Fixed Assets

Form ID: (FA303000)

By using this form, you can create, view, edit, and delete fixed assets in the system. You can quickly convert purchased items to fixed assets and track assets by custodian, department, and location. You can also view depreciation and transaction history, calculate depreciation, dispose of assets, and assign bonuses and other allowed tax benefits to depreciate assets.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

Command Description
Calculate Depreciation

Calculates depreciation through the entire life of the asset. You can view the calculated amounts on the Depreciation tab in the Calculated column.

No transactions are generated with the Calculate Depreciation action. To depreciate an asset, use the Calculate Depreciation (FA502000) form, on which you can depreciate the asset or assets through the specified period.

This action is not available if the fixed asset is under construction—that is, assigned to a fixed asset class for which the Under Construction check box is selected on the Fixed Asset Classes (FA201000) form.


Opens the Disposal Parameters dialog box, which you use to set up disposal parameters and dispose of the asset.

The asset status is set to Disposed. This command is available only if the asset has the Active status.


Changes the asset's status to On Hold to indicate that the asset is not ready to be acquired yet, or to temporarily exclude the asset from depreciation.

To change the status of the asset to Active, click Remove Hold on the form toolbar.

Remove Hold

Changes the asset's status from On Hold to Active.

This button and command are available if the document has the On Hold status.

Reverse Reverses asset disposal to the time when the asset was put into service. You can reverse the asset only if it has the Active status.
Reverse Disposal

Opens the Reverse Disposal Info dialog box, which you use to reverse the disposal of the asset. The status of the asset is changed from Disposed to Active.

This action is available only if the asset has the Disposed status.


Navigates to the Split Assets (FA506000) form, which you can use to split an asset into two or more separate assets.

You can split the asset if it has the Active or Fully Depreciated status.

Suspend Suspends depreciation of the asset. The asset status is set to Suspended. You can suspend the asset only if it has the Active status.

Opens the Suspend Parameters dialog box, which you use to specify the financial period starting in which the depreciation for the asset will be resumed.

The status of the asset is changed from Suspended to Active. This command appears on the menu only if the asset's status is Suspended.

Table 1. Disposal Parameters Dialog BoxBy using the Disposal Parameters dialog box, you can configure disposal and dispose of the asset. The dialog box includes the elements described below.
Element Description
Disposal Date The date the asset must be removed from service. This date cannot be earlier than the acquisition date of the asset.
Disposal Period The financial period in which the asset is removed from service. The disposal period is calculated automatically based on the date you have entered in the Disposal Date box, but you can select another period.
Proceeds Amount The disposal amount of the asset.
Disposal Method The disposal method to be used. Disposal methods are defined on the Disposal Methods (FA207000) form.
Proceeds Account

The account to which proceeds from the disposal of the fixed asset will be posted. The lookup table that opens for this box lists only the GL accounts that are linked to the same branch as the branch specified for the asset on the General tab of the current form.

By default, this account is that defined for the fixed asset class, but you can override this value.

Proceeds Sub.

The subaccount for the specified proceeds account.

By default, this subaccount is the one defined for the fixed asset class, but you can override the class value.

Before Disposal The operation to be performed before disposing of the fixed asset. The following options are available:
  • Suspend: Before the asset is disposed of, the depreciation calculation will be suspended from the last depreciation period to the disposal period.
    Depreciation will be calculated for the disposal period if the Depreciate in Disposal Period check box is selected on the Fixed Assets Preferences (FA101000) form.
  • Depreciate: The fixed asset will be depreciated up to the date of the disposal
Reason The reason for the disposal.
The dialog box has the following buttons.
OK Closes the dialog box and disposes of the asset.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without disposing of the asset.
Table 2. Reverse Disposal Info Dialog BoxBy using the Reverse Disposal Info dialog box, you can reverse the disposal of an asset. The dialog box includes the elements described below.
Element Description
Disposal Date The date the asset has been removed from service.
Disposal Period The financial period in which the asset has been removed from service.
Proceeds Amount The disposal amount of the asset.
Disposal Method The disposal method that has been used.
Proceeds Account The account the proceeds from the disposal of fixed asset have been posted to.
Proceeds Sub. The subaccount for the specified proceeds account.
Reversal Date The date to be used for the reversal of the disposal of the asset. If the current business date is later than the disposal date, the current business date is used. Otherwise, the disposal date is used.
Reversal Period The financial period in which the asset disposal is to be reversed. By default, the system uses the financial period the Reversal Date belongs to. If required, you can change the reversal period to a period older than the period of the reversal.
The dialog box has the following buttons.
OK Closes the dialog box and reverses the disposal of the asset.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without reversing the disposal of the asset.

Summary Area

Here you can enter summary information for a new fixed asset or select an existing fixed asset for calculation of depreciation or disposal.

Element Description
Asset ID The unique identifier of the asset. The identifier is determined by the numbering sequence specified on the Fixed Assets Preferences (FA101000) form.
Parent Asset The parent asset of this asset. You can use this box to set up the relationship among assets.
Description A description of the fixed asset.

