Weather Log Details

Form ID: (PJ404000)

This form is available only if the following conditions are met:
  • The Construction and Construction Project Management features are enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
  • The Enable Weather Service Integration for Daily Field Reports and Enable Weather Processing Log check boxes are selected on the Weather Services tab of the Project Management Preferences (PJ101000) form.

On this inquiry form, you can view the history of the requests to the weather services for the daily field reports. You can narrow the list of requests by using selection criteria.

Selection Area

You use the elements in this area to select the requests to weather services that will be displayed in the table. Requests are listed in the table only if they meet all selected criteria.

Element Description
Project The identifier of the project whose requests you want to view.
Weather API Service The weather service that is used for receiving information about weather conditions.
Request Date From The start date of the range for which requests for the daily field reports are shown. You leave this box blank to view all requests starting with the first date.
Request Date To The end date of the range for which requests for the daily field reports are shown. You leave this box blank to view all requests through the current business date.
Show Errors Only A check box that indicates (if selected) that only the requests that have failed are displayed in the table.


The table displays the details about the requests to weather API services within the number of days specified in the Weather Processing Log Term (Days) box on the Weather Services tab of the Project Management Preferences (PJ101000) form.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
DFR ID The daily field report, by its identifier, for which the request has been sent.
Status The status of the daily field report for which the request has been sent.
DFR Date The date of the daily field report for which the request has been sent.
Project The project related to the daily field report for which the request has been sent.
Project Manager The person who is responsible for managing the project and authorized to approve the daily field report for which the request has been sent (if approval is necessary).
Created By The name of the employee who created the daily field report for which the request has been sent in the system.
Weather Service The name of the weather service used to create a weather record in the daily field report for which the request has been sent.
Request Time The date and time when the request was sent to the weather service.
Request Body The body of the request that was sent to the weather service.
Request Status The status of the request.
Response Time The date and time when the response came from the weather service.
Response Body The response from the weather service.