
Form ID: (GL204500)

On this form, you can create, modify, or delete allocation templates. For more information on creating and using allocation templates and performing allocations, see Allocation Rules.

  • This form is available only if the General Ledger Allocation Templates feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
  • If the Projects feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form, keep in mind that the GL allocation mechanism does not support projects and allocations to GL accounts that are included in account groups.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

You use the elements in this area to select an existing allocation or to provide the settings for a new allocation.

Element Description
Allocation ID The unique identifier of the allocation. The system generates this identifier when you save a newly created allocation in accordance with the numbering sequence specified in the Allocation Numbering Sequence box on the General Ledger Preferences (GL102000) form.
Description A detailed description of the allocation. The string can contain up to 60 characters.
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that the allocation is active.

The branch that initiates this allocation. By default, the current branch is selected.

This box appears on the form only if the Multibranch Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Allocation Tab

This tab contains general settings for an allocation.

Element Description
Start Period The first financial period for which the allocation defined by this rule can be executed.
End Period The last period for which the allocation defined by this rule can be executed.

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the allocation is recurring. With this check box selected, the allocation can be run each year for each period that falls within the range of the periods selected in the Start Period and End Period boxes.

Tip: If you want to use the allocation starting from a particular period indefinitely, you should specify a period in the Start Period box, leave the End Period box empty, and clear this check box.
Allocation Method

The way the allocation amount should be collected from the source accounts.

Select one of the following options:

  • By Account PTD: The period-to-date amount is collected from the source accounts.
  • From Prev. GL Allocation: The amount accumulated since the last allocation is collected from the source accounts.
Distribution Method

The way the allocated amount is distributed over the destination accounts.

The following options are available:

  • By Percent: The source amount is distributed among destination accounts by percentages, which are specified on the Destination Accounts tab of this form. The distributed amounts total is 100 percent.
  • By Weight: The amount is distributed among the destination accounts by user-defined coefficients, which are specified on the Destination Accounts tab of this form.
  • By Dest. Account PTD: The amount is distributed among the destination branches proportionally to period-to-date balances of the destination accounts in the allocation ledger or proportionally to PTD balances of the base accounts of the base branches in the base ledger if this ledger is specified or in the allocation ledger if no base ledger is specified.
  • By Dest. Account YTD: The amount is distributed among the destination branches proportionally to year-to-date balances of the destination accounts in the allocation ledger or proportionally to YTD balances of the base accounts of the base branches in the base ledger if this ledger is specified or in the allocation ledger if no base ledger is specified.

For details, see Allocation Rules: Distribution Methods.

Allocation Ledger The ledger to which journal entries generated for the allocation are posted.
Source Ledger The ledger that is used to calculate the amount to be allocated.
Base Ledger

If specified, the ledger that is used to calculate the proportions for distributing allocation amounts among the destination accounts. (If this box is left blank, the allocation ledger will be used for calculating proportions.)

This box is available only if the By Dest. Account PTD or By Dest. Account YTD option is selected in the Distribution Method of this form.

Allocate Source Accounts Separately

A check box that indicates, if selected, that it is allowed to have empty values in the Account and Subaccount columns on the Destination Accounts tab. In the Subaccount column, each segment can also be filled in with a segment value.

For allocation rules that have this check box is selected, the system behavior on the Run Allocations (GL504500) form will be the following:

  • For each line on the Source Accounts tab, the system will define a list of related account–subaccount pairs with their amounts. The amount of each account–subaccount pair will be distributed based on the account–subaccount pairs listed on the Destination Accounts tab. The Account column for a transaction will be filled in as follows:
    • If the Account column on the Destination Accounts tab is filled in with a value, this account will be copied to the transaction.
    • If the Account column on the Destination Accounts tab is empty, the account from the account–subaccount pair on the Source Accounts tab will be copied to the transaction.
  • The Subaccount column for a transaction will be filled in as follows:
    • If a line on the Destination Accounts tab has a segment in the Subaccount column filled in with a value, this segment value will be copied to the transaction.
    • If a line on the Destination Accounts tab has an empty segment in the Subaccount column, the segment value from the account–subaccount pair on the Source Accounts tab will be copied to the transaction.

If this check box is cleared, the system will use the lines on the Source Accounts tab to calculate the summarized amount, and then will distribute this amount between the account–subaccount pairs that are listed on the Destination Accounts tab. The account and subaccount of each generated transaction will be filled in with the account and subaccount specified on the Destination Accounts tab.

You cannot clear this check box if at least one account or subaccount on the Destination Accounts tab has an empty value.

For details, see Allocation Rules: Allocation Between the Same Accounts and Subaccounts.

Sort Order An integer specifying the order in which this allocation should be applied if there are multiple allocation for the same period. The allocations with lower values should be applied first.
Last Revision Date The last date when this allocation was revised.

Source Accounts Tab

The Source Accounts tab contains the list (in a tabular format) of accounts in the allocation ledger that will be used as the allocation source.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

The branch whose accounts will be the source of allocation amounts.