General Tab

The General tab is used to specify asset summary and tracking details.

If the selected asset has the Reversed or Disposed status, the settings on this tab are read-only for this asset.

Table 3. Asset Summary Section
Element Description
Asset Class The asset class to which the asset belongs. When you fill in the appropriate asset class for a fixed asset you are creating, the system fills in many boxes with the settings of the class, thus easing data entry. These classes are defined on the Fixed Asset Classes (FA201000) form.
Property Type

The way the asset was acquired. The property type can help you to select a depreciation method.

Select one of the following options:

  • Property: The asset was acquired in the usual way (for example, it was purchased).
  • Grant Property: The asset was acquired by a gift or grant.
  • Leased: The asset was leased from a lessor.
  • Leased to Others: The asset, which you own, is available to be leased.
  • Rented: The asset was rented from a landlord.
  • Rented to Others: The asset, which you own, is available to be rented.
  • To the Credit of: The asset was bought on credit.

The system-assigned status of the fixed asset.

One of the following options is assigned:

  • On Hold: The asset cannot be depreciated or disposed of, and may still be edited.

    A newly created asset receives this status if the Hold on Entry check box is selected on the Fixed Asset Classes (FA201000) form for the class to which the asset belongs. If you click the Remove Hold button or command when you finish editing the asset, the asset's status changes to Active.

  • Active: The asset can be depreciated and disposed of. The asset receives this status if the Hold on Entry check box is cleared on the Fixed Asset Classes (FA201000) form for the class to which the asset belongs. Otherwise, the asset receives this status when you click Remove Hold on the form toolbar.
  • Disposed: The asset has been disposed of. To dispose of an asset, on the More menu (under Processing), click Dispose. For an asset with this status, the settings on the General, Other Info, and Reconciliation tabs of the current form are read-only.
  • Suspended: The depreciation is currently stopped for the asset. To suspend the depreciation of an asset, on the More menu (under Processing), click Suspend.
  • Reversed: The asset is annulled, which means that all released transactions associated with the asset are reversed in open periods in the general ledger, and the asset is displayed as Reversed on reports with a depreciated amount equal to zero. To annul an asset, on the More menu (under Corrections), click Reverse. For an asset with this status, the settings on the General, Other Info, and Reconciliation tabs of the current form are read-only.
  • Fully Depreciated: The asset cost was fully depreciated over its useful life in all books assigned to the asset.
Asset Type

The particular type of the fixed asset. The system fills in this box automatically, based on the fixed asset class the asset is assigned to, but you can manually change the type by selecting the required one from the list.

You can create a required fixed asset type or edit an existing one by using the Fixed Asset Types (FA201010) form, which you can access by clicking the Edit button next to the Asset Type box.

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the asset is tangible—that is, it has a physical existence.

The value is filled in by the system automatically according to the asset type selected in the Asset Type box.

Quantity The quantity of the fixed asset.
Useful Life, Years

The period of time (in years) during which the asset is expected to be used.

This column is filled in by the system according to the setting of the fixed asset class; however, you can override the class setting.

Receipt Date The date of the purchase receipt document—that is, the date when the asset was acquired. This date is used by the system as the date of the Purchasing+ transaction generated once an asset is created and saved.

A check box that you select if the asset will be depreciated.

This check box is filled in by the system according to the settings of the asset class selected in the Asset Class box. However, you can select or clear it manually.

Placed-in-Service Date

The date when the asset is placed in use. You enter the date for both depreciable and non-depreciable fixed assets. For a depreciable fixed asset, the depreciation is calculated starting from this date.

This date should be the same or later than the Receipt Date specified for the asset on this form.

This box is optional for fixed assets under construction (those that are assigned to a fixed asset class for which the Under Construction check box is selected on the Fixed Asset Classes form). For these assets, the system displays a warning message near the Placed-in-Service Date box indicating that the asset will not be depreciated.

For a depreciable fixed asset, this box will be unavailable for editing once the first depreciation transaction (of the Depreciation+ type) is created. For details, see Asset Depreciation: General Information.
Orig. Acquisition Cost

The amount that was spent to acquire the asset. Depending on the way the asset was acquired, this amount can be the purchase price or the fair market value of the asset. It also can include closing costs and other expenses spent to acquire the asset.

If the fixed asset belongs to a fixed asset class that has the Sect. 179 and Bonus check boxes selected on the Fixed Asset Classes (FA201000) form, the original acquisition cost of the asset must be greater than the sum of the amounts specified in the Tax 179 Amount and Bonus Amount columns on the Balance tab in all books.
Salvage Amount The book value at the end of the useful life of the asset.
Replacement Cost The cost to replace the asset with a similar one.

The base currency in which the amounts related to the asset are stored. This box is read-only.

This box appears on the form if the Multiple Base Currencies feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Disposal Date

The date the asset was removed from service.

