Pivot Tables

Form ID: (SM208010)

You use this form to add and edit pivot tables, which are based on generic inquiries. When designing a pivot table, you select the generic inquiry fields that will provide data for analysis and for filtering. In addition, you can specify display parameters for each field that is used in the pivot table.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Command Description
Edit Inquiry

Opens the Generic Inquiry (SM208000) form for the generic inquiry that is selected in the Screen ID box.

This button becomes available after you select a generic inquiry in the Screen ID box.

View Pivot Builds the pivot table designed or selected on the form. This button becomes available after you save changes in the pivot table parameters.
Publish to the UI Opens the Publish to the UI dialog box, in which you can modify the site map title and screen ID for the pivot table, change default workspace and category, and specify access right.
Unpublish Removes the respective node from the site map, clears the assignment of screen identifier and deletes all configured access rights from the database.
Table 1. Publish to the UI Dialog Box

On this dialog box, you can specify publication settings of the new form, including access rights. This dialog box has the following elements.

Site Map TitleThe name of the form that will be shown on the Site Map form.
WorkspaceThe workspace in the user interface from which the form can be accessed.
CategoryThe name of the category under which the form will be displayed in the selected workspace. .
Screen IDThe identifier to be assigned to the form.
Access Rights

Select one of the following option buttons to indicate which access rights should be specified for the newly added form:

  • Set to Granted for All Roles: The system will set the access rights for this form to Granted for all user roles in the system.
  • Set to Revoked for All Roles: The system will set the access rights for this form to Revoked for all user roles in the system.
  • Copy Access Rights from Screen (default): The system will copy the set of the access rights from the specified form.

The dialog box has the following buttons.

PublishPublishes the form and closes the dialog box. That is, it is assigned a screen identifier and becomes available in the specified workspace. Also, the system adds the new site map node for this form to the site map and applies the appropriate access rights to this site map node.
CancelCancels the publication process and closes the dialog box.

Pivot Summary Area

In this area, you can create a new pivot table or select an existing pivot table to view and edit its parameters.

Table 2. Pivot Summary Area Elements
Element Description
Screen ID Required. The unique identifier of the generic inquiry that is used for building the pivot table.
Pivot Table ID

Required. The unique identifier of the pivot table. For a new pivot table, leave this box blank; once the pivot table is saved, the system will insert the value of the Name box in this box as an ID.

For an existing pivot table, you can select a value in this field only after the screen ID has been selected.

Name The name of the pivot table. For a new pivot table, enter a name that describes the type of data that is shown with this pivot table. The value will be used as a default value for the table title in the site map
Shared Filter to Apply

The name of a shared filter that is used with the pivot table.

The default value of this box is All Records.

Make Visible on the UI

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the table will be published when you save the table with the required settings specified. This means that a screen identifier will be assigned to the table form and the form will be added to the site map; the form can be accessed from the specified workspace.

When you clear the Make Visible on the UI check box and save the table, the system removes the table from the site map and clears the title, workspace, category, and screen ID. When you publish the table again, the system will assign the next available screen ID by using the internal system numbering sequence. (This internal numbering sequence cannot be accessed on the UI for review or modification.)


The screen ID, title, workspace, and category of a form can be modified on the Site Map (SM200520) form.

Site Map Title

The name of the table form as it will be displayed on the site map. You can enter any name by using alphabetic or numeric characters. By default the box is filled with the value specified in the Name box.

The box is available for editing if the Make Visible on the UI check box is selected for the table.


The name of a workspace in the user interface from which the pivot table can be accessed.

The box is available for editing if the Make Visible on the UI check box is selected for the table.

For details on an automatic assignment of a workspace and category, see Categories and Workspaces for Entities of Specific Forms.


The name of a category under which the pivot table will be displayed in the selected workspace.

The box is available for editing if the Make Visible on the UI check box is selected for the table.

For details on an automatic assignment of a workspace and category, see Categories and Workspaces for Entities of Specific Forms.

Fields Pane

This pane contains the full list of fields from the selected generic inquiry. You can add fields from this pane to other panes of the form in the following ways:

  • Select fields in this pane, and then click the Add toolbar button on the pane where you want to add the field.
  • Drag fields to other panes on the form.
A field can be added to multiple panes.

The pane toolbar includes only standard buttons that are similar to standard buttons on a table toolbar. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Filters Pane

This pane contains a list of fields from the selected generic inquiry that are used as filters in the pivot table. You can filter pivot table data by multiple fields.
A pivot table filter can have Items and Conditions tabs to select specific items to filter. The Items tab is shown only if there are 100 or less records to be filtered.
Figure 1. Pivot Table Filter Tabs

You can add fields to this pane and remove fields from the pane by dragging them or by using the toolbar buttons.

