Book Calendars

Form ID: (FA304000)

On this form, you can review the periods in the fixed asset subledger for a particular financial year and depreciation book, and the beginning and ending dates of financial periods.

If the Multiple Calendar Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, you can also review the beginning and ending dates for periods in the posting book of a particular company. Based on this information, you can make sure that the general ledger periods and FA posting book periods match.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

Button/Command Description
Synchronize FA Calendar with GL

Synchronizes the periods in the fixed asset subledger with those in the general ledger.

For all companies, if you click this command, the system checks if periods in the posting book are synchronized with the GL periods by comparing the start and end dates of the periods with the same ID, regardless of the status of the periods. If the periods are synchronized, the system returns an error message.

If the periods in the posting book and in the general ledger are not synchronized, the system checks if there are any released and unreleased transactions in the posting book and returns an error message if such transactions are found.

When synchronizing the periods, the system performs the following actions:

  • Deletes years and periods in the fixed asset book starting from the period following the most recent period that was synchronized.
  • Deletes the FABookHistory table for depreciable assets in the posting book starting from the period following the most recent period that was synchronized.
  • In the fixed asset book, creates the years and periods that are missing in the posting book calendar, by copying the years and periods from the general ledger.
  • Generates new fixed asset years based on the template until the last calendar year that used to be in the posting book before synchronization plus 1. If there is a gap between the start date of the first generated period and the end date of the last period copied from GL, the system sets the start date of this period to the end date of the previous period to ensure that there are no gaps in the calendar. The same action is performed for the years.
  • Recalculates the FABookBalance.DeprToPeriod field for active and suspended depreciable assets for which the Depr. to Period setting on the Balance tab of the Fixed Assets (FA303000) form is later than or equal to the first out-of-sync period.
  • Updates the asset's current period with the period that follows the most recent depreciation period (to handle the case when this period has been deleted).
  • For active and suspended depreciable assets, calculates depreciation up to the current period if this period was not synchronized.

The system will recalculate and post depreciation transactions and other types of fixed asset transactions based on the amended periods.

Selection Area

You use the elements in this area to select the depreciation book, company, and financial year for which you want to review financial periods.

Element Description
Book The identifier of the posting or non-posting book to which the calendar is assigned. Select a book from the list of books available in the system.

The company for which you want to review financial periods.

This box appears on the form when Multiple Calendar Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and a posting book is selected in the Book box. By default, this box displays the company of the current branch.

When the Multiple Calendar Support feature is disabled, the periods in the posting book are identical in all companies.

Financial Year The financial year for which you want to view periods. The default value is the financial year of the current business date.
Start Date The start date of the selected financial year. This value is entered by the system based on the financial year and cannot be changed.
Number of Periods The number of periods in the selected financial year. This value is entered by the system based on the financial year and cannot be changed.


In the table, you can view the list of financial periods that have been generated for the selected book and financial year (and company, if applicable).

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Financial Period ID The system-generated unique identifier of the financial period. The identifier is a combination of the financial year and the period number.
Start Date The system-generated date when the period starts.
End Date The system-generated date when the period ends.
Description The description of the financial period.