This value is generated by the system after the disposal of the asset, based on the date specified in the Disposal Parameters dialog box.

Disposal Method

The way the asset was retired (for example, sold or damaged).

The system generates this value after the disposal of the asset, according to the method specified in the Disposal Parameters dialog box.

Disposal Amount

The amount of proceeds from the disposal of the asset.

The system generates this value after the disposal, according to the amount specified in the Disposal Parameters dialog box.

Table 4. Tracking Info SectionThese elements contain information about the location, custodian, and department of the asset.
Element Description

The company branch to which the asset is assigned.

For a branch of a company with the Without Branches type, when you click the Edit button, the system will open the company on the Companies (CS101500) form, if the Multibranch Support feature is disabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. If the Multibranch Support feature is enabled, the system will open the branch on the Branches (CS102000) form.
Building The identifier of the building where the asset is located.
Floor The floor number where the asset is located.
Room The room number where the asset is located.
Custodian The identifier of the person who is responsible for keeping the asset safe.
Department The department the asset belongs to. Departments can be defined on the Departments (EP201500) form.

The reason for transferring an asset. Type the reason here if you change the location information in this section.

The box is populated automatically with the reason you specify for transfer if you use the Transfer Assets (FA507000) form.

Tag Number

The tag number of the asset.

Depending on the following settings on the Fixed Assets Preferences (FA101000) form, the tag number is assigned as follows:

  • If the Copy Tag Number From Asset ID check box is selected, the tag number will be the same as the asset ID of the asset, regardless of the setting selected in the Tag Numbering Sequence box.
  • If the Copy Tag Number From Asset ID check box is cleared and a value is selected in the Tag Numbering Sequence box, the tag number will be assigned based on the selected numbering sequence.
  • If the Copy Tag Number From Asset ID check box is cleared and the Tag Numbering Sequence box is empty, the Tag Number box on the current form will be empty.

Other Info Tab

This tab is used to specify details that may apply to a tangible asset.

If the selected asset has the Reversed or Disposed status, the settings on this tab are read-only for this asset.

Table 5. Purchase Details Section
Element Description
Receipt Date The date of the purchase receipt document.
Receipt Type

The type of the document.

The following options are available:

  • Receipt: Used for a purchase receipt document created for assets received on purchase
  • Return: Used for a purchase return document created for assets returned back to the vendor
Receipt Nbr. The identifier of the purchase receipt document.
PO Number The number of the purchase order related to the purchase receipt document.
Bill Number The number of the bill received from the vendor from which the asset was purchased.
Manufacturer The manufacturer of the asset.
Model The model of the asset.
Serial Number The serial number of the asset that has been assigned by the manufacturer. You use this number when you receive information and warranty services from the manufacturer.
Warranty Expires On The date after which the asset will not be replaced or repaired by the manufacturer, if the asset proves to be defective.
Table 6. Tangible Info Section
Element Description
Personal Property Type The personal property type according to the Personal Property Summary you select for the Tangible Personal Property Tax if your business or rental property is located in Florida (in the United States). In any other case, select the Not Applicable option.
Condition The condition of the asset; you can specify Good, Average, or Poor.
Fair Market Value The price of the asset as agreed upon by both the buyer and the seller.
Table 7. Lease/Rent Info SectionUse this group of elements if you have leased or rented the asset.
Element Description

The owner of the asset that you have leased or rented.

The list of vendors available for selection may be limited based on the role or roles assigned to the user account to which you are signed in if the Customer and Vendor Visibility Restriction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. In this case, the Restrict Visibility To box appears on the Financial tab of the Vendors (AP303000) form. With the feature enabled, a vendor is available for selection if one of the following is true:
  • The Restrict Visibility To box is empty for the vendor—that is, the vendor’s visibility is not restricted.
  • A branch, company, or a company group is specified in the Restrict Visibility To box for the vendor, and your user account has the role specified in the Access Role box of the Configuration Settings section of one of the following: the Branch Details tab of the Branches (CS102000) form for the selected branch, or the Company Details tab of the Companies (CS101500) form for the selected company or a company within the company group.
Lease/Rent Term, Months The number of months the lease or rental agreement is in force.
Lease Number The number assigned to the lease agreement.
Rent Amount The amount that you have paid to use the asset.
Retail Cost The price of the asset that can be paid for it by the end consumer.
Manufacturing Year The year on which the asset was manufactured.

GL Accounts Tab

You use the GL Accounts tab to define the accounts and subaccounts to which the system will post accumulated depreciation, fixed asset costs, proceeds from asset disposal, and depreciation expenses. If an asset is assigned to a particular fixed asset class, by default, this tab displays the accounts and subaccounts for the fixed asset class; however, you can select other accounts and subaccounts for this fixed asset.

Element Description
Fixed Assets Account

The fixed assets account (an asset account) used to post the actual costs of the fixed asset.

The account selected in this box should be configured as a control account for the fixed assets subledger. That is, for this account, FA should be selected in the Control Account Module column on the Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form. For more information on control accounts, see Control Accounts: General Information.

