Assignment and Approval Maps

Form ID: (EP205000)

You can use this form to create and edit assignment and approval maps for the following entities:

  • Leads, contacts, business accounts, cases, opportunities, purchase receipts, requests, or requisitions to assign them for processing
  • Expense claims, expense receipts, time cards, projects, pro forma invoices, project quotes, change orders, cost projections, daily field reports, progress worksheets, cash transactions, sales orders, sales quotes, purchase orders, requests, requisitions, accounts payable bills, accounts receivable invoices, accounts payable checks, and accounts receivable payments to assign them for approval

For the selected entity type, you create the following:

  • A tree, which is a structure representing the workgroups or individual employees involved in the processing of the entities of this particular type.
  • Rules, based on properties of the entities, to be used to assign entities to workgroups and to particular employees. For example, you may require an expense claim under $1000 to be approved by the employee's manager, and an expense claim over $1000 to be approved by the payroll administrator.

By using the Company Tree (EP204061) form, you can create workgroups for all branches and define their owners and wait times.

For more information about how you can manage assignment and approval maps, see Managing Assignment and Approval Maps.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

You use the elements in this area to create a new assignment or approval map or to select an existing map to view its details.

Element Description
Map The identifier of the map. Select a map from the list of existing maps or type the name to create a new map.
Name The name of the assignment or approval map.
Entity The type of entity that should be assigned. By using the site map, you select the name of the form used to create an entity of this type.

Tree Pane

In this pane, you can see a tree with only the Company root node for a new map or with a structure of rules for an existing map. Click any node icon to expand the node. Click a node name to select the node and to view the list of rules in the Rules table.

The pane toolbar buttons are listed in the table below.

Button Description
Reload Tree Reloads the wiki site map tree.
Show Tree Pane / Hide Tree Pane Shows or hides the Tree pane.

Rules Table

By using this table, you can create a list of rules (nodes) of a particular level.

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Table 1. Table Buttons
Button Description
Up Moves the selected rule (node) one position up in the list.
Down Moves the selected rule (node) one position down in the list.
Table 2. Table Columns
Column Description
Seq. The order in which the system checks conditions for the rules.

The type of the rule, which is one of the following options:

  • Group: This type of rule defines a node and conditionally redirects the assignment to the node specified in the Name column.
  • Assign: This type of rule conditionally assigns an entity of the specified type to the particular workgroup or employee specified in the respective column.
  • Jump: This type of rule conditionally redirects to any node on the tree. The target node should be specified in the Jump to column.
Name The name of the rule.
Jump to The target node on the tree where the assignment process is redirected under certain conditions.
Workgroup The workgroup to which the entity should be assigned if the conditions in the Conditions pane are satisfied. (This setting is applicable only if workgroups are used in your organization.)
Assign to The employee to whom the entity should be assigned if the conditions in the Conditions pane are satisfied. When a workgroup is selected in the Workgroup column, the workgroup owner is specified in this box by default. If you do not use workgroups, you can select an employee from the full list of the company's employees.
Employee Name The name of the employee to whom the entity should be assigned.
Department The department of the employee.
Owner Source

A selector tool for drilling down to any level of detail of the underlying record or document and selecting a system entity that defines the employee to whom the record or document should be assigned for processing or approval.

For example, suppose that you are creating an approval map for expense claim approval, and you want to create a rule for assigning an expense claim for approval to the supervisor of the employee who created the expense claim. In MYOB Advanced, an employee may have a supervisor specified in the Reports to box on the Employees (EP203000) form. When you create the rule, you need to select Employee>Reports to by using the selector in the Owner Source column; alternatively, you can manually enter ((EPEmployee.SupervisorID)) in this column. In the Conditions pane, you need to specify the following condition for the rule to be executed:
  • Rule Type: All conditions are true
  • Entity: Employee
  • Field Name: Reports to
  • Condition: Is Not Empty
Thus, if an employee who created an expense claim has a supervisor, the expense claim will be assigned to this supervisor for approval. Note that in this case, you may also want to create assignment rules for expense claims created by employees who have no supervisors.
Use Workgroup by Owner

A check box that determines whether the entity should be assigned to a workgroup that includes the employee determined by the Owner Source value.

This check box has effect on the assignment process only if a workgroup has been selected in the Workgroup column and a value has been selected in the Owner Source column. If this is the case, the system checks whether the employee is included in the workgroup specified in the Workgroup column, and if not, the system then subsequently checks all workgroups at lower levels than this workgroup, in the order of their location in the company tree. As a result, the entity gets assigned to the employee and to the first workgroup the system finds in which the employee is included; if the system finds no such group, the entity gets assigned to the employee and to the workgroup specified in the Workgroup column, which may be used in the approval process so that any employee from this workgroup can view and approve the entity by using the My Workgroup Approvals filter tab on the Approvals (EP503010) form.

Conditions Pane

You use this table to specify the conditions that must be met to execute the rule selected in the Rules table. If conditions are not met, the selected rule is not executed, and the system checks the conditions for the next rule.

The table toolbar in the dialog box includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Tables.

Table 3. Conditions Element
Element Description
Rule Type The way the conditions should be applied for the selected rule. The following options are available:
  • All conditions are true: The rule is applied only if all specified conditions are satisfied.
  • At least one condition is true: The rule is applied if at least one of the specified conditions is satisfied.
  • At least one condition is false: The rule is applied if at least one of the specified conditions is not satisfied.
Table 4. Table Columns
Column Description
Entity The entity the assignment map is associated with.
Field Name The name of a field (element) that stores a property of the entity. (Use a field that originates on the form used to create the entity; these forms are listed earlier in this article under the description of the Type column.) The property in this field will be compared to the specified value to determine whether the condition is true or false.
Condition The logical operation to apply to the value of the entity property for this rule. The following options are available: Equals, Does Not Equal, Is Greater Than, Is Greater Than or Equal To, Is Less Than, Is Less Than or Equal To, Contains, Starts With, Ends With, Does Not Contain, Is Empty, and Is Not Empty.
Field Value The value to be compared, by using the specified condition, with the value in the field (element) specified under Field Name. Note that for time fields, you have to specify the value in minutes—for instance, if you want to specify 40 hours, you need to enter 2400.