Appointment Closing

Form ID: (FS300210)

You use this form to close an appointment related to a particular route, as well as to add additional information, such as items that have been picked up and delivered. This form opens in a separate window when you click the reference number of an appointment in the Appointment Nbr. column on the Routes Closing (FS304010) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

Command Description

Opens the Perform Action dialog box with the Complete action and the Travel logging option selected, as well as the end time filled in. In the dialog box, you can modify the completion time of the travel and select staff members for which the travel is completed.


Changes the status of the appointment and all the lines on the Details tab to Canceled. The appointment can now be reopened or closed.

This button is available only if the appointment has the Not Started status.

Complete Changes the status of the appointment to Completed, indicating that all the activities related to the appointment are completed. The appointment can now be reopened or closed.

This command is available only if the appointment has the In Process status.

Close Changes the status of the appointment to Closed, indicating that all the administrative activities related to the appointment are done. The appointment cannot be changed after this action has been invoked.

This command is available only if the appointment has the Completed status.

Create AP Bill

Opens the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form on which you can create an AP bill.

Create Purchase Order

Opens the Create Purchase Orders (PO505000) form on which you can create a purchase order.


Opens the Perform Action dialog box with the Start action and the Travel logging option selected. In the dialog box, you can modify the date and time of the travel (if necessary) and select the unlabeled check boxes in the table for the staff members for which the travel is started.

Email Appointment Prepares an email with the Appointment (FS642000) report and customer's embedded signature to be sent to the customer.

This command is available if the appointment has been signed by using the mobile application.

Email Confirmation to Customer Prepares an email with the details of the appointment for the customer.

This command is available if the appointment has been confirmed (that is, if the Confirmed check box is selected on the Settings tab), a service or services has been added to the appointment on the Details tab, and at least one staff member has been added on the Staff tab.

Email Confirmation to Staff Prepares an email with the details of the appointment for the staff members defined on the Staff tab. This command is available if the appointment is confirmed.

This command is available after staff members have been assigned to the appointment.

Email Notification to Service Area Staff Prepares an email with the details of the appointment for all the staff members defined in the appointment's service area.

This command is available if the appointment has been confirmed and if services and staff members have not been assigned yet.


Changes the status of the appointment to On Hold. You click this button when you want to make changes to the document.

This button is available if the appointment has the Not Started status.


Changes the status of the appointment to Paused. If there are lines with the In Process status on the Log tab of the Appointments (FS300200) form, the system changes the In Process status to Paused and inserts the current time in the End Time column on the Log tab for a paused line or lines.

This button is available if the appointment has the In Process status.

Quick Process

Opens the Process Appointment dialog box, in which you can configure and run quick processing of the appointment that is currently open on this form.

This button is available if all of the following conditions are met:

  • The service order type selected in the Service Order Type box allows quick processing—that is, if for the service order type, the Allow Quick Process check box is selected on the General tab of the Service Order Types (FS202300) form.
  • The billing cycle associated with the customer is defined to generate billing documents from appointments—that is, the Appointments option button is selected in the Run Billing For section of the Billing Cycles (FS206000) form for the billing cycle.
  • The appointment has the Completed or Closed status.
Recalculate External Tax Updates the taxes that have been calculated through integration with an external tax provider, such as AvaTax.

This command appears only if the External Tax Calculation Integration feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Remove Hold

Changes the status of the document from On Hold to Not Started. This button is available if the document has the On Hold status.


Changes the status of the appointment and all the lines on the Details tab to Not Started, which is the initial status of appointments. The appointment can now be started, canceled, or completed.

This button is available only if the appointment has the Completed or Cancel status.


Changes the status of the appointment to In Process. On the Log tab, changes the status of all lines with the Paused status to Completed, and for each resumed line, creates a new line with the In Process status and inserts the current time in the Start Time column.

This button is available if the appointment has the Paused status.

Reverse Bill

Initiates the process of creating and releasing the reversed project transaction and reversed issue of the credit memo type (if any). You can see released documents on the Billing Documents tab of the current form.

