Load Weather Conditions

Form ID: (PJ504000)

This form is available only if the following conditions are met:
  • The Construction and Construction Project Management features are enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
  • The Enable Weather Service Integration for Daily Field Reports check box is selected on the Weather Services tab of the Project Management Preferences (PJ101000) form.

You can use this form to get weather conditions from the API of the integrated weather service for the selected daily field reports or for all daily field reports. As a result of the process, for each daily field report, one record is created on the Weather tab of the Daily Field Report (PJ304000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Command Description
Process Initiates the obtaining of the weather conditions for the daily field reports you have selected (by using the unlabeled check boxes) in the table.
Process All Initiates the obtaining of the weather conditions for all daily field reports in the table.

Selection Area

In this area, if needed, you can select the project for which the system will list daily field reports in the table.

Element Description
Project The project associated with the daily field reports to be listed. You can leave the box blank to view all daily field reports.


The table contains the list of daily field reports for the selected projects or for all projects; you can load the weather conditions for all reports or only those you select. Only daily field reports with the On Hold status and for the current business date are displayed.

Column Description
Included An unlabeled check box that you can use to include the daily field report in processing if you click Process.
DFR ID The daily field report, by its identifier.
Status The status of the daily field report.
DFR Date The date of the daily field report.
Project The project to which the daily field report is related.
Project Manager The person who is responsible for managing the project and authorized to approve the daily field report (if necessary).
Created By The name of the employee who created the daily field report in the system.