Customer Location Central

Form ID: (FS404050)

On this form, for the customer and location you select, you can view general customer information and route contracts with the customer. You can also view information about the stock items involved in the route services and the services provided to the customer.

Form Toolbar

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Selection Area

In this area, you can select the customer and location for which you want to view data.

Element Description

The customer for which data is displayed on the form.

The list of customers available for selection may be limited based on the role or roles assigned to the user account to which you are signed in if the Customer and Vendor Visibility Restriction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. In this case, the Restrict Visibility To box appears on the Financial tab of the Customers (AR303000) form. With the feature enabled, a customer is available for selection if one of the following is true:
  • The Restrict Visibility To box is empty for the customer—that is, the customer’s visibility is not restricted.
  • A branch, company, or company group is specified in the Restrict Visibility To box for the customer, and your user account has the role specified in the Access Role box of the Configuration Settings section of one of the following: the Branch Details tab of the Branches (CS102000) form for the branch, or the Company Details tab of the Companies (CS101500) form for the company or a company within the company group.
Location The customer location for which data is displayed on the form.

General Info Tab

You can use this tab to view the main contact information of the customer's company. All information on this tab is read-only; you can edit the customer's details on the Customers (AR303000) form.

Table 1. Location Info Section
Element Description
Location Name The name of the customer location.
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that the customer is active in the system.
Table 2. Location Contact Section
Element Description
Company Name The legal business name of the customer, which appears on the documents.
Attention An information about the contact person.
Email The attention line as it is used in your company’s business letters, which would be used to direct a letter to the proper person if the letter is not addressed to any specific person.
Web The customer's website address.
Phone 1 The default phone number of the customer.
Phone 2 An additional phone number of the customer.
Fax The fax number of the customer.
Table 3. Location Address Section
Element Description
Address Line 1 The first line of the customer's address.
Address Line 2 The second line of the address.
City The customer's location city.
Country The customer's location country.
State The customer's location state or province.
Postal Code The customer's location postal code. You can set up an input validation mask for the country's postal codes on the Countries/States (CS204000) form.
Table 4. Customer Section
Element Description
Customer ID The identifier of the customer.
Customer Name The name of the customer
Status The status of the customer.
Billing Cycle ID The identifier of the billing cycle assigned to the customer.
Description A description of the billing cycle assigned to the customer.
Table 5. Location Settings Section
Element Description
Tax Registration ID The customer's taxpayer identifier associated with the selected location.
Tax Zone

The tax zone of the customer's default location.

If a customer has been converted from a prospect account or extended from a vendor account, the customer's tax zone is by default set to the tax zone (if any) specified for the original account. You can override this default value.

Tax Exemption Number The tax exemption number of the customer location
Entity Usage Type

The corresponding entity usage type.

If integration with Avalara is configured, in a document with the current customer selected, this value is sent to Avalara to specify the reason for tax exemption. If the Taxable - Override Exemption option is selected, the document's exemption is overridden, and taxes are calculated in the external tax service.

Shipping Branch The branch of your company that will be used to ship goods to the customer.
Price Class The price class assigned to the customer. A price class, defined on the Customer Price Classes (AR208000) form, indicates the price level offered to the customer and can be used as a condition to be met for a discount application.
Description The description specified for the price class.
Price Class ID 2 The second price class assigned to the customer.
Description The description specified for the second price class.
Price Class ID 3 The third price class assigned to the customer.
Description The description specified for the third price class.
Default Project The default project associated with this customer location, or a non-project code, indicating that no projects are associated with this location by default.

Route Contracts Tab

On this tab, you can view the details of the route service contracts of the selected customer, such as status, associated schedule, route, and recurrence of the services provided according to the contract. The route service contracts are defined on the Route Service Contracts (FS300800) form.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 6. Table Columns
Column Description
Service Contract ID The identifier of the route service contract to which the route is related associated with the customer and its location.
Customer Contract Nbr. The reference number of the service contract, which the system automatically generates for every new service contract of this customer.
Status The status of the route service contract.
Schedule ID The schedule related to the route service contract.
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that the schedule is active in the system.
Order The position of the customer's appointment of thу contract schedule in the route sequence.
Route ID The identifier of the route definition associated with the schedule, which is created on the Routes (FS203700) form.
Route Short The short identifier of the route definition.
Recurrence Description The recurrence setting of the schedule associated with the service contract. The value in this column is a combination of the settings selected on the Recurrence tab of the Route Service Contract Schedules (FS305600) form.
Week Code(s) e.g.: 1, 2B, 1ACS The equivalent week code for the route. The following field will only be used to validate the recurrence of the route versus the week code.
Last Generated The date for which the last route appointment was generated.

