Time and Expenses Preferences

Form ID: (EP101000)

You use this form to configure the functionality related to employee time and expenses. These settings include the numbering sequences assigned to expense claims and time cards, and the approval maps to be used to assign expense claims and time cards for approval.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

General Tab

The general settings related to time and expenses functionality include default options that affect claim and document processing.

Table 1. Numbering Settings Section
Element Description
Expense Claim Numbering Sequence

The numbering sequence used to automatically assign numbers to expense claim documents as they are created.

The box is available only if the Expense Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Expense Receipt Numbering Sequence

The numbering sequence used to automatically assign numbers to new expense receipts. A predefined numbering sequence, EPRECEIPT, is specified by default.

The box is available only if the Expense Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Time Card Numbering Sequence The numbering sequence used to automatically assign numbers to time cards as they are created.

This box is available only if the Project Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Equipment Time Card Numbering Sequence The numbering sequence used to automatically assign numbers to equipment time cards as they are created.

This box is available only if the Project Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Table 2. Approval Settings SectionThis section is available only if the Approval Workflow feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Element Description
Expense Receipt Approval Map

The assignment map used to assign expense receipts to employees for approval.

This box is available only if the Expense Management and Approval Workflow features are enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

For more information, see Expense Receipt Approval.

Expense Claim Approval Map

The assignment map used to assign expense claims to employees for approval.

This box is available only if the Expense Management and Approval Workflow features are enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

For more information, see Expense Claim Approval.

Time Card Approval Map The assignment map used to assign time cards to employees for approval.
Equipment Time Card Approval Map The assignment map used to assign equipment time cards to employees for approval.

This box is available only if the Project Accounting and Approval Workflow features are enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Table 3. Pending Approval Notification Section
Only original approvers assigned through an approval map can receive notifications about pending approvals. If an approver has an assigned delegate and approvals are reassigned to this delegate, the delegate will not receive pending approval notifications. For more information about delegates, see Approval Configuration: Delegation of Approvals.
Element Description
Expense Receipt Notification

The notification template that the system uses to generate notification emails for employees that approve expense receipts. An employee receives a notification on pending approval when an expense receipt requires approval from this employee. You can select a predefined notification template or use the Email Templates (SM204003) form to create a new notification template.

This box is available only if the Expense Management and Approval Workflow features are enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

For more information, see Expense Receipt Approval.

Expense Claim Notification

The notification template that the system uses to generate notification emails for employees that approve expense claims. An employee receives an approval notification when an expense claim requires approval from this employee. You can select a predefined notification template or use the Email Templates (SM204003) form to create a new notification template.

This box is available only if the Project Accounting and Approval Workflow features are enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

For more information, see Expense Claim Approval.

Time Card Notification

The notification template that the system uses to generate notification emails for employees that approve time cards. An employee receives an approval notification when a time card requires approval from this employee.

This box is available only if the Project Accounting and Approval Workflow features are enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

For more information, see Approving Documents.

Equipment Time Card Notification

The notification template that the system uses to generate notification emails for employees who approve equipment time cards. An employee receives an approval notification when an equipment time card requires approval from this employee.

This box is available only if the Project Accounting and Approval Workflow features are enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

For more information, see Approving Documents.

Table 4. Posting Settings Section
Element Description
Automatically Release AR Documents

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the AR documents generated through the time and expenses functionality (for instance, invoices generated on expense claim release) are released automatically. If the check box is cleared, these AR documents can be released only manually on accounts receivable forms.

For details, see AR Invoices: Invoice and Memo Processing Flow.

Automatically Release AP Documents

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the AP documents generated through the time and expenses functionality (for instance, bills generated on expense claim release) are released automatically. If the check box is cleared, these AP documents can be released only manually on accounts payable forms.

For details, see AP Bills: General Information.

Automatically Release PM Documents A check box that indicates (if selected) that the project transactions generated through the time and expenses functionality are released automatically. If the check box is cleared, the project transactions can be released only manually on project accounting forms.
Table 5. Note and File Handling Section
Element Description
Copy Notes to AR Documents A check box that indicates (if selected) that all notes attached to the expense receipts that comprise the detail lines of an expense claim should be copied to the related AR documents after the expense claim has been released.
Copy Files to AR Documents A check box that indicates (if selected) that all files attached to the expense receipts that comprise the detail lines of an expense claim should be copied to the related AR documents after the expense claim has been released.
Copy Notes to AP Documents A check box that indicates (if selected) that all notes attached to an expense claim and its detail lines should be copied to the related AP documents after the expense claim has been released.
Copy Files to AP Documents A check box that indicates (if selected) that all files attached to an expense claim and its detail lines should be copied to the related AP documents after the expense claim has been released.
Copy Notes to PM Documents A check box that indicates (if selected) that all notes attached to expense receipts and expense claims will be copied to the related project transactions after the expense claim has been released. Also, all notes attached to an activity associated with a project should be copied to the related project transactions after the activity has been released.
Copy Files to PM Documents A check box that indicates (if selected) that all files attached to the expense receipts and expense claims will be copied to the related project transactions after the expense claim has been released. Also, all files attached to an activity associated with a project should be copied to the related project transactions after the activity has been released.
Table 6. Expense Claim Settings Section

By using the Combine Expense Sub. From and Combine Sales Sub. From settings, you can define rules for specifying subaccounts on data entry forms by combining segment values from the subaccounts assigned to the entities involved: company location, customer location, employee, or inventory item.

