Equipment Time Cards

Form ID: (EP407000)

On this form, you can enter new equipment time cards or view (and edit, if needed) existing ones. An equipment time card is a document that records the time the equipment is used in a project.

This form is available only if the Project Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

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This table displays a list of available time cards.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Equipment ID The identifier of the equipment whose usage is recorded in this time card.
Status The status of the time card, which can be one of the following options: On Hold, Open, Pending Approval, Approved, Rejected, or Released.
Ref. Nbr. The unique reference number of the equipment time card.
Setup Time The time (in hours and minutes) during which the equipment was prepared for regular run.
Run Time The time (in hours and minutes) during which the equipment was running.
Suspend Time The time (in hours and minutes) during which the equipment was suspended.
Total The total time the equipment was in use.
Billable Setup Time The billable time (in hours and minutes) during which the equipment was prepared for regular run.
Billable Run Time The billable time (in hours and minutes) during which the equipment was running.
Billable Suspend Time The billable time (in hours and minutes) during which the equipment was suspended.
Billable Total The total billable time.
Table 2. Table Filter Tabs
Filter Description
All Records Displays the complete list of equipment time cards, regardless of their status.
On Hold Displays only the time cards that have the On Hold status.
Pending Approval Displays only the time cards that have the Pending Approval status.
Rejected Displays only the time cards that have the Rejected status.
Completed Displays only the time cards that have the Approved or Released status.