Fixed Assets Sub. The subaccount for the specified Fixed Assets account. The subaccount is automatically changed if the asset changes its location.
FA Accrual Account The asset account to be used to record the cost of items that have not been put into service yet but may be fixed assets in the future.
FA Accrual Sub. The subaccount to be used along with the specified accrual account.
Accumulated Depreciation Account

The asset account used to post accumulated depreciation.

The account selected in this box should be configured as a control account for the fixed assets subledger. That is, for this account, FA should be selected in the Control Account Module column on the Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form. For more information on control accounts, see Control Accounts: General Information.

Accumulated Depreciation Sub. The subaccount for the specified accumulated depreciation account.
Depreciation Expense Account The expense account used to post depreciation expense.
Depreciation Expense Sub. The subaccount for the specified depreciation expense account.
Proceeds Account The account used to post proceeds from the disposal of fixed assets.
Proceeds Sub. The subaccount for the specified proceeds account.
Gain Account The account to which resulting gain will be posted.
Gain Sub. The subaccount to which resulting gain will be posted.
Loss Account The account to which resulting loss will be posted.
Loss Sub. The subaccount to which resulting loss will be posted.

Balance Tab

You use this tab to assign the asset to depreciation books, and to view and edit the information related to the balance of the asset.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 8. Table Columns
Column Description
Book The identifier of the book to which the asset is assigned.
Depreciation Method

The depreciation method for the asset.

The list includes depreciation methods you configure on the Depreciation Methods (FA202500) form. By default, the depreciation method selected for the fixed asset class is shown here. However, you can select another method from the list.

See Predefined Depreciation Methods for information about the predefined methods supported by MYOB Acumatica.


The system-generated status of the asset balance.

The status can be one of the following options:

  • Active: This status is assigned to newly created assets and will be changed if the asset is fully depreciated or disposed.
  • Fully Depreciated: This status reflects the asset cost or the depreciable basis that was fully depreciated over its useful life.
  • Disposed: This status indicates that the asset was disposed.
  • Suspended: This status indicates that the depreciation is currently stopped for the asset.
  • Reversed: This status indicates that the asset is annulled, which means that all released transactions associated with the asset are reversed in open periods in the general ledger, and the asset is displayed as Reversed on reports with a depreciated amount equal to zero.
Posting Book A check box that indicates (if selected) that transactions associated with fixed asset documents will be posted to the general ledger.
Placed-in-Service Date

The date when an asset was first placed in use.

This column is available only for a non-depreciable fixed asset (that is, one for which the Depreciate box is cleared on the General tab).

Placed-in-Service Period

The period when an asset was first placed in use.

This column is available only if the Depreciate box is cleared on the General tab for the selected fixed asset.

Depr. from

The date starting from which the asset will be depreciated. This date must be specified for each book and can be different from the acquisition date; however, this date cannot be earlier than the acquisition date of the asset.

This column is not available for a non-depreciable fixed asset (one for which the Depreciate box is cleared on the General tab).

Depr. from Period

The first depreciation period that is specified for the book, by its identification number.

This column is not available for a non-depreciable fixed asset (one for which the Depreciate box is cleared on the General tab).

Last Depr. Period

The period when the asset was depreciated last, by its identification number. This value is system-generated for fully depreciated assets.

This column is not available for a non-depreciable fixed asset (one for which the Depreciate box is cleared on the General tab).

For partially depreciated assets created in initialization mode, this value and the Accum. Depr. setting are required. If the Accum. Depr. column is filled in and the current column is empty, the system will display an error message when you try to save the asset. For details, see Asset Migration: General Information.

Depr. to Period

The latest depreciation period—that is, the period until which the asset will be depreciated—by its identification number. This period is determined according to the first depreciation period, the book calendar, the averaging convention, and the useful life of the asset.

This column is not available for a non-depreciable fixed asset (one for which the Depreciate box is cleared on the General tab).

The system will display an error message and will not create a new asset if all of the following conditions are met for the asset:

  • The asset has the Depreciable check box selected on the General tab of the current form
  • The asset has a non-zero acquisition cost (the Orig. Acquisition Cost box is filled in on the General tab)
  • The asset has zero accumulated depreciation (the Accum. Depr. column on the current tab is empty)
  • The period specified in the current column is closed in the posting book

This rule is also applied for fixed assets created in initialization mode, that is when the Update GL check box is cleared on the Fixed Assets Preferences (FA101000) form.

Orig. Acquisition Cost The amount that was spent to acquire the asset. This amount depends on the way the asset was acquired. It can be the purchase price or the fair market value of the asset; it also can include closing costs and other expenses spent to acquire the asset.
Current Cost A read-only box that shows the current cost of the asset in the appropriate book in the period when the asset is to be depreciated (the period following the one specified in the Last Depr. Period box).
Business Use, % The use of the asset that is for business purposes, expressed as a percentage. If you use the asset for both personal and business purposes (as with a car), you may depreciate the cost of the business use only, but not the full cost. The system does not depreciate more than this percentage of the acquisition cost.

