Staff Calendar Board

Form ID: (FS300400)

By using this form, you can view the appointments of a particular staff member on an interactive calendar; you can also create, schedule, and modify these appointments. You can also view the person's work schedule.

Service Orders Tab

On this tab, which is in the left pane of the form, you can view the service orders that do not have appointments assigned yet, along with various settings that have been specified for each service order on the Service Orders (FS300100) form. The service orders are displayed for the period of time that is defined in the Show Service Orders in a Period of x Days box of the Service Management Preferences (FS100100) form.

To create an appointment for a service order or a particular service, you can click the necessary service order or service on this tab and drag it to the necessary date and start time for the staff member selected on the dashboard. When you do, the system creates the appointment and keeps it selected. You can press the E key to open the Appointments (FS300200) form and edit the created appointment. You can also select D to delete the appointment.

The table toolbar includes a standard element and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard elements, see Calendar and Map Table Toolbars. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Table 1. Table Toolbar
Filter Opens the Service Order Filters dialog box, which you can use to define a new filter. After you create and save the filter, the information on the dashboard is updated.
Clear Filter

Clears the filter settings.

This button appears on the table toolbar only if a filter has been applied to the table.

Table 2. Service Order Filters Dialog Box
The Selector area of the dialog box includes the following box.
Supervisor The staff member to whom the service orders you want to view are assigned in the Supervisor box on the Settings tab of the Service Orders (FS300100) form. You can leave the box blank to view the service orders assigned to all staff members.
The dialog box contains the following tabs.
Skills A tab that contains check boxes representing the skills that have been added on the Skills (FS200600) form. If you select the check boxes that represent the needed skills, when you apply the filter, the system filters the service orders by the presence of the selected skills.
License Type A tab that contains check boxes representing the license types that have been added on the License Types (FS200900) form. If you select the check boxes that represent the needed licenses, when you apply the filter, the system filters the service orders by the presence of the licenses of the selected types.
Problems A tab that contains check boxes representing the problems that have been added on the Problem Codes (FS201200) form. If you select the check boxes that represent the needed problems, when you apply the filter, the system filters the service orders by the presence of the selected problems.
Service Classes A tab that contains check boxes representing the service classes that have been added in the Service Classes (FS400900) form. If you select the check boxes that represent the needed service classes, when you apply the filer, the system filters the service orders by the selected service class.
The dialog box contains the following buttons.
Filter Applies the selected filtering criteria.
Filter & Close Applies the selected filtering criteria and closes the dialog box.
Close Closes the dialog box without applying the selected filtering criteria.
Table 3. Table Columns
Column Description
Service Order The identifier of the service order. If services have been assigned to the service order, you can expand the list to display them by clicking the arrow to the right of the service order identifier.
Quantity The number of services assigned to the service order.
Unlabeled An unlabeled column with an icon that represents the status of the service. The column contains one of the following icons:
  • : The service is scheduled.
  • : The service is not scheduled.
Customer The customer that ordered the services of the service order.
Service Order Type The type of the service order.
Priority The priority to perform the service order. The column contains one of the following options:
  • L: Low priority
  • M: Medium priority
  • H: High priority
Severity The severity associated with the service order. The column contains one of the following options:
  • L: Low severity
  • M: Medium severity
  • H: High severity
SLA The deadline or service-level agreement.
Date The date when the service order document was created.
Source Type The type of the source of the service order (Service Order, Sales Order, Case, or Opportunity).
Source Ref. The reference number of the document that is a source of the service order.
Supervisor The staff member assigned as a supervisor for the service order.

The table footer includes only standard elements. For the list of standard elements, see Calendar and Map Table Footer.

Unassigned Appointments Tab

On this tab, which is in the left pane of the form, you can view the appointments that do not have assigned staff members yet, along with various settings that have been specified for each appointment on the Appointments (FS300200) form.

To assign an appointment to a particular staff member, you can click the necessary appointment on this tab and drag it to the necessary staff member on the dashboard. When you do, the system displays the appointment for the staff member and keeps it selected. You can press the E key to open the Appointments (FS300200) form and edit the created appointment. You can also select D to delete the appointment.

The table toolbar includes standard element and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard elements, see Calendar and Map Table Toolbars. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Table 4. Table Toolbar
Button Description
Filter Opens the Unassigned Appointment Filters dialog box, which you can use to define a new filter. After you create and save the filter, the information on the dashboard is updated.
Clear Filter

Clears the filter settings.

This button appears on the table toolbar only if a filter has been applied to the table.

Table 5. Unassigned Appointment Filters Dialog Box
Element Description
The dialog box contains the following tab.
Skills A tab that contains check boxes representing the skills that have been added on the Skills (FS200600) form. If you select the check boxes that represent the needed skills, when you apply the filter, the system filters the appointments by the presence of the selected skills.
The dialog box contains the following buttons.
Filter Applies the selected filtering criteria.
Filter & Close Applies the selected filtering criteria and closes the dialog box.
Close Closes the dialog box without applying the selected filtering criteria.
Table 6. Table Columns
Column Description
Appointment The number of the appointment in the system.
Customer The customer with which the appointment takes place.
Service Order Type The service order type of the appointment.
Quantity The number of unique services that will be performed in the appointment.
Date The scheduled day of the appointment.
Start Time The time when the appointment is scheduled to start.
End Time The time when the appointment is scheduled to end.

