Asset Balance by Accounts

Form ID: (FA403000)

On this form, you can view the balance of the selected fixed asset on all accounts used by this fixed asset by the end of the selected financial period. The table shows the list of accounts with the asset balances from the asset placed-in-service date through the specified financial period (Inception to Date), from the beginning of the year through the specified financial period (Year to Date), and during the specified financial period (Period to Date).

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Asset Transaction History For the account you have clicked in the table, opens the Asset Transaction History (FA404000) form, on which you can view all transactions of a particular fixed asset recorded to the specified account-subaccount pair.

Selection Area

In the Selection area, you can select a fixed asset and the book and the ending financial period for which you want to view the asset balances.

Element Description
Asset ID The fixed asset whose information you want to view.
Fin. Period The financial period through which you want to view the asset balances.

By default, the current business period is selected.

Book The book from which you want to view the asset balances.

By default, the posting book is selected.


This area displays asset balances for each account (and subaccount, if any) to which fixed asset transactions were posted by the end of the specified financial period.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Book The book to which the asset is assigned.
Account The account which asset balance is shown.
Account Description The description of the account.
Subaccount The subaccount to which the asset balance is recorded.

This column is available only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Subaccount Description The description of the subaccount.
Branch The branch to which the asset information relates.
Inception to Date The inception-to-date (ITD) amount, which is the cumulative total of the asset cost (for the Fixed Asset account) or the total accumulated depreciation amount (for the Accumulated Depreciation account) from the placed-in-service date through the financial period you have specified in the Selection area.
Year to Date The year-to-date (YTD) amount, which is the cumulative total of the asset cost (for the Fixed Asset account) or the total accumulated depreciation amount (for the Accumulated Depreciation account) from the beginning of the current year through the financial period you have specified in the Selection area.
Period to Date The period-to-date (PTD) amount, which is the total of the asset cost (for the Fixed Asset account) or the depreciation amount (for the Accumulated Depreciation account) posted in the selected period.