The depreciable basis, which is the amount that is allocated over the useful life of the asset. This is a system-generated value; the amount of the depreciable basis depends on the depreciation method applied to depreciate the asset.

For some methods, the basis can be equal to the acquisition cost minus the salvage amount. Also, you can adjust the basis amount based on the percentage of business use, the bonus amount, and the Tax 179 amount.

Salvage Amount

The expected book value of the asset at the end of its useful life.

This column is not available for a non-depreciable fixed asset (one for which the Depreciate box is cleared on the General tab).

Accum. Depr.

The amount of the depreciation that has been accumulated.

This column is not available for a non-depreciable fixed asset (one for which the Depreciate box is cleared on the General tab).

For partially depreciated assets created in initialization mode, this value and the Last Depr. Period setting are required. If the current column is filled in and the Last Depr. Period column is empty, the system will display an error message when you try to save the asset. For details, see Asset Migration: General Information.

Net Value The net book value of the asset.
Gain/Loss Amount The amount of gain or loss incurred for the company if the asset is disposed of. The gain or loss amount is calculated as the acquisition cost of the asset minus the accumulated depreciation and minus proceeds from disposal.
Useful Life, Years

The period of time (in years) the asset is expected to be used. This column is filled in by the system according to the setting of the fixed asset class; however, you can override the class setting.

This column is unavailable for editing for the Australian Prime Cost, New Zealand Straight-Line, and New Zealand Straight-Line Evenly by Periods methods; for these methods, it shows the calculated value of 100 / Percent per Year.

Recovery Periods The number of depreciation periods. This value is generated by the system based on the Useful Life, Years setting on this tab.
ADS Life, Years The Alternative Depreciation System (ADS) life, which is the period of time (in years) the asset is supposed to be used. The ADS life is used with some depreciation methods instead of the useful life.
Averaging Convention

The convention that determines how fixed assets will be depreciated for the period within which the asset was acquired or disposed. The list of available averaging conventions depends on the depreciation method you have specified.

This column is not available for a non-depreciable fixed asset (one for which the Depreciate box is cleared on the General tab).

For details, see Averaging Conventions.

Mid-Period Type

The column that displays the rule (set during the creation of the book) that defines the day in the period that will be considered by the system as the middle of the disposal and acquisition period.

The following options are available:

  • Fixed Day: Used to set a particular date (specified in the Mid-Period Day column) as the last day of the first half of the period.
  • Number of Days: Used when you have specified (in the Mid-Period Day column) the number of days the system will add to the first date of the calendar month to calculate the last day of the first half of the period.
This box becomes available for editing if you select the Modified Half Period option or the Modified Half Period 2 option in the Averaging Convention column. For details, see Averaging Conventions.
Mid-Period Day

A column that displays the day of the month (specified during book creation) that is considered by the system as the middle of the financial period.

Depending on the option selected in the Mid-Period Type column during the creation of the book, this column can contain the following value:

  • If the Fixed Day option is selected in the Mid-Period Type column: The particular date of a period is specified as the last day of the first half of the period in Mid-Period Day. For example, if you specify 10 in Mid-Period Day, the 10th day of the period will be the last one in the first half of the period.
  • If the Number of Days option is selected in the Mid-Period Type column: Mid-Period Day contains the number of days the system will add to the first date of the calendar month to calculate the last day of the first half of the period. For example, if you specify 10 in the Mid-Period Day column and the financial period starts on the 2nd day of a calendar month, the 12th day of the month will be the last one in the first half of the period.
This box becomes available for editing if you select the Modified Half Period option or the Modified Half Period 2 option in the Averaging Convention column. For details, see Averaging Conventions.
Tax 179 Amount

The asset cost that you treat as an expense and deduct in the first year the asset was put into use, instead of depreciating the full cost of the asset over its useful life. This amount is based on Section 179 of the United States Internal Revenue Code, which has some limitations and can vary from year to year.

This column is available if you have selected the Sect. 179 check box on the Depreciation tab of the Fixed Asset Classes (FA201000) form for the class and book associated with the asset.

This column is not available for a non-depreciable fixed asset (one for which the Depreciate box is cleared on the General tab).

Tax 179 Recapture

The portion of the tax benefit described in the Tax 179 Amount column that must be recaptured if the asset is disposed before its recovery period.

This column is not available for a non-depreciable fixed asset (one for which the Depreciate box is cleared on the General tab).


The identifier of the bonus assigned to the depreciation book.

This column is available if you have selected the Bonus check box on the Depreciation tab of the Fixed Asset Classes (FA201000) form for the class and book associated with the asset. You can set up bonuses by using the Bonuses (FA208000) form. This type of bonus is specific to the United States tax system.

This column is not available for a non-depreciable fixed asset (the Depreciate box is cleared on the General tab for the selected fixed asset).