The section is available only if the Expense Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Element Description
Combine Sales Sub. From

The subaccount mask that defines the rule of selecting segment values for the sales subaccount to be used on the data entry forms related to employee time and expenses. To set up the rule, select a segment, press F3, and select the source of the segment value, which can be one of the following options:

  • C: The subaccount associated with the company location
  • E: The subaccount associated with the employee
  • I: The subaccount associated with the inventory item
  • J: The default sales subaccount associated with the project.

    This option is available only if the Project Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

  • L: The subaccount associated with the customer location
  • T: The default sales subaccount associated with the project task.

    This option is available only if the Project Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

For a segment, the character designating each option is repeated as many times as there are characters in the segment.

This box is available only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Combine Expense Sub. From

The subaccount mask that defines the rule of selecting segment values for the expense subaccount to be used on the data entry forms related to employee time and expenses. To set up the rule, select a segment, press F3, and select the source of the segment value, which can be one of the following options:

  • C: The subaccount associated with the company location
  • E: The subaccount associated with the employee
  • I: The subaccount associated with the inventory item
  • J: The default cost subaccount associated with the project.

    This option is available only if the Project Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

  • L: The subaccount associated with the customer location
  • T: The default cost subaccount associated with the project task.

    This option is available only if the Project Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

For a segment, the character designating each option is repeated as many times as there are characters in the segment.

This box is available only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Non-Taxable Tip Item

The non-stock item that defines nontaxable tips that may be included in AP bills and AR invoices as separate document lines.

If a non-stock item is selected in this box, the Tip Amount box appears on the Details tab of the Expense Receipt (EP301020) form and the Tip Amount column appears on the Details tab of the Expense Claim (EP301000) form so users can claim nontaxable tip amounts.

The selected non-stock item must be associated with a tax category that includes only taxes with zero rates or no taxes at all.

This box is available only if the Expense Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Use Receipt Accounts for Tips

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the following settings on the Details tab of the Expense Receipt (EP301020) form are used as the source of the account and subaccount (if subaccounts are in use) to which tip amounts are posted:

  • For AP bills, the account and subaccount specified in the Expense Account and Expense Subaccount boxes
  • For AR invoices, the account and subaccount specified in the Sales Account and Sales Subaccount boxes

If the check box is cleared, the system does the following:

  • For AP bills, posts tip amounts to the expense account specified for the tip item, which is selected in the Non-Taxable Tip Item box above, and to the subaccount combined based on the mask specified in the Combine Expense Sub. From box, with the tip item used as the source of values for I segments.
  • For AR invoices, posts tip amounts to the sales account specified for the tip item selected in the Non-Taxable Tip Item box above and to the subaccount combined based on the mask specified in the Combine Sales Sub. From box, with the tip item used as the source of values for I segments.

This check box is available only if the Expense Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and a non-stock item is selected in the Non-Taxable Tip Item box.

Hold Expense Claims on Entry A check box that indicates (if selected) that a newly created expense claim will have the On Hold status by default.

This box is available only if the Expense Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Post Summarized Company Expenses by Corporate Card

A check box that indicates (if selected) that on release of an expense claim, the system creates a single AP cash purchase or cash return for each group of expense claim lines that are paid with Corporate Card, Company Expense and have the same expense receipt date, receipt reference number, corporate card, and tax calculation mode. If the check box is cleared, which is the default state, the system creates a separate AP cash purchase or cash return for each expense claim line that is paid with Corporate Card, Company Expense.

For more information, see Processing Expense Receipts with Corporate Cards and Expense Returns to Corporate Cards: General Information.

Require Ref. Nbr. in Expense Receipts A check box that indicates (if selected) that users must fill in the Ref. Nbr. box in the Expense Details section on the Details tab of the Expense Receipt (EP301020) form.
Allow Mixed Tax Settings in Claims

A check box that indicates (if selected) that expense receipts with different tax settings (that is, different tax zones, tax calculation modes, or both) can be processed within one expense claim. On release of this expense claim, the system generates multiple AP documents, each of which contains expense receipts with the same tax zone and tax calculation mode. If the check box is cleared, the expense claim can include only the expense receipts with the same tax zone and tax calculation mode specified.

For more information, see Expense Receipts with Mixed Tax Settings.

