Form ID: (EP205015)
You can use this form to create and edit approval maps for expense claims, expense
receipts, journal transactions, time cards, projects, pro forma invoices, project quotes,
change orders, change requests, cost projections, daily field reports, engineering change
orders, engineering change requests, progress worksheets, cash purchases, cash returns, cash
transactions, sales orders, sales quotes, subcontracts, purchase orders, requests,
requisitions, accounts payable bills, accounts receivable invoices, accounts payable checks,
and accounts receivable payments.
For the entity type you select, you can create any number of steps, each of which may
include any number of rules. Steps may be executed in a sequential, parallel, or
sequential-parallel fashion.
For more information about how you can manage approval maps, see Approval Configuration: Approval Maps.
Summary Area
You use the elements in this area to create a new approval map or to select an existing map
to view its details.
Element |
Description |
Map |
The identifier of the approval map. For a new approval map, the <NEW>
string is displayed, indicating that a new identifier will be generated. |
Name |
The name of the approval map. |
Entity Type |
The type of entity that should be assigned for approval.
The entity type can be one of the following:
- Bills and Adjustments for the approval of AP documents created on the
Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form
- Cash Purchases for the approval of documents created on the Cash Purchases (AP304000) form
- Cash Sales for the approval of documents created on the Cash Sales (AR304000) form
- Cash Transactions for the approval of cash transactions created on the
Cash Transactions (CA304000) form
- Change Orders for the approval of change orders created on the Change Orders (PM308000) form
- Change Requests for the approval of change requests created on the
Change Requests (PM308500) form
- Checks and Payments for the approval of documents created on the Checks and Payments (AP302000) form
- Cost Projection for the approval of cost projections created on the
Cost Projection (PM305000) form
- Daily Field Report for the approval of daily field reports created on
the Daily Field Report (PJ304000) form
- Employee Time Cards for the approval of time cards created on the Employee Time Cards (EP406000) form
- Engineering Change Order for the approval of change orders created on
the Engineering Change Order (AM215000) form
- Engineering Change Request for the approval of change requests created
on the Engineering Change Request (AM210000) form
- Equipment Time Cards for the approval of time cards created on the
Equipment Time Cards (EP407000) form
- Expense Claim for the approval of expense claims created on the Expense Claim (EP301000) form
- Expense Receipt for the approval of expense receipts created on the
Expense Receipt (EP301020) form
- Invoices for the approval of sales invoices created on the Invoices (SO303000) form
- Invoices and Memos for the approval of AR documents created on the
Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form
- Journal Transactions for the approval of batches of GL transactions
created on the Journal Transactions (GL301000) form
- Payments and Applications for the approval of AR documents created on
the Payments and Applications (AR302000) form
- Pro Forma Invoices for the approval of pro forma invoices created on
the Pro Forma Invoices (PM307000) form
- Progress Worksheets for the approval of progress worksheets created on
the Progress Worksheets (PM303000) form
- Project Quotes for the approval of project quotes created on the Project Quotes (PM304500) form
- Projects for the approval of projects created on the Projects (PM301000) form
- Purchase Orders for the approval of purchase orders created on the
Purchase Orders (PO301000) form
- Requests for the approval of requests created on the Requests (RQ301000) form
- Requisitions for the approval of requisitions created on the Create Requisitions (RQ504000) form
- Sales Orders for the approval of sales orders created on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form
- Sales Quotes for the approval of sales quotes created on the Sales Quotes (CR304500) form
- Subcontracts for the approval of subcontracts created on the Subcontracts (SC301000) form
The specific entities available depend on your license and the set of features
enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Steps Pane
This pane displays a list of the steps and rules of which the approval map consists. A
deactivated step or rule is marked with the (Inactive) prefix.
The pane toolbar buttons are listed in the table below.