Bonus Rate

The bonus rate (as a percentage) that is defined for this bonus on the Bonuses (FA208000) form. The system calculates the bonus if the start depreciation date (specified in the Depr. from column) is within the date range specified for the bonus.

This column is not available for a non-depreciable fixed asset (one for which the Depreciate box is cleared on the General tab).

Bonus Amount

The bonus amount, which is the acquisition cost multiplied by the bonus rate.

This column is not available for a non-depreciable fixed asset (one for which the Depreciate box is cleared on the General tab).

Bonus Recapture

The amount that must be recaptured if the asset is disposed of during the first two years of its useful life.

This column is not available for a non-depreciable fixed asset (one for which the Depreciate box is cleared on the General tab).

Percent per Year

The depreciation rate of the asset.

This column is available if Australian Prime Cost, Australian Diminishing Value, or any of the New Zealand depreciation methods is selected in the Depreciation Method column for the book in this row.

The default value in this column is copied from the Percent per Year box on the Fixed Asset Classes (FA201000) form for the fixed asset class assigned to this fixed asset (on the General tab of the current form).

If the depreciation method for a book is changed to Australian Prime Cost or Australian Diminishing Value, the default value is selected as follows:

  • If the corresponding book in the selected fixed asset class has a nonzero Percent per Year specified on the Depreciation tab of the Fixed Asset Classes (FA201000) form, the system copies this value as the default.
  • If the corresponding book in the selected fixed asset class has a zero Percent per Year, the system copies the default value from the Depreciation Methods (FA202500) form.
If the depreciation method for a book is changed to one of the Australian or New Zealand methods, the default value is selected as follows:
  • If the corresponding book of the fixed asset class has a Percent per Year value specified, the system copies the default value from the Percent per Year column on the Depreciation tab of the Fixed Asset Classes (FA201000) form.
  • In other cases, the system copies the default value from the Depreciation Methods (FA202500) form.

Components Tab

This tab displays the list of fixed assets for which the current asset is the parent asset. For example, a component of this asset can be the repair or improvement of it. You cannot modify any information displayed on this tab.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Asset ID The identifier of the asset.
Description A description of the asset.
Asset Class The asset class to which the component asset belongs. Asset classes are defined on the Fixed Asset Classes (FA201000) form.
Asset Type The component type, which can be Building, Land, Vehicle, Machinery, Equipment, Computers, Furniture, Software, Goodwill, Patents, or Copyrights.
Status The system-generated status of the fixed asset component, which is one of the following options, as described under the General tab: Active, On Hold, or Disposed.
Orig. Acquisition Cost The amount that was spent to acquire the component.
Useful Life, Years The time period (in years) the component asset is supposed to be used. All the components have the same useful life as the parent asset.
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that the fixed asset has a status of Active.
Property Type The way the component asset was acquired. The following options, described under the General tab, are available: Property, Grant Property, Leased, Leased to Others, Rented, Rented to Others, and To the Credit of.
Condition The condition of the asset, which can be Good, Average, or Poor.
Receipt Date The date of the purchase receipt document.
Receipt Type

The type of the document.

The following options are available:

  • Receipt: Created for an asset received on purchase.
  • Return: Created for an asset returned back to the vendor.
Receipt Nbr. The reference number of the purchase receipt.
PO Number The reference number of the purchase order related to the purchase receipt document.
Bill Number The reference number of the bill that was received from the vendor of the asset.
Manufacturer The manufacturer of the asset.
Serial Number The identifier of the asset that is assigned by the manufacturer. Through the serial number, you can receive information or warranty services from the manufacturer.
Tag Number The tag number of this asset. Depending on the settings on the Fixed Assets Preferences (FA101000) form, the tag number can be the same as the ID of the asset.

Depreciation Tab

You can use the Depreciation tab to view the calculated depreciation according to the depreciation books to which the asset was assigned. This tab appears as soon as the fixed asset settings are specified on the Fixed Assets Preferences (FA101000) form.

The way the data is displayed on this tab depends on the Depreciation History View option specified on the Fixed Assets Preferences (FA101000) form. You can set up the form to view depreciation records in a selected book (By Book) or in all books at once (Side by Side).

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 9. Selection AreaIf By Book is selected in the Depreciation History View box of the Fixed Assets Preferences (FA101000) form, this tab displays depreciation records for a book you select in this area.
Element Description
Book The book for which depreciation history is shown below.
Table 10. By Book TableIf By Book is selected in the Depreciation History View box of the Fixed Assets Preferences (FA101000) form, this table displays information on depreciation history for the book you have selected above. This information cannot be edited.
Column Description
Period The financial period in the book to which the depreciation should be posted. The first two characters reflect the period number within a financial year; the last four digits indicate the financial year.
Calculated The calculated depreciation amount for the financial period. If depreciation was suspended for this period, the transaction amount is zero.
Depreciated The actual amount depreciated for this period. If depreciation was suspended for this period, the transaction amount is zero.
Table 11. Side by Side TableIf Side by Side is selected in the Depreciation History View box of the Fixed Assets Preferences (FA101000) form, this tab displays side by side all the books to which the asset has been assigned. You may not edit the information displayed in this table.
Element Description
Period The financial period in the book to which the depreciation should be posted. The first two characters of the text reflect the period number within a financial year, and the last four digits indicate the financial year.
Book1 Calculated The calculated depreciation amount for the related financial period. If depreciation was suspended for this period, the transaction amount is 0.
Book2 Depreciated The real depreciation amount for the related financial period. If depreciation was suspended for this period, the transaction amount is 0.

