details, see GL Consolidation: To Import Consolidation Data from a Subsidiary.

  • Trial Balance: This batch has been generated by the system when the trial balance entry was released on the Trial Balance (GL303010) form.

    For details on importing the trial balances, see Preparation for Importing Trial Balances.

  • Reclassification: This batch has been generated by the system when a GL transaction of the Normal type was reclassified. For details on the reclassification process, see Reclassifying Transactions: Process Activity.
  • Allocation: This batch has been generated by the system when the allocation process was run.

    For details on the allocation process, see Allocation Rules.

Orig. Batch Number For a scheduled or auto-reversing batch, the reference number of the batch that was used as a template. For a reversing batch, the reference number of the original batch that was reversed with the current batch.
Reversing Batches The number of reversing batches for the selected batch. This box is not displayed if there are no reversing batches for this batch. If you click the link in this box, the system navigates to the GL Reversing Batches (GL690010) report, which displays the details of the reversing batches.
Debit Total The total of transaction debit amounts for the batch; this value is calculated automatically.
Credit Total The total of transaction credit amounts for the batch; this value is calculated automatically.
Control Total

The manually entered control total of the batch, which is used for batch status validation. The batch can be posted, released, or scheduled only if this amount is equal to the Debit Total and Credit Total amounts for the batch.

This box appears on the form only if the Validate Batch Control Totals on Entry check box is selected on the General Ledger Preferences form.

Skip Tax Amount Validation

A check box that (if selected) directs the system to skip automatic validation of a tax-related transaction that you create manually. This check box appears only if the Create Tax Transactions check box is selected on this form.

Note: We recommend that you leave this check box cleared so that the system performs tax amount validation. If the tax amount validation is skipped (that is, if this check box is selected), the system does not warn you if the manually entered tax amount does not match the taxable amount of a transaction, which may cause errors in the appropriate tax report.

Details Tab

On this tab, you can specify the line details for a new batch of GL transactions or view the details of the transaction selected in the Summary area of the form.

The table contains the list of journal entries and their details. Each row defines one journal entry, and a single journal entry specifies only a debit or credit amount. For the batch to be posted, total credits for all journal entries in the batch must be equal to total debits.

Table 2. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
View Source Document

Opens the document based on which this batch was generated on the appropriate form.

This button is available only for batches originating in subledgers.

Reclassification History

Opens the Reclassification History (GL405000) form for the selected transaction (that is, the transaction you have clicked before clicking this button).

This button is available only if a reclassified transaction is selected in the table.

Table 3. Table Columns
Column Description
Branch The branch associated with this journal entry.

The account (associated with the specified branch) whose balance is updated by the journal entry. If an account denominated to a foreign currency is specified, all other transactions of this batch should be in the same foreign currency.

Important: The account that is specified as the YTD Net Income account on the General Ledger Preferences (GL102000) form cannot be specified in this column.
Description A detailed description provided by a user or generated by the system.

The subaccount used with the account to detail the journal entry.

This column appears on the form only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

The system inserts the default subaccount in this column according to the following rules:

  • For the first line, the system inserts the subaccount specified in the Default Subaccount box on the General Ledger Preferences form if the specified account has the Use Default Subaccount check box selected on the Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form. If the Use Default Subaccount check box is cleared for the account, the system leaves the current column empty.
  • For the second line and all lines after it, the system does either of the following:
    • If the specified account has the Use Default Subaccount check box selected on the Chart of Accounts form, inserts the subaccount specified in the Default Subaccount box on the General Ledger Preferences form.
    • If the specified account has the Use Default Subaccount check box cleared, copies the value from the previous line if the accounts in the current and in the previous lines are both temporary accounts (Income or Expense) or are both permanent accounts (Asset or Liability).

The project or contract with which this journal entry is associated, or the non-project code that indicates that this batch is not associated with any project. (The non-project code is specified on the Projects Preferences (PM101000) form.)

The column is available in any of the following cases:

Project Task

The particular task of the project with which this batch is associated. If you select a project that has the default project task, this task is automatically populated in the column.

