Photo Logs

Form ID: (PJ405000)

This form is available only if the Construction and Construction Project Management features are enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

You use this form to view a list of all the photo logs that have been created in the system or the photo logs with the criteria you specify, which can include a project, project task, or date range. On this form, you can view the main photo of the photo log whose row is selected in the table (if the photo log has a main photo defined). You can also download a ZIP file with all the files of the selected photo log or photo logs or send an email with the ZIP file attached.

For more information on working with photo logs, see Photo Logs: General Information.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Command Description
Email Opens a new email on the Email Activity (CR306015) form, and attaches to the email a ZIP archive of files of the photo logs for which the Included check box is selected in the table.
Export Photos Downloads to your device a ZIP file with the files of the photo logs for which the Included check box is selected in the table.

Selection Area

In this area, you can specify criteria to narrow the range of records listed in the table.

Element Description
Project The project related to the photo logs to be listed in the table.
Project Task

The project task associated with the photo logs to be listed in the table.

This box is available only if a project has been selected in the Project box; only project tasks of the selected project are available for selection.

Date From The first creation date (that is, the date of the photo log's creation) of the date range for which the photo logs are displayed in the table. By default, this box is empty.
Date To The last creation date (that is, the date of the photo log's creation) of the date range for which the photo logs are displayed in the table. By default, the current business date is selected.

Left Pane

In the table of this pane, you can review the list of existing photo logs that meet the criteria specified in the Selection area.

Table 1. Table

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Included An unlabeled check box that you select to include this photo log in the processing of the button you click on the form toolbar.
Photo Log ID The identifier of the photo log. You click the link in this column to open the photo log on the Photo Log (PJ305000) form and view its settings.
Status The informational status of the photo log. The list of statuses is defined on the Status tab of the Photo Log Preferences (PJ103000) form.
Date The business date when the photo log was created.
Project The project associated with the photo log.
Project Task The project task associated with the photo log.
Description The description of the photo log.
Created By The name of the user who created the photo log.
Table 2. Right Pane

In this pane of the Photos tab, you can preview the main photo of the photo log whose row is currently selected in the table of the left pane.

Element Description
Preview area An area that displays the preview of the main photo of the photo log that is selected in the left pane. The main photo is the photo on the Photo Log (PJ305000) form for which the Main Photo check box is selected. If the photo log does not have a main photo, the pane is empty.