Routes Closing

Form ID: (FS304010)

On this form, you can view the details of a particular route execution that has been completed or closed as well as close the route execution and unclose it if necessary.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Command Description
Close Changes the route's status to Closed. This command is available only if the route has the Completed status.
Unclose Changes the status of the route to Completed after a route has already been closed. This command is available only if the appointment has the Closed status.

Summary Area

In this area, you can select a route of the Completed or Closed status, view its details, and change the actual times of the route.

All the boxes are read-only except the Route Nbr. box.

Element Description
Route Nbr. The reference number of the route execution.
Branch The branch that performs the route.
Scheduled Start Date The date when the route is performed.
Start Time The starting time of the route. By default, this is the time that is defined in the route definition on the Routes (FS203700) form.
Route The le route definition.
Status The status of the route, which can be one of the following:
  • Completed: All the activities related to the route are completed. You can edit details of the route, and can close or reopen it.
  • Closed: All the data of the route is filled in and correct. You can unclose the route, which gives it the Completed status.
Trip Nbr. The number of the trip for the selected route definition on the specified date.
Driver The driver assigned to perform the route.
Vehicle The vehicle assigned to perform the route.
Table 1. Actual Time SectionIn this section, you can edit or view the information related to the actual time when the route was performed.
Element Description
Actual Start Time The actual time when the route began.
Actual End Time The actual time when the route ended.
Actual Duration Read-only. The actual duration of the route.

Appointments Tab

On this tab, you can view information about the appointments that are related to the route.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 2. Table Columns
Column Description
Service Order Type The service order type of the appointment. Only appointments with service order types that have the Route behavior can be here.
Service Contract ID The identifier of the route service contract to which the route is related.
Customer Contract Nbr. The reference number of the route service contract, which the system automatically generates for every new service contract of this customer.
Schedule ID The identifier of the contract schedule according to which the route was generated.
Appointment Nbr. The reference number of the appointment.
Description A brief description of the appointment.
Customer The customer for which the appointment is performed.
Customer Location

The unique identifier of the customer location where the appointment is performed.

This box is available only if the Business Account Locations feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Status The status of the appointment, which is one of the following: Completed or Closed.
Scheduled Date The date when the appointment is scheduled.
Scheduled Start Time The time when the staff member was expected to start attending the appointment.
Scheduled End Time The time when the staff member was expected to finish attending the appointment.
Estimated Duration The estimated duration of the appointment.
Address Line 1 The first line of the appointment's address.
Address Line 2 The second line of the address.
City The appointment's city.
State The appointment's state or province.
Postal Code The appointment's postal code.

Additional Info Tab

On this tab, you can view additional information about the route execution.

Table 3. Additional Info Tab Elements
MilesThe total distance (in miles) of the route execution.
WeightThe weight of the transferred goods.
Fuel Qty.The amount of fuel used during the execution of the route.
Fuel TypeThe type of the fuel used by the vehicle during the execution of the route, which is one of the following options:
  • Regular Unleaded
  • Premium Unleaded
  • Diesel
  • Other
Oil The amount of oil used during the execution of the route.
Antifreeze The amount of antifreeze used during the execution of the route.
DEF The amount of diesel exhaust fluid used during the execution of the route.
Propane The amount of propane used during the execution of the route.