The column is available if the Project Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and the GL check box is selected in the Visibility Settings section on the Projects Preferences form.

Cost Code

The cost code with which this batch is associated to track project costs and revenue.

The column is available if the Cost Code feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and the GL check box is selected in the Visibility Settings section on the Projects Preferences form.

Ref. Number

The reference number of the external or internal document associated with the journal transaction.

The documents' reference numbers must be specified for tax-related transactions. These numbers are required because tax and taxable amounts are reflected in the tax reports only if the transactions are linked to the corresponding documents.

Note: If the reference number of the external document has been manually typed for a transaction, the document cannot be opened by clicking the link in this column because it was not added to the system.
Quantity Optional. The quantity of items associated with the transaction, if relevant.
UOM Optional. The unit of measure for items associated with the transaction, if relevant.
Debit Amount The debit amount of the journal entry. You can specify only a debit or a credit amount for a single journal entry.
Credit Amount The credit amount of the journal entry. You can specify only a debit or a credit amount for a single journal entry.
Transaction Description A description of the transaction or any comments relevant to the transaction.
Tax ID

The tax used to calculate the tax amount; this column appears if the Create Tax Transactions check box is selected in the Summary area. The tax is entered automatically by the system when you select an account in the Account column (and the subaccount in the Subaccount column, if applicable) associated with a particular tax.

You can overwrite the default value.

Tax Category

The tax category based on which the taxable amount is calculated; this column appears if the Create Tax Transactions check box is selected in the Summary area. This tax category is entered automatically by the system if you select an account in the Account column for which a particular tax category has been defined on the Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form.

You can change the default tax category.


A check box that indicates (if selected) that this transaction is non-billable in the project.

This column appears only if the Project Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Project Tran. ID

The reference number of the project transaction associated with the journal transaction.

The column is available if the Project Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and the GL check box is selected in the Visibility Settings section on the Projects Preferences form.

Remaining Reclass. Amount

The amount that is left for the journal entry if a split process has been performed.

This column is visible only if a nonzero amount remains in the original transaction after it has been split.

Reclass. Batch Number The number of the reclassification batch that was generated for the selected GL transaction. This number is displayed only for a transaction that has been reclassified.
Orig. Batch Number

The number to the original GL batch based on which the selected Reclassification batch has been generated.

This column appears on the form only if the batch of the Reclassification type is selected on the form.

Master Period ID

The ID of the financial period in the master financial calendar.

This column appears on the form only if the Multiple Calendar Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. The column is hidden by default; you can make it visible in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box.

Period ID

The ID of the financial period in the financial calendar of the company associated with this journal entry.

This column appears on the form only if the Multiple Calendar Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. The column is hidden by default; you can make it visible in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box.

Transaction Date

The date when the transaction was generated, which the system fills in as follows:

  • For a manually created batch: This is the date of batch creation as specified in the Transaction Date box of the Summary area of the current form.
  • For a batch generated automatically originating in an MYOB Advanced subledger: This is the transaction date specified in the Transaction Date column of the table, based on the transaction date specified in the corresponding subledger.
Note: The date specified in this column is used for the transaction in MYOB Advanced reports.

Approvals Tab

This tab is available only if the Approval Workflow feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and at least one applicable approval map has been specified for the selected document type on the Approval tab of the General Ledger Preferences form (GL102000) form.

This tab contains information on approvals of the current document.

Table 4. Table Columns

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Assignee ID The identifier of the employee assigned to approve the batch.
Assigned To The name of the employee assigned to approve the batch.
Workgroup The workgroup of the employee assigned to approve the batch.
Approved By (ID) The identifier of the employee who actually reviewed the batch.
Approved By The name of the employee who actually reviewed the batch.
Approval Date The date of the approval.

The status of the approval of the batch.

Depending on the approval action that this row represents (Approve or Reject) and the way the approval workflow has been set up, the system-specified status can be one of the following:

  • Pending: The batch needs to be reviewed by the approver.
  • Approved: The batch has been approved by the approver.
  • Rejected: The batch has been rejected by the approver.

The reason for approval or rejection of the batch if this reason has been specified by the approver in the Enter Reason dialog box.