Route Document Worksheets

Form ID: (FS403900)

You can use this form to view all the routes generated in the system or the routes for a specific period. You can also view the generated routes for a particular driver.

You can use this form to assign drivers and vehicles to the routes. For details, see Drivers and Assignment of Vehicles to Route Executions.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Selection Area

In this area, you can specify the date range and driver for which you want to view the list of routes.

Element Description
From The start date of the date range for which you want to view the generated routes. You can leave this box blank to view routes generated from the first date when routes were generated.
To The end date of the date range for which you want to view the generated routes. You can leave this box blank to view routes generated until the last date when routes were generated.
Driver The driver for whom you want to view the generated routes.


In this table, you can view and edit the list of created routes for specific days. For each listed route, you can assign or change drivers and vehicles.

Table 1. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Assign Driver Opens the Driver Selector dialog box, with the available drivers for the route, so you can assign a staff member as a driver.
Assign Vehicle Opens the Vehicle Selector dialog box, with the available vehicles for the route, so you can assign a vehicle to use for the route.
Table 2. Table Columns
Column Description
Route Nbr. The reference number of the route.
Route ID The identifier of the route definition.
Route Short The short identifier of the route definition.
Trip Nbr. The number of the trip for the route on the specified date.
Status The status of the route.
Date The date of the route.
Start Time The start time of the route.
Driver The driver assigned to execute the route. You can select a driver to assign him or her to the route in this column, or you can click the Assign Driver button and assign a driver in the Driver Selector dialog box.
Additional Driver The second driver assigned to execute the route. You can select a driver to assign him or her to the route.
Vehicle The vehicle assigned to the route. You can select a vehicle to assign it to the route in this column, or you can click the Assign Vehicle button and assign a vehicle in the Vehicle Selector dialog box.
Additional Vehicle 1 The second vehicle assigned to the route. You can select a vehicle to assign it to the route.
Additional Vehicle 2 The third vehicle assigned to the route. You can select a vehicle to assign it to the route.
Number of Appointments The number of the appointment on the route.
Total Services The total number of services that are performed during the route appointments.
Total Driving Duration The total estimated driving time to execute the route.
Total Service Duration The total estimated time to perform the services of the route.
Total Route Duration The total estimated time to perform the route. This is the sum of the duration times for the driving and the services.
Table 3. Driver Selector Dialog BoxBy using the Driver Selector dialog box, you can select a driver with the skills to execute the route available for the specific day.
Route Nbr. The reference number of the selected route execution.
Route Info Section
Route ID The identifier of the route.
Date The date when the route is executed.
Current Selection Section
Driver The driver currently assigned to execute the route.
Vehicle The vehicle currently assigned to the route execution.
Filter Options Section
Show Available Drivers for this Route only A check box that indicates (if selected) that only available drivers for the route are displayed in the table. A driver is available if he or she is not assigned to a different route on the specified day.
The Drivers table contains the following columns.
Employee ID The identifier of the driver.
Employee Name The name of the driver.
Already Assigned Read-only. A check box that indicates (if selected) that the staff member is already assigned to execute a route.
Priority Preference The priority factor of the driver to execute the route.
The dialog box has the following buttons.
Select Driver Assigns the staff member as the driver in the route.
Close Closes the dialog box.
Table 4. Vehicle Selector Dialog BoxBy using the Vehicle Selector dialog box, you can select a vehicle to execute the route available for the given day.
Route Nbr. The reference number of the selected route execution.
Route Info Section
Route ID The identifier of the route.
Date The date when the route is executed.
Current Selection Section
Driver The driver currently assigned to execute the route.
Vehicle The vehicle currently assigned to the route execution.
Filter Option Section
Show Available Vehicles for this Route only A check box that indicates (if selected) that only available vehicles for the route are displayed in the table. A vehicle is available if it is not assigned to a different route on the specified day.
The Vehicles table contains the following columns.
Vehicle ID The identifier of the vehicle.
Already Assigned Read-only. A check box that indicates (if selected) that the vehicle is already assigned to a route.
The dialog box has the following buttons.
Select Vehicle Assigns the vehicle to the route.
Close Closes the dialog box.