Photo Log

Form ID: (PJ305000)

This form is available only if the Construction Project Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

A photo log is used to store the photos that users have taken while working on a project. You can use this form to create, view, and edit a photo log. For more information on working with photo logs, see Photo Logs: General Information.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Email Opens a new email on the Email Activity (CR306015) form, with a ZIP archive of the photo log files attached to the email.
Export Photos Downloads to your device a ZIP file with the files of the photo log.

Summary Area

In this area, you can specify the settings of a new photo log or select an existing photo log for modification.

Element Description
Photo Log ID The identifier of the photo log. The system inserts the ID based on the numbering sequence selected on the Photo Log Preferences (PJ103000) form.
Date The business date when the photo log was created. By default, the current business date is selected.
Project Required. The project to which photo log is related.
Project Task The project task to which photo log is related.
Description A brief description of the photo log.
Status Required. The status of the photo log, which can be any of the statuses specified on the Status tab of the Photo Log Preferences (PJ103000) form. By default, the predefined N/A status is inserted.
Created By The username of the employee that has created the photo log.

Photos Tab

On this tab, you can review the photos uploaded in the photo log and upload new photos. You can upload the photos with the supported file extensions, which are specified on the File Upload Preferences (SM202550) form.

The tab consists of a file upload area and two panes: a left pane with a file upload area and a table listing the photos in the log; and a right pane with a preview area that displays the photo selected in the left pane.

Table 1. Left Pane: File Upload AreaThe file upload area is at the top of the left pane, above the table toolbar. You can click anywhere in this area to open a dialog box in which you can select the photos to be uploaded to a photo log.
Button Description
File upload area An area in which you can click to open a dialog box that you can use to select the images to be uploaded to the photo log. This is the recommended way to upload photos to photo log.
As an alternate way of uploading photos, you can drag files to the file upload area or directly to the table of the left pane. When you upload the images in this way, the files are also attached to the photo log record; these files can be viewed if you click the Files button on the form title bar of the form.
Table 2. Left Pane: Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Upload Photos from Attachments Uploads any photo files that have been attached to the current photo log record. (You can view these files can be viewed by clicking the Files button on the form title bar.) The system creates a separate photo record for each photo and then removes these files from the attachments.
Table 3. Left Pane: Table

This table, which is on the left pane of the Photos tab lists the photos that have been uploaded to the photo log. You can add photos to the log, review the settings of each photo, and select the main photo of the photo log.

Column Description
Photo ID The identifier of the photo record. You can click the link in this column to open the photo on the Photo (PJ305010) form and view the details of the photo.
Name The file name of the uploaded photo.
Description The brief description of the photo.
Uploaded On The business date when the photo was uploaded to the photo log.
Uploaded By The username of the employee that uploaded the photo.
Main Photo

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the photo is the main photo of the photo log. That is, this photo is shown as a preview photo for the entire photo log in the preview area on the Photo Logs (PJ405000) form if this photo log is selected in the left pane of that form. If the photo log does not have a main photo, the right pane on the Photo Logs (PJ405000) form remains empty.

Only one photo in a photo log can be selected as the main photo. When you select this check box for a row, if another row has this check box selected, it is cleared for the other row.

Table 4. Right Pane: Preview Area

In this pane of the Photos tab, you can preview the photo whose row is currently selected in the table of the left pane.

Element Description
Preview area An area that displays the preview of the photo that is selected in the left pane.

Activities Tab

This tab has a table with the list of activities associated with the photo log. You can associate particular tasks, emails, and other activities with the photo log. MYOB Acumatica provides you with a list of predefined activity types; you can add new activity types by using the Activity Types (CR102000) form. To create an activity, email, or task, click the appropriate command and fill in the dialog box.

The tab includes, in addition to the columns described below, columns (labeled with icons) that you can use to attach notes and files to the activity, see if it is completed, check its priority level, and notice whether there are associated reminders. For descriptions of these columns, see Managing Emails and Activities.

Table 5. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Create Task Opens the Task (CR306020) form in a pop-up window, which you can use to create a new task.
Create Event Opens the Event (CR306030) form in a pop-up window, which you can use to create a new event.
Create Email Opens the Email Activity (CR306015) form in a pop-up window, on which you can create a new email.
Create Activity

Contains a menu with commands that correspond to the list of activity types configured on the Activity Types (CR102000) form.

By clicking a menu command, you open the Activity (CR306010) form in a pop-up window, which you use to create an activity of the corresponding type. The following commands are available by default: Create Note, Create Chat, Create Escalation, Create Message, Create Phone Call, Create Teams, and Create Work Item.

To change the list of menu commands, you can add or remove activity types by using the Activity Types (CR102000) form.

Table 6. Table Columns
Column Description
Type The type of the activity, which can be one of the following: Event, Task, Email, Email Response, Note, Chat, Escalation, Message, Phone Call, or Work Item.
Summary The description of the activity, which is also a link to the Activity (CR306010), Email Activity (CR306015), Event(CR306030), or Task (CR306020) form, depending on the type of the activity.

The status of the activity.

This column contains one of the following options: Draft, Open, Processing, Completed, Approved, Rejected, Canceled, Pending Approval, or Released .

Start Date The start date and time of the activity.
Created At The date and time when the activity was created.
Time Spent The total time spent on the activity.
Workgroup The workgroup that the activity is assigned to (if any).
Owner The name of the person whom the activity is assigned to.

The tab also has the Activity Description area below the table. The area displays the full description provided for the activity selected in the table. To edit the description, click the link in the Summary column of the activity. This opens the Activity (CR306010) form in a pop-up window; on this form, you can add a description and edit other settings corresponding to the activity.