Pickup/Delivery Items Tab

On this tab, you can view information about items that have been picked up and delivered during each appointment with the customer. The items are defined on the Pickup/Delivery tab of the Appointments (FS300200) form.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 7. Table Columns
Column Description
Appointment Nbr. The reference number of the appointment.
Actual Date The actual date of the appointment.
Status The status of the appointment, which is one of the following: Scheduled by System, On Hold, Not Started, Completed, Closed, or Canceled.
Line Ref. The reference number of the line related to the service for which the item was picked up or delivered.
Inventory ID The identifier of the service for which the item was picked up or delivered.
Pickup/Delivery Action The action that is performed upon the item, which is one of the following: Delivered, Picked Up or No Item Related.
Pickup/Delivery Item ID The identifier of the item that was picked up or delivered.
Description The description of the item that was picked up or delivered.
Warehouse The warehouse from which the specified quantity of the item was delivered or to which the quantity was added.
UOM The unit of measure used as the base unit for the item.
Actual Quantity The total quantity of items transferred.
Base Unit Price The price of the specified unit of this item.
Base Actual Amount The price of the transaction. By default, the price is calculated by multiplying the quantity and the unit price.
Project Task The project task with which this stock item is associated.
Batch Number The number of the posting batch document if the invoice has been generated for the appointment. If you click this number, the document opens on the Service Billing Batches (FS305800) form in a pop-up window.
Post To The functional area of the system in which the document was generated, which is one of the following:
  • SO: Sales Orders
  • AR: Accounts Receivable
  • AP: Accounts Payable
Document Type The type of the document generated, which is one of the following:
  • IN: An AR invoice
  • CM: An AR credit memo
  • An order type specified in the Order Type for Billing or Order Type for Negative Balance Billing box on the Service Order Types (FS202300) form: A sales-related document
Document Nbr. The link of the document generated in the system. If you click this number, the document is opened on the applicable form in a pop-up window.

Services Tab

On this tab, you can view details on the services that are provided for the selected customer during appointments. The services are defined on the Details tab of the Appointments (FS300200) form.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 8. Table Columns
Column Description
Appointment Nbr. The reference number of the appointment related to the service.
Actual Date The actual date of the appointment related to the service.
Status The status of the appointment.
Line Ref. The reference number of the line of the service provided during the appointment.
Status The status of the service.
Line Type The type of the service, which is one of the following: Service or Non-Stock Item.
Inventory ID The identifier of the service provided during the appointment.
Billing Rule The billing rule used to bill the service.
Description The description of the service.
Billable A check box that indicates (if selected) that the service is billed.
Estimated Duration The total estimated time that the service is expected to last.
Actual Duration The actual duration of the service being performed.
Actual Quantity The quantity of this line item.
Unit Price The price of the specified unit of this line item.
Transaction Amount The amount of the transaction, which is the unit price multiplied by the quantity.
Project Task The project task with which this service is associated.
Batch Number The number of the posting batch document that is a link that navigates to the Service Billing Batches (FS305800) form if you click it.
Post To The module in which the document was generated, which is one of the following:
  • SO: Sales Orders
  • AR: Accounts Receivable
  • AP: Accounts Payable
Document Type The type of the document generated, which is one of the following:
  • IN: An AR invoice
  • CM: An AR credit memo
  • An order type specified in the Order Type for Billing or Order Type for Negative Balance Billing boxes on the Service Order Types (FS202300) form: A sales-related document
Document Nbr. The link of the document generated in the system. If you click this number, the document is opened on the applicable form in a pop-up window.