Locations Tab

This tab displays any modifications that were made to the Tracking Info section on the General tab. That is, this tab displays where the asset was located, which department the asset belonged to, and who was the custodian of the asset before any modifications (for example, replacing the asset or changing the custodian) were made. You cannot edit or delete the information displayed on this tab. The most recent modification is displayed at the top of the modification list.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 12. Table Columns
Column Description
Transaction Date The date of the transaction related to the modification in the Tracking Info section on the General tab.
Period ID The financial period in which the modification-related transaction was saved.
Branch The branch where the asset was located before the modification date.
Building The building where the asset was placed.
Floor The floor where the asset was placed.
Room The room where the asset was placed.
Custodian The identifier of the person who was responsible for keeping the asset safe before the modification date.
Employee Name The name of the custodian of the asset.
Department The department to which the asset belonged before the modification date.
Reason The reason of transaction.
Fixed Assets Account The fixed assets account (an asset account) used to post the cost of fixed assets.
Fixed Assets Sub. The subaccount for the specified fixed assets account.
Accumulated Depreciation Account The account used to post accumulated depreciation (an asset account).
Accumulated Depreciation Sub. The subaccount for the specified accumulated depreciation account.
Depreciation Expense Account The expense account used to post depreciation expenses.
Depreciation Expense Sub. The subaccount for the specified depreciation expense account.
Last Modified By The user who made the modification.
Modification Date The date when the modification was made.

Transactions Tab

On this tab, you can view all the asset-related transactions that were generated by the system or entered manually. You can manually create transactions of the Purchasing + or Depreciation + types by using the Fixed Asset Transactions (FA301000) form.

You can delete a transaction listed here only if it has not been released.
Table 13. Selection AreaYou can filter the transactions to be displayed below.
Element Description
Book The book where the transactions were entered. If this box is empty, all the transactions of the asset are displayed in the table on this tab.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 14. Table Columns
Column Description
Book The book where the transaction was entered.

The branch for which the transaction was entered.

This column appears on the tab if the Multibranch Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Tran. Date The date when the transaction was entered into the system.
Tran. Period The financial period in the book to which the transaction should be posted.
Transaction Type

The type of the transaction.

For details, see Types of Fixed Asset Transactions.

Debit Account The account to be debited by this transaction. The system generates this value according to the transaction type and the settings on the GL Accounts tab.
Description The description provided for the account.
Debit Subaccount The subaccount to be debited by this transaction. The system generates this value according to the transaction type and the settings on the GL Accounts tab.
Description The description provided for the subaccount.
Credit Account The account to be credited by this transaction. The system generates this value according to the transaction type and the settings on the GL Accounts tab.
Description The description provided for the account.
Credit Subaccount The subaccount to be credited by this transaction. The system generates this value according to the transaction type and the settings on the GL Accounts tab.
Description The description provided for the subaccount.
Transaction Amount The amount of the transaction.
Reference Number The number identifying the transaction in the system.
Batch Nbr. The batch, by its identifier, generated for the transaction that updates the General Ledger.
Released A check box that indicates (if selected) that the transaction was released. Only balanced transactions can be released.

The statute-allowed benefit that is used to depreciate the asset.

The following options are available:

  • Bonus: A bonus amount reduces the depreciable basis in the first year of the useful life of the asset.
  • Tax 179: This benefit entails treating the asset cost as an expense and deducting the cost in the first year of its useful life, instead of depreciating the asset over its useful life. Such a deduction can be made according to Section 179 of the United States Internal Revenue Code.
Transaction Description A description of the transaction.

Reconciliation Tab

You can use this tab to make additions or deductions to the net book value and to reconcile GL transactions related to AP bills with the purchase transactions to fixed assets.

The system displays documents (AP bills and debit adjustments) on this tab only if the fixed asset accrual account and the corresponding subaccount, if applicable, have been specified on the Details tab of the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form when the document was created.

If the selected asset is not associated with a posting book, this tab is only informational.

If the selected asset has the Reversed or Disposed status, the settings on this tab are read-only for this asset.

If the Multiple Base Currencies feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, on this tab, the system loads only the transactions in the base currency of the branch selected in the Branch box.

If a fixed asset has at least one book for which Australian Prime Cost, New Zealand Straight-Line, or New Zealand Straight-Line Evenly by Periods is selected in the Depreciation Method column on the Balance tab of the Fixed Assets (FA303000), additions to and deductions from this asset cannot be processed in the system.
Table 15. Summary AreaYou can filter the list of transactions to be shown by account and subaccount. Each of the transactions might include multiple quantities of an item that can be converted into fixed assets as individual assets or components of the current asset.
Element Description
Reconciliation Type

The type of the reconciliation.

