Route Sequences

Form ID: (FS303800)

You can use this form to view and change the default order in which customers will be visited on a particular route. When a user creates a route service schedule, the system automatically assigns it a sequence number on the Route tab of the Route Service Contract Schedules (FS305600) form. This number represents the default sequence of the appointment within the route, which you can change on the current form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Buttons Description
Reset Sequence If you have made any changes, reassigns the default order numbers that had been assigned to the schedules. The order does not change.

Selection Area

In this area, you select the route for which the related service contract schedules will be shown in the table and check boxes that further determine which schedules are listed in the table.

Element Description
Route The identifier of the route. You select the route definition for which you want to view the sequence in which the appointments will be generated.
Display Active Service Contracts Only A check box that indicates (if selected) that only schedules for route service contracts with the Active status are displayed in the table.
Display Active Schedules Only A check box that indicates (if selected) that only route service contract schedules with the Active check box selected on the Route Service Contract Schedules (FS305600) form are displayed in the table.


In this table, you can view or edit the order of the appointments within a route.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Element Description
Order The order in which appointments of the schedules are attended on the route. You can change the number in this column to change the sequence in which services for customers will be performed. After you have edited the numbers, you can click the Reset Sequence button on the form toolbar to update the numbers with default ones but keep the specified order.
Customer The customer for which the services will be performed.
Location The identifier of the customer location where the appointment will take place.
Location Name The name of the customer location where the appointment will take place.
Address The address of the customer location where the appointment will take place.
City The city of the customer location where the appointment will take place.
State The state of the customer location where the appointment will take place.
Service Contract ID The identifier of route service contract for which appointments are generated.
Customer Contract Nbr. The reference number of the route service contract, which the system automatically generates for every new service contract of this customer.
Description A brief description of the route service contract.
Service Contract Status The status of the route service contract. The following options are available:
  • Draft: The contract is a draft and has not yet been activated.
  • Active: The contract is active in the system.
  • Suspended: The contract is on hold.
  • Canceled: The contract has been terminated.
  • Expired: The expiration date specified for the contract has passed, and no further activities for the contract can be performed.
Schedule ID The identifier of route service contract schedule related to the route.