This box is available only if the Expense Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Table 7. Time Reporting Settings Section
Element Description
Require Time on Activity A check box that indicates (if selected) that the start time is displayed for activities in the Date box on the Activity (CR306010) form.
Default Time Activity Type The type assigned to a time activity when a user creates the activity by using the Activities (EP404300) form.
Min. Billable Time The minimum time, in minutes, that is included in the invoice when a user runs billing for time card or time activity. For instance, if the value of this setting is 15 (minutes) and the duration of your time activity is 5 minutes, the system will still bill for 15 minutes.
Regular Hours Earning Type The earning type that the system must treat as regular hours.
Holiday Earning Type

The earning type that the system must treat as holiday hours.

The earning type selected in the box must differ from the one selected in the Regular Hours Earning Type box.

Vacations Earning Type

The earning type that the system must treat as vacation hours.

The earning type selected in the box must differ from the one selected in the Regular Hours Earning Type box.

Time Posting Option

A setting that indicates how the time and expenses transactions should be processed on release of time activities. You can select one of the following options:

  • Post PM and GL Transactions: The system generates project accounting and general ledger transactions.
  • Do Not Post: The system generates no project accounting or general ledger transactions.
  • Post PM to Off-Balance Account Group: The system generates project accounting transactions to update the balances of the account group selected in the Off-Balance Account Group box on this form. These transactions do not update the general ledger.

This box is displayed only if the Payroll feature is disabled and the Projects feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Posting Option for Non-Payroll Employees

A setting that indicates how the time and expenses transactions should be processed on release of time activities reported for non-payroll employees—that is, for employees that have no linked payroll records on the Employee Payroll Settings (PR203000) form. You can select one of the following options:

  • Post PM and GL Transactions: The system generates project accounting and general ledger transactions.
  • Do Not Post: The system generates no project accounting or general ledger transactions.
  • Post PM to Off-Balance Account Group: The system generates project accounting transactions to update the balances of the account group selected in the Off-Balance Account Group box on this form. These transactions do not update the general ledger.

This box is displayed only if the Payroll and Projects features are enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

You select a posting option for payroll employees in the Time Posting Option box on the General tab of the Payroll Preferences (PR101000) form.

Off-Balance Account Group The account group to be used to post transactions originating from the time and expenses functionality.
Table 8. Week Settings Section
Element Description
Custom Week Configuration A check box that indicates (if selected) that custom weeks are to be configured on the Custom Week tab.
First Day of Week The day to be used as the first working day for custom weeks.

Custom Week Tab

This tab appears only if the Custom Week Configuration check box is selected on the General tab. On this tab, you can configure the custom weeks for use with time cards. You click the Generate Weeks button to configure the weeks and to generate the configured custom weeks.


Custom weeks are generated according to the following rules:

  • For a date range that already holds time cards or activities, weeks remain as they were to avoid contradiction between the new numbers for custom weeks and the numbers of the weeks to which existing time cards or activities refer.
  • For a date range that starts after the latest existing time card or activity, weeks are created in accordance with your settings specified in the Generate Weeks dialog box.

Custom weeks cannot include more than 7 days. For example, suppose that an organization has a financial year based on weeks that start on Monday. The organization files reports on the 15th day of each month, and in January, it falls on Wednesday. The week used for time cards should end on January 15, and the week will include 3 days. The next week will start on January 16 and will last 4 days. The 3 weeks following the next week will be full calendar weeks. The week that includes February 15 will also be cut into two weeks.

Table 9. Custom Week Summary Area
Element Description
Year The year for which the list of custom weeks is displayed in the table below.
Generate Weeks A button that you click to bring up the Generate Weeks dialog box, which you can use to define these weeks and to generate them.
Table 10. Custom Week Tab TableThis table displays the generated custom weeks, which you can edit only working backwards starting from the last listed week.

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Column Description
Number The number of the generated week in the selected year.
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that the week is active and available for selection on the data entry forms.
Start The start date of the week.
End The end date of the week.
Full Week A check box that indicates that the custom week is a full calendar week (that is, it includes 7 days).
Table 11. Generate Weeks Dialog Box
Element Description
From Date The date that starts the date range for which the custom weeks will be defined and generated.
Until Date The date that ends the date range for which the custom weeks will be defined and generated.
Cut-Off Day One

The type of the first day within the reporting period that divides the corresponding week into two weeks. You can select one of the following options:

  • None: There is no such day.
  • Fixed Day of Month: The particular day is specified in the Day One box.
  • End of Month: The day that divides the week is the last day of the month.
Day One The particular day of the month that ends the week; this box is available only if Fixed Day of Month is selected in the Cut-Off Day One box.
Cut-Off Day Two

The type of the second day within the reporting period that divides the corresponding week into two weeks; this box is available only if Fixed Day of Month is selected in the Cut-Off Day One box. You can select one of the following options:

  • None: There is no such day.
  • Fixed Day of Month: The particular day is specified in the Day Two box.
  • End of Month: The day that divides the week is the last day of the month.
Day Two The particular day of the month that ends the week; this box is available only if the Fixed Day of Month is selected in the Cut-Off Day Two box.
The dialog box has the following buttons.
OK Applies the configuration and generates the custom weeks.
Cancel Cancels the operation.