The pane toolbar includes only standard buttons that are similar to standard buttons on a table toolbar. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Columns Pane

This pane contains a list of fields from the selected generic inquiry that are displayed as columns in the pivot table. You can use multiple fields in the columns of the pivot table.

You can add fields to this pane and remove fields from the pane by dragging and dropping them or by using the toolbar buttons.

The pane toolbar includes only standard buttons that are similar to standard buttons on a table toolbar. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Rows Pane

This pane contains a list of fields from the selected generic inquiry that are displayed as rows in the pivot table. You can use multiple fields in the rows of the pivot table.

You can add fields to this pane and remove fields from the pane by dragging them or by using the toolbar buttons.

The pane toolbar includes only standard buttons that are similar to standard buttons on a table toolbar. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Values Pane

This pane contains a list of fields from the selected generic inquiry whose values are displayed in cells of the pivot table. You can add multiple fields in this pane.

You can add fields to this pane and remove fields from the pane by dragging them or by using the toolbar buttons.

The pane toolbar includes only standard buttons that are similar to standard buttons on a table toolbar. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Properties Pane

This pane contains the display properties for a field that is selected in the Filters, Columns, Rows, or Values pane. The following table describes the properties.

Property Description
Field Name

Displays the field name of an element.


The caption of the field that is displayed in the pivot table. You change the caption in this box if you want to see a different field name than the field name in the generic inquiry in the pivot table.

By default, the property value is equal to the field name in the generic inquiry.

Aggregate An aggregate function that is applied to the field values. Select one of the following functions:
  • Sum: Returns the sum of the field values (for numeric fields)
  • Count All: Returns the number of the field values (for all types of fields)
  • Count Distinct: Returns the number of the unique field values
  • Average: Returns the average value of the field values (for numeric fields)
  • Min: Returns the smallest value among the field values (for date and numeric fields)
  • Max: Returns the largest value among the field values (for date and numeric fields)
  • Median: Returns the middle value of the field values (for date and numeric fields)

The default value of this property is Sum for numeric fields and Count for non-numeric fields.

Sort Order

The order in which the field values are sorted in the pivot table. Select one of the following values:

  • Ascending: That is, A to Z for text, lower to higher for numbers, or newest to oldest for dates.
  • Descending: That is, Z to A for text, higher to lower for numbers, or oldest to newest for dates.

The default value of this parameter is Ascending.

Sort By The key to be used as basis for sorting. Some fields have internal (database) representation and external (user interface) representation. for example date-time fields: Jan is an external representation to be displayed on user interface and 2020-01-01 12:00:00 is internal representation. For such fields you can select which value to be used as basis for sorting. The following options are available:
  • Display Name: The system uses external representation of a value as basis for sorting.
  • Value: The system uses internal representation of a value as basis for sorting.

The default value of this parameter is Display Name.

Show Value As

The presentation of numeric values in the pivot table. Select one of the following values:

  • Number: The system displays the value as a number.
  • % of Grand Total: The system displays the value as percentage of grand total.
  • % of Column Total: The system displays the value as percentage of column total.
  • % of Row Total: The system displays the value as percentage of row total.

The default value of this parameter is Number.

You can add the same field to the Values pane multiple times and specify different display options for each entry.

Show Total

A check box that you select if you want to display the total box for the set of fields.

By default, the check box is selected.


A check box that you select for the row or the column items to be displayed as collapsed by default.

Total Label

The name of the total box in the pivot table. The box is displayed only when the Show Total check box is selected.

By default, the box is empty and the box label is Total.

Show Empty Value As

The label for an empty value of the field, such as <empty>. The box is displayed only for fields added to the Rows or Columns panes.

By default, the box is empty, which means that <empty> is displayed for empty values of the field in a pivot table.


The width (in pixels) of the cells in the pivot table where the field values are displayed.

The default value of this parameter is 100 pixels.


The format of the field value that is displayed in the pivot table. You can use the standard formats defined for the format function in .Net.

For a field that contains a date, in this box, you can change the default format for values of the Round To and Date Part boxes as follows:

By default, the box is empty, which means that the field is not formatted.

Round To

The accuracy with which the system calculates the value of the field. For example, if the date includes time but you need to analyze data by date only, you can round the data to days. (That is, the system aggregates data for each day, and displays only the day, the month, and the year in the pivot table.)