The table footer includes only standard elements. For the list of standard elements, see Calendar and Map Table Footer.


The dashboard is a pane that displays the appointments assigned to a particular staff member for a specific day, week, or month in Calendar or Agenda mode (you can click the button on the Dashboard Footer to switch to the other mode). In Calendar mode, you can drag services, service orders, and unassigned appointments to the appropriate start time on the dashboard to assign a staff member to perform services, and you can create an appointment.

In Agenda mode, you can view the list of appointments and their details sorted by date and time for the date or date range specified in the Date or Date Range box. You can also initiate the creation of a new appointment by right-clicking the date of the appointment to be created.

For more information on the calendar dashboard and the appointments on it, see Calendar Dashboards and Appointments on the Calendar Boards.

Table 7. Dashboard Toolbar

The dashboard toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific elements. For the list of standard buttons, see Dashboard Toolbar. The form-specific elements are listed below.

Element Description
Opens one of the following, based on whether the Select Service Order Type on Creation from Calendars check box is selected on the User Profile (SM203010) form for the current user:
  • If the check box is cleared, the Appointments (FS300200) form. On this form, you can create a new appointment.
  • If the check box is selected, the Create Appointment dialog box. Here you can select the service order type of the appointment to be created and proceed to creating a new appointment.

The branch for which you want to view data on the form. By default, the branch to which you are signed in is selected.

Based on the branch specified in this box, the system displays data on the current form (or makes it available for selection) as follows:

  • In the Staff box, a staff member is available for selection if for the staff member, this branch is selected in the Branch box of the Employees (EP203000) form.
  • On the dashboard and the Unassigned Appointments tab of the left pane, an appointment is shown only if for the appointment, this branch is selected in the Branch box on the Financial Settings tab of the Appointments (FS300200) form.
  • On the Service Orders tab of the left pane, a service order is displayed only if for this service order, this branch is selected in the Branch box on the Financial Settings tab of the Service Orders (FS300100) form.
Branch Location

The branch location for which you want to view data on the form.

Based on the branch location specified in this box, the system displays data on the current form (or makes it available for selection) as follows:

  • In the Staff box, a staff member is available for selection if for the staff member, this branch location is selected in the Branch Location box of the Staff Schedule Rules (FS202001) form.
  • On the dashboard and the Unassigned Appointments tab of the left pane, an appointment is shown only if for the appointment, this branch location is selected in the Branch Location box in the Summary area of the Appointments form.
  • On the Service Orders tab of the left pane, a service order is displayed only if for this service order, this branch location is selected in the Branch Location box in the Summary area of the Service Orders form.
Staff The staff member for whom you want to view data.
Time Interval

The time interval for which the data is displayed on the dashboard. You can select one of the following options:

  • Day
  • Week
  • Month
  • Year
Date or Date Range Displays a particular date on the dashboard if you are viewing a day, or a particular date range if you are viewing a week, month, or year on the calendar. To manually change the date, click this button and change the date in the Calendar dialog box.

For details, see Calendar Dialog Box.

Table 8. Create Appointment Dialog BoxThis dialog box appears when you create an appointment from the current form if the Select Service Order Type on Creation from Calendars check box is selected on the User Profile (SM203010) form for your user account.
Element Description
The dialog box contains the following box.
Service Order Type

The service order type of the appointment to be created.

By default, the system inserts the service order type that has been specified for the user on the User Profile form (if applicable) or the default service order type that has been specified for the system on the Service Management Preferences form (if applicable). The default service order type can be overridden.

The dialog box contains the following buttons.
OK Opens the Appointments form with the selected service order type.
Close Closes the dialog box without creating an appointment.
Table 9. Dashboard CommandYou open this command by right-clicking the dasboard at a time of the appointment to be created.
Element Description
Opens one of the following, based on whether the Select Service Order Type on Creation from Calendars check box is selected on the User Profile (SM203010) form for the current user:
  • If the check box is cleared, the Appointments (FS300200) form. On this form, you can create a new appointment.
  • If the check box is selected, the Create Appointment dialog box. Here you can select the service order type of the appointment to be created and proceed to creating a new appointment.

You can invoke the following commands by right-clicking an appointment on the calendar board.

Table 10. Appointment Menu Commands
Edit Opens the Appointments (FS300200) form with the selected appointment, so you can view its details and modify it.
Clone Opens the Clone Appointments (FS500201) form, where you can clone the selected appointment.
Validate by Dispatcher/Clear ValidationValidates the selected appointment, or negates the validation of the selected appointment.
Confirm/UnconfirmConfirms the confirmation with the customer of the selected appointment, or removes this confirmation.
Delete Deletes the appointment from the system.
Table 11. Dashboard FooterThe dashboard footer includes the button that you click to switch between the modes on the dashboard, as described below.
Element Description
Agenda/Calendar Changes Calendar mode to Agenda mode or Agenda mode to Calendar mode on the dashboard.