Inventory Updates

Form ID: (FS500500)

On this form, you can process services that include stock items that were picked up or delivered, to generate the related documents for invoicing in the Inventory module. During the generation process, the following types of documents can be generated:

  • If stock items were picked up, documents of the Issue type are generated.
  • If stock items were delivered, documents of the Receipt type are generated.

A batch is generated as a result of this processing, and the batch contains the documents that are generated.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Process Processes the services that you have selected in the table (by using the check boxes in the Selected column).
Process All Processes all services listed in the table.

Selection Area

In the Selection area, you can make selections that filter the services shown in the table. You can also specify the document date and period.

Table 1. Filter Options Section
Element Description
Up to Date The date up to which the services are displayed. By default, the current business date is selected.
Route Nbr. The reference number of the route execution for which you want to view services. If you leave the box blank, you can view services for all the route executions that meet any other specified criteria.
Appointment Nbr. The reference number of the appointment for which you want to view services. If you leave the box blank, you can view services for all the appointments that meet any other specified criteria.
Table 2. Generation Options Section
Element Description
Document Date

The date on which the inventory documents will be generated. By default, the current business date is selected, but you can override this value.

You can enter only a date that corresponds to a financial period that has been generated on the Master Financial Calendar (GL201000) form. If the date that you enter belongs to a financial period that has not yet been generated in the system—for example, for a date in the distant future or past—the system will display an error message, and you will not be able to save the document.

Document Period The financial period in which the inventory documents will be generated. By default, the period of the current business date is selected.


The table displays the services that meet the selection criteria you have specified. You can process all services or only those you select.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 3. Table Columns
Column Description
Selected A check box that you select to include the service in processing if you click Process.
Service Order Type The service order type of the appointment.
Appointment Nbr. The reference number of the appointment.
Billing Customer The identifier of the customer for which the inventory document will be generated.
Billing Customer Name The name of the customer for which the inventory document will be generated.
Service Order Nbr. The reference number of the service order to which the appointment belongs.
Line Ref. The reference number of the line related to the service in the appointment document.
Inventory ID The identifier of the service.
Pickup/Delivery Item ID The identifier of the stock item that was picked up or delivered as part of performing the service.
Batch Nbr. The reference number of the batch of documents that is created during the document generation process. The batch number appears in this column after generation process is finished. If you click this number, the batch opens on the Inventory Update Batches (FS305900) form in a pop-up window.