Form ID: (FS203700)
On this form, you can create a route and specify its settings, such as the start and end location, the days and start time of executions, and the staff members (that is, drivers) that can perform the route. You can also view and edit the details of the routes that have been created in the system.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.
Summary Area
The Summary area contains general information about the route, such as the route short name and the start and end location.
Element | Description |
Route ID | The identifier of the route. |
Origin Route | The identifier of a route that has previously been created in the system, if the current route is a return trip of that route. |
Route Short | The short identifier of the route. |
Description | A brief description of the route definition. |
Week Code(s) e.g.: 1, 2B, 1ACS | The week code or week codes of the route. For multiple week codes, use the comma as a separator. |
Max. Appointment Qty. | The maximum number of appointments for the routes related to the route definition. This box is available if the No Limit check box is cleared. |
No Limit | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the route can have unlimited number of appointments. If you clear this check box, the Max. Appointment Qty. box becomes available. |
Element | Description |
Branch |
The branch where the route starts. Note:
For a branch of a company with the Without Branches type, when you
click the Edit button, the system will open the company on the Companies (CS101500) form, if the Multibranch Support
feature is disabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. If the
Multibranch Support feature is enabled, the system will open the branch
on the Branches (CS102000) form. |
Branch Location | The branch location where the route starts. |
Element | Description |
Branch |
The branch where the route ends. Note:
For a branch of a company with the Without Branches type, when you
click the Edit button, the system will open the company on the Companies (CS101500) form, if the Multibranch Support
feature is disabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. If the
Multibranch Support feature is enabled, the system will open the branch
on the Branches (CS102000) form. |
Branch Location | The branch location where the route ends. |
Execution Tab
On this tab, you specify the days in which the route can be performed, the default start time of the routes, and the number of trips per day.
Element | Description |
Day of Week | The column where you select the day of the week when the route can be executed. You can use the following check boxes to select the day of the week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. |
Start Time | The column where you specify the start time for each of the days of the week you have selected. |
Nbr. Trips per Day | The maximum number of route executions that can be created, which you specify for each of the days of the week you have selected. The system uses this maximum number when you manually create route executions on the Route Document Details (FS304000) form. |
Employees Tab
You use this tab to specify the staff members that have the driver skills (that is, drivers) to execute this route, as well as the preference between the staff members for this route.
Column | Description |
Employee ID | The employee identifier of the driver. You can select any identifier for which you have defined the employee on the Staff (FS205500) form and has the driving skill assigned on the Employees (EP203000) form. |
Employee Name | The name of the driver, which is filled in when you select the employee ID. |
Status | The status of the driver, which is filled in when you select the employee ID.
The following options are available:
Priority Preference | An integer that defines the priority preference of the driver to perform the route in comparison with the other drivers. The lower the integer, the higher the priority of the driver. If the drivers have the same priority, they are listed according their reference number in the system. |
Attributes Tab
On this tab, you can add, view, and modify the attributes to be listed (if they are active) for executions of the route on the Attributes tab of the Route Document Details (FS304000) form; users can then specify the values for the selected route execution.
For an attribute to be added on this tab, it must first be defined in the system on the Attributes (CS205000) form.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Active | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the attribute is listed for all
executions of the route. You can deactivate an obsolete attribute by clearing this check box. In this case, the deactivated attribute will no longer be displayed for executions of the route, but all attribute values that have already been specified for existing records will remain in the database. Thus, if you reactivate the attribute, its values will become visible in the system again. |
Attribute ID | The name of the attribute, which serves as its identifier. In this column, you can select an attribute from the list of existing attributes that have been defined on the Attributes (CS205000) form. |
Description | The description of the attribute. This description is copied from the Attributes (CS205000) form and cannot be edited. |
Sort Order | The number representing the order of the value in the resulting list of attribute values. |
Required | A check box that indicates (if selected) that a value must be specified for the attribute for all executions of the route. |
Internal | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the attribute is not available for portal users. This setting is copied from the Attributes (CS205000) form and cannot be edited. |
Control Type | The type of control for the attribute: Text, Combo, Multi Select Combo, Lookup, Checkbox, or Datetime. This value has been specified for the attribute on the Attributes (CS205000) form and cannot be changed. |
Default Value | The default value of the attribute. You can leave this column blank or specify a default value to be inserted for the attribute. |
Week Codes Tab
The Days by Week Codes tab indicates the upcoming days the route will be performed, based on the configured week code and execution days.
Element | Description |
From | The start date, which you can select to filter the upcoming routes in the table. |
To | The end date, which you can select to filter the upcoming routes in the table. |
Column | Description |
Date | The date the route is executed. |
Week Code | The week code corresponding to the date. |
Day of Week | The day of the week the route is executed. |
Week of Year | The week of the year the route is executed. |
Start Date of Week | The date of Monday of the week the route is executed. |