Asset Summary

Form ID: (FA402000)

On this form, you can view the list of assets existing in the system.

You can filter the list of assets by any of the available selection elements. For example, you can filter the assets by the asset type and review the assets of the selected asset type, or filter the list of assets by the department they belong to.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Selection Area

You use the elements in this area to filter the list of assets to be listed in the table on the form.

Element Description
Asset Class The class of the fixed assets you want to view.
Asset Type The fixed asset type, such as Building, Land, Vehicle, Machinery, Equipment, Computers, Furniture, Software, Goodwill, Patents, or Copyrights.
Property Type The way the assets were acquired. The following options are available:
  • Property: Indicates that the assets were acquired in a typical way (for example, through a purchase).
  • Grant Property: Indicates that the assets were acquired as a gift.
  • Leased: Indicates that the assets were leased from a lessor.
  • Leased to Others: Indicates that the assets, which your company owns, are available to be leased.
  • Rented: Indicates that your company rented the assets from a landlord.
  • Rented to Others: Indicates that the assets, which your company owns, are available to be rented.
  • To the Credit of: Indicates that the assets were bought on credit.
Condition The condition of the assets. The following options are available: Good, Average, or Poor.
Placed-in-Service Date From The date when the assets were put into service.
To The end date of the date range within which the assets were put into service.

The company, branch, or company group for which you want to view information. By default, the current company or branch is selected. You can select another branch, company, or company group to which you have access. This setting is required if the Multiple Base Currencies feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Building The building where the assets are located.
Floor The floor number where the assets are located.
Room The room number where the assets are located.
Custodian The employee ID of the person who is responsible for keeping the assets safe.
Department The department to which the assets belong.
PO Number The number of the purchase order related to the purchase receipt document.
Receipt Type

The type of the purchase receipt document for the assets. The following options are available:

  • All: All types of purchase receipts.
  • Receipt: Purchase receipts with the Receipt type
  • Return: Purchase receipt with the Return type.
  • Transfer Receipt: Purchase receipts with the Transfer Receipt type.
Receipt Nbr. The ID of the purchase receipt document for the assets.
Bill Number The number of the bill from the vendor for the assets.


This table lists the fixed assets that match the criteria you specified in the Selection area and provides basic details about them.

Column Description
Asset ID The ID of the fixed asset.
Description The description of the fixed asset.
Asset Class The asset class to which the asset belongs.
Parent Asset The applicable parent asset of the asset.
Asset Type The particular type of the fixed asset. (The options are listed above.)
Useful Life, Years The period of time (in years) the asset is expected to be used.
Placed-in-Service Date The date when the asset was put into service and from which the asset can be depreciated.
Orig. Acquisition Cost The amount that was spent to acquire the asset. This amount depends on the way the asset was acquired.
Property Type The way the asset was acquired. (The options are listed above.)
Condition The condition of the asset: Good, Average, or Poor.
Receipt Nbr. The applicable purchase receipt document.
PO Number The purchase order related to the purchase receipt.
Bill Number The number of the bill that was received from the vendor of the asset.
Branch The branch of the company to which the asset is assigned.
Building The building where the asset is located.
Floor The floor number where the asset is located.
Room The room number where the asset is located.
Custodian The ID of the person who is responsible for keeping the asset safe.
Department The department the asset belongs to.