The following options are available:

  • Addition: To reconcile the asset with added value.
  • Deduction: To reconcile the asset with deducted value. This option is available only for assets with non-zero accrual balance.

The asset account. You should generally specify the account that has been used to temporarily record transactions, including inventory items that have already been purchased but have not yet been put into service.

By default, the asset account is the fixed asset accrual account that is specified on the Fixed Assets Preferences (FA101000) form.


The appropriate subaccount for the specified asset account.

By default, this subaccount is the fixed asset accrual subaccount that is specified on the Fixed Assets Preferences (FA101000) form.

This box is available only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Tran. Date The date which will be assigned to the transaction of the Purchasing+ or Purchasing- type that is created automatically when you make addition or deduction to the existing fixed asset. By default, the acquisition date of the currently selected asset is specified.
Addition Period The financial period to which the transaction of the Purchasing+ or Purchasing- type (that is created automatically when you make addition or deduction to the existing fixed asset) will be posted. Select an appropriate period.
Show Transactions Marked as Reconciled A check box you select to view transactions marked as reconciled.
Acquisition Cost The amount that was spent to acquire the asset.
Current Cost The current cost of the asset calculated by using the Purchasing+ transactions regardless of its depreciation period.
Accrual Balance The part of the amount reconciled with the general ledger.
Unreconciled Amount The rest of the amount to be reconciled with the general ledger.
Selection Total The total cost of items to be selected, which is the total of the amounts specified in the Selected Amount column. This amount is equal to the selected quantity multiplied by the unit cost.
Expected Cost The estimated cost of the asset after reconciliation.
Expected Accrual Balance The estimated amount of the accrual balance after reconciliation.
Reduce Unreconciled Cost

A button that you can click to instruct the system to ignore the unreconciled amount and bring the cost of the fixed asset to the reconciled value.

This button is available for partially reconciled assets (that is, the assets that have accrual balance and unreconciled amount present). As a result, the system generates Purchasing - transaction.

Table 16. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Process Generates a transaction or transactions of the Reconciliation+ type if the Addition option is selected in the Reconciliation Type box of the summary area. This action generates a transaction or transactions of the Reconciliation- type if the Deduction option is selected in the Reconciliation Type box.
Table 17. Table Columns The table shown on this tab displays transactions that were included in bills on the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form and then released and posted to the general ledger. If you select a transaction in this table, the entire quantity of the selected item will be converted to a fixed asset.
Column Description

An unlabeled check box you can select to include the item for processing.

After the check box is selected, you have two ways to proceed, depending on whether you want to create new fixed assets or you plan to create components of the currently selected fixed asset:

  • To convert one unit of the purchased item specified in this row to a fixed asset, click Process on the table toolbar.
  • To convert one unit or multiple units of this purchased item to components of the currently selected asset, select the Component check box, specify a child asset class of the current asset in the Asset Class column, and select the number of units (the quantity of the item) to be asset components in the Selected Quantity column.

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the selected quantity of the item will be components of the currently selected asset. A fixed asset can have any number of components.

If you select the check box, specify (in the next column) the asset class that will be a child asset class of the current asset.

Asset Class

The asset class to which the selected quantity of the item must be assigned during conversion. The asset class will be a child asset class of the current asset.

You should specify the asset class to which the selected units of the inventory item will be assigned if the Component check box is selected.

Reconciled A check box that indicates whether the transaction is reconciled.
Branch The branch of your company to which the transaction is related.
Inventory ID The identifier of the inventory item.
UOM The unit of measure of the inventory item.
Selected Quantity

The quantity of the inventory item selected to be a fixed asset.

By default, this value is 1; you can increase it to convert a larger quantity of the item into fixed assets as components of the current asset. To do this, select the Component check box and assign the selected units to the asset class by using the Asset Class column.

Selected Amount

The total cost of the selected quantity of the inventory item. This amount is equal to the selected quantity multiplied by the unit cost.

By default, this column is filled in with the lowest amount specified in either of the following UI elements:

  • The Unreconciled Amount box in the Summary area of the current form
  • The Open Amount column of the same record if the Unreconciled Amount box has a zero value
Open Quantity The original quantity minus the selected quantity.
Open Amount The total cost of the open quantity of the inventory item, which is calculated as the open quantity multiplied by the unit cost.
Orig. Quantity The original quantity, which is the number of units of the inventory item that were purchased, according to the bill entered into the system by using the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form.
Unit Cost The cost per unit, according to the bill entered into the system on the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form.
Orig. Amount The total cost of units of the inventory item that were originally purchased, according to the bill. This amount is calculated as the unit cost multiplied by the number of units that were purchased.
Transaction Date The date of the bill.
Transaction Description The description of the purchased item.