Button |
Description |
Add Step |
Adds a new step, which appears at the bottom of the list. |
Add Rule |
Adds a new rule to the bottom of the list of rules within the selected
step. |
Move Node Up |
Moves the selected node one position up in the list. |
Move Node Down |
Moves the selected node one position down in the list. |
Delete Node |
Deletes the selected node. |
Show Steps Pane/Hide Steps Pane |
Shows or hides the Steps pane. |
Unlabeled Pane
This pane contains tabs and elements that you can use to specify, review, or edit the
settings of the step or rule selected in the Steps pane.
Table 1. Pane Summary Elements
Element |
Description |
Description |
The description of the step or rule, depending on which is selected in the
Steps pane. |
Active |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the step or rule, depending on
which is selected in the Steps pane, is active and the system
executes it in accordance with the specified conditions. You clear this check box to
deactivate the step or rule, which is then marked with the (Inactive) prefix
in the Steps pane. |
Conditions Tab
You use this tab to specify the conditions that must be met to execute the rule or to
complete the step.
Table 2. Summary Elements
Element |
Description |
If No Approver Found |
The directions for the system to execute if no approver has been assigned at this
The following options are available:
- Reject Document: The document or record is rejected.
- Approve Document: The document or record is approved.
- Go to Next Step: The system proceeds to the next step in the approval
map. If the system has reached the last step in the map and no conditions have
been met to assign an approver yet, no approver is assigned to the document or
Execute Step |
An extra condition for executing the step. The following options are
- Always (default): The step is executed regardless of whether the
conditions in any previous step have been met and an approver has been assigned
to the record.
- If No Approvers Found at Previous Steps: The step is executed only if
all the conditions in all the previous steps have not been met and no approvers
have been assigned to the record. If at least one approver has been assigned to
approve the record after all the previous steps in the map have been executed,
the system does not execute this step.
Table 3. Table Buttons
Button |
Description |
Insert |
Inserts a new row above the selected row. |
Up |
Moves the selected row one position up in the list. |
Down |
Moves the selected row one position down in the list. |
Table 4. Table Columns
Column |
Description |
Active |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the condition is active and the
system meets this condition when executing the rule. You clear this check box to
deactivate the condition. |
Brackets |
The opening bracket or brackets for enclosing a logical expression. Brackets
are used to designate the order of operations. |
Entity |
The entity the approval map is associated with. |
Field Name |
The name of a field (element) that stores a property of the entity. The
property in this field will be compared to the specified value to determine whether
the condition is true or false. |
Condition |
The logical operation to apply to the value of the chosen data field. The
following options are available: Equals, Does Not Equal, Is Greater
Than, Is Greater Than or Equal To, Is Less Than, Is Less Than
or Equal To, Contains, Starts With, Ends With, Does
Not Contain, Is Between, Is Empty, and Is Not
Empty. |
Value |
The condition's first value to be compared with the data field value. Most of
the conditions require only one value, while Is Between requires two
values. |
Value 2 |
The second value, if required by the selected condition. |
Brackets |
The closing bracket or brackets for enclosing a logical expression. |
Operator |
The logical operator to be used to connect logical expressions of separate
lines. Brackets are used to designate the order of operations. |
Rule Actions Tab
This tab contains settings that determine how the system assigns an approver to a record of
the specified type, how the approval process proceeds, and whether an approver has to enter
a comment when approving or rejecting a record of the type.
If you create multiple rules that are configured in such a way that the same approver could
be assigned multiple times to approve one record, the system will create at most one
approval request per record for this approver.
Table 5. Approval Settings Section
Element |
Description |
Approver |
The source of the employee to whom the record or document should be assigned for
approval. To select an employee in accordance with the selected option, you use
the Employee box or the Employee filter described
The following options are available:
- Employee: Gives you the ability to select an employee from the full
list of employees.
- Employee from Document: Gives you the ability to use a selector tool
for drilling down to any level of detail of the underlying document and
selecting a system entity that defines the employee.
- Employees by Filter: Gives you the ability to use a filter table in
which you can specify conditions for selecting one employee or multiple
Attention: If multiple employees are listed in the
filter table, the system will require approval from all the listed employees
regardless of the value specified in the Operator
column of the filter table.