You can select one of the following values:

  • None (default): The data by full date is displayed in the pivot table. The format of the date is General Date Long Time or G (for example, 04/11/2016 06:30:00).
  • Minutes: The system rounds the data to the date and time (including the hour, the minute, and the second). The default date format for this value is General Date Long Time or G (for example, 04/11/2016 06:30:00).
  • Hours: The system rounds the data to the date and time (including the hour and the minute). The default date format for this value is General Date Short Time or g (for example, 04/11/2016 06:30).
  • Days: The system rounds the data to the days. The default date format for this value is the Short Date or d (for example, 04/11/2016).
  • Weeks: The system rounds the data to the week. In the pivot table, the year and the number of the week are displayed. The system calculates the week number based on the date in the selected date field. The default date format for this value is yyyy W (for example, 2017 W23), where yyyy is the .NET format specifier for the year and W is the W prefix followed by the number of the week in the year.
    The first day of the week in your system depends on the time zone specified in the Time Zone box of the User Profile (SM203010) form. If the Time Zone box is empty, the system uses the time zone specified in the Login Time Zone box on the Site Preferences (SM200505) form. For details, see CalendarWeekRule Enumeration on the Microsoft Developer Network website.
  • Half-Months: The system rounds the data to the half of the month. In the pivot table, the half of the month, the month name, and the year are displayed. The system calculates the half of the month based on the date in the selected date field. The default date format of this value is yyyy - MMM h (for example, 2017 - Jan H1), where yyyy is the format specifier for the year, MMM is the .NET format specifier for the month (that is, the three-letter abbreviation of the month), and h is the H prefix followed by the number indicating the half of the month (1 or 2).
    In the system, the second half of each month starts on the 16th day, regardless of the length of the month.
  • Months: The system rounds the data to the month. The default date format for this value is yyyy - MMM (for example, 2017 - Jan), where yyyy is the .NET format specifier for the year and MMM is the format specifier for the month.
  • Quarters: The system rounds the data to the quarter. The system calculates the quarter based on the date in the selected date field. The default date format for this value is yyyy Q (for example, 2016 Q4), where yyyy is the format specifier for the year and Q is the Q prefix followed by the number of the quarter (you cannot change the format of the quarter).
  • Half-Years: The system rounds the data to the half-year. The system calculates the half-year based on the date in the selected date field. The default date format of this value is yyyy H (for example, 2017 H1), where yyyy is the format specifier for the year and H is the H prefix followed by the number indicating the half of the year (1 or 2).
  • Years: The system rounds the data to the year. The default date format for this value is yyyy (for example, 2016), which is the format specifier for the year.

This property appears for only fields of the date type.

You can specify either the rounding in this box or a part of the date in the Date Part box. For example, if you specified a value in the Date Part box and then selected a value in this box, the system automatically resets the value of the Date Part box to None.
Date Part
The part of the date field by which the system aggregates data in the pivot table. For example, if the date field contains the month and the year (such as July 2017), you can configure the system so that it aggregates data by month for multiple years.
If you want to display only the year in the headers of the pivot table, you need to select the Year value in the Round To box.

You can select one of the following values:

  • None (default): The data by full date is displayed in the pivot table.
  • Hour: The system aggregates data by the hour. (Only the hour is displayed in the pivot table.)
  • Day: The system aggregates data by the day. (Only the day is displayed in the pivot table.)
  • Month: The system aggregates data by the month. (Only the month is displayed in the pivot table.)
  • Quarter: The system aggregates data by the quarter. (Only the quarter is displayed in the pivot table.)

This property appears for only fields of the date type.

You can specify either a part of the date in this box or the rounding specified in the Round To box. For example, if you specified a value in the Round To box and then selected a value in this box, the system automatically resets the value of the Round To box to None.

The segment of the field value that the system uses to aggregate data in the pivot table. In this box, you can select one of the segments specified on the Segmented Keys (CS202000) form for the segmented key.

This property appears for only fields whose values are defined by a segmented key (such as General Ledger subaccounts).

Pivot Table Title Bar

The title bar of the form that contains the generated pivot table (which appears when you click View Pivot from the form) includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Title Bar. The form-specific buttons are listed below.
Buttons Description
Save As Creates a copy of the pivot table with a different name. You click this button when you change the pivot table settings and want to save it as a new table for the same general inquiry.
Save Saves changes to the pivot table. You click this button when you have changed the settings of the pivot table and want your changed version to replace the previous version of the pivot table.
Customize Opens the Pivot Tables (SM208010) form, where you can modify the pivot table settings.

Pivot Table Toolbar

The toolbar on the top of the generated pivot table includes only standard buttons for tables. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.