This button is available only if the following conditions are met:
  • For the service order type, the Project Transactions option is selected in the Generated Billing Documents box on the General tab on the Service Order Types (FS202300) form.
  • For the billing cycle specified for a customer, the Appointments option button is selected for the Run Billing For setting on the Billing Cycles (FS206000) form.
Run Billing

Generates the document to bill the customer according to the settings of the service order type in the Billing Settings section of the Service Order Types (FS202300) form, and opens the appropriate form with the document (the specific form depends on the billing documents generation settings). The system also shows a record about the created document on the Billing Documents tab of the current form.

This button is available only if the billing cycle assigned to the customer is set to generate billing documents from appointments on the Billing Cycles (FS206000) form. If the Bill Only Closed Appointments check box is selected on the Service Order Types (FS202300) form, this button is available only if the appointment has the Closed status. If the Bill Only Completed or Closed Service Orders check box is selected on the Billing Cycles (FS206000) form for the billing cycle assigned to the customer, this button is available only if the service order associated with the appointment has the Completed or Closed status on the Service Orders (FS300100) form.

Schedule on Calendar Opens the Calendar Board (FS300300) form, with the Unassigned Appointments tab displaying the current appointment.
Schedule on Staff Calendar Opens the Staff Calendar Board (FS300400) form, with the Unassigned Appointments tab displaying the current appointment.

Changes the status of the appointment to In Process, indicating that the appointment is being attended. The appointment can now be completed.

Depending on the system configuration on the Time Behavior tab of the Service Order Types form for the service order type of the appointment, when you select this action, the system specifies particular settings for the appointment.

This button is available only if the appointment has the Not Started status.


Changes the status of the appointment to Completed after an appointment has already been closed.

This button is available only if the appointment has the Closed status and the billing document has not been generated for the appointment yet.

Update Inventory

Opens the Inventory Updates (FS500500) form, on which you can generate inventory documents for items transferred during the appointment.

View on Map

A button you click to open the map specified on the Site Preferences (SM200505) form and provided by the Google Maps or Bing Maps web map service to view this address on a map, which is opened in a new tab.

This button is displayed on the form if the Address Lookup Integration feature is disabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Summary Area

This area contains general information about the route appointment, such as the service order type, the route definition, the customer, and the date and time information. The time can be edited if the appointment has not been closed.

Elements Description
Appointment Nbr. The identifier of the route appointment.
Service Order Type The service order type of the appointment.
Route ID The route definition related to the appointment.
Customer The customer with which the appointment was attended.

The customer location where the appointment was attended.

This box is available only if the Business Account Locations feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Status The status of the appointment.
Table 1. Actual Date and Time Section
Elements Description
Actual Start Date The actual date when the appointment was attended.
Actual Start Time The actual time when the appointment began.
Actual End Time The actual time when the appointment ended.
Actual Service Duration The actual duration of the appointment.

Details Tab

On this tab, you can edit information related to the services associated with the appointment.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Pickup/Delivery Action The action that is performed upon the item.
Line Status The status of the line, which is one of the following options:
  • Open (default): The service has been created.
  • In Process: The service is currently being attended.
  • Canceled: The service is canceled.
  • Completed: All the administrative activities related to the service have been completed.
Line Type The type of this line of the appointment. The line type is one of the following options:
  • Service (default): The line is a service.
  • Comment: The line is a comment. You can use this type to indicate to the staff member a remark about the service. You type a comment in the Description column.
  • Instruction: The line is an instruction. You can use this type to indicate to the staff member an instruction about the service. You type an instruction in the Description column.
  • Non-Stock Item: The line is a non-stock item defined on the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form with a type of Non-Stock Item, Labor, Charge, or Expense.
Inventory ID The identifier of the service provided during the appointment.
Description A description of the line.
Target Equipment ID The identifier of the equipment that is necessary to perform the service indicated in the line.
Billable A check box that indicates (if selected) that the service line is billable.
Estimated Duration The total estimated time that the service is estimated to take.
Actual Start Time The actual time when the service began.
Actual End Time The actual time when the service ended.
Actual Duration The actual duration of the service.
UOM The unit of measure used as the base unit for the stock item.
Quantity The quantity of the service that was provided.
Base Unit Price The price of the specified unit of this item.
Base Actual Amount The price of the transaction. By default, the price is calculated by multiplying the quantity and the unit price. This value can also be changed manually if you want to register a different amount.
Project Task The project task with which this service is associated.