This column appears on the form only if the Multibranch Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Account The account or accounts (if you use a grouping mask) that will be the source of the allocation amount. To use a grouping mask, you specify characters common for all account identifiers and use ? as a wildcard character to designate varying characters in the accounts.

If you want to specify common characters only at the beginning of the segment, you may leave the rest of segment blank. You need not type ? in every position, but if you want to specify characters at the beginning and at the end of the same segment, type ? in the positions between them. For example, the mask 110____ selects all the accounts in which identifiers start with 110. The mask 310???5 selects the accounts in which identifiers start with 310 and end in 5: 3100005, 3100015, 3100195, and so on.


The subaccount for the accounts that will be the source of the allocation amount. You can use a grouping mask to specify a group of subaccounts. Select a segment and press F3 to select a value common to all subaccounts you want to view; leave the segments blank if they can have varying values in the subaccounts.

If you want to specify only several characters in a specific segment, type ? in other positions of the segment. For example, you could use the mask Dept1/Product2/__/__ or Dept?/Product?/__/__, where / is the segment separator character.

This column appears on the form only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Contra Account The account from which the allocated amount will be actually deducted. You cannot use a grouping mask here.
Contra Subaccount

The subaccount for the specified contra account. You cannot use a grouping mask here.

This column appears on the form only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Amount Limit The maximum amount that can be allocated from each account grouped by the account and subaccount masks within one period (so that if the accounts are grouped by the account and subaccount masks, the limit will be specific for each such account).
Percentage Limit

The percentage of the balance that is allocated from each account grouped by the account and subaccount masks.

The default is 100 percent.

Destination Accounts Tab

This tab contains a list (in a tabular format) of the destination accounts for the allocation, which you can use to specify how the allocation amount is to be distributed between accounts of specific branches. For details on using this tab, see Allocation Rules: Examples of Using Account and Subaccount Masks for Allocations.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

The branch whose accounts will be the destination for allocation amounts.

This column appears on the form only if the Multibranch Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Account The account that is the destination of the allocation amounts.

The subaccount that is the destination of the allocation amounts.

This column appears on the form only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Base Branch

The base branch, whose account balances should be used to calculate a proportion for distributing the allocation amount between the destination accounts of the destination branches. To calculate the proportion, the system uses the base branch's account balances in the ledger specified in the Base Ledger box on the Allocations tab. If no base ledger is specified, the system uses the allocation ledger.

Note: If no base branches are specified in this column, no base accounts and base subaccounts are specified in the respective columns, the system distributes the allocation amount between the destination branches proportionally to the YTD or PTD balances of the destination accounts (with corresponding subaccounts). If the base branches are not specified, the system uses the destination branches to calculate proportions based on the balances of base accounts.

This column appears on the form only if the Multibranch Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form, and the By Dest. Account PTD or By Dest. Account YTD option is selected in the Distribution Method box on the Allocation tab of this form.

Base Account

The base account for the allocation. The allocation amount will be distributed between the destination branches according to the current PTD or YTD balances of the base accounts for the base branches. For this calculation, the system uses the account balances of the branches (for the base subaccounts) in the base ledger (specified in the Base Ledger box on the Allocations tab). If no base branch is specified, the system uses the destination branch. If no base ledger is specified, the system uses the balances of the base accounts in the allocation ledger.

You can use masks when specifying the base account. For details, see Allocation Rules: Examples of Using Account and Subaccount Masks for Allocations.

This column appears on the form if the By Dest. Account PTD or By Dest. Account YTD option is selected in the Distribution Method box on the Allocation tab of this form.

Base Subaccount

The base subaccount for the allocation. The allocated amount will be distributed according to the current PTD or YTD balances of the base accounts under the specified base subaccounts in the base ledger for the base branch. If no base branch is specified, the system uses the destination branch. If the Base Ledger is not specified on the Allocations tab, the proportion is calculated based on the balances in the allocation ledger.

You can use masks when specifying the base subaccount. For details, see Allocation Rules: Examples of Using Account and Subaccount Masks for Allocations.

This column appears on the form only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form, and the By Dest. Account PTD or By Dest. Account YTD option is selected in the Distribution Method box on the Allocation tab of this form.


A value that defines the weight of the account. The allocation amount will be distributed among the destination accounts proportionally to their respective weights or according to the specified percentages. If By Percent is selected in the Distribution Method box on the Allocation tab of this form, the sum of values in this column must be equal to 100 percent.

This column appears on the form only if the By Percent or By Weight option is selected in the Distribution Method on the Allocation tab of this form.

Allocation History Tab

The Allocation History tab displays read-only information about the history of batches generated for the allocation.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Module The module that generated the batch.
Batch Number The unique identification number of the batch. You can click this number to open the Journal Transactions (GL301000) form, on which you can view the details of the batch.
Ledger The ledger to which the batch transactions are posted.
Transaction Date The date when the batch was generated.
Post Period The financial period to which the batch transactions are posted.
Status The batch status.
Control Total The control total amount of the batch.