Employee |
The employee to whom the entity should be assigned for approval if the
conditions in the Conditions tab are satisfied. One of the
following options may be available:
- An employee selected from the full list of available employees if
Employee is selected in the Approver box
- A system entity that defines the employee if Employee from Document is
selected in the Approver box
Workgroup |
The workgroup to which the entity should be assigned for approval if the
conditions in the Conditions tab are satisfied. If you specify a workgroup,
any employee that belongs to this workgroup
or any
workgroup higher in the company tree hierarchy can approve the
record. |
Allow Reassignment of Approvals |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the approver assigned by the
system based on this rule can be changed. If the check box is cleared (which is its
default state), the system does not allow a user to change the approver that has
been assigned in accordance with the rule. |
Decision Wait Time |
The time period within which the assigned approver should approve or reject the
record. A zero wait time would mean that the record may await approval for an
indefinite period of time. |
On Approval |
The directions for the system to execute after the approver assigned by this
rule has taken an action. The following options are available:
- Collect All Approvals from This Step: After one approver approves the
record, the system waits until other appointed approvers (if any) also approve
the record.
- Complete Step: After one approver approves the record, the system
proceeds to the next step without following the remaining rules in this step (if
Attention: If Employees by Filter is selected in the
Approver box and multiple employees are listed in the
filter table, the system will require approval from all the listed employees
regardless of the value specified in the Operator
column of the filter table.
- Approve Document: The document or record becomes approved after one
approver approves it; the remaining rules and steps are ignored by the
Attention: If Employees by Filter is selected in the
Approver box and multiple employees are listed in the
filter table, the system will require approval from all the listed employees
regardless of the value specified in the Operator
column of the filter table.
Table 6. Reason Settings Section
Element |
Description |
Reason for Approval |
Defines whether an approver has to enter a comment when approving a record of
the specified type. The following options are available:
- Is Not Prompted: The system does not require the approver to enter a
comment about the approval of the record; it also does not display the
Enter Reason dialog box to prompt the approver to enter
this comment.
- Is Optional: If the approver attempts to approve a record on the entry
form, the system displays the Enter Reason dialog box, in
which the approver can leave a comment about their decision. The approver can
instead click Cancel at the bottom of the dialog box to
proceed without leaving any comment.
- Is Required: Each time the approver attempts to approve a record on the
entry form, the system displays the Enter Reason dialog
box, and the approver has to leave a comment about their decision in order to
proceed with the approval procedure. If the approver clicks
Cancel at the bottom of the dialog box, the dialog box
closes, and the document retains the Pending Approval status. An approver
can use only the corresponding entry form to approve a record for which a
comment must be entered upon approval; these records cannot be approved on the
Approvals (EP503010) form.
Reason for Rejection |
Defines whether an approver has to enter a comment while rejecting a record of
the specified type. The following options are available:
- Is Not Prompted: The system does not require the approver to enter a
comment about why the record is being rejected; it also does not display the
Enter Reason dialog box to prompt the approver to enter
this comment.
- Is Optional: If the approver attempts to reject a record on its entry
form, the system displays the Enter Reason dialog box, in
which the approver can leave a comment about their decision. The approver can
instead click Cancel at the bottom of the dialog box to
proceed without leaving any comment.
- Is Required: Each time an approver attempts to reject a record on its
entry form, the system displays the Enter Reason dialog
box, and the approver has to leave a comment about his or her decision in order
to proceed with the procedure. If the approver clicks
Cancel at the bottom of the dialog box, the dialog box
closes, and the record retains the Pending Approval status. An approver
can use only the corresponding entry form to reject a record for which a comment
must be entered upon rejection; these records cannot be rejected on the Approvals (EP503010) form.
If a reason is specified during the rejection process and then the record is
returned for editing, that rejection will be saved on the entry form of the
record, and all other rejections and approvals will be removed. |