Approve Time Activity Summaries

Form ID: (EP507030)

You can use this form to approve or reject time activities in groups by approving or rejecting summary rows that represent the related time cards.

This form is available only if the Project Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Approve All Approves all the listed summary rows and changes their status to Approved.
Reject All Rejects all the listed summary rows and changes their status to Rejected.

Selection Area

By using the elements in this area, you can narrow the summary rows of time cards to be listed in the table.

Element Description
Approver The identifier of the person authorized to approve the time activities to be listed.
From Week The starting week of the date range for which you want to view summary rows from time cards.
Until Week The ending week of the date range for which you want to view summary rows from time cards.
Project The project for which you want to view summary rows from time cards.
Project Task The project task for which you want to view summary rows from time cards.
Employee The ID of the employee whose summary rows you want to view.
Regular The regular work hours that the employee has spent on time activities during the specified period.
Overtime The overtime work hours that the employee has spent on time activities during the specified period.
Total The total working time (regular and overtime) that the employee has spent on time activities during the specified period.


This area of the form contains the summary rows that are ready for approval and that meet the selection criteria you have specified.

Table 1. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
View Time Card Navigates to the Employee Time Card (EP305000) form so that you can view the details of the time card to which the selected summary row is related.
Table 2. Table Columns
Column Description
Approve A check box that you select to approve the summary row.
Reject A check box that you select to reject the summary row.
Week The identifier of the week to which the summary row is related.
Employee The identifier of the employee associated with the project task.
Earning Type The type of the work time spent by the employee.
Task ID The task activity associated with the time activity.
Project The project that the employee has worked on.
Project Task The project task that the employee has worked on.
Mon The work time reported for Monday, including overtime.
Tue The work time reported for Tuesday, including overtime.
Wed The work time reported for Wednesday, including overtime.
Thu The work time reported for Thursday, including overtime.
Fri The work time reported for Friday, including overtime.
Sat The work time reported for Saturday, including overtime.
Sun The work time reported for Sunday, including overtime.
Time Spent The work time (regular and overtime) that the employee spent on the project and task during the week.
Billable A check box that indicates (if selected) that the time is billable.
Description The description of the reported work hours.
Time Card The identifier